I Am Xianfan

Chapter 461: Jiaojiao's invitation to life and death


Demon Emperor Jiao Ao's face changed slightly after hearing Jiaojiao's words.

What Jiaojiao said is true!

Bai Bu saw that it was already at the late stage of the seventh level of the Golden Core Realm, and it would take decades to reach the Nascent Infant Realm, and the shortest time would be more than ten years.

Moreover, Bai Bu now has a lot of chances for Nasal Infant, as long as she cultivates to the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm, there is no need to spend hundreds of years to find Nasal Infant fortunes like other Golden Core Demon Cultivators, and he can directly retreat.

Time is running out to kill it.

In the past ten years, if Bai Bu was unable to kill Bai Bu and was stepped into the Nascent Soul Realm by Bai Bu, I am afraid that he would never have the chance to kill again. There will be endless troubles. The Jiao Clan and Bai Bu had a deep grudge, an unending hatred, and now there is no room for recovery.

It must be killed when the white bu is still the golden core demon cultivator!

However, it is extremely difficult to kill Baibu.

Last time in Guixu, it was shot personally with the respect of Yuan Ying, and it was lucky enough to escape by Bai Bu, which shows its strong escape. After learning that lesson, Bai Bu would definitely be extremely careful after that, and would not easily expose his deeds to the outside world, and would not even easily leave Guixi's ancestor's shelter until he stepped onto the Nascent Infant.

Demon Emperor Jiao Ao looked at Jiao Jiao's incomparably determined eyes, and of course he wanted to kill Bai Bu, but there was really no countermeasure.

"A Jiao, that Bai Bu returned to the demon court and was protected by the ancestors of the tortoise tribe's ancestors. Is there any way you can kill Bai Bu?"

Demon Emperor Jiao Ao asked.

Assault the Demon Court?

It hadn't even thought of going to war with the Demon Court, even if the entire Demon Emperor Dynasty's army was dispatched, I am afraid that there would be nothing more powerful than the East Sea Demon Court.

Sneak attack?

The ancestors of the tortoise clan are very clever in the technique of restraining their breath, and I am afraid they are better at it.

These methods are all useless, Bai Bu's temperament is as cunning as a fox, and the methods are ferocious and vicious, and will not give this opportunity at all. If Bai Bu really reveals some flaws in its behavior, it will instead doubt if it is another trap.

Demon Emperor Jiao Ao tried his best, but couldn't find a countermeasure to kill Bai Bu from the heavy protection of the Demon Court.

"Why do you need any strategy! As the emperor of the Jiao Clan, I am upright and upright, making a life-and-death fight to Bai Bu! If Bai Bu is not afraid of being laughed at by the East Sea Monster Clan, if it wants to be a shrunk tortoise, I will refuse. The head tortoise will definitely agree to fight. As long as it dares to fight, I have only a way to kill it... even if it only has a 50% chance, it's worth a try."

Jiaojiao's face is cold, her bright eyes are as clear as ice-cold water, and she said with a serious face.

"Open an appointment?!"

Demon Emperor Jiao Ao's expression was shocked, and Jiao's eyes shone brightly.

The dignified life and death battle!

It is indeed the demon emperor's concubine, she has a strategy, wipes out countless conspiracies and tricks, and uses the simplest but effective way to achieve her goal!

This method is feasible!

The Ten Thousand Demon Tribes of the East China Sea most admire those brave and fearless demon cultivators, the most powerful and invincible warriors. The most despised are the turtles with their heads shrunk...This is also the point that the spirit turtles are most despised by other monsters. If they can't win, they will be treated as turtles with their heads shrunk to defend against the powerful tortoise shell, making their opponents helpless.

And this Bai Bu Ling Turtle Saint Child has always been very arrogant, and the independent East Sea Demon Court is the chief demon king. It is clear that he is the number one Golden Core Demon Cultivator in the East China Sea. Will it really reject any Golden Core Demon Cultivation with his pride? 'S open invitation to fight.

