I am your natural enemy

Chapter 113 Asking for credit and buying information (5k)

Feng Yao followed, packed up the meeting minutes, and came to Cai Qidong's office again. As soon as he came in, he heard Cai Qidong bragging. Without asking, he knew that the call must be for Wen Yan...

"Look, I definitely mean what I say. You scolded me, but I didn't say anything.

I’ll add more money later to make sure you’re satisfied.

The specific preliminary details have been discussed here and will be left to Feng Yao to discuss later.

You can take a look and if you are still dissatisfied with anything, just raise it and we can discuss it.

Hey, it's not that I didn't want to tell you before, but the rules are here, I definitely can't tell you directly.

But what Feng Yao leaked to you is Feng Yao's problem.

Who would have thought that Feng Yao was so stubborn that he actually didn't say anything.

Fortunately, the result was pretty good.

You remember to take time to come to Yuzhou later and go to the warehouse to select things.

Don’t think it’s too little to choose any three.

Any choice, this in itself, is a great reward.

Under normal circumstances, based on merit, three matching items are presented and you are asked to choose one.

Now if you go in and choose, the nature will be different.

Yes, even if you find the Imperial Seal inside, you can take it away.

I said, you record it, just record it, that’s what I said. "

Cai Qidong stopped bragging and deceived Wen Yan.

But the benefits given are indeed real, and they are even higher than the previous conditions.

On the other side, Wen Yan didn't know what kind of trap Cai Qidong had set for him, but since the benefits were real, he couldn't refuse them.

This time, Wen Yan knew why Taishi's uncle had to watch Qin Kun beat Minister Cai on his behalf.

Then it is appropriate to do something to make Taishi's uncle happy.

"I also found some clues about the things you asked me to check.

The boss of Changfeng Group really wants to resurrect He Changfeng.

She gave Wu Tingsheng some information, probably to resolve the conflict between them.

What are the specific information? I just got it and haven’t read it yet.

She probably wanted to free her hands to deal with the newly revived Dragon God in the upper reaches of the Xijiang River.

Minister, have you confirmed who the Dragon God is? "

Cai Qidong was a little confused.

"Wait a minute, what's the conflict between her and the Dragon God over there?"

"Ah, Minister, didn't you read the report? Didn't you pay attention to the new filing?

The jade pendant that sealed He Changfeng was stolen by a thief and thrown into the river.

Of course it has nothing to do with us. "

Cai Qidong was not in a hurry to speak. He turned on the computer and took a look.

As he watched, he couldn't help frowning and leaning back tactically.

"Don't tell me that a stupid student can steal something from you..."

"It's not from me, it's from Zhang Laoxi's house. Well, it's a coincidence. Who would have thought of it."

Cai Qidong waved to Feng Yao and asked Feng Yao to check.

Soon, Feng Yao released a surveillance screen.

The boy dropped something on the bridge across the river.

The thing was cut out and continuously enlarged and repaired. When Cai Qidong saw it, his eyes went dark.

Good guy, Wen Yan is getting darker and darker.

This trick diverts trouble to the east, and even if others see it, they can't do anything to him.

At least the people from Changfeng Group must be too lazy to waste energy on him.

“The Dragon God has not yet been determined who he is, and the Xijiang water system has been in chaos.

From ancient times to the present, there are actually several people who can be established as Dragon King temples.

Who knows which one it is, but at present, this guy is not too honest.

According to ancient book records, things in the Xijiang water system have always been dishonest.

Because this place, unlike the Central Plains, has always had a large population living together.

Most of the time, the center of power and economics is in that large area.

Even if it later moved south, it would still be on the Yangtze River.

So now, it is best to make him be honest, and starting a fight is the last resort.

If this guy wants to destroy everything and cause too much damage, it will be too great.

It is currently speculated that it should be the water god of a certain tributary of the Xijiang River, located in Luoyue County. "

After hanging up the phone, Cai Qidong sighed.

"As the old saying goes, it's not easy to learn well. But once a bad learner slips away, you don't know who Wen Yan learned it from."

Feng Yao raised his head and glanced at Cai Qidong, but said nothing.

"What do you think I'm doing? This little bastard is already so dark. He just pretended to be so. I could see it right away."

