I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 72: Old But Not Dead Is A Thief

"Little Sister, is there something hidden in your clothes, why are you so boxy.

Wang Zibo felt something wrong holding Little Sister, so he looked into Little Sister's eyes and asked.

"No, nothing."

Wang Guoer shook her head resolutely, indicating that she had nothing hidden on her body. But the more she behaved, the more Wang Zibo didn't believe it.

"Is it Rock Candy Calabash? You let someone secretly buy you Rock Candy Calabash again."

Wang Zibo knows his Little Sister very well, as long as there is something to eat, Little Sister will lie.

"No, I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

Wang Guoer is still trying to hide the truth.

Wang Zibo stopped talking, and skillfully searched Little Sister's clothes, and came out with a handful of rock candy Calabash.

"Still said no, what is this?"

"Give it back to me, give it back to me, bastard brother, give it back to me quickly...

Wang Guoer was let down, and she raised her arms around her brother and jumped left and right "three three zeros", trying to grab the rock candy Calabash in his hand.

"Young Master, this is from the East Martial King."

He Yunshan saw the young village owner's eyes looking over, and replied in a low voice.

"My uncle gave it to me!"

Hearing this, Wang Zibo glanced at his uncle who was walking ahead, and then looked down at Little Sister.

"Here, eat less. If you have tooth decay and cry, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Wang Zibo returned the rock sugar Calabash to Little Sister with a soft heart.


After getting the Bingtang Calabash, Wang Guoer made a funny face and slapped her brother.

As soon as she was done, she ran away. She didn't want to stay with her annoying brother anymore, so she trot directly to Huang Dongjie.

"Uncle, give me a hug!"

What a cutie!

Huang Dongjie saw that Wang Guoer had opened his arms, so he hugged her directly without hesitation.

Wang Guoer was picked up and made a face to her brother behind.

Wang Zibo smiled at Little Sister's funny little actions, he thought it was fine, as long as Little Sister was happy every day [all disasters will be borne by his elder brother.

"Young Master, I am afraid that there is only Ba Daohui with such skill."

As soon as Wang Guoer left Wang Zibo's side, He Yunshan told Wang Zibo his guess.

"Well, the grievances between us and the Tyrant Sword Society are all there, and they don't think it's strange."

Wang Zibo's eyes were full of coldness, he dared to attack his Little Sister, it was forcing him to be a bad person.

"Master Young Master, I'm afraid there is an enemy working inside us, otherwise how would the enemy know the whereabouts of Miss.

He Yunshan thought of something, and said with a heavy face.

"Careful work!!!"

When Wang Zibo heard this, his expression also changed. If this is the case, then the hidden dangers inside Guiyun Villa are definitely a big trouble.

"Don't say anything about it beforehand. I will discuss with my father how to deal with it when I get back."

"Are there any other discoveries?"

After Wang Zibo finished speaking, he asked again.

"There is no great discovery, if there is, it is the Eastern Martial King..."

"What's the matter, Uncle?"

Wang Zibo frowned, is there something wrong with uncle?

"Dong Martial King has changed, not only his personality has changed a lot, but his strength has also become stronger. As for how much he has become stronger, I don't know, but I feel that he is very strong.

He Yunshan pondered for a while and said.

"If Uncle has not changed, how could he have handed over the military power. In addition, there are many jokes in the East Martial King's mansion, so it is normal for Uncle to change.

"As for becoming stronger, who doesn't want to see himself become stronger, uncle let go of all burdens, it is not surprising to become stronger at all."

Wang Zibo replied without any pressure.

Young master, it's not a problem for Dong Martial King to become a little bit stronger, but is that a little bit?

Just by intuition, East Martial King gave me the feeling that the darkness descended and overwhelmed everything.

Darkness, that is boundless darkness!

He Yunshan didn't speak out what was in his heart, this was his intuition, or it might be an illusion caused by others getting old.

There is no need for him to say anything without evidence, and he was seriously injured. Maybe it was the two men in black who interrupted one of his nerves, which made him delusional and cranky

Soon, Master Zibo and his party returned to Go Back Villa.

According to past habits and tacit unspoken rules, Huang Dongjie did not go to see the previous generation owner Wang Yuanrong and the current owner Wang Tianduan, and went to the back mountain of Guiyun Villa alone.

Most of the people in Guiyun Villa knew him, so they let him go to the back mountain without hindrance.

"Well, I see. I'll talk to your grandpa about it. Go down and get busy."

In the study, the current villa owner Wang Tianduan learned what happened from his son, so he nodded to indicate that he knew, and let his son do what he should do.

"Father, uncle, he,,,"

"Leave him alone, as always, just pretend he doesn't exist.

Wang Tianduan waved his son to go down, but the son had no choice but to back down.

After his son left, Wang Tianduan wrote and drew in the study for a while, then he put away his pen and set off to find the owner of Guiyun Villa, Wang Yuanrong,

"Father, what happened to Guo'er was the work of the Ba Dao Guild, and they are already ready to make a move against us."

Wang Tianduan saw his old father repairing flowers and plants in the backyard with big scissors, so he came to his side respectfully and said respectfully.

"It's an eventful year, it seems that they are on my guest list for this birthday."

Old but not dead is a thief, the shrewd Wang Yuanrong had predicted in his heart that his birthday would be extremely lively.

"Father, do you mean that Ba Dao will come to make trouble on your 100th birthday?"

Wang Tianduan frowned and asked.

"It's more than just making trouble. They have taken action against my granddaughter so decisively. It is obvious that they are ready to start a full-scale war with us."

"On the day of my birthday, if there is no accident, they will aggressively attack our Guiyun Villa."

Wang Yuanrong put away the big scissors, came to sit down in the pavilion, sipped tea and said with narrowed eyes.

"Father, no way, would Ba Dao be so stupid?"

"On the day of your birthday, the people who came to participate in your father's birthday are all our relatives and friends. So many of our relatives and friends will have the courage to fully open with us at that time.

Wang Tianduan felt that the possibility of this was very low. Most people would choose to start a war when the opponent was weak, but if they chose to start a war when the opponent was full of energy, wouldn't this be asking for trouble?

"Friends and relatives? It's not that you don't understand that when the disaster really strikes, the so-called relatives and friends will disperse in a rush 5.3."

"We only rely on ourselves. If one day disaster strikes, one or two of those so-called relatives and friends will stand up to help us, and we should laugh."

"I have to guard against it on my birthday. Some things must be prepared. If Ba Daohui dares to come, then they must be sure of victory. I'm afraid there will be a hard fight then."

Wang Yuanrong was thinking about what kind of confidence the Ba Saber Association would have if it really attacked Guiyun Villa that day, and he made those preparations.

Think more, put yourself in another place, and think that no matter right or wrong, you have to make more preparations. If he really guesses the other party's plan correctly, it will be a profit.

"Father, then we,

Wang Tianduan looked at his father, wanting his father to make up his mind.

"Just in case, favors have to be taken out and used, so please come here with your ears."

Wang Tianduan listened and lowered his ears.

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