I Am Xianfan

Chapter 748: This hot egg is a bit different!

The sixth-order phoenix sacred tree, the lord of the ancient demon world, the wild crocodile saint, was finally sold at a sky-high price of four billion after repeated bidding, and won the highest bidding price in the entire audience.

Although most of the saints can't afford to bid for the auction, they enjoyed the excitement.

After the end, there was still a lot of discussion.

The birthday feast of the Golden Crow God will be held for three days and three nights, and it will not end in a short time.


Su Chen obtained the sixth-order phoenix sacred tree, and there was another mysterious fire egg in his storage bag. He was no longer interested in other holy relics, and went straight back to his temporary bedroom.

Su Chen actually had a bit of speculation about the origin of this hot egg.

He couldn't identify it, but the reasoning should be a monster egg of a high-level monster race with noble blood.

High-level monster eggs often need a little special environment before they can be hatched.

It took him a lot of energy when he hatched Kun.

This hot egg is probably no exception.

The value of the return gift given by the Golden Crow Divine Venerable is definitely several times higher than that of a Tier 6 Higan Fruit with a price of one billion, and it will not be much worse than the Tier 6 Fengxi Shenmu. Those low-level bloodlines can be eliminated.

Fire department? Too small!

It should be a bird's egg.

Su Chen pondered for a long time and called Bi Fang.

Bi Fang is a high-level feather clan and is familiar with each high-level monster clan. Or first ask Bi Fang to determine the race of the egg, and then decide whether to hatch it.

"What kind of egg is this? Is it the firebird egg of your clan? If you don't hatch it, you will have multiple brothers and sisters!"

Su Chen mysteriously took out a Fire Element Demon Egg from the storage bag and asked Bi Fang.

"What firebird, I am Bifang!"

Bi Fang couldn't help but gave a proud glance.

It took the fire bird egg, felt the breath inside the egg, but it trembled for an instant, almost wanting to throw the egg out.

But the moment it was thrown out, he hugged it again, for fear of breaking it.

"This..., this is the Fire Phoenix Egg! Among the Phoenix clan, the hottest temper and super powerful fire Phoenix! The attack power of Xuanwu is less than 20% or 30% of it!"

Bi Fang's eyes were straight, and he felt his hands trembling.

Although this is an egg, it is not lethal.

But it was too scared!

"Fire Phoenix Egg? How did you see it, you can't make a mistake?"

Su Chen was a little shocked and strange.

He looked at the shell of this egg, except that it was the fire element, and could not see anything peculiar.

It seems that the world of immortality does not specifically record the shape of eggshells to facilitate the identification of races.

He can only rely on guesswork.

"Does this still need to be seen? You are a human race, insensitive to the breath of the Yu tribe. Naturally, you can't tell it. But I am the Yu tribe, and I am naturally extremely sensitive to the breath of the Yu tribe's most powerful existence, the Feng tribe. .The bloodlines of the monster race are so strict, how can they not be distinguished. This is a natural coercion!

Brother Su, where did you get this Fire Phoenix Egg? It's best to go back, the Fire Phoenix Clan is notoriously careful, and offends them not to end well. Do you dare to steal their eggs, be careful to be chased by cross-border! "

Bi Fang's voice trembled and said.

"This is a gift from the Golden Crow God Venerable!"

Su Chen was stunned for a while, and said: "Where did the Golden Crow Divine Venerable find this Fire Phoenix Egg? I don't know how to return it?!"

Moreover, the Golden Crow God Venerable needs that sixth-order other side fruit to overcome the calamity of dispersing immortals, and he will definitely not return it to him.

He must be at a loss if he returned the Fire Phoenix Egg to the Golden Crow God Venerable.