Feng Yao glanced at Cai Qidong again, hesitated to speak, and still didn't say anything.

He is not like Wen Yan, who dares to scold the leader in public, and the leader will happily accept it.

However, one thing is that their minister is a bit shameless and a bit shady.

On the other side, Wen Yan hung up the phone.

Looking at the document sent by Feng Yao, he was a little surprised that it turned out to be a meeting record.

After looking at it, he sighed on the ground.

"Cai Qidong is so shameless!"

Look, Feng Yao couldn't stand it any longer. He didn't even send the compiled documents, but directly sent the meeting minutes.

He took a closer look, and aside from the fact that Cai Qidong's operation was a bit shameless, it did provide a lot of benefits, which were better than the previous conditions.

Now that this has been decided at the meeting, all that remains is to start executing it.

He took out his phone and dialed Taishi's uncle.

"Uncle Taishi, I have something that I need to tell you. I also need someone from Fuyu Mountain to cooperate."

"Has someone bullied you?" Taishi's uncle said concisely.

"No, no, I talked to the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County before. We have contributed, we can't give up for nothing, let's do good people and good deeds.

In ancient times, there was a story about Zi Gong redeeming people. How well Confucius told it.

Uncle Taishi, look at how powerful we have been these two times, if we don’t need anything.

Doesn’t that put everyone else on edge?

When we talked about it later, the Lieyang Department said that Fuyu Mountain had made such a great contribution and didn’t ask for anything.

Do you have the nerve to ask for labor compensation for doing this?

If we don’t want that, it won’t offend people. "

In Fuyu Mountain, Taishi's uncle put his mobile phone on the stone table and turned it on speakerphone.

There were three old Taoist priests with serious faces next to them.

Hearing Wen Yan's words, the fat Taoist priest couldn't hold back and laughed on the spot.

The thin Taoist priest stroked his beard and smiled, nodding his head repeatedly.

Grandmaster's uncle always had a smile on his face and wanted to say what nonsense you were talking about, but when he thought about it, Wen Yan had moved Confucius out, so that's what it meant, it seemed that it really meant that, but it felt weird.

Wen Yan explained the conditions in detail on the phone.

The four old Taoist priests looked more serious as they listened.

"Uncle Taishi, that's about it. For more specific details, we have to send people from Fuyu Mountain to discuss the specific details. For specific implementation, we need our people to come. You, the old man, will arrange some people to come."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"Uncle Taishi, you praise me so much, and I feel overwhelmed, ha..."

Several old Taoist priests laughed together.

After hanging up the phone, the thin old Taoist priest nodded repeatedly.

"Quoting the classics, it is well-founded, very reasonable, very reasonable."

"This baby has good intentions, but he is still young. It's better not to be deceived. Why don't I go there myself." The fat Taoist priest volunteered.

The Grand Master's uncle looked at the group of people, and it seemed that the fat Taoist priest was the youngest and in the best health. He was tired from traveling and traveling, so he probably wouldn't be a big problem.

"It's really not appropriate to let the juniors handle it for the first time, so you should go there."

"I heard that Nanwu County has not been peaceful recently, and there must be a big stalemate."

Grandmaster's uncle nodded.

"Call if you have anything."

Several old Taoist priests who usually didn't care much became interested.

Even before they met, his favorable impression of Wen Yan was already at full capacity.

After so many years, this is the first time that such a good thing has happened to Fuyu Mountain, and it was brought to Nanwu County, so it is even more difficult.

After thinking about it for a moment, they knew that Wen Yan had no idea how many dangers he had experienced, how much strength he had exerted, and how much merit he had accomplished, to make Cai Qidong, the bitch in the mouth of Taishi's uncle, bleed like this.

When I think about the continued decline of Mount Fuyu, someone will be able to carry the cauldron in the future, and talented new blood will be injected into it.

One of the old Taoist priests couldn't help but wipe the corners of his eyes.

My spirit, which was usually depressed, seems to be coming to life now.

The thin old Taoist priest returned to his room and took out a box from his pillow. After opening it, he saw a three-inch-long handleless sword inside.

The small sword is completely black, with cloud patterns running through it, and the lines are glowing with black gold.

