I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 5: Behind The Scenes

"Daughter, open the door, you haven't eaten for almost a day, your body will fail if you continue like this."

Standing at the door, Chen Huaijiang heard his daughter's weak crying from inside the room, and he was absolutely upset. He hoped that his daughter would respond to him.

But he waited outside the house for a long time, but his daughter still didn't respond to him at all.

"Daughter, don't worry, father promises you, father will make that kid who bullies you pay the price."

"Eat something, dad is just you as a precious daughter now, you don't eat or drink like this, this is not torturing your dad and me."

Chen Huaijiang stood at the door for a long time, and heard his daughter's crying gradually subside. No matter what, he persuaded her to eat something first.

"Cheat,,, lie, dad, you can't do anything to him at all."

Chen Yuling, who was tired from crying while hugging her knees, finally raised her face. The pear blossoms on that face made her feel distressed.

"Daughter, how could daddy lie to you? Your daddy and I are prime ministers. It's not easy to teach a small thousand households a lesson."

When Chen Huaijiang saw that his daughter responded to him, he didn't care about anything else, so he comforted his daughter with something to eat and said.

"Father, don't lie to me. The Eastern Martial King holds a large army, and his ambitions are well known in the world. The imperial court can only appease the Eastern Martial King, not use force."

"Moving his son is to make him rebel in advance. Dad, you can't be the master of your daughter at all."

Huang Dongjie's princely title: East Martial King

Chen Huaijiang had nothing to say, because he really couldn't refute his daughter's words. As the prime minister, he knew the situation of the Great Xia Empire better than anyone else.

"Father, I want to know who is behind this matter?"

Chen Yuling's tone was astonishing, which surprised Chen Huaijiang who was outside the door.

"Daughter, what are you talking about?"

"Father, I'm the person involved. I was drugged at the time, but the situation in Huangtian Town was not right at the time."

"Afterwards, I thought about it and found that there were many things that were wrong. It was obvious that someone was playing tricks in the dark, either to make the Prime Minister's Mansion and the East Martial King's Mansion turn against each other, or for other purposes."

Chen Yuling is also the daughter of the prime minister, so she still has the wisdom she should have. After she calmed down, she found a lot of things wrong, and someone was plotting something behind her back.

"Well, Dad will find out, if someone is playing tricks behind the scenes, Dad will not let him go"

"Father, you put the food at the door, I want to be quiet for a while, and I will eat when I am hungry."

Chen Huaijiang wanted to say something, but all kinds of words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't get out, so he could only order his servants to look after the young lady and left.

"The East Martial King's government is very powerful, and the final result of this matter may be settled. For the sake of reputation and other considerations, in the end, I may be forced to marry whether I want to or not..."

"Is this my destiny? Why am I so unwilling?"

Chen Yuling was guessing who would be the mastermind behind this matter, but for some reason, she thought of the future of own, silently, she wept sadly again.


Taiwei Mansion

Taiwei is on the same level as the prime minister.

"Chen Huaijiang, he's so calculating. He's indeed my old opponent for decades. He's so ruthless that even his own daughter pushed in."

"It's a pity that you and I are not in the same way. If you let me discover your plan, then it is impossible for me to make you succeed."

"Just right, this is the chance you gave me. Not only will you lose your wife and lose your army, but it may even bring you down."

Taiwei Sima Xiuhao recruited the servant with a sly smile, and whispered a few words in his ear, the servant understood, and went down to make arrangements.



Huang Dongjie came, and none of the officers and soldiers guarding the prison dared to stop Huang Dongjie's pace.

The moment he walked into the sky prison, Huang Dongjie frowned. The smell in the sky prison was indeed a little uncomfortable.

Huang Dongjie stopped in his tracks. He didn't know which cell Huang Tianzhen was in, and the officers and soldiers guarding the cell were also interesting, so he quickly led the way.

"How did you come."

When Huang Tianzhen saw someone coming, he didn't even call his father, he just asked a little unexpectedly.

"What's the taste?"

Huang Dongjie looked at this stunned and smelly son and asked.

"What's the taste?"

Huang Tianzhen didn't know what his daddy was asking.

"What is Chen Yuling, one of the five beauties of Kyoto, like?"

Huang Dongjie didn't care when he saw his eldest son making a stinky face on purpose, instead he was a little bit Eight Trigrams and asked his eldest son what it was like.


Huang Tianzhen was taken aback for a moment, is this cold and heartless old man bewitched? How could he ask such a strange question.

After reacting, he snorted coldly, then fell silent and ignored his old man.

Still so stinky, Huang Dongjie saw that his eldest son's attitude towards him had not changed, and shook his shoulders to show that he was used to it.

"Do you still want to go out, if you want to go out, tell me how you were recruited."

Huang Dongjie saw that if he didn't speak, the place would remain quiet forever, but he had no choice but to take a step back from this problem child.

"I don't remember much. I was drinking that day, and I got drunk while drinking. I remember my drinking capacity. I wouldn't get drunk with that level of alcohol, but I was still drunk."

"Then I was helped into a room by someone, and something that shouldn't have happened happened. When I completely cleared up, I was already in this cell."

Huang Tianzhen thought about it, and still told about his own experience. In fact, he knew that it didn't matter if he didn't tell, because his father and king would find a way to get him out.

He just thought of his father coming to visit him in the prison in person, and he said it out of some emotion.

"How does that girl feel?"

After Huang Tianzhen finished speaking, he waited quietly for his daddy to finish, but he finally waited for such a sentence, so angry that he turned his back and sat down, not wanting to talk to his daddy anymore.

"Be honest, you will be able to come out in a day or two at the earliest."

Sure enough, no matter in which world, the communication between father and son is always so brief.

The common problem is that sons don't want their father to control too much, and they don't want their father to know too much.

As for the father, he wanted to care about his son, but he didn't know how to care, and he didn't know how to communicate, so he silently became taciturn.

After Huang Dongjie finished speaking, he walked towards the exit.


Huang Dongjie stopped in his tracks, and looked back at Huang Tianzhen who was hesitant.

"Can I not,,,"

Speaking of this, Huang Tianzhen stopped, thinking of his father's attitude, he didn't agree before, how could he agree now.

So he stopped talking and continued to turn his head back to sit.

"Don't say half of what you say in the future and keep the other half, or I will beat you to death."

Huang Dongjie left after leaving a sentence. In fact, he knew what the eldest son wanted to say, and he just told him not to rebel.

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