"What else can I do, there are only two options now."

"One, you are my sister's antidote."

"Second, you just watched my sister burn to death by the fire in her body."

Shen Hanyue didn't know how to raise the tone of own, seeing her sister's state, she was anxious and anxious.

But predicting what will happen next, there is always a trace of absent-minded annoyance in her heart.

"Hmph, it's cheap for you!"

In order to prevent her sister from being tortured, she suppressed all the distracting thoughts in her mind, and gave Huang Tianzhen an angry look. She left the room and closed the door by the way.

Shen Hanyue, who came out, came to the roof in a state of distraught, and sat on the roof looking at the night sky with no emotion.

"Shen Hanyue, what's the matter with you? Why do you have a difficult feeling in your heart?"

"Don't you treat him too..."

Shen Hanyue shook her head violently, urging herself not to think about it anymore, but feelings are not something she can control if she thinks about it or not.

Yes, she also fell in love with Huang Tianzhen!

Her previous behavior has already exposed her inner thoughts, a girl will not show the other side of own to a man without any reason.

Often being mischievous to Huang Tianzhen, loving to play tricks on him is also a manifestation of her liking for Huang Tianzhen.

Shen Hanyue is doomed to have no sleep tonight!


in the room

At this moment, Huang Tianzhen's mood is very complicated, Shen Hanyan is very beautiful, it would be a lie to say that he is not moved, but he can't bear Shen Hanyan's violence.

In the past two days, Shen Hanyan has become less violent towards him. But women are very fickle, and there is no need for a reason to beat him.

If he took advantage of her tonight, when Shen Hanyan woke up tomorrow, he might be beaten to death by Shen Hanyan.

Huang Tianzhen thought a lot, before he found his fiancée, he had to provoke women outside, wouldn't that be too good?

But at this moment, Shen Hanyan's warmth is like fire, and she is forcing people to commit crimes with every finger and eye, which makes it hard to resist.

"…love me……"

Two words came from Shen Hanyan.

Hearing these two words, all distracting thoughts in Huangtian Town disappeared, and then...

Omit a hundred thousand words...


There was nothing to say overnight, what should have happened still happened.

early morning

Huang Tianzhen woke up, and Shen Hanyan beside him was still asleep.

After getting dressed, Huang Tianzhen saw Shen Hanyan showing her snow-white back outside the quilt, so he stepped forward to lift up the quilt and cover it tightly.

He glanced complicatedly at the sleeping Shen Hanyan, and sighed slightly.

Huang Tianzhen discovered that he had a close relationship with that kind of medicine. In the capital, because of this kind of medicine, he did indescribable things to the prime minister's daughter in a daze.

Now because of this medicine, he has an extra tigress beside him, so fierce that he doesn't need a reason to beat someone.

Shaking his head, he didn't think about it anymore, and moved towards the door, gently opened the door to go out, and then gently closed the door.

The moment Huang Tianzhen closed the door, Shen Hanyan opened her eyes.

At this moment, there is panic, fear, and confusion in her eyes... The panic is because she doesn't know how Huang Tianzhen will treat her next.

The fear was that Huang Tianzhen would treat her like a grass on the side of the road, give her a light glance and then abandon her.

Confusion is her uncertainty about the future.


Thinking about it, for some reason, she remembered the absurd thing last night, and her face turned red for a moment.


Huang Tianzhen gently pushed the door in with the porridge in hand, the two met their gazes, Shen Hanyan avoided her eyes, Huang Tianzhen walked in pretending nothing had happened.

"You get dressed first."

Seeing that Shen Hanyan woke up, Huang Tianzhen put the porridge on the table, went out and closed the door.

Shen Hanyan got up, her brows were slightly frowned, this was the first time she felt uncomfortable, and she couldn't help but resent Huang Tianzhen for not knowing how to pity her.

After waiting for a while, Huang Tianzhen knocked on the door and received a response from Shen Hanyan, and Huang Tianzhen came in.

"I, I will be responsible."

After coming in for a while, he found that Shen Hanyan didn't beat him up, and was sitting quietly in front of the dressing table. Huang Tianzhen hesitated for a moment, and then quickly firmed up his attitude and said.

Hearing this, all the uneasiness in Shen Hanyan's heart disappeared.

"Three years, I will give you three years to find your fiancée."

"In three years, no matter whether you have found your fiancée or not, you will come to Worm Valley to find me. Can you do it?"

Shen Hanyan stood up and looked at Huang Tianzhen, and put forward her conditions.

"I promise you, within three years, whether I find my fiancée or not. I will definitely go to Chong Valley and propose marriage to your father."

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

It is impossible for Shen Hanyan to accompany Huang Tianzhen to look for his fiancée. The two sisters sneaked out of Chonggu Valley. If nothing else, Chonggu Valley sent people to look for them.

It was only a matter of time before Chonggu found the two of them, now she could only trust Huang Tianzhen, and believed that Huang Tianzhen would come to Chonggu to find her.

"Yan'er, eat porridge, I...I'll feed you."

Seeing that things were like this, Huang Tianzhen called Yan'er boldly and tentatively, and found that Shen Hanyan was not violent to him, so he had to make an inch of it to get closer to Shen Hanyan.

"There's no time, we have to leave Gufeng County quickly."

When Shen Hanyan heard Huang Tianzhen calling her Yan'er, her expression didn't change, but her heart was as sweet as eating candy...

It's just that there is still a threat, and they have to leave Gufeng County as soon as possible.

"Brother who is worried because of ghosts - ghosts have no way?"

Huang Tianzhen also guessed what Shen Hanyan was worried about.

"Yes, Gui Wulu is definitely stronger than his Little Brother Gui Jianshou. The Great Master Cultivation Base is unlikely, but the Innate peak is definitely there."

"Little Brother knows the sound wave skill, there is no reason why my brother can't, maybe Little Brother's skills are all taught by my brother."

"I lost against Little Brother. Against a brother who is stronger than Little Brother, our winning rate is not high."

"Just in case, we are leaving Gufeng County today."

Shen Hanyan didn't dare to bet, an old ghost taught her a lesson last night. Now she doesn't dare to underestimate any old fritters in the Jianghu. Compared with the old fritters, they are still too young.

If you are not sure, you should choose to avoid it temporarily.

"Listen to you, I'll call you Little Sister, we're leaving Gufeng County now."

Just like that, the three of them packed up casually and rushed towards the city gate quickly.

It's just that they were blocked by people not far from the exit of the city.

Seeing that the person blocking their way looked somewhat similar to Gui Jianshou, the three of Huang Tianzhen felt bad in their hearts.

Sisters Shen Hanyan didn't hesitate to see this situation, and let the fire floaters come out and surround the three of them at will, staring at Gui Wulu closely.

"It seems that I, Little Brother, was killed by you."

When Gui Wulu saw Huopiao Chong, he felt even more certain.

"It seems that there is no other way, we can only fight with him."

Shen Hanyan also had no other choice, so she ordered the fire floater to attack, and first tested the reality of Gui Wulu.

Seeing this, Gui Wulu took out his jade flute, turned the deep Internal Energy, and bursts of sound waves hit the three of Huang Tianzhen.

The fireflies that attacked on the way were all turned into dust by the sound waves, which shows how deep the ghostly internal energy has accumulated.




The attack of the sound waves caused the three people in Huangtian Town to hug their heads and scream in pain. Not only the three of them, but also the innocent people around them were also affected.

Even if Gui Wulu is not targeting the innocent people around him, none of these innocent people have practiced martial arts, and they don't have a trace of Internal Energy defense.

A little bit of damage, they suffered more serious injuries than the three of Huang Tianzhen.

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