The old Taoist priest stretched out his hand and gently brushed the small sword.

The little sword suddenly trembled, and flew out of the box on its own with a whoosh, spinning around the old Taoist priest.

The old Taoist priest smiled.

"Old man, I knew you wouldn't want to be buried with me."

The small sword flew into the old Taoist priest's hand and trembled slightly.

"I understand, I understand. I originally thought that by the end of my life, I would be able to guard this mountain gate and not bring any serious enemies to it.

Even if he is buried in the grave, he still barely dares to go to the ancestor to plead guilty.

Today, our family Lieyang is born, and he is still a rare good boy.

After that, the old man will have to come forward to do something. "

After the old Taoist finished speaking, he heard the subtle sound of swishing through the air. The small sword was so fast that the naked eye could not catch it. There was only a sharp cold light in the room, which kept flickering.

On the other side, the fat old Taoist priest wandered to the zombie cave.

He knocked on the stone door.

"I want to go down the mountain, but I'm afraid there will be some danger. Fellow Taoist, I would like to come with you."

As the fat Taoist priest's voice came out, a stone coffin lid flew from a distance, hit the old Taoist with a bang, and stood upright there.

The fat Taoist laughed.

"Fellow Taoist, you have been sleeping for many years, but why are you even more angry than Ping Tao? Don't misunderstand me. Ping Tao didn't say that you are in danger and don't dare to do it. Ping Tao just asked you to get up."

In the darkness, a man with chains on his hands and feet walked out.

Da Zhan was still a little angry at first, but when he came out and saw the face of the fat Taoist priest, he was slightly startled and sighed.

"Why are you so old..."

"Birth, old age, illness and death are the normal conditions of life."

"Why don't you come to me after you die?"

"No, I should still have a few years left in my life. I can still give it a try. I can ascend to heaven and leave something for my mountain gate. Even if I can't leave behind the heaven-given talisman, I can leave some strength behind when necessary to give some help. It’s worth it for future generations to borrow.”

"Haha, damn fat man, I'm not belittling you, it's just you, don't even think about ascending."

The fat Taoist priest laughed and didn't care. Back then, he was able to trick this person into following him, and the two of them exchanged insults without falling out, but this was an important reason.

Now, after not seeing each other for many years, when we meet again, we are trolled again, but on the contrary, we feel friendly.

Wen Yan stayed at home, unplugged the network cable from the desktop computer, and plugged in the mobile hard drive.

Looking at the dense information inside, divided into categories, he felt a little numb.

After opening a few and looking around, I found one of the methods, which was to nourish the sanity of the remnant soul.

Find a person whose wisdom has been robbed, and the external manifestation is that the soul has lost its brain, but has not dissipated, and the person has not died. Incubate a part of the residual soul that represents spiritual wisdom in it, and use the soul to nourish the soul.

This method is not very evil. In fact, it has certain benefits for both parties.

After complementing each other, one can be nourished and slowly regain some sanity. After the other is complemented, there is no possibility for the soul to continue to dissipate.

If other methods of nourishing the soul are used, both parties will benefit.

Seeing this, Wen Yan understood why Liu Qiying dared to confess directly to Wu Tingsheng.

After thinking about Xiao Wu's previous state, Wen Yan was convinced that the content in the information was not beautified with the Spring and Autumn style of writing, but was based on facts.

If it were before the soul-devouring beast changed its profession, this method would have no problem to be honest.

At that time, even without He Changfeng, Xiao Wu would not have been able to paint paintings with souls, nor could he repair his own soul in this way.

But after the appearance of his silly son, the definition of soul changed. After Xiao Wu could change his job to become a soul painter, He Changfeng's part did become an obstacle.

Of course, other people don't know this. If Wu Tingsheng saw it, there would be no problem if anyone came to see it.

It is true that they are used, and it is also true that they are complementary.

Later, there is also the Taoist soul-nurturing method, which uses the suitable cave as the foundation to nourish the residual soul.

Unfortunately, this internal information shows many records, but none of them are suitable.

Then, Wen Yan found a way to sacrifice and nourish the soul, allowing some of the remaining souls to be worshiped and turned into water gods. With a trace of divinity, at least the lower limit was maintained, but the disadvantage was that it was extremely slow, extremely slow, at least one or two hundred years. There's no point in it.