"A gift from the Golden Crow God? It is the Golden Crow God, with such a high level of cultivation, it must recognize this as the Fire Phoenix Egg! However, it does not want to kill the Fire Phoenix Egg, contaminate this cause and effect, and offend the Fire Phoenix Clan. It is useless to keep it on its own, and when it hatches, it also adds to its own block. It is simply given to you as a gift, and it saves a lot of trouble."

While talking, Bi Fang looked at the fire phoenix egg carefully.

On this fire phoenix egg, there are stripes of golden and fire color, mysterious and dazzling, very shocking. The more I look at it, the more unusual it becomes.

The more I look at it, the more terrified Bi Fang's expression becomes, "This doesn't seem to be a new egg, but an old egg? The Golden Crow God Venerable is throwing an extremely hot Yu Yang to you!!"

"Old egg, what do you mean? There are new and old eggs?"

Su Chen wondered.

"Phoenix Nirvana, have you ever heard of it? If Huofeng suffers an unbearable serious injury and is about to die, it will burn itself with real fire, and Nirvana will turn into an egg, enter silence, and repair the injury.

When the time is right, it will break out of the shell next time and come back to life again. Resurrection still needs to start practicing from the beginning. However, it has a complete memory. Its cultivation speed is unimaginable fast, and it doesn't take much effort to restore the original cultivation base. "

Bi Fang swallowed nervously.

Su Chen was finally dumbfounded. He often didn't think that this was actually a Nirvana Fire Phoenix Egg, "This... is it a rebirth egg with complete memory?"

Bi Fang nodded desperately and said: "Yes! This is the extremely terrifying aspect of the Fire Phoenix clan. It doesn't even need to go to the reincarnation pool, reincarnation and rebirth. Find a safe place and directly rebirth from Nirvana! Even though it is a reinvention, But with its experience and cultivation speed, is it difficult to restore its previous strength?"

Su Chen stayed for a while.

Huofeng, directly bypassed the reincarnation pool!

Become an egg yourself, do it again!

This is equivalent to being suddenly beaten to the end.

However, the combat experience and memory are there.

Moreover, it is entirely possible that the fire phoenix hid a large number of spiritual objects for cultivation in a mysterious place in advance, so there is no need to work hard to collect it. Even if you start over again, it will naturally progress extremely fast~www.wuxiaspot.com~ No wonder, Bi Fang would say that this is an old Nirvana!

"Then, do you think you want to hatch it?"

Su Chen frowned and asked Bi Fang's opinion.

"better not!"

Bi Fang almost screamed in shock.


"If it's a new egg, if you raise it and let it be close to you, it will obey you. But this is the old Nirvana egg, with all the memories and personality of his life, it is impossible to listen to you, you can't control it at all.

Do you know, what cultivation base is in front of this Fire Phoenix Egg? The Mahayana Lord, or the realm of Sanxian? With the blood of Fire Phoenix, it is very easy to become a Mahayana deity.

It was a Mahayana deity and a Sanxian before. Do you dare to offend it?

Huofeng has a violent temper and is the most powerful being of the Yu clan. How arrogant it is, it probably treats you like a grandson.

It has a low repair base temporarily and needs your help. You have an extra grandfather, and you want to serve him every day. It doesn't listen to you. Isn't it uncomfortable? "

Bi Fang was heartbroken and said, "Best, throw it away! Let it live and die in the wilderness!"

In addition to fear, it also has a little selfishness.

The sages of Su Mansion are already crowds of awesome monsters.

If this old Nirvana Fire Phoenix hatches, there will be an uncle on its Bi Fang's head, and this day will be more and more sad.

Su Chen thought about it for a long time and nodded: "Your analysis is very reasonable, it is indeed a trouble! But it was I exchanged it for the other fruit. If it is not hatched, wouldn't I lose a different fruit? Besides, the sixth-order Fengqi I bought all the sacred woods, and I was thinking about making a nest for the Firebirds! It just happened to be ready."

His trick of the demon gourd has been useless for many years.

It is difficult and more challenging to domesticate a young phoenix reborn from Nirvana!

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