I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 2: Martial Dao Realm

Huang Dongjie recalled his bad impression of Buddhism in a certain life, but he thought it was over, so he didn't take it seriously.

"The two continents are in turmoil, and the eleven continents are secretly controlled and divided by four transcendent forces. It is very difficult for the Great Xia Empire to control the remaining seven continents."

"It is said that a thin camel is bigger than a horse. Why do I feel that the Great Xia Empire can survive today, but not tomorrow?"

"Forget it, rebellion is impossible. The original owner's ambition is none of my business."

"In the future, I will find a way to return the military power in my hand, so that the Great Xia Empire can survive for a few more years, and I can live a few more years of leisure."

As soon as he had this plan, Huang Dongjie recalled a bad experience in a certain life.

"What if the military power doesn't go back? People are unpredictable and things are unpredictable. Sometimes what you think, others don't necessarily do what you do."

"It's like doing bad things with good intentions in a certain world, what you want to do, fate just makes you unhappy, it seems that I have been messed with by this damn fate more than once."

"It's really annoying, I still have to see what my natal Talent is, and I'm making plans for the next step."

There are still two days before the natal Talent awakens, Huang Dongjie is not in a hurry, he is getting familiar with the body and studying the Great Master early stage True Qi in the body.

The more he studies, the more interested he is in the Martial Dao of this world.

Martial Dao Realm from low to high:



second rate

first class

the day after tomorrow


Great Master

Grand Great Master


The day after tomorrow, Grand Great Master is divided into four small Realm, early stage, middle stage, late stage and peak (Returned to Origin)

The inflow to the Innate is Internal Energy, the Internal Energy converted to True Qi is the Great Master, and the True Qi converted to True Qi is the Grand Great Master.

Just turning Internal Energy into True Qi and Innate breaking through to Great Master will stop the progress of most people in the world.

It is even more difficult for a Great Master to break through to a Grand Great Master. Currently, there are only seven Grand Great Masters in the world!

Moreover, these seven still occupy the top seven positions on the Tianbang for a long time.

The Tianbang was made by Huang heaven-defying, the great ancestor of the Great Xia Empire. Over time, the Tianbang was recognized by the people of the world.

Apart from the Tianbang, there were other lists that appeared, but they were not recognized by the public, and they disappeared into history one by one.

Only Tianbang survives till now!

Tianbang includes the 100 strongest Practitioners in the world!


First Place: Zhang Nine Heavens

Personal profile: Zhang Nine Heavens, Dao name Chunyang Zhenren, he is unknown in the Preceding Entry Stage, he is not as well-known in the world, and he is also an ordinary Elder in Tianshidao.

As a result, when he was 180 years old and his life span was about to end, he realized that he was like an old tree blossoming, and the Cultivation Base went straight up, surpassing all the Grand Great Masters.

The late bloomer is talking about him. For a while, many people regarded him as an inspirational goal, but throughout the ages, he is the only late bloomer, and only he can be late bloomer.

Second place: Huang Tianshi

Personal profile: Huang Tianshi, the nineteenth generation patriarch of the Great Xia Empire, and then there is no follow-up? ? ?

Third place: Zheng Tianjue

Personal brief information: the leader of the Demon Cult, a little~

Fourth place: Master Liao Wu

Personal brief information: a little ~

Fifth Place: White Cloud Night

Personal brief information: a little ~

Sixth place: Mo Wusheng

Personal brief information: a little~

Seventh place: Wu Qitian

Personal brief information: a little~

Eighth place: Zhao Minfeng




The Grand Great Master has it, so does the Deva above the Grand Great Master have it? No, Deva, the last blue dragon in this world, disappeared more than a thousand years ago.

Realm also represents longevity. Innate can live to about 120 years old, Great Master can live to about 180 to 200 years old, Grand Great Master can live to about 300 to 400 years old, and it is rumored that Deva can live to over a thousand years old.

The Grand Great Master has become the strongest in this world, so how high the Grand Great Master's force value is, it depends on the former Daewoo Empire.

At that time, the Daewoo Empire had an endless grievance with a Grand Great Master for some unknown reason, even though its own Grand Great Master could not be born.

The Daewoo Empire resolutely dispatched an army of 50,000 elite dead soldiers. These 50,000 elite dead soldiers were almost cultivated by most of the background of the Daewoo Empire.

In order to prevent the Grand Great Master from escaping, the Daewoo Empire used a trap to lure the Grand Great Master into the antenna vein separated by a dangerous mountain, completely blocking the Grand Great Master's retreat.

Then 50,000 elite dead soldiers desperately attacked the Grand Great Master. Dead soldiers are not afraid of death. The Grand Great Master's defense is indeed strong, but their crowd tactics can also consume the Grand Great Master's true energy.

The Grand Great Master saw that the only exit was blocked, and seeing the dead soldiers rushing up in front of him, he knew he couldn't escape.

So he also went crazy, no longer thinking about retreating, and frantically tearing down the enemy in front of him.

He died, was consumed alive, and the death of the 50,000 elites of the Daewoo Empire also killed more than 30,000 people.

As a result, no one expected that this number of deaths would become the last straw to overwhelm the Daewoo Empire. Chaos ensued, and the Huang family took advantage of the momentum to take over the world and establish the Daxia Empire.

More than 30,000 of the 50,000 elite soldiers died. This is the result of blocking the Grand Great Master's retreat and adding the desperate human consumption.

Can the Grand Great Master of this world not be strong!

There is no blocking the road, and there is no rush that is not afraid of death. It is very difficult to siege the Grand Great Master with an army. The Grand Great Master is not a fool, and will not give you a chance to surround him.

Even if you are surrounded, as long as the road is not completely blocked, you can still escape if you want to escape.

Of course, the Grand Great Master's combat power is high, and it can be done with one enemy ten thousand, but tens of thousands more will not work. They are also human, and they will be exhausted to death.

As long as they are not stupid, they will not choose to face the Legion. Their greatest role is to kill the important leaders of the enemy.

In this way, the enemy can be leaderless, or interrupt the enemy's layout and plan.

This is their correct role. Single-killing individuals, except for those of the same level, very few people escape their killing.

"When I think of the legion, I think of the Azure Dragon Guard and the Black Armor Legion in my hands. The Black Armor Legion alone has 200,000 people. Does this number account for one-seventh or one-eighth of the total soldiers in the entire empire? here."

"Good guy, with such a heavy army, no wonder the original body is ambitious."

"The local generals support their own troops, and they belong to the Great Xia Empire on the surface. I am afraid that many of them have taken refuge in a certain force behind their backs."

"Tsk tsk... My nephew, the emperor, probably doesn't have many soldiers under his control."

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