I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 66: Leave Things To Professionals

"If we can't find it, then we will leave it to professional people to find it.

"My father has an intelligence network called Tinder under his command, but the palace is so weak now, I don't know if there are any strongholds of the Tinder intelligence network in the nearby counties."

Huang Tianqi is really not sure, after all, the palace is already weak, and he doesn't know if the Tinder intelligence network has been disbanded.

Even if it is not disbanded, there may still be strongholds in the county and the prefecture, but in the county, he feels that the possibility of a stronghold is too low.

"Give it a try, there is not much time for us to hesitate."

Qiao Yuner suggested that Huang Tianqi contact the Tinder Information Network to try. After all, they had no other choice, and they were afraid that the children in Yuer Village would be transferred away by those villains.

Their speed must be fast, otherwise when the children are transferred away, they may not have a chance to find the group of children.

"Well, I'll try."

Huang Tianqi was also afraid that the longer the delay, the more lost his chances of finding the children, so he immediately took Yang Lulu and Qiao Yuner back to the nearest Qinghe County, and began to search for the base of the Tinder intelligence network~.

As soon as he entered the county seat, Huang Tianqi took the two girls to the coffin shop, the stele shop, the paper figurine shop, etc. - and waited for the unpopular shops to enter.

coffin shop

"I don't know who the guest is,"

"Do you recognize this?"

Before the coffin shop clerk finished speaking, Huang Tianqi asked the coffin shop clerk if he recognized him with a special waist badge.

"Uh, I don't know,,,"

The coffin shop clerk was stunned for a moment, took a closer look at the waist badge, shook his head and said he didn't recognize it.

When Huang Tianqi and the others heard this, they left without staying.


Seeing Huang Tianqi and the others coming and going quickly, the coffin shop clerk couldn't figure it out for a while, and muttered depressedly.

Paper figurine shop owner: I don't know...

Stele Carver: I don't know...

Huang Tianqi and the others didn't stop for a moment. They asked each family, and when they heard that they didn't know each other, they left directly.

Until they came to a pawn shop.

"Shopkeeper, do you recognize this?"

Huang Tianqi took out the waist card and shook it in front of the pawnshop shopkeeper. The pawnshop shopkeeper didn't care much at first, but when he saw the waist card in Huang Tianqi's hand [the expression changed.

"My dear guest, can you let me see clearly."

The shopkeeper of the pawnshop didn't dare to be too sure, and bluntly said that he wanted to see clearly the badge in Huang Tianqi's hand.

Huang Tianqi felt that he had come to the right place, and without hesitation, he handed over the badge.

"Three distinguished guests, let's talk in detail in the backyard."

After the shopkeeper of the pawn shop confirmed the waist card, he respectfully cleared Huang Tianqi and went to the backyard for a doctor.

"Dezhou, No. 79 Xuan, refer to the Second Prince."

As soon as he arrived in the backyard, the shopkeeper of the pawnshop handed Huang Tianqi's waist card with both hands, and knelt in front of Huang Tianqi on one knee.

Dezhou, one of the twenty continents in the world, Xuan No. 79 is the code name of the pawnshop shopkeeper. The sky represents the mansion, the earth represents the county, Xuan represents the county, and the pawnshop shopkeeper is the person in charge of Qinghe County.

Yang Lulu was not surprised when she saw this scene. Huang Tianqi had already told her his identity the moment she entered Qinghe County.

"Don't be too polite, I'm looking for you for something?"

Huang Tianqi withdrew his waist card and asked the pawn shop owner to speak.

"Second Prince, please command."

The shopkeeper of the pawn shop stood up and respectfully waited for Huang Tianqi's next order.

Huang Tianqi didn't talk nonsense, and explained his purpose for coming.

"The whereabouts of the children in Yu'er Village? The villain who stole the children and the forces behind the scenes?"

"Understood, Second Prince, please wait for a moment, I will arrange someone to collect the answers Second Prince wants right away."

