I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 92: Secret Job Identity Exposure

"Old man, you are also from Guiyun Villa."

Xu Genwei suddenly sensed a breath locked on him, turned his head and looked over, and saw an old man walking towards him unhurriedly from a distance.

The only people who can attract Xu Genwei's attention are those who are at the Tianbang level, or those who have a great reputation.

Bai Lao is very low-key, so Xu Genwei didn't know that Bai Lao was from the East Martial King's mansion, and thought that Bai Lao was also from Guiyun Villa.

"Junior, you seem to look down on the old man."

Bai Lao didn't bother to reveal his identity, so he stopped thirty meters away from Xu Genwei, and looked at Xu Genwei directly.

"Don't wrong people, I look down on old people who rely on the old to sell the old, overestimate their own capabilities, and meddle in their own business."

Bai Lao didn't reveal his identity, and Xu Genwei didn't care either.

Perhaps because he felt that Bai Lao was not easy, Xu Genwei also restrained a lot.

Xu Genwei was not a fool, he had seen him show off his might, and he dared to confront him. This old man was either confident in his own strength, or he was sure that he would not be afraid of him.

"Really, why do I feel that you are talking to people, talking to the devil, you didn't say that to the three of them just now.

Bai Lao sarcastically said.

"Old man, I respect you, you really think of yourself as a character."

"Get out, you are not from Guiyun Villa, I advise you not to seek death in vain,"

Xu Genwei heard Bai Lao's sarcasm, which directly made him look cold. Is it true that the old man is living more and more lifeless now? Anyone dares to provoke him.

"If you want me to go away, it depends on whether you have the ability."

"act recklessly!"

Xu Genwei was angry, kicked his heels, and the ground instantly sank, Xu Genwei faced Bai Lao directly and followed the lightning, obviously he wanted to remove Bai Lao's head with his own hands.


Tang Yihao and Wen Zhizhuo saw that Xu Genwei's speed was faster and more stable than when they fought against them before.

Their faces immediately changed, Xu Genwei didn't take the fight with the three of them seriously at all, and still reserved a lot of strength.

Seeing Xu Genwei being so aggressive, he hurriedly reminded Bai Lao.

When Bai Lao saw Xu Genwei rushing up, he punched him face to face. Before the physical shadow of the fist appeared, the wind of punching like a sharp blade had already been produced.

Xu Genwei's eyes froze, and he immediately changed his claws into palm prints to meet Bai Lao's punch.

In an instant, with a bang, both retreated a step.

"If you can take my palm, you can't be an unknown person, who are you?"

When Xu Genwei saw that Bai Lao only took a step back, he was shocked in his heart. Although he only used 70% of his palm just now, it is not something that just anyone can catch.

What's more, the opponent also asked him to retreat a step, and he couldn't judge how much strength the opponent used.

For a while, Xu Genwei regarded Bai Lao as a strong man of the same level.

"You go to help others, and he will leave it to me."

Bai Lao was too lazy to answer Xu Genwei's question, feeling that there was not much difference between the two, so he asked Tang Weihao and the others to help others.

Tang Yihao and Wen Zhizhuo looked at each other when they heard the words, and saw that their Elder group was obviously at a disadvantage. After hesitating for a while, they saluted the old white cupped fist to express their highest thanks.

They ran to the ruins and dug Yin Baimao out. He was still alive, but he had no fighting power.

Tang Yihao and the two hurriedly recruited his servants to take Yin Baimao to the rear to recuperate and heal his injuries. The two of them rushed to the battle field between the two Elder regiments.

"Old man, you have hardly answered any of my questions from the beginning to the end, how despised you are."

Xu Genwei clenched his fists tightly, it was the first time he was underestimated like this, it was really shameful to treat him as a sleeper.

"Don't you also look down on the old man!"

After Bai Lao replied, the two did not speak any more.

next second

The two directly collided with each other, and their moves were all killer moves. Everyone wanted to kill the other. For a while, they fought inseparably, and it was obvious that they could not tell the winner in a short time.

