【Chaos, chaos, the plot of the Song Dynasty is so fucking chaotic]


This guy should have arrived at the ancient tomb of Zhongnan Mountain today. Did something unexpected happen there?

The girls who just opened the diary suddenly became curious.

【I really didn't expect that a small plot event in"The Return of the Condor Heroes" would now attract half of the Song Dynasty. Not to mention the scale, there are also many top masters gathered here.】

【What I didn’t expect was that the plot of the Beggars’ Gang Conference in Xingzilin in Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils was also integrated into the events of this Tomb Martial Arts Competition and Bride Recruiting Conference.

Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, Ye Chang’an’s house, on a recliner, Huang Rong imitated Ye Chang’an’s lazy look, looking at the diary in her hand, and sighed:"It must be very lively! It’s a pity that Rong’er can’t see it!!"

"It's all this bad guy's fault!!"


In the Ming Dynasty, in Qixingtang, Jiangnan, in the Murong family, Murong Qiudi looked at the diary and said,"Once the affairs of the martial arts world cause a sensation, it will be difficult to quell!"

"Given his personality, there must be a river of blood flowing there by now."

In another room, Ah Bi's eyes moved slightly, holding the diary and said leisurely:"Such a big event, the public......Murong Fuying28 should go! If he sees Miss Wang and Mr. Ye together, I wonder if he will care?"

Ah Zhu looked up and said sadly:"Who knows?"

"We are just a maid who can be abandoned at any time. Miss Wang is his cousin after all, he should not be indifferent!"

"But, these have nothing to do with us."

"Miss Murong brought us here to give us to Master Ye. We will belong to Master Ye from now on, so please don't mention him anymore."

A Bi nodded, smiled slightly, and said,"I know!"

"To be honest, although I haven't met Master Ye yet, from what I read in the diary, I am willing to serve him from the bottom of my heart."

In the room of Shenhou Mansion in the Song Dynasty, Wuqing leaned on the wheelchair, looking nervous and said anxiously:"Brother Tieshou should have met Master Ye!"

"I have a copy of the diary, and I must be a character in a novel. He should be able to guess who I am!"

"Will he accept the invitation and come to Bianjing City to find me?" Sure enough

, something unexpected happened.......What happened to the Xingzilin Beggars' Gang Conference? Plot fusion?......The Beggars' Sect, this bunch of stinky people, also joined in the fun of the martial arts competition to find a bride?

That would be really messy.

The girls became more and more curious.

【The Xingzilin Beggars' Gang Conference is a major event in"The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils"】

【In the original plot, the leader of the Beggars' Sect, Qiao Feng, was forced to resign because of this incident; many martial artists in the Song Dynasty were almost wiped out by the Xixia Yipintang.


The leader of the Beggars' Sect was forced to resign?

Many martial artists in the Song Dynasty were wiped out by the Xixia Yipintang?

It was indeed a big event!

The women were shocked.

【The origin of this incident is closely related to Duan Zhengchun, the King of South of Dali.

Duan Zhengchun, the King of South of Dali?

They still remember this hidden protagonist of"The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils" very clearly.

Could it be that this incident was also caused by him?

It couldn't be another secret!!

The girls' eyes suddenly lit up. Compared with the mess in the martial arts world, they were obviously more interested in this.

And they still remember this hidden protagonist of"The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils" very clearly.

【Everyone, remember the six women I mentioned before about Duan Zhengchun?】

【This incident was instigated by the woman named Kang Min】

【It is said that when women become ruthless, men are no match for them. This woman is a perfect example.】

【Some of you must have heard of the Four Evil Men of the Song Dynasty.】

【Do you think they are cruel enough?】

【But compared to this girl, I think the four evil men are still far behind.


Even more vicious than the four evil men?

The girls were surprised.

