I am your natural enemy

Chapter 125 Unpopular, peerless genius (5k)

Wen Yan looked at Goswell and said to himself, fortunately, there was a senior who had tried it. Otherwise, even if he could set up a stage with temporary abilities, he would not be able to fart in three strokes, and he would not be able to break Goswell's heart. Defend.

Wen Yan probably also understood why Lao Cai had always been particularly sad when the Soul-Eating Beast came before, but this time, he was particularly decisive in doing things and just followed the steps. There was no such thing as being overwhelmed by the invincible entries. Feeling angry.

After thinking about it carefully, Lao Cai was always worried about the civilians in the city, and it seemed that he really didn't spend too much energy on the Demon King of Pain himself.

This is the difference between Lieyang Department and Three Mountains and Five Mountains.

Lao Cai, the minister, has to keep it to himself. He would rather go through some trouble than put millions of civilians at risk.

But without ordinary people around, it won't cause a lot of casualties, and other people can let go.

With the way the eighth master uncle took action, a whole street was almost destroyed. The glass on both sides of the road was all broken, the rolling shutters were twisted, and all kinds of things, except the main body of the building, could not be found properly placed there. .

If there were still people here, I'm afraid that if the Eighth Master's uncle took action twice, one hundred and eighty ordinary people would have been affected and died first.

We also invited a deity to come. How could we dare to do this kind of large-scale freezing in a crowded place?

Even if the power exerted by this Heavenly Lord seems to have no effect on ordinary people, but is beneficial, it is not something ordinary people can bear.

Wen Yan looked at the lifeless and lifeless Goswell, and enthusiastically reached out his hand to try to pull him up.

The next moment, the frozen ice spikes on Goswell's body gradually melted and dissipated. Goswell was pulled up by Wen Yan and looked around blankly.

"Will, congratulations, you finally realized it, you evolved!"

With that said, he pulled Goswell and came to the seventh master's uncle.

"Uncle Seventh Master, could you please introduce him to me? He will thank Tianzun in person."

The uncle of the Seventh Master looked at the blank-eyed Goswell and was a little confused. What is going on?

Why does this Demon King of Pain feel a little stupid?

"This Heavenly Lord is Northern Xuan Shang Yuchen Heavenly Lord. Next to him is the Goddess of Disaster. You must know her."

Wen Yan pulled Goswell and gently kicked him in the leg.

"Why don't you hurry up and thank Tianzun for personally enlightening you? You are a great blessing."

Coswell was still confused. Guided by Wen Yan, he thanked Tianzun in a daze and thanked Tianzun for his enlightenment.

Although he actually still didn't quite understand it and was still in a dazed state, he understood that no matter in terms of strength or character, the kowtow he gave to this Heavenly Lord was not too much.

Even when he was at his strongest, this was the big daddy who could defeat him functionally and crush him with divine power.

Now that most of his personality has been sealed, some of it is still left for him. If he is given just a little bit more by Wen Yan, he vaguely seems to have realized something.

After all, he didn't think that this Heavenly Lord was incapable of completely sealing his personality.

Then, this must be enlightening him, but he can't understand it yet.

After Goswell knelt down and worshiped, the image of the Heavenly Lord in the sky began to turn into a stream of light and soared into the sky.

The goddess of relief followed Tianzun. Before leaving, she looked at Wen Yan and showed a very bright and bright smile.

Wen Yan waved goodbye, feeling a little sad in his heart, and didn't know whether to be happy or regretful.

That was no longer Wang Xueqi, she had lost her self-awareness, but she was still as bright as before, and even her smile when facing him was the same as before.

"Thank you……"

Watching the goddess of disaster relief turn into a stream of light and soar into the sky.

Everything around him seemed to be in an illusion, returning to its original state. The heavy rain in summer turned into the drizzle of spring, rising with mist, filling the place with a soft and misty feeling.

