I am your natural enemy

Chapter 12 Scream

The cold air quickly condensed on the windows, and wisps of mist overflowed from under the door and entered this layer.

Wen Yan turned around and left, quickly entered the ward, quietly closed the door, and slept on his own bed.

As the fog overflowed more and more, the door in the corridor slowly opened, and a middle-aged woman with a sullen face and a white coat floated in silently, holding a splint in one hand and a pen in the other.

The cold, dead breath covered it and turned into a suffocating aura.

Wen Yan looked to the right. Feng Yao was sleeping soundly on the bed next to him.

Under the moonlight, Wen Yan saw the person on the innermost hospital bed. He had opened his eyes at some point. His eyes were full of fear and despair. His mouth was open, and his expression was distorted by fear and pain. .

Just seeing it, Wen Yan seemed to hear a shrill scream, but the man couldn't make any sound.

Suddenly, a cold and cold feeling that seemed to be there, mixed with malice that could sting him like a sharp needle, came over him. The man's painful and desperate wailing began to appear in his mind, wailing until he was hoarse, but he still couldn't hold it back. Wail.

He saw that the despair and pain in the man's eyes were suddenly overwhelmed by the overwhelming fear.

Wen Yan slowly turned his head and saw a deformed and twisted face pressed tightly against the glass of the door.

The face seemed to have rotted away. One of the eyeballs was covered with flesh and blood and fell out of its socket. The bloody eyeball stared at him with malice.

Wen Yan's hair stood on end, and his muscles suddenly tightened. He was startled, but he immediately controlled himself, gritted his teeth, said nothing or screamed, and just watched quietly.

In the past few days, he had encountered ghosts, burned mummies, and eaten poisonous mushrooms. All he saw all day long were all kinds of weird and twisted hallucinations, and then he saw the nurse with cavities. He was almost used to it. There are all kinds of abnormal things.

He leaned on the hospital bed and just watched quietly.

During the day, he read the Decheng First Hospital and the general hospital rules and regulations from beginning to end several times.

There is no rule or regulation that states that patients must fall asleep immediately after turning off the lights.

There is only a sign hanging on the wall of the inpatient department, reminding people not to make any noise after turning off the lights.

The director outside the door had obviously never met someone like Wen Yan. She was a little surprised why Wen Yan didn't fall asleep, and she was also a little surprised why Wen Yan didn't react much after seeing her.

She slowly opened the door and stood at the door of the ward, staring at Wen Yan.

Wen Yan also looked at her calmly. Gradually, Wen Yan smelled the pungent smell of blood with the smell of rust, and a hint of putrid smell, mixed with the deathly coldness that was like being stung, constantly eroding.

so cold.

He slowly pulled the quilt and covered himself.

His heartbeat was beating fast and he felt nauseous. He still kept in mind the curator's words that rules are the most important.

In order not to be eroded by the increasingly real feelings, his thoughts began to wander, thinking of Decheng Funeral Home, and the first day he came to Decheng Funeral Home, he was pulled by the director and looked at the employees for a long time. code.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that there was actually a different field in the funeral parlor?

From the first day he entered the funeral home, the director had been instilling in him the importance of rules, consciously or unconsciously.

Seeing this strange-looking director again, Wen Yan became calmer and calmer, and his racing heart slowly began to calm down.

He covered himself with a quilt, lay on the hospital bed, and watched quietly.

Can't shout, can't run.

If you yell and run away, then you are really done.

Watching the director enter the ward and getting closer little by little, the director did not have any contact with him, but the deathly coldness was almost even colder than the last time a mummy passed through his body.

As the director got closer and closer, the cold air became more and more intense. A trace of warm power began to emerge from the work clothes vest Wen Yan wore inside.

In the arms of Feng Yao, who was sleeping soundly on the bed next door, a bit of golden light flashed away, turned into a bit of golden light, and sank into the director's body.

Fiery power bloomed in the director's chest, as if a flame was burning. In an instant, a big hole was burned in her chest. The cold air collided with the invisible flame, making a sizzling sound.

The director's face became more and more distorted, as if the wax statue was slowly melting. She stared at Feng Yao and Wen Yan with vicious eyes, her mouth opened wide, and her body shook, but no sound came out.

The director slowly retreated outside the ward. The invisible flame in her chest gradually dissipated, the big burnt hole gradually disappeared, and her melted face began to gradually recover.

