A quarter of an hour later,

Ye Changan retracted his hands, and then looked at Yin Tianxue's beautiful face with an intoxicated face.

Yin Tianxue's talent is no worse than Yao Yue and Lian Xing, and even stronger.

You know, she secretly practiced the martial arts left by the ancient demon god Chi You, who was brought out by Yin Zhong from the Tong family.

And she became a master without any guidance.

However, this kind of martial arts cannot be endured by mortal bodies, so this disease will appear.

But after practicing the Nine Yin Yimai Dafa, she will gradually get rid of her mortal body.

This disease will slowly disappear.

An hour passed.

Yin Tianxue's face was no longer pale, and her blood color was restored, and her expression was no longer painful.

After a while,

Yin Tianxue's long eyelashes moved slightly, and slowly opened her eyes. What

Yin Tianxue saw was a handsome and extraordinary young face.

At this time, although the boy's face was filled with a gentle smile, but deep in his eyes, he was domineering and confident!

""Ye Changan!"

Yin Tianxue stared at Ye Changan's face with a pair of bright eyes, revealing a smile like a blooming lotus, and said softly.

Ye Changan was not surprised that Yin Tianxue called out his name.

When he hugged her just now, he found that she had no intention of resisting.

This means that she already knew who he was from just a few words.

And when he mentioned the Nine Yin Meridians Changing Method, Yin Tianxue did not have any special reaction.

At that time, Ye Changan was already certain.

Yin Tianxue must have a copy of the diary.

Ye Changan looked at Yin Tianxue, nodded, and said with a smile:

"it's me!"

""Sorry, Tianxue! I'm a little late."

However, Ye Changan had just finished speaking when his mouth was blocked by a pair of soft red lips.

An extremely pleasant woman's body fragrance came into Ye Changan's nostrils.

For such things, Ye Changan, who had already mastered it, naturally would not be polite.

Then it was seamlessly connected. After a long time, their lips parted!

Yin Tianxue's face was ruddy, she gasped for a few times, lowered her head shyly, and said softly:"I have been waiting for you"

"I finally got you here."

"You saved Tianxue, and Tianxue knows your rules!"

"But Tianxue has nothing to compensate you, do you think this is okay?"

Ye Changan looked at the shy Yin Tianxue, smiled and said,"Is this okay?......Just barely ok! ~!"


Yin Tianxue screamed and said shyly:"Is this just barely okay?"

"What do you want?"

Ye Changan's mouth showed a playful look, and he smiled faintly:"I came all the way from the Ming Dynasty to the Zhou Dynasty."

"This journey is very tiring!"

"There's no place to stay tonight!"

Yin Tianxue's expression changed, and she said quickly:"Then I'll arrange a room for you right away!"

As she said that, she was about to get out of bed.

Ye Changan stretched out his hand to hold Yin Tianxue's shoulder, stopped her, patted the bed under him, and said with a smile:"No need to arrange it!"

"I think this bed is great."

"I'll live here."

"My young master can't sleep alone right now, so you can sleep with me for one night, just as compensation!!"

"How is it?"


Yin Tianxue's mind went blank.

Her heart was beating wildly.

She had imagined meeting Ye Changan countless times, but she had never thought that she would sleep in the same bed with Ye Changan right after meeting him.

It was even possible....

Yin Tianxue, who is usually calm and wise, is like an ordinary girl who has never seen the world. She is tugging at the corner of her clothes, at a loss.

After a moment,

Yin Tianxue lowered her head shyly and whispered,"But......But Tianxue is not ready yet!!"

Ye Changan looked at the beautiful girl in front of him who looked a little flustered, and smiled:"Silly girl! You think too much!"

"Although I like you very much, your condition has just stabilized. Why would I touch you at this time?"

"Do not worry!"

"Just sleep tonight!"

Yin Tianxue immediately opened her eyes wide and asked,"Really?"

Ye Changan nodded and smiled,"Of course it's true! When have I ever lied to a woman?"