But...Which golden core monk can kill this terrible white divination?

This is a big problem, otherwise it wouldn't have caused the Demon Emperor Jiao Ao to have a headache for so many years.

Even if Jiaojiao was the real No. 1 expert in the Golden Core Realm of the Jiao Clan, she was afraid that she might not have a 50% chance.

This is a great adventure, if Bai Bo does not die, it is his most beloved jewel Jiaojiao.

"How sure are you?"

"More than 30%, less than 50%."

Demon Emperor Jiao Ao looked at Jiao Jiao’s incomparably firm and clear eyes, and took a deep breath for the millennia of the Jiao Clan and Demon Emperor’s dynasty. After all, he nodded fiercely: "Okay! Go and issue a life and death invitation to Bai Bu! "

I can't bear to let my children catch wolves. Except for Jiaojiao, the number one master of the Golden Core of the Jiao Clan, there is no Golden Core Demon Cultivation in the entire Jiao Clan that can threaten Bai Bu.


Jiaojiao immediately got up, left the Imperial Demon Ship, and chased in the direction of the Demon Court battleship.

After a while.


A demon shadow cut through the sky and overtook the battleship in the demon court.

Her clear voice from a distance raised her voice: "Bai Bu! I want to send you a life and death invitation to fight, can you dare to fight?"

Bai Bu was meditating on the bow of the ship to recover his energy and blood. After hearing the sound, he looked back and saw that it was a golden pill banshee from the Jiao tribe. He couldn’t help being surprised. He asked the big monster kings nearby, "That banshee is Who?"

All the great demon kings in the demon court were excited for a while, and they started talking.

In the East China Sea Monster Race, war will start if they don't agree with each other, and you will die or die, so the invitation to fight between the Monster Race is very common.

But those who dared to invite the battle, they really haven't seen it.

It is extremely rare to have the Golden Core Demon Cultivator who is so afraid of death and initiates a life and death invitation to Bai Bu!

The Great Demon King Lei Ray whispered immediately: "Brother Bai Bu Yao, that is Demon Emperor Jiao Ao’s daughter Jiaojiao, nicknamed Gillian. This demon girl rarely shows up, I guess you haven’t heard of it. But I’ve heard something. The demon brothers said, this demon girl is extremely powerful, not under Jiao Zhan. You can kill Jiao Zhan, you can kill her if you want to... I don’t know why she has the confidence to challenge her."


Bai Bu nodded and groaned, and then agreed and said to Jia Jiao Jiao: "I have not healed from my old injury. This battle has affected the injury, and I still need three years of training. If you want to come to Princess Jiao Jiao, even if you win, it will not be happy. If Princess Gillian doesn't mind, I will heal from my injury three years later and fight life and death on the abbot's holy mountain!"

Its injury actually healed a long time ago, three years is just a cover, let the Jiao Clan not interfere with itself.

"it is good!"

Jiao Jiaosheng was afraid of going back in vain, so she immediately agreed.

She was sure that with the speed of Bai Bu's cultivation, she would definitely not be able to set foot on the Nascent Soul Realm in three years, only between the seventh and eighth layers of the Golden Core. As long as she is below the Nascent Soul Realm, she still has a 30 to 50% chance of killing the white divination dignifiedly.


Su Chen's human deity returned to the Multi-Mountain Fairy City Alliance with all the high-levels and foundation-building cultivators.

And his young Kun clone, the Golden Scale Sky Demon and the Spirit Turtle clone Bai Bu, went to the Penglai Holy Mountain where the East Sea Demon Court is with the big demon kings of the Demon Court.

Returning from this big victory can be described as a lot of gains.

Not to mention other things, Su Chen alone returned with a full load.

He bet with the young Kun clone and won three Yuanying chances.

As the deputy leader of the Spirit Island Alliance, he planned the tactics of this battle. From the spoils won by the Demon Emperor, he took three Nascent Soul chances to himself, and the senior officials naturally had no objection to this.