In two or three minutes, she returned to normal, turning into a middle-aged woman with a gloomy face, standing quietly at the door of the ward, looking at Wen Yan and sleeping Feng Yao.

Wen Yan was wrapped in a quilt and leaned against the bedside. He didn't say anything and just pretended not to notice.

However, as time passed, the director, who returned to his normal appearance, did nothing, but the coldness and malice seemed to have uncovered Wen Yan's scalp and crazily penetrated inside.

Hallucinations began to appear in front of his eyes. Everything around him seemed to be transparent and gradually dissipated, leaving only hospital beds floating there.

Some hospital beds were empty, while others were filled with people with stiff and twisted faces, who wanted to scream but couldn't.

They looked directly at Wen Yan, seeming even more desperate and painful.

Wen Yan's face was sullen and livid. The humming and low humming from the corridor was becoming clearer and clearer at this moment. He could clearly hear that it was the chaotic painful whispers of a group of people, from far to near, in his ears. The edge sounded.

He almost couldn't help shouting.

That is to say, he was poisoned before and tortured by hallucinations for two days. Now his resistance to hallucinations has improved a lot. Otherwise, he would have shouted out a long time ago.

After a few minutes, the director's face became more and more gloomy, drops of black water continued to drip, and her aura became more and more depressed. She turned her head to look at the electronic watch in the corridor, and slowly turned and left.

There was deathly silence outside the door again. Just waiting until dawn, at the moment of sunrise, Wen Yan looked at the patient on the innermost hospital bed, which disappeared silently. The bedding on the bed was still piled up. Neatly.

His face didn't look good. It was hot in the summer. Even though the air conditioner was turned off, he was still cold and wrapped himself in a quilt. He got out of bed and patted Feng Yao's face gently.

"Brother, it's time to get up and pee."

Feng Yao didn't even open his eyes before he turned over and rolled under the bed. He held a gilt dagger in one hand and a yellow talisman folded into a triangle in the other hand.

Feng Yao looked around warily and saw Wen Yan pointing out the window speechlessly.

"It's already dawn."

Feng Yao touched in his arms and found some ashes. This meant that he was corroded by evil things last night, and he was a very strong guy. He would only change if he was corroded without direct contact with him. Now, he was unscathed, but the amulet he prepared turned into ashes in his arms.

Feng Yao looked at Wen Yan and fell silent.

He knew that the series of preparations he had made had no effect, and he still fell asleep. The amulet was activated, and he was still alive now. It must be because of Wen Yan.

And the situation here may be more troublesome than expected.

"Thank you very much."

"You're welcome. Just reimburse me for the equipment when the time comes."

Wen Yan took out the vest given by the curator. Most of the old banknotes sewn into the lining were broken into pieces.

"Don't worry, we will reimburse you normally."

"That's alright. Let me talk about the information I collected first."

"Don't worry, are you okay?"

"It's okay. Apart from feeling cold, it's okay."

"Then let me confirm the situation of others first."

Feng Yao contacted the logistics outside and confirmed that the people who entered the inpatient department together last night were all fine, and just like him, they fell asleep immediately when they arrived at 10:30.

After confirming that no one had died in the inpatient department after turning off the lights last night, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, Wen Yan told Feng Yao what happened last night in detail.

Feng Yao listened and recorded it again and again.

After a while, Feng Yao looked at the record and frowned.

"It's a bit troublesome, it's very different from expectations.

First, the realm is definitely not a realm that only appears three days a year, nor is it a realm at a fixed location. It may appear in other ways and in other places. Otherwise, there is no way to explain that new victims were dragged into the realm a few months ago. inside.

Second, the soul will not be taken away only if you die in the realm. You may die outside in an unexpected way and be brought into the realm after death.

Third, the director absolutely needs to abide by the rules in the field, for example, no loud noises. "

Feng Yao looked at the record and quickly made a summary.

Wen Yan thought for a moment and added.

"You said, when the guy found us, he only stayed for about ten minutes in total, and left without trying anything else. In fact, if she persisted for another ten minutes, I might not be able to hold on anymore.

The look in her eyes made her want to chew me alive. She couldn't have let it go on purpose, right?

And she patrols here every day. Is it possible that, not because she thinks about it, but that there is a rule for her that she must patrol the entire inpatient building every day to ensure quality and quantity? "

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