When Yuan Shisanxian, Zhuge Shenhou and the other five heard this, their expressions suddenly became unnatural.

Huang Shang said angrily,"They are following my orders, and I have already compensated you, why don't you give up?"

Ye Changan sneered,"Then I don't care!"

"If they take action, they will have to pay the price!"

"I am merciful enough to give them a chance to live! Otherwise, they will all die!"

Everyone fell silent!

After a moment.

Just when Ye Changan was a little impatient, Zhuge Shenhou suddenly said:"This young master! I wonder how we can compensate you so that this matter can be over?"

Ye Changan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, gave Zhuge Shenhou a look of knowing what's good for you, and said:"You guys are all famous figures in the Song Dynasty, and I know you a little bit!"

"I won’t make things difficult for you!"

"Zhuge Zhengwo! You give me the two skills of"Amazing Shot" and"Ten Finger Sword Skill", and this matter will be settled!"

After saying that, Ye Changan looked at Zhuge Zhengwo with a smile.��

Zhuge Zhengwo thought for a moment and said,"Okay!"

Ye Changan smiled slightly, looked at Yuan Shisanxian again, and said,"Yuan Shisanxian! You use the"Mountain Character Classic"》、《The Divine Art of Forbearance》、《"Three techniques of Sad Arrow" can exchange for a life!"

Yuan Shisan was stunned and said,"This young master! Zhuge Zheng, I only need to hand over two techniques, why do I need three techniques?"

Ye Changan's face turned cold and said,"You only need to answer whether you are willing or not!! Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Yuan Shisan's breath stagnated, and he gritted his teeth and said,"Okay!"

Ye Changan snorted, then looked at Ye Aichan and said,"The Six-Harmony Azure Dragon Universe Array" and the Zen Knife》!"

Upon hearing this, Ye Aichan was shocked and froze on the spot!

The Liuhe Qinglong Qiankun formation that my master taught me secretly was unknown to anyone. How did this young man know about it?

Could it be that he had some connection with my master?

After Ye Changan finished speaking, he didn't care about Ye Aichan's reaction, and continued to look at Ling Luoshi and Xu Xiaoyi and said,"I don't need to tell you one by one!"

The two nodded when they heard it.

Ye Changan smiled with satisfaction, looked up at the Sunflower Patriarch and Huang Shang in the sky and said,"Where are the things?"

Hearing Ye Changan's words, the Sunflower Patriarch and Huang Shang took out two booklets from their arms respectively, gently pushed them down, and they floated down into Ye Changan's hands.

At the same time.

The Sunflower Patriarch stretched out his hand and grabbed in the direction of the imperial city, and suddenly two lotus flowers emitting strong golden light flew into the air. The

Sunflower Patriarch waved his arm, and the golden lotus turned and flew towards Ye Changan.

""The Golden Lotus of Luck!"

Ye Chang'an was delighted and took the golden lotus.

Then, without looking at it for too long, he turned his wrist and the Golden Lotus of Luck and the secret manual disappeared in his hand at the same time.

Huang Shang and Sunflower Patriarch, who saw this scene, looked at each other and saw horror in each other's eyes.

Zhuge Shenhou and Yuan Shisanxian were also shocked!

In their perception, those things really disappeared, not hidden by a trick.

What kind of method was this?

Ye Chang'an didn't care how shocked they were. Since he got the things, he didn't stop for a moment. He turned around and walked towards the gate of Shenhou Mansion, saying as he walked:

"I live in Liufenbantang, and you have until dark to deliver the things here!"

"If the time is up, no one can save you!!"

"If you don’t believe it, you can try it!"

"besides......"I can tell at a glance if there is any problem with the technique, so you'd better not play tricks on me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Changan had already walked in front of the girls.

At this time, Zhuge Zhengwo's figure suddenly floated down from the sky in front of the gate of Shenhou Mansion. He looked at Ye Changan, smiled, and said,"My lord! You cured Wuqing's leg disease, and I haven't had time to express my gratitude yet!"

"Why don't you come to my house and have a seat, so that I can show my hospitality as a good host!"

Ye Changan waved his hand and said,"No need! Wuqing is my, Ye Changan's woman, you don't have to thank me for saving her!"

Zhuge Zhengwo was a little confused when he heard it!

