I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 24: Let Him Live

"Tianqi, it's not good for you to do this. You seem to be away from home and don't care about what's going on at home. Whenever you have a problem, you can ask for help at home. You only ask for one side. You..."

"Tianqi, go back, don't ask for the resurrection pill for me anymore, even if you use other methods to get the resurrection pill from your father's hand, I will not take it."

Qiao Yun'er didn't want Huang Tianqi to have conflicts with her family because of her, and refused Huang Tianqi's asking for medicine for her.

"No, Yun'er, I didn't..."


Huang Tianqi wanted to explain something, but seeing Qiao Yuner coughing again, he quickly shut up and became concerned about Qiao Yuner's situation.

"Okay, I won't ask for the Resurrection Pill, but you have to go back with me. This is the capital, a place where dragons and fishes are mixed, so I don't worry about you staying in a hotel or something like that."

Huang Tianqi let go of his heartache, and stopped talking about Fusheng Pill.

"No, I'm a wanted criminal by the court. If the court finds out that I'm hiding in your house, it will cause big trouble for your house."

"And your family won't welcome me either."

Qiao Yuner shook her head and refused.

"Yun'er, your current disguise, as long as you don't take off the bamboo hat and black gauze, no one will recognize you."

"I have a small isolated courtyard in the palace. I'll take you in secretly. Just don't let my father know about it. It's much safer than staying in an inn outside."

"You listen to me about this matter, I don't worry about keeping you away from my sight."

Qiao Yuner hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

Huang Tianqi saw that Qiao Yuner nodded, and happily took Qiao Yuner home.

East Martial King

"My lord, the Second Young Master sneaked back and brought back a woman, and arranged that woman in his small courtyard."

Li Gui walked in softly and reported.

"Well, I can understand. When I grow up, I have learned how to hide the beauty in the golden house."

"What is the identity of the woman brought back?"

Huang Dongjie put down the medical book, picked up the tea and drank it leisurely.

"The people under him are investigating, and I believe there will be an answer soon."

Huang Dongjie signaled Li Gui to go down, and continued to read the medical books.

Half an hour passed, but Huang Tianqi didn't come over to say hello, Huang Dongjie didn't care, he just chatted with women, he understood.

"My lord, it's been found out. She is a female devil who is hated by the gods of the world - Rakshasa girl."

"The only thing that can be found is the traces of her debut. There is no information about her traces before her debut."

"Parents, place of birth, and where you grew up are all unknown."

Li Gui lowered his head and reported.

"Identity is a mystery, either with a secret or a person with a story."

"Never mind, you go down."

Huang Dongjie sent Li Gui down, and after a while, Huang Tianqi arrived.

Seeing the arrival of the second son, Huang Dongjie put down the medical book, did not speak, and looked at the second son calmly.


Huang Dongjie thought that the second son would say something first, but who would have thought that the second son would kneel down directly to him.

Is it so unexpected? I haven't seen each other for such a long time, and when I met him, I didn't say a word, so I knelt down to him first.

It feels like the scene where the son kneels in front of the tombstone belatedly without seeing his father for the last time.

"You want to send me away, right?"

Huang Dongjie suddenly said with a dark face.

"No, no, I'm here to beg my father to give me the Resurrection Pill."

Huang Tianqi still didn't listen to Qiao Yuner's words. After Qiao Yuner settled down, he came directly to ask for medicine.

Just seeing his father's darkened face, he suddenly realized something, and quickly explained.


"I have a friend who is terminally ill and I want my friend to live a few more years."

Huang Tianqi said quickly.

"What friend?"

"Just a good friend."

"Oh, is this good friend the Rakshasa girl who kills people without blinking an eye, and at the moment she is hidden in your little yard by your golden house."

"Father, she is very important to me, so please help me."

Huang Tianqi was not surprised, this palace was his daddy's territory, it would be strange if he brought someone in without being discovered, but he didn't expect his father to find out Qiao Yuner's identity so quickly.


Huang Dongjie stood up angrily, and slammed a cup hard. He acted, and he also thought about the pleasure of throwing a cup.

Don't say it, it's really cool, I'll drop another one next time.

"I haven't been home for a few years, and when I got home, I begged me for an outsider. I'm very angry, you know."

"What's more, you are still asking for medicine for a murderous female devil. Do you know what you are doing?"

Huang Dongjie shouted angrily.

"She's not a witch, and I know what I'm doing. She's someone I like, and I just want her to live well."

Outside the corner, Qiao Yuner, who had sneaked over, heard Huang Tianqi's last words, and she wept silently.

"You, you,,, where did you die, Li Gui, you didn't see that my throat was dry from anger, why don't you bring me some tea."

Huang Dongjie was so angry that he gasped for breath, and quickly sat back on the chair, gritted his teeth and shouted outside.

Tool man Li Gui came over with tea.

"My lord, calm down, Second Young Master..."

"Shut up and go away."

Li Gui knew that the prince was acting and wanted to cooperate, but the prince didn't give him the chance.

"You want to ask for medicine, yes, but..."

Huang Dongjie felt that the performance was almost done, and he should stop, otherwise the girl outside the corner would not know how long she would cry.

"But what?"

Huang Tianqi asked hurriedly with joy in his heart.

"Defeat the person I arranged, and promise me a condition."

"Who to defeat? What conditions?"

"You are in the Innate middle stage now. I won't arrange someone who is too strong for you. Just an Innate late stage. If the condition is, wait for you to defeat the person I arranged."

"Li Gui, find a seasoned Innate late stage master in the mansion, and tell him not to release the water. If he dares to release the water, I will kill him."

Huang Dongjie looked like he was looking for trouble and refused to let Huang Tianqi pass smoothly.

"Did you really defeat the person you arranged, and add a condition, you give me the resurrection pill."

Huang Tianqi confirmed it again and again, he was deeply afraid that his father was lying to him.

"I'm not going to lie to you, but you have to defeat the person I arranged within half a month, otherwise it will be unfair if you delay for three to five years until you break through the Innate late stage or are playing at the peak."

Huang Dongjie deliberately reminded for half a month to increase the difficulty again.

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Huang Tianqi got up and left. He was not in a hurry to fight now. He had to prepare and ask Yuner, the Great Master, for advice.

"Who was the one who fought him?"

Huang Dongjie asked calmly.

"It's the uncle who feeds the iron beast in the back bamboo forest. Although he is an Innate late stage, his combat power is stronger than the average Innate peak."

"The second Young Master has just broken through the Innate middle stage, and it is almost impossible for someone who wants to win the peak Innate combat power."

Li Gui knew that the prince was training the second Young Master, so of course the sparring team should be stronger.

"Very good, practice hard on the Preceding Entry Stage, wait until the last day or two, let him pass."

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