Hearing this, Yin Tianxue smiled brightly and nodded,"Okay!"

"Then we'll just sleep tonight!"

Ye Changan looked at Yin Tianxue's serious expression and suddenly felt a little funny.

No matter how smart and wise the women in ancient times were, they were like little white rabbits in this regard.

Yin Tianxue had no idea. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In the previous life, let alone agreeing to sleep in the same bed, just agreeing to sleep in the same room, the result was already determined!

However, this time, Ye Changan did not intend to eat Yin Tianxue in one go.

It was impossible for him not to be tempted at that time.

But Yin Tianxue's Nine Yin Yimai Dafa had just been introduced, and could only maintain the symptoms and The balance between the body.

If she is taken at this time, it may destroy the balance in her body.

Triggering the disease again.

The girl will have to experience the pain that pierces the soul again!

That is not what Ye Changan wants to see!

Besides, since she has already met Yin Tianxue, can she run away?

Why rush for the moment.


Ye Changan guided Yin Tianxue to begin to familiarize herself with the cultivation methods and tricks of the subsequent levels of the Nine Yin Yimai Dafa.

Unknowingly, it was already evening.

Ye Changan also kept his promise and did not eat Yin Tianxue.

But the oil that should be taken[]

There can't be any less!

A devil's claw was drilling everywhere, jumping up and down.

Finally, Yin Tianxue had no choice but to stretch out her soft, boneless, white and tender jade-like little hand.


No words all night!

The next day.

When Ye Changan reluctantly got up from the bed.

Yin Tianxue had already prepared breakfast.

Ye Changan sat down and started eating.

Yin Tianxue put her hands on the table, supporting her cheeks, looking at Ye Changan with her big eyes without blinking, and eating heartily.

Her eyes were full of obsession!!

Ye Changan put down his bowl and chopsticks, stretched out his hand and gently pinched Yin Tianxue's cheek, and smiled,"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Yin Tianxue said in a delicate voice,"You're leaving soon"

"Tianxue finally saw you, of course she wants to see you for a while longer."

Ye Changan raised the corner of his mouth and laughed,"Didn't you see enough last night?"

Hearing this, Yin Tianxue blushed and said angrily,"You still say that!"

"It's all your fault!!"

Ye Changan looked at the beautiful girl in front of him and couldn't help but reach out and hug the girl's delicate body into his arms, saying:

"You should practice the Nine Yin Yimai Dafa well."

"I will help you when I find a way to deal with Yin Zhong."

"Don't expose him for the time being, and don't have too much contact with him, just like before."

As for Yin Zhong, with Ye Changan's current strength, he is confident that he will not lose to him.

But if he wants to kill Yin Zhong, it is estimated that it will be difficult.

Unless he can perform the tenth or eleventh style of Tathagata Palm.

Maybe it is possible to kill Yin Zhong directly.

But even so, Ye Changan does not want to do this. (Wang's)

He wants to try if he can recruit Yin Zhong for his own use.

In the original book, Lingjing can transfer Tong Bo's kindness to Yin Zhong.

That is to say.

Yin Zhong can actually be changed.

It depends on what method is used!

Now that he has the system, it is normal to get a strange ability to change Yin Zhong in the future.

Moreover, Yin Zhong's obsession daughter Yin Feng.

I also know where it is.

At that time, it is not impossible to take Yin Zhong under my command by taking two approaches at the same time.

Yin Tianxue didn't know what Ye Changan was planning.

At this moment, he was suddenly hugged by Ye Changan, and his body couldn't help but stiffen. Then he leaned obediently on Ye Changan's chest and whispered:"Got it!"

"He's pretty pitiful too."

"As long as he doesn't hurt me and my father, I won't care about him."

Ye Changan smiled lightly and said,"Okay! Then I'll leave!"

Ye Changan let go of Yin Tianxue's soft body and prepared to use the shrinking technique to return to the Ming Dynasty's mansion.

At this moment, the system's prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding! Temporary mission......bundle】.

My mother: Thien Phongxyz

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