I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 56: This Time I'm Really Dead

"let's go!"

Liang Xingchen saw that they had almost bid farewell, so he turned around and set off in the direction of Chonggu.

The two sisters Shen Hanyan hurriedly followed Liang Xingchen's pace, turning their heads to wave goodbye to Huang Tianzhen from time to time, Huang Tianzhen also waved back, and soon the three of them disappeared into the depths of the forest.

"Although this period of time was short, it unexpectedly made people feel full. In fact, she didn't look fierce, and she was quite cute."

Huang Tianzhen thought of Shen Hanyan's super fierce and super fierce appearance, he inadvertently smiled.

"Ah~, I'm afraid the search for Chen Yuling will come to an end first. The anniversary of my mother's death is approaching. My father and prince Little Brother will appear at that time. The family has not had dinner together for a long time."

His mother was from Guiyun Villa, one of the twelve top forces, and her mother was buried in the back mountain of Guiyun Villa.

As usual, on the day of my mother's death, no matter what my father, he and Little Brother were doing, how busy they were.

They will put down their work and go to worship in front of their mother's grave, which happens every year.

A few days after his mother's death, it was his grandfather's birthday again, so he had to suspend his search for Chen Yuling first, and go to Guiyunshan-zhuang to stay for a few days and talk.

Thinking about it, he returned to Gufeng County. He was injured a little, and when he recovered from his injury, it would not be too late for him to go to Guiyun Villa, anyway, there was enough time.

Not long after Huang Tianzhen left, Gui Wulu, who was lying dead there, moved his fingers.


Gui Wulu, who was revived from the state of suspended animation, panted heavily. He had no choice but to pretend to be dead when he couldn't run away from the Great Master.

He is also very lucky, most people's heart is on the left, but his is on the right. The Sword intent pierced his left chest, which also allowed him to pretend to be dead.

"Ahem...what the hell, who would have thought that those two girls are actually the saintesses of Worm Valley."

"Fortunately, I was lucky this time, and I didn't die. It seems that I am also a person with great luck."

Gui Wulu struggled to get up, thinking that his escape from death was also a kind of luck.

"You are so lucky, why don't we think so?"

Gui Wulu just sighed with emotion, and was frightened by the unexpected appearance of five people.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?"

Gui Wulu realized that five people suddenly appeared and surrounded him at some point, and immediately scared him into a cold sweat.

It didn't scare him because the combination of five people was weird, scholar, old blind man, Fatty... There was nothing surprising about this combination, what scared him was that four of these five people were Great Masters.

Why did he know that it was the four Great Masters, because these four Great Masters didn't hide their aura at all, and layers of Death aura, like natural disasters, swirled on him.

"Old blind man, your hearing is really strong, you can hear the sound of his blood circulating weakly when he is suspended animation, cow."

Bai Dousheng gave the old blind man a thumbs up, and daddy Bai Doukai responded with his big white teeth when he laughed.

"You have guessed the identities of the two women, so you are guessing what the identity of the young man who follows the two women will be.

Bai Dousheng said with a smile.

"You, you are his guardians, how is this possible."

Gui Wulu was dumbfounded, because the two women met a sword Great Master, and he already thought he was very unlucky.

Unexpectedly, there is something more ruthless waiting for him, that young man who doesn't look very conspicuous, is the one who hides the deepest.

Four Great Master protectors, what is the identity of that young man.

Before he could think about it, the tall and strong Bai Douqiang grabbed his neck from behind and lifted him up.

He was struggling, but nothing was working.


The sound of the neck bone being twisted suddenly sounded.

This time Gui Wulu was really dead.

"Brother, what are you doing so quickly? We finally had a chance to play, so you can't let him speak more and let us have more presence, okay?"

Bai Dousheng looked at his tall and strong Little Brother with a headache on his face.

"Brother, didn't you tell us that it's trash when it's used up, so why do we still listen to trash?"

Bai Douqiang looked at his brother with a very puzzled expression.

"You, forget it, leave the body behind, and there will be beasts to help us dispose of it."

Bai Dousheng didn't want to talk to Little Brother anymore, and asked Little Brother to leave the body casually, and the group of them ran to monitor Huangtian Town again.

Shen Hanyue, who was following behind Liang Xingchen, stopped suddenly.

"I forgot, I still have a gift that I haven't given to my little brother."

"Grandpa Liang, sister, you wait for me here for a while, I will go back as soon as I go."

Shen Hanyue was also very naughty, before Liang Xingchen could reply, she turned around and returned quickly.

"Second miss, let,,"

Liang Xingchen wanted Shen Hanyue to stop and had a gift for him to deliver, but just as he stopped, Shen Hanyan next to him stopped him first.

"Grandpa Liang, let Xiaoyue go, otherwise she will make trouble when she returns to Insect Valley."

Shen Hanyan didn't know what Little Sister wanted to do, but she had already guessed what Little Sister was thinking, and let her do what Little Sister wanted to do, and in the end it was nothing more than sharing a man.

According to the direction guided by the tracking Gu, Shen Hanyue quickly caught up with Huang Tianzhen.

"Brother, wait for me."


Huang Tianzhen stopped in his tracks when he heard that, and when he looked back, he saw Shen Hanyue running towards him.

"Why did you run back?"

Huang Tianzhen asked curiously.

"I forgot to give you a present."

Shen Hanyue ran to Huang Tianzhen very close, it felt like they were about to stick together.

"what gift?"

Huang Tianzhen was also curious, what kind of gift made Shen Hanmu take so much effort to send it back.

"that is..."

Suddenly, Shen Hanyue stood on tiptoe and quickly brushed past Huang Tianzhen's mouth. Then she ran away blushing.

"Little brother, don't forget me, I will wait for you to find me in the worm valley."

Shen Hanyue ran away for a long distance before turning her head to remind Huang Tianzhen not to forget her, and then she disappeared into the distance with a smile on her face.

Huang Tianzhen stood there blankly, as if he hadn't recovered from the incident just now.

After a long time, Huang Tianzhen gradually remembered it!

"I...I am He De He Neng.

Huang Tianzhen also didn't expect Shen Hanyue to fall in love with him, he already has a sister, and now he has another Little Sister.

This made him feel very guilty, and he was deeply afraid that he would be sorry for their feelings.

I was also afraid that I would disappoint these two sisters.

But thinking of getting along with these two sisters during these days, a smile appeared on his face.

Especially thinking of Shen Hanyue's elves, ghosts and mischief, the smile on Huang Tianzhen's face became even stronger.

"Father, what you said is not entirely correct. The women outside are not all tigresses, there are also gentle, lovely and pity girls."

"I have already met."

"Father, leave the gentle and lovely girls to me. Leave the tigress and the like to you, so that you will know how I got here in those few days.

Huang Tianzhen didn't know why, he really hoped that his father could meet a tigress, so that his father could experience a different kind of happiness.

"Hurry up, write down these key points, and pass on what he said carefully to the prince. I believe that the prince will be very moved when he hears his son's words."

Don't learn from the good ones, only learn from the bad ones, Bai Dousheng and the others who are hiding in the dark have already recorded Huang Tianzhen's words in detail.

They did this not because Huang Tianzhen asked them about Laguliang.

It's not because they are envious, it's because they simply can't understand love.

Ma Ma ground, why does it have a sour taste.


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