After that, other messy methods were classified as unreliable, or even if they were effective, they would only produce ferocious beasts, just like raising evil ghosts.

What follows are some crooked methods from outside China.

Like in some special places, after meeting certain conditions, blood sacrifice can restore the broken soul.

Unfortunately, just looking at the location and the number of sacrifices required, I knew that it was simply impossible.

In a certain city, if such a big event occurs, it is absolutely impossible to succeed, and you will die very simply.

Others include sacrificing something valuable enough, such as souls, summoning the devil, and making deals with the devil.

Wen Yan looked at the records, and it was obvious that they were all things that even Liu Qiying disdained, so he just collected them as soon as he could find them.

The CEO of Changfeng Group was also very ambitious and looked down upon methods that were obviously very flawed.

She has higher requirements than Wu Tingsheng. What she wants is that the person's soul can be completely restored and the person can be fully resurrected.

Wen Yan didn't know whether she knew how much it would cost to completely resurrect a person.

Even the previous Reality Architect, who burned his lifespan, only resurrected one person for a few seconds.

Well, it doesn't mean that if you are willing to pay the price, you will definitely succeed.

After reading it, Wen Yan turned off the computer and took out the mobile hard drive.

Wu Tingsheng was very sober. He didn't look at it at all. Naturally, he could always keep his thoughts pure and unwavering.

After reading it, maybe a seed will be planted in your heart, and you never know when it will start to grow wildly, and eventually you will become as crazy as that woman.

Wen Yan didn't care about this. If he had known that a woman who wanted to resurrect her husband was involved, he would not have interfered with He Changfeng's affairs.

Don't mess with anyone like this, they can do anything.

He took out Lieyang Department's mobile phone and continued to check the information to see what happened to the Dragon God in the Xijiang River System.

Looking at it, he felt a headache.

Why is the Xijiang water system so complicated? Even now, experts and scholars may make mistakes, let alone different eras. In addition, there may be people who make mistakes deliberately, which would be even more troublesome.

After thinking about it, he thought of the wandering businessman he met last time.

He dialed a phone number, which rang and was hung up. Then another phone call came from Xiwu Prefecture.

Wen Yan was speechless and laughed.

"Lao Meng, why did you run so far?"

"Nanwu County is not compatible with me, and Decheng and I are incompatible. I found someone to figure it out. When I go to Decheng, I will definitely encounter a fierce nemesis who is against me. Even if I die, I will be considered lucky."

"Then you won't have to run thousands of miles away. If you run a little more, you will run out of China."

"This calculation is very accurate. I will definitely not go."

Wen Yan thought about it and said to himself, Pei Tugou is the lucky star of a profiteer like you, and what he said is quite accurate.

"I'm looking for some information from you."

"Just tell me, I'll give you the lowest price." When he heard that it would cost money, Lao Meng suddenly became energetic.

Wen Yan doesn't have many small yellow croakers here. If it's not enough, doesn't he have to sell some more?

As long as he was sure to sell it, he had plenty of ways to slowly increase the amount with Wen Yan in mind.

"I want to know who the Dragon God who has recently revived in the upper reaches of the Xijiang River is."

"This...the price is not cheap. I have to check."

"Tell me first if you can find it."

"That must be possible! As long as you can afford the price!"

"That big yellow croaker."

"Are you kidding me?"

"If it doesn't work, forget it. I don't have that much. We will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future."

Wen Yan sighed regretfully and hung up the phone.

On the other side, Lao Meng was stunned when he heard the beeping on the phone.

How can anyone do business like this? !

He thought about it, but he was still thinking about what was in Wen Yan's hand. Forget it if he had never seen it before, those two gold grains made him scratch his head.

After a few minutes, he sighed.

"Damn it, a young man took advantage of it! Okay, I'll treat it like it's the first time and I'll give you a discount!"

He called Wen Yan back, and before Wen Yan could say anything, Lao Meng said.

"Don't talk, listen to me, I have been in business for so long and I have never done a loss-making business.

The first time you buy something from me, I will give you a discount.

The price is the little money you deposit with me, I will check it for you. "

It’s impossible to have a big cycle of work and rest!

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