Here are as many as six.

In addition, Su Chen originally obtained seven or eight Yuan Ying chances, such as the fifth-order purple yuan ice flower, spiritual dew, ethereal cicada, moon fairy lin, wiping musk ointment, extreme cold ice stone, purple frost bud, fourth-order condensing infant pill, etc. . Only Yue Xianlin was used by Zhuang Luyi to break through the realm of the Ghost Race Nascent Soul, the others are still in his hands, as many as thirteen or four.

If anyone in the East China Sea Cultivation Realm has the most chances for the Nascent Soul, I am afraid that no one, no demon, dare to compare with Su Chen.

Although the quality of these Yuanying Chance Fate and Spiritual Relics varies from a few percent to a tenth, the chances of the coagulation effect are all. But with such a large number, the total probability has exceeded 10%, which is definitely enough for Su Chen to hit the Yuan Ying realm.

Other golden core monks and great demon kings often have two or three Nascent Soul chances in their hands, reaching a probability of more than 10%, so they can't wait to take risks and try to attack the Nascent Soul realm.

There is no way to think of Su Chen, who has gathered these ten percent chances of Ning Ying in one go, but has not yet reached the peak of the late Jindan stage.

The Battle of Misty Island pitted the Demon Emperor Jiao Ao, and Su Chen completely solved the problem of the lack of chance for the Nascent Soul, saving himself the fewest ten years.

The top priority now is to cultivate and cultivate at all speed.


After Su Chen went back, he immediately decided to retreat and cultivate, and practice with all his strength, striving to reach the peak of the Ninth Level of the Golden Core Stage within three years. The many trivial matters of the Spirit Island Alliance and the East Sea Demon Court were put aside and handed over to the other high-level officials and the Great Demon King to deal with them.

Compared with stepping into the Nascent Soul Realm, everything else is secondary.

His seven-layer green lotus primordial spirit of the Golden Core Realm needs to be cultivated, and cultivate as soon as possible to absorb enough vitality to reach the peak of the ninth layer of the golden core to attack the primordial soul primordial soul.

And the physical body also needs to be cultivated, otherwise it will be weak, and will not be able to defeat the enemy in normal battles. Not to mention, it will be difficult to resist the bombardment of the sky when the catastrophe comes, and it is likely to be wiped out.

The higher the level of the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, the greater the impact and damage to the physical body when testing the soul.

The cultivation of the soul is naturally handed over to the young Kun. The young Kun has an extraordinary talent, amazing appetite, extremely powerful devouring supernatural powers, and rapid progress in cultivation. Only three short years will be enough to reach the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Core.

And Su Chen's deity and Bai Bu Linggui avatar, went all out to cultivate their respective physical bodies.

In the ancient books on cultivating immortals, there was a record of "the flesh becomes holy".

There are a very small number of ancient cultivators who are capable of cultivating immortals, who do not cultivate the primordial spirit and specialize in cultivating the flesh, but they have reached the power of true immortals, soaring through the sky during the day, and become a story that shocks the ancients and the modern. Of course, with such a terrifying legendary flesh body becoming a holy true immortal, the entire human race's history of immortal cultivation is only a handful of seven ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Chen did not dare to expect that he would eventually become holy in the flesh, but at least don't be sacred by the sky. Destroy the body of the deity and the clone, and end in a bleak situation.


Both Wang Ziyang and Kuiniu Great Demon King will break through Yuanying's exit in the near future, and once they exit, their strengths will be greatly increased. Su Chen felt the pressure and didn't want to meet them, so he left on the grounds of retreat and practice, hoping to catch up with their strength as soon as possible.

The deity of Su Chen human race stayed in Xiancheng, practicing physical body in retreat.

Bai Bu, on the other hand, rode a young kun, quietly left the Demon Garden of the East China Sea, and headed to the remote and remote waters of the East China Sea, one after another, where the mad whale swallowed a huge amount of food from the spirit shrimp and fish, strengthening his body and the green lotus. soul.


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