【When Kang Min was young, her family was relatively poor. She wanted to have new clothes to wear during the Chinese New Year like her neighbor's sister, but her father had no money to buy her new clothes.】

【She would quietly get up in the middle of the night, sneak into her neighbor's house, and cut up their new clothes into pieces.】

【After doing all this, she felt indescribably happy, even happier than having new clothes to wear.】

【What kind of mentality is this?】

【If you can't get it, no one else can get it either, so you have to destroy it.】

【Isn't this typical perversion?】

【When Kang Min was seventeen years old, she met Duan Zhengchun, the King of Zhennan in Dali. She thought that she could live a life of luxury by being a romantic and wealthy nobleman.】

【But everyone knows what kind of person Duan Zhengchun is. After the passionate moment with Kang Min, he ran away and soon forgot about her.】

【But Kang Min is different from other women who were let down by Duan Zhengchun.】

【Although the other women hated Duan Zhengchun, they still gave birth to his children. They were still thinking about him and waiting for him to come to them one day.】

【Kang Min was completely the opposite. Not only did she kill her and Duan Zhengchun's child, she also found a new person to rely on.


Even a tiger won't eat its own cubs.

This woman actually killed her own child! She is so heartless and inhumane!

Damn it!

The women who were reading the diary were shocked and said angrily.

【This person is Ma Dayuan, the deputy leader of the Beggars' Sect.】

【With her beauty and skills, she soon became the sister-in-law of the Beggars' Gang, second only to the emperor.】

【The Xingzilin Conference was foreshadowed at this time.】

【Kang Min is not only cruel, but also extremely lewd and promiscuous.】

【At a gathering of the Beggars' Gang, Kang Min dressed up carefully and charmed many heroes with her enchanting demeanor.】

【But only the leader of the Beggars' Sect, Qiao Feng, didn't even look at her] (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Kang Min suddenly felt uncomfortable.】

【Qiao Feng is in his prime, handsome, and famous for his martial arts. He is not only the leader of the Beggars' Sect, leading many of the Beggars' Sect brothers, but he is also unmarried.】

【Such a hero immediately aroused Kang Min's desire to conquer him.】

【Who knows, Qiao Feng is not moved at all】

【After a fruitless attempt at seduction, Kang Min developed an infinite hatred】

【When she accidentally learned that the suicide note left by Wang Jiantong, the former leader of the Beggars' Sect, to Ma Dayuan actually recorded in detail the secret that Qiao Feng was actually a Khitan, she immediately instigated Ma Dayuan to expose Qiao Feng.】

【But she didn't expect that Ma Dayuan not only didn't do so, but also beat her and forced her to swear not to tell Qiao Feng's secret, otherwise her reputation would be ruined and her appearance would be destroyed.】

【Haha! For most people, oaths are useless.】

【Kang Min turned around and seduced the Beggar Gang's law enforcement elder Bai Shijing. However, their affair was discovered by Ma Dayuan. They decided to kill Ma Dayuan.】

"The death of Ma Dayuan, deputy leader of the Beggars' Sect, has reached the Six Gates and the Divine Marquis' Palace"

"It's just that the Beggars' Sect didn't want to have anything to do with the imperial court, but they didn't bother much."

"It turns out that he died because of this woman!"

"It's true that beauty is a disaster!"

In the room of Shenhou Mansion in Bianjing City, the Song Dynasty, Wuqing nodded slightly and spoke.

In the room of Lingxiao City in the snow-capped mountains of the Western Regions in the Ming Dynasty, Ah Xiu wrinkled her nose and snorted with disgust:"Such a woman is too vicious and too annoying!"

"Brother Changan can't marry a wife like this!!"

After saying that, he continued to read his diary with a smile.

【Kang Min asks Bai Shijing to pin the crime of killing Ma Dayuan on Qiao Feng, but Bai Shijing, though filled with lust, does not want to do so.】

【So, Kang Min seduced the elder of the Beggar Gang, Quan Guanqing】

【She was afraid that Quan Guanqing could not accomplish the task alone, so she seduced the retired Beggars' Sect elder, Elder Xu.】

【In this way, a Beggars' Clan meeting against Qiao Feng was successfully held in Xingzilin.】

【Looking at the vicious women written by Master Jin Yong, it is not an exaggeration to call Kang Min the number one vicious woman.]

In the Ming Dynasty, Qixingtang in Jiangnan, in the Murong family, Murong Qiudi's eyes moved, and he said lightly:"This woman's viciousness and scheming are indeed not comparable to ordinary people!!"

"That means that this conference is now taking place in Zhongnan Mountain, right?"

"Did Qiao Feng resign from the position of leader of the Beggars' Sect as in the original plot?"

"What exactly happened in Zhongnan Mountain?"

"Ye Changan, hurry up and write!"

The girls were very curious and kept urging him in their hearts.: Mặc Dạ

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