I haven't seen Wuqing for a while, how come she became your woman.

But seeing Wuqing's slightly coquettish look, Zhuge Shenhou became even more uneasy.

After Ye Changan finished speaking, he ignored Zhuge Zhengwo, but smiled at Lei Chun and said,"Let's go! Let's go to your Lei family's Liufenbantang and take a look!!"

"By the way, I am very interested in one of you Liufenbantang!"

Lei Chun immediately showed a puzzled expression.

Ye Changan stretched out his hand to Lei Chun's waist and continued,"You will know when you see him!"

After that, he carried Lei Chun on the horseback, and at the same time called on all the women to get on the horse, and ordered Di Feijing,"Di Feijing! Lead the way!"

Immediately, a group of people went to Liufenbantang in a mighty manner.

In the sky, the figures of Huang Shang and Sunflower Patriarch looked at Ye Changan who was gradually going away, sighed secretly, and disappeared in the sky!

Yuan Shisanxian and the frightened general Ling Luoshi looked at Ye Changan's back, and also showed a lingering look of fear, then turned around and turned into a phantom and disappeared.


In the hall.

Lei Sun looked at a subordinate and asked in surprise:"Are you serious? That young man is coming to Liufenbantang?"

The subordinate replied:"Absolutely true! The lady asked me to come back and report to the chief hall master first, so as not to neglect that young master!"

0If you want flowers and read exciting novels, please go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lei Sun looked surprised and happy, and couldn't help saying:"Chun'er took Di Feijing out for a trip, and she actually got to know this young man. It's really a blessing for me, Liufenbantang!"

""Let someone line up at the gate to welcome us!!"

After saying that, he hurried to the gate.

Not long after,

Ye Changan and his party arrived at the gate of Liufenbantang.

Lei Sun, the chief hall master of Liufenbantang, who had received the notice, had been waiting there.

Ye Changan did not have a good impression of Lei Sun. He said a few words casually and said no more.

He came to Liufenbantang for Lei Chun and Guan Qi, the god of war imprisoned at the bottom of the well in Liufenbantang.

In the original book, Guan Qi said that the four major disciples of Wei Qingqing of Zizaimen, the lazy master Ye Aichan, the Tianyi layman Xu Xiaoyi, Zhuge Zhengwo, and Yuan Shisanxian, might be able to fight him undefeated together!

Ye Changan was still very curious about such a legendary figure!

How could he not meet such a figure!

At the same time, he also wanted to see the legendary innate invisible sword energy that could break the body.

At the same time,

Lei Sun saw that Ye Changan was unwilling to say more[]

He did not dare to ask more.

He had seen the great battle just now clearly from the top of the attic, and he had also received a detailed description from the followers sent back by Lei Chun. Naturally, he knew how terrifying the young man in front of him was!

Although he was also a powerful person in the Heavenly Man Realm.

But he knew that there was still a lot of gap between him and Yuan Shisanxian, Zhuge Zhengwo, Ling Luoshi, Ye Aichan, Xu Xiaoyi and others, not to mention the young man who defeated the five peak Heavenly Man Realm strongmen with one palm.

The gap was already unknown how big!

After respectfully inviting Ye Changan into the mansion, Lei Sun tactfully took his leave.

And not long after.

The Great Demon God Yuan Shisanxian and the Terrified General Ling Luoshi sent someone to deliver the secret manual of martial arts.

At the same time, Wuqing also found Ye Changan with the secret manual of martial arts of Zhuge Zhengwo, the Lazy and Disabled Master Ye Aichan, and the Tianyi Layman Xu Xiaoyi.

Ye Changan quickly looked through each martial arts method, and when he found that there was no problem, he put it away, looked at Lei Chun and asked:

"Chun'er! There is a dry well in your Liufenbantang, do you know where it is?"

Lei Chun frowned slightly in thought, then his eyes lit up and he said,"I know, it's in the back yard!"

"Sir! The person you are talking about is not in the dry well, is he?"

Ye Changan chuckled and said,"You guessed it right! That person is in the dry well!"

"You lead the way, let's go and take a look together!"

Hearing Ye Changan say this, Lei Chun and the other girls also showed curiosity.

"Okay! Sir , follow me!"Lei Chun smiled and said.

Then he turned and walked out.

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