The shopkeeper of the pawn shop bowed to Huang Tianqi, then stepped back respectfully to contact the hidden pile staff to collect the information Huang Tianqi wanted.

"Lulu, don't worry, although I don't know how much power there is in this stronghold, but they are professionals. They are much stronger than us, and they will definitely find the information we want.

Huang Tianqi didn't dare to promise anything, but seeing Yang Lulu couldn't hold back in a hurry, he still persuaded Yang Lulu to speak calmly and anxiously.

"I know, but I just can't sit still."

Yang Lulu couldn't sit still, she stopped and walked around the room, her eyes kept looking outside, hoping to see the pawnshop shopkeeper quickly collect the information they wanted.

Seeing this, Huang Tianqi didn't try to persuade her much. He understood Yang Lulu's anxiety and anxiety, and the three of them really had nothing to do, so they could only put their hopes on the Tinder intelligence network.

Half an hour passed, and the pawn shop manager returned.

As soon as the shopkeeper of the pawn shop came back, Huang Tianqi and the three of them fixed their gazes on the shopkeeper.

"Second Prince, all the information you want has been collected."

"Speak quickly!"

Huang Tianqi said impatiently.

"Last night, it was the Ma family, one of Qinghe County's aristocratic families, who took action against Yu'er Village, and the Ma family did the child stolen in Qinghe County recently.

"And the force behind the scenes is the Tyrant Sword Society!"

"Badao will give an order to several nearby counties, and each county will give them a hundred children every year.

……ask for flowers…

"Several aristocratic families in Qinghe County have done it a few years ago, and this year it's the turn of the Ma family. Because it is inconvenient to do things in the county, the Ma family has their eyes on Yu'er Village."

"As for the purpose of Ba Dao Guild to have so many children, it's either to train dead men, or to turn people into medicine boys."

The pawnbroker told all the information he had collected.

Tyrant Knife Club!!!

Huang Tianqi was also surprised, he didn't expect that this big jaw was hidden behind this incident.

Huang Tianqi has a deep impression on the Ba Dao Association, not because the Ba Dao Association is one of the twelve top powers, nor because the Ba Dao Association has strong people from the Tianbang and many Great Masters.

The reason why he was so impressed was because the Ba Dao Guild had a feud with Guiyun Villa, which was led by his grandfather.

Perhaps because one of them wields a knife and the other wields a sword, and the disputes between their ancestors are unclear, and many people died, the hatred between the two top forces is still inseparable.


To this day, both of them are thinking about how to destroy each other, there is no other way to go, there is only one result between them, either you die or I die.

It is precisely because of this that Huang Tianqi has a deep and deep impression on the Tyrant Sword Society.

"What about the children, where are the children hidden by the Ma family?"

Yang Lulu also knew the brutality of the Tyrant Sword Society, and she couldn't afford to mess with it. She just wanted to know the whereabouts of the children.

"I have to ask the Ma family about this."

There is not enough time, and the shopkeeper of the pawn shop has not searched so deeply, but if you want to know the answer, it is not faster to ask the person directly.

Ba Daohui, the person in charge of a small intelligence base like him can't be offended, but as far as the Ma family is concerned, he can still bully him at will.

"Go, take us to Ma's house."

The Ba Dao Guild needed a long-term plan, but for the family in the county, with Qiao Yuner around, Huang Tianqi didn't believe that the Ma family could turn the world upside down.

The shopkeeper of the pawn shop was not slow, and set off to Ma's house with Huang Tianqi and the three of them.


As soon as they arrived at the Ma Mansion, Huang Tianqi and his party broke in without hesitation.

"Who are you and what do you want to do."


"It's not good, someone broke in, go and report to the master."

When Huang Tianqi and his party broke into the house, the Ma residence immediately became a riot.


Ma Caifa, the owner of the Ma Mansion, appeared, and stopped Huang Tianqi and the others with a shout.

"Who are you and why did you break into my horse house?"

Ma Caifa saw at a glance that Huang Tianqi and the others were not locals, so cautiously, he decided to find out the identity of the other party first.

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