"This, this...Doctor Lu, besides this, is there no other way?"

Everyone in Guiyun Villa frowned when they heard this, but they knew that Miracle Doctor Lu had long since disappeared.

The most indispensable thing in the world is the patients. These patients want to find the doctor Lu to heal their illnesses and injuries more than anyone else, but none of them have found the doctor Lu before.

For Fusheng Pill, Miracle Physician Lu spent most of his life to refine fifteen Pills. After so many years, there are still a few left in the world.

Where are they going to find the rest of the resurrection pill, even if God opens his eyes and let them know the whereabouts of the resurrection pill.

What do they exchange for the resurrection pill? Those who can have the resurrection pill are either transcendent forces or top forces. Will these forces exchange the resurrection pill because of the pity of Guiyun Villa?

If you think about it, you will know that it is impossible. The Resurrection Pill is a life-saving elixir, who would be so stupid as to give up the life-saving elixir.

Looking at the unconscious old owner, everyone in the room hoped that Dr. Lu would think of other ways.

Huang Tianqi's eyes froze slightly when he heard the resurrection pill. His father originally had a resurrection pill on his body, but he had already given it to Qiao Yuner to eat.

Regarding the current situation, he was also helpless, he would never let Qiao Yuner spit out that resurrection pill.

"The old owner has a strange poison that I don't even know. This strange poison is very overbearing. If the old owner's True Qi483 Returned to Origin is not so deep, the old owner would not be able to survive until now.

"But a strange poison is a strange poison. No matter how deep the old owner's True Qi is, it's useless. There is no special antidote. This unknown poison will only continue to devour the old owner's vitality."

"Besides Miracle Physician Lu and Fusheng Pill, there may be other ways that are not ways."

"That is when the old owner breaks through the limit of the sky at the moment of life and death crisis and achieves the Grand Great Master. At that time, the old owner's True Qi will be completely transformed into real energy."

"With the uniqueness of the true essence, the true essence can either wipe out the poison in the body, or easily excrete the poison from the body."

"But you also know that the potential of the old master has long been exhausted. If you want to break through the Grand Great Master, it may be difficult for you master to cross this hurdle.

"In addition, if we can invite the Grand Great Master here, and use the unfathomable true essence of the Grand Great Master to expel the poison from the old owner's body, it must be possible."

"But there are only seven Grand Great Masters in the world, and every one of them is superior. If we want to invite them, they may not even look at us."


Lu Shu first sighed, then continued to look at the crowd and said.

With the current state of the old Zhuang Zhuang, the old Zhuang Zhuang can last up to three hours, and I can use the secret technique to wake up the old Zhuang Sheng.

"But once awakened, the old owner may not be able to last for half an hour. This is the price of the secret technique."

There was nothing Lu Shu could do, so he could only give Wang Tianduan the right to choose, whether he should wake up the old owner now to see him for the last time.


Just as Lu Shu finished speaking, there was a faint cry in the room, which Wang Guoer couldn't help but utter.

No one said that Wang Guoer was wrong, because everyone in the room also showed sad expressions, and some even shed tears quietly.

Everyone in the room was sad, only Huang Dongjie was out of place in the room, he was sitting leisurely on a chair drinking tea, distracted from time to time in a daze.

He is really not in a hurry, or he is not panicking at all.

He almost agrees with what Lu Shu said. He has resurrection pills, which are still a lot.

He is a Grand Great Master, not just an ordinary Grand Great Master. The key point is that his medical skills are not bad. Apart from not being able to bring the dead back to life, he is sure of general disease patients.

Wang Tianduan looked sadly at his fainted father, he wanted to save his father, but he really had no choice.

He didn't have the Resurrection Pill. He wanted to find Miracle Doctor Lu for three hours. It was a dream. He asked the Grand Great Master to help him. He was self-aware, and he didn't even have the qualifications to approach the Grand Great Master.

Not to mention asking, he may not even be able to enter the gate of the transcendental forces.

Thinking of this, Wang Tianduan already had the mentality to prepare for his father's funeral. Now he was thinking of waking up his father now, and waiting for the last half hour to wake him up:

He looked at everyone in the room, wanting to see everyone's opinions, and suddenly he saw Huang Dongjie who was in a daze from time to time,...

Wang Tianduan was taken aback for a moment, Dong Martial King's expression is wrong!

In an instant, he suddenly remembered a rumor about the East Martial King's Mansion. It is rumored that there is a resurrection pill in the East Martial King's Mansion,,,

As soon as the idea came out, his whole body was excited.

Did my brother-in-law really possess the Resurrection Pill, so he was so unhurried!

At this moment, (bhcb) he can't control so much anymore, human life is at stake, so he directly stepped forward and asked respectfully.

"Brother-in-law, do you have a resurrection?"

When Wang Tianduan asked, everyone in the room also remembered the rumors about the East Martial King's mansion, and immediately, everyone looked at Huang Dongjie with expectant eyes.

"It used to be, but now it's gone!"

Huang Dongjie replied calmly.

"Sister, brother-in-law, is it really gone?"

Wang Tianduan's heart went numb, hope was gone. But he was still unwilling to ask more questions, he hoped that Huang Dongjie was lying to him because he was reluctant to part with the resurrection pill.

"Uncle, it's really gone. I took that resurrection pill for Yun'er."

Huang Tianqi didn't want his uncle to misunderstand that his father had the Resurrection Pill and said so.

Hearing this, Wang Tianduan finally retracted his eyes. He was sure that his nephew would not lie to him.

But because of this affirmation, he was completely desperate, and he really had no way to save his father.

"The resurrection pill is gone, but I have a way to save him!"

At this time, Huang Dongjie said loudly.

"Brother-in-law, what you said is true, you have a way to save my father."

When Wang Tianduan heard the words, he grabbed Huang Dongjie's hand excitedly and said.

The two brothers in Huang Tianzhen looked at their daddy in amazement, could their daddy really have a way to save grandpa, and what would it be?

"You have a solution, can you ask the ancestors of your office to help?"

Lu Shu thought that Huang Dongjie was from the royal family, so he looked at Huang Dongjie excitedly.

"No, please don't move!"

Huang Dongjie shook his head and said.

As far as he could remember, he had only met the patriarch of the royal family once or twice, both in a hurry, and the two had never even had a conversation.

"Please don't move? What is your solution?"

Everyone in the room was surprised. Apart from this method, East Martial King had other methods.

"I have recently learned some medical skills, my current level should be okay, and I should be able to save him.

Huang Dongjie said calmly.

"Recently...the medical skills I learned are not bad..."

Everyone at the scene was taken aback, Dong Martial King must have caused trouble.

"Brother-in-law, stop joking, okay, we don't have time to joke with you now, brother-in-law."

Wang Tianduan felt that he was about to collapse, and the hope he had just woken up was gone.

"Um, why don't you believe me, I can really save him."

Huang Dongjie was also speechless, was it because he was too low-key that no one in the room believed him.

"Father, don't make trouble. It's just the few medical books you read casually in the palace, and they are still very common medical books."

"You feel like you have become a doctor, who dares to treat you."

Huang Tianzhen knew that his father only came into contact with medical books after he gave up his military power, and it has only been a few months since he has done his best.

In such a short period of time, what can the father learn from medical books, can it be compared with Dr. Lu, who has practiced medicine for most of his life?

In order not to embarrass the father, he still pulled the father back to prevent the father from making trouble.

As soon as everyone in the room heard that Dong Martial King just read a few medical books, they defaulted to being a doctor. For a while, they felt a little dislike for Huang Dongjie.

What a mess!

Come out to show off at this moment, isn't it annoying? .

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