I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 33: What To Do If You Encounter Chatter


The moment Qin Tianshi heard that the other party really had a way to save his Little Sister, he couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

"If you can really cure the strange disease on my Little Sister, my life will be yours from now on."

"If you don't trust me, you can let me take poison to restrain me, but the premise is that you have to cure me Little Sister first."

Qin Tianshi is well aware of the behavior of other forces, the more mysterious the organization is, the more they like to use poison to control people.

These two mysterious people knew at a glance that they belonged to the hidden mysterious organization. If they didn't show their sincerity, it would be no wonder that this mysterious organization would save him Little Sister.

But he is not a fool, the premise is that they save his Little Sister first, and then he will take the poison given by the other party.

"Brother, don't!"

The moment the wind chime rang, Qin Mingyue had already woken up.

But she is a mature girl, and she doesn't want to interfere with her brother's work, until she heard what was said outside, she couldn't help but come out.

She walked out weakly, and gently tugged on the corner of her brother Qin Tianshi's clothes with her small hands, not wanting her brother to pay so much for her.

"Hey, you know how your brother is. If you can't stop him, respect your choice."

Qin Tianshi looked at Little Sister's pale face, and touched Little Sister's head with distress. Little Sister stopped him from understanding, but Little Sister couldn't stop him, and Little Sister herself knew it.

Qin Mingyue stopped talking, and looked at her brother pitifully. Just like what her brother said, she knew that she couldn't stop her brother with all her words.

"This is the Heaven Mending Pill, which can cure more than 90% of terminal illnesses in the world. Let your Little Sister take it and try it."

One of the Holy Court members took out a bottled Heaven Mending Pill and threw it to Qin Tianshi.

It can cure more than 90% of terminal illnesses! ! !

Qin Tianshi looked at the small medicine bottle in his hand with surprise and suspicion. To be honest, he didn't really believe that such a Medicine Pill existed in the world.

But seeing the other party's swearing appearance, and the fact that he has nowhere to seek medical treatment, his doubts about this pill of mending the sky have been reduced a bit.

However, he reduced his suspicion a little bit, but his perennial caution is still there.

"Give me another one, I want to try the medicine first."

Just in case, Qin Tianshi planned to ask for another one, to test the medicine himself first, and then test the medicine on Little Sister if there is no problem.

The reason why he dared to test the medicine was because he knew that his own constitution was invulnerable to all poisons, and the Cultivation Technique he practiced was a bit strange, he could expel the poison that penetrates the bone viciously.

This is his secret, not to mention outsiders, not even his Little Sister knows.

The two members of the Holy Court looked at each other, took out another Heaven Mending Pill and threw it to Qin Tianshi.

When Qin Tianshi received the small medicine bottle, he poured two small medicine bottles of Sky-Bending Pills on the palm of his hand, and after observing that there was nothing wrong with the two Pills of Butening Heaven, he picked up one of the Sky-Bending Pills and took it.

After taking it, the effect of the medicine came, and the Internal Energy accumulated in Qin Tianshi's body boiled.

Without Qin Tianshi's operation, it started to run on its own, accelerating, merging, refining, and transforming in one step, and he broke through to the Great Master.

This also made Qin Tianshi dumbfounded. His original talent was high, but the Heaven-Bending Pill miraculously increased his Talent a little bit, and transformed the Internal Energy in his body into True Qi directly, making him a Great Master.

Fortunately, Qin Tianshi controlled it well, preventing the True Qi in his body from erupting, otherwise it would hurt the sickly Little Sister beside him.

"Breakthrough, worthy of being the target we want to recruit, this qualification is enough to play for Saint Lord."

After all, the two members of the Holy Court were experienced Great Masters. They noticed the fluctuation of Qin Tianshi's breath, and nodded in satisfaction for a moment.

"Effective, really effective!"

Qin Tianshi carefully sensed the changes in his body. Apart from the breakthrough, his body became more relaxed and sensitive than before.

The unmentionable diseases accumulated in his bones from years of injuries in his body were gone. In addition to being shocked, this made him more confident in Butian Pill.

"Mingyue, come, take it and try."

Qin Tianshi was very excited, excited and nervous to let Little Sister take the Medicine Pill for a try.

Qin Mingyue didn't hesitate either, she directly picked up the Sky Buttering Pill and swallowed it. It didn't take long for the effect of the Sky Buttering Pill to appear.

Qin Mingyue's pale face gradually turned rosy, her breathing became more stable, and her body became stronger.

"Brother, I feel better, the feeling of sleepiness is gone, my heart is no longer stuffy, and the sense of powerlessness in my body is gone."

After Qin Mingyue felt that she was in her own state, she happily announced the good news to her brother.

"Okay, great, Little Sister, you're alright, hahaha..."

Qin Tianshi input a little True Qi into Little Sister's body for inspection, and found that Little Sister's body was slowly improving to that of an ordinary person, he smiled.

Hugging Little Sister excitedly, shed tears of disappointment happily.

After a long time, after Qin Tianshi's brother and sister calmed down, Qin Tianshi began to prepare to accept his fate.

"My life will be yours from now on, but can you wait for me to arrange my Little Sister, I'm going with you."

Qin Tianshi didn't know what fate he would face own in the future, in order not to worry, he decided to arrange Little Sister first, so he could rest assured.

"No, let your Little Sister follow us directly."

Qin Tianshi's face suddenly turned ugly, he knew that the other party wanted to use his Little Sister to control him.

"Can you let me go Little Sister, I will work for you. I will never have second thoughts, you can let me commit suicide, but I am Little Sister, I will not allow her to have an accident."

Qin Tianshi stared at the other party closely, he knew that if the other party was firm, it was impossible for him to refuse.

If the mysterious organization that can produce this holy medicine wants to recruit him, it must be ready.

"Brother, stop talking, let's go with them."

Qin Mingyue didn't want to embarrass her brother, so she planned to leave with her brother.

"We are not using your Little Sister to control you, your Little Sister is following us, which is the greatest protection for your Little Sister."

"It's normal for you to misunderstand us now, and you will understand when you arrive at the organization."

"Come on, our organization is called the Holy Court, and there is only one person you will be loyal to in the future, and that is our Lord Saint Lord."

The two Holy Court members didn't explain too much, they turned around and left, letting Qin Tianshi's siblings follow.

Qin Tianshi had no choice but to take Little Sister on the road of ignorance.


The Grand Thief Shou Laoyue and the Thousand-faced Boss Anjian somehow got together.

"Didn't you say we were acting in secret, but the wind chimes on the bamboo hats are superfluous, and they keep ringing all the way. This is not telling others that we are coming."

"This doesn't fit our low profile, does the old man Saint Lord have other meanings?"

"To the outside world, we say we are very low-key. In fact, we want to tell others that I am so high-key. What's the matter? If you don't accept it, come and beat me."

The talker Shou Laoyue was tirelessly talking, but An Jian next to him didn't speak, he felt very bad about himself, how unlucky he was being targeted by this talker.

The nagging along the way almost made him want to draw his sword against each other, but the organization forbids fighting among members, which made him bear with anger.

Can't afford to provoke or hide, but this dead thief seems to be eyeing him, and he can't get rid of him no matter how hard he tries, which makes him tired.

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