With the addition of Tang Yihao and Wen Zhizhuo, the two Supreme Elders, the Elder regiment of Guiyun Villa has become much easier, and there are also redundant Great Masters to spare.

"you you,.."

The Great Master middle stage powerhouse of Ba Daohui looked at the dagger piercing his heart in disbelief, he was careless.

This damn Martial King is not the same as him at all, he is also a Great Master middle stage powerhouse, this bastard is a Great Master late stage.

This shameless guy pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger, pretending to be a chicken to amuse him, and finally got tired of playing, "I ruthlessly abandoned him.

"Is it surprising? It's okay. Anyway, if someone like you who has no name dies, no one will remember you."

Huang Dongjie let go, he didn't even bother to pull out the bloody dagger, he pressed his hand on the face of the strong Great Master and pushed it, and the Great Master fell to the ground and lost his breath of life.

Originally, with the vitality of the Great Master, even if the heart was pierced, he could struggle for a while before dying, but Huang Dongjie was afraid of trouble, so he directly shook the Great Master's internal organs into a pulp.

Nothing can be seen on the surface, but as long as the Great Master is dissected, he will find that there are no complete organs in his body, but rotten flesh.

"What are you looking at, if you don't agree with me, come here!"

Huang Dongjie saw a lot of Elders from the Ba Saber Society looking at him murderously, but he didn't care, and instead challenged them.

The two Elders were killed by the Eastern Martial King. The Elders of the Tyrant Sword Society were outraged, but they couldn't do anything to the Eastern Martial King.

Since the two Supreme Elders from Guiyun Villa joined the battle, the situation has changed. Now the Elder regiment of Guiyun Mountain Villa has the upper hand, and there is still a surplus of Great Master combat power to spare.

Now it was their turn to be suppressed, and they still had extra Great Master combat power to deal with the Eastern Martial King.

They struggled to resist Guiyun Villa's counterattack, and they were all trying to give the King of Swords time. The King of Swords would win, and they firmly believed in this.

As for the reason, only they know.

Huang Dongjie was very happy to see how many Elders in the Ba Dao Society were so angry at him, but they couldn't kill him.

Then he sensed a sneaky person groping towards the backyard of Guiyun Villa, and he slipped up calmly.

'. "Master, let me help you!"

As soon as Du Sizhuang, the Elder of Guiyun Mountain Villa, freed his hand, he ran over to help Zhuang Chen in Tianduan.

When Wang Tianduan saw Du Sizhuang coming to help, a trace of surprise flashed in his heart, but he didn't say anything, and motioned Lin Sizhuang to hold the one on the left.

Du Sizhuang nodded and rushed towards the Great Master on the left, fighting with all his might, but the more he and the Elder of the Ba Saber Society got closer to Wang Tianduan.

Finally, less than two meters away from Wang Tianduan (Nuo Qian's), he and the Elder of the Ba Saber Society suddenly jumped up, attacking Wang Tianduan directly from both front and rear flanks.


In the blink of an eye, Wang Tianduan, who had been prepared for a long time, broke out with all his strength, and with a single movement of his figure, he dodged the attacks of Du Sizhuang and the Elder of the Shidao Society.

"Avoided? He has been on guard against me for a long time!"

Du Sizhuang was also taken aback, Wang Tianduan had obviously been on guard against him long ago, otherwise how could he have reacted so quickly to dodge the joint attack of him and the Elder of the Tyrant Sword Society.

"Du Sizhuang, what are you doing!"

The Elder group of Guiyun Villa also saw the scene of Du Sizhuang attacking the owner of the villa, and shouted impatiently what Du Sizhuang wanted to do.

At the same time, they urgently spared two Great Masters to rush to Wang Tianduan's side to guard against Du Sizhuang and the two Elders from the Ba Saber Society.

"It's really you!"

At this moment, Wang Tianduan really confirmed Du Sizhuang's identity as a secret agent.

"How did you find me?"

Du Sizhuang had no other response, he wanted to know how Wang Tianduan found him. .

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