I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 22: False To Die Young

When Huang Dongjie heard that Bai Dousheng saw what he needed, Huang Dongjie had a headache. He felt that Bai Dousheng, like Chen Huaijiang, was a person who made up his own mind.

Is it true that wise men think too much and like to think wildly.

"Your body is indeed as you said. It is terribly weak. If you don't get treatment, you may not live for a few years."

"But you are smart enough to guess that the resurrection pill can make up for your losses. Your guess is right, the resurrection pill can indeed gently restore your body."

"But you also know the value of the Resurrection Pill, there are probably less than ten in the entire world."

"Excuse me, why should I give you such a rare and precious life-saving holy medicine?"

Bai Dousheng was silent, he knew what the prince said was right, the resurrection pill is a holy medicine, it can save a life at a critical moment.

He is just a small person, although he feels that the ability to own is not inferior to anyone, but to a person with status and status like the prince, he is not very important.

If you have to give him a position, then he can be said to be an unremarkable little stone on the side of the road.

What can a person like him bring to the lord, if he is loyal to the lord, will the lord waste a life-saving elixir because he needs the services of a little man like him.

Thinking about it, he knew it was impossible. For a moment, Bai Dousheng felt lost again and again, thinking that he had few lives to live, and a trace of unknown bitterness filled his heart.


Huang Dongjie suddenly took out a small bottle and threw it to the depressed Bai Dousheng.

This action made the people around Bai Dousheng look at the small bottle in a moment of confusion.

Even Bai Dousheng didn't know what the prince meant by throwing him a small bottle.

"There is half a resurrection pill inside, which is enough for you. After you take it, take some other mild tonics, and your body will return to a normal state."

Huang Dongjie will definitely not tell you why the Fusheng Pill is half. He cut off half of it to do research.

The old blind man and the others all looked at the medicine bottle in Bai Dousheng's hand with astonishment, and they just gave away the rare resurrection pill.

Bai Dousheng was also stunned, he thought he could not get the resurrection pill, but when he saw the bottle in his hand, he felt unreal.


Bai Dousheng asked his own question, he wanted to know why the prince gave him such a precious life-saving medicine so easily.

"If you don't leave, you are my guest, the one who advises me."

"If you die young, I think it will be difficult to find another wise man."

"Before there are no other wise men, you should live well."

Huang Dongjie's reason was very blunt, but it was a bright light in Bai Dousheng's heart.

"My lord, I swear to die for you!"

Bai Dousheng knelt down on one knee to express his loyalty. Now any words are not important, and actions already represent Bai Dousheng's deep gratitude.

When Bai Douqiang saw his elder brother kneeling, he also knelt down, and so did the others. They thought it was good to follow such a prince.

The Fusheng Pill is given away as soon as it is said, such a prince is worth following.

"Go on, there will be jobs for you soon."

Huang Dongjie waved his hand to let the others go down. The wind blew gently, and the dense leaves of the banyan tree rubbed and rustled. Huang Dongjie was in a daze for a while.

"Could it be that I've reached the age of being in a daze?"

After a while, Huang Dongjie's eyes slowly woke up. He stroked his chin and asked himself if he was getting old.

It seems that he can be regarded as an old man, and it seems that he needs to find something to do.

Keqing Pavilion

Bai Dousheng had already silently become the brain of the five-member group, there was no way, he was the only one among the five who used his brain to do things.

"Dage, why did you vomit blood just now?"

Bai Douqiang was very strange, Dage coughed up some blood in the past, why did Dage suddenly spit out blood this time.

"Didn't you find something?"

Bai Dousheng didn't respond to Little Brother's words, but turned to look at the old blind man and the swordsman. As for why he didn't look at Fatty, it was because Fatty, like his Little Brother, only cared about eating.

His Little Brother's tall and strong body is also made by eating. Unlike Fatty, Fatty gets fatter as he eats, and his Little Brother gets stronger by eating.

Two idiots here, and you're praying they'll see something.

The old blind man and the swordsman remained silent, looking straight at Bai Dousheng. Obviously they don't want to talk about theirs, they want to hear what Bai Dousheng found.

"I vomit blood not because of anything else, but because of the chess game in front of the prince."

"Dage, are you kidding me, dead things make people vomit blood."

Before Bai Dousheng finished speaking, the muscular Little Brother stood up and questioned.

"Dead objects won't do anything to me, but what if the dead objects are covered with Martial Dao Artistic Conception!"

Speaking of this, the old blind man, the knight and others looked straight over.

"You are all martial arts practitioners, you should know what Martial Dao Artistic Conception stands for better than anyone else."

"Represents the Grand Great Master Realm that all sentient beings pursue with all their heart and soul. Apart from the Grand Great Master having the Martial Dao Artistic Conception, who else has the Martial Dao Artistic Conception?"

"It's nothing else, but a strong man who is about to step into the Grand Great Master Realm."

"Not everyone has the Martial Dao Artistic Concept. Those who have the Martial Dao Artistic Concept can generally break through to the Grand Great Master as long as they don't fall halfway."

Bai Dousheng never thought that Huang Dongjie was already a Grand Great Master, because the first person in history to break through the Grand Great Master was at the age of 136.

Huang Dongjie is less than 60 years old this year, less than half his age, Bai Dousheng dare not even think about it.

"Except for the seven Grand Great Masters, I have never heard of anyone who has Martial Dao Artistic Conception. This also means that the prince will be the eighth Grand Great Master in the world."

"Now I know why the prince gave up his military power. The prince doesn't want to be a prince of leisure."

"The prince wants to accumulate strength, settle his mind, and adjust his spirit to the peak state in a clean environment, so as to prepare for breaking through the Grand Great Master Realm."

"This is the reason why the prince has kept a low profile recently. The prince is right. What kind of military power and status is compared with the Grand Great Master? It's a fart."

Bai Dousheng tightly squeezed his thumb, he thought that no one in the world knew this fact earlier than him, and he didn't know it was made up by his brain.

Your Highness has what it takes to become a Grand Great Master! ! !

The old blind man and the others were also taken aback for a while, but considering what they observed, they almost concluded that what Bai Dousheng said was correct.

For a moment, they were a little excited, they might be the witnesses of the birth of the Grand Great Master.

Those who follow are such big men, they suddenly feel that the choice of own is worthwhile.

"It seems that I have to quickly recover my body and practice martial arts. The prince may need decades of precipitation to break through to Grand Great Master."

"If I don't live to that time, if I can't witness that moment, I will come to this world for nothing."

Bai Dousheng wants to break the Grand Great Master's earliest age record is 136 years old, the prince is less than 60 years old now, and it takes decades of accumulation for the prince to be good.

He didn't want to die of old age at that time. He used to be physically weak and couldn't practice martial arts, but now his body has turned around, and he can still practice Innate to get a Hundred Years of life expectancy.

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