Wen Yan quickly took out the umbrella from the car and held it up for his seventh master uncle.

The uncle of the Seventh Master shook his head and pushed away the umbrella.

"It's okay. This rain is not something anyone can get wet on. It has been many years since the Heavenly Lord's Dharma has descended."

The uncle of the Seventh Master was soaked in the rain, and some of the ailments in his body that naturally appeared due to old age flowed out of the body like melting ice, accompanied by the drizzle.

His complexion has obviously improved a lot, and the age spots on his skin have diminished a lot.

On the side, Goswell was soaked in the rain, feeling the painful power in his body. He was also being gently taken away by these seemingly ordinary drizzles. He did not stop him, but seemed to have truly begun to understand.

In the past, this situation would have made him feel painful, but now, there was nothing but an indescribable sense of relief.

It's like ascending to heaven.

He had never felt this kind of relaxation and comfort, and he began to understand, as Wen Yan said, that pain also needs contrast and foil.

If he felt pain again at this moment, it would be more profound than what he had felt in countless years before, and he would never forget it.

They were feeling comfortable here, while the vigorous and fierce uncle of the Eighth Master beside them was already lying on the ground weakly.

"If you don't want to hold an umbrella, give it to me..." The eighth master's uncle snorted.

Only then did Wen Yan react and quickly gave the umbrella to his eighth master uncle.

He had subconsciously ignored it just now. After all, with the physique of his eighth master uncle, running naked in Antarctica would probably not feel like anything special.

He supported his uncle of the eighth master with one hand and held an umbrella with the other. He helped him to the roadside, kicked open the almost broken rolling shutter door of a shop, and helped his uncle of the eighth master to shelter from the rain inside.

The eighth master's uncle leaned on the chair, as if his whole body had softened.

"Uncle of the Eighth Master, you old man..."

"What's wrong with me? When I faced the Heavenly Master, I could still hold on without falling down. If you tell me, my waist is ten times stiffer than others!"

The eighth master's uncle showed off very proudly.

Seeing that Wen Yan didn't seem to understand, the eighth master's uncle felt that there was no point in showing off, and he suddenly turned into that weak and depressed look again.

"Zombies are not natural creatures in the world, but are existences caught in the cracks of various rules, taking advantage of loopholes, and are neither alive nor dead.

The gods represent the natural order of heaven and earth, and naturally they don’t like us zombies.

The reason why I was not caught up by Tianzun's large-scale freezing power was because I was admitted to Fuyu Temple as a Taoist.

The same goes for Heavenly Master. As for why it was so big, he almost took care of me too.

I haven't offended him. "

The eighth master's uncle complained a little, but he didn't blame Wen Yan.

He felt that even if Wen Yan had the divine talisman given by the Goddess Jiehe, even if Wen Yan still had the Fierce Sun, even if he had the blessing of a Fierce Sun Jade, even if Wen Yan had a good relationship with the Goddess Jiehe...

Anyway, if you put all the things together, you will definitely not be able to invite an incarnation of Taiyi to save suffering.

That must be the result of the Heavenly Master exerting his strength and personally setting up the forum to do it.

Now besides the Heavenly Master, is there anyone else who can do this?

Wen Yan nodded repeatedly beside him. Anyway, he didn't think he was that powerful. He was just a tool today, just coming to take advantage of the situation. The real force was the old Heavenly Master who didn't come to the scene at all.

He settled his eighth master uncle and rushed out to soak in the rain. His seventh master uncle had already said that this rare benefit should not be wasted.

"Uncle Seventh Master, after collecting this rain, is it still useful?"

The uncle of the seventh master glanced sideways at Wen Yan and sighed.

"What good things are you thinking about? Just for a moment."

"It's a pity that no one else can get in." Wen Yan felt a little regretful.

The drizzle only lasted for less than ten minutes, and then the sky cleared up.

Goswell himself was sitting by the roadside, like a college student who had just entered society and been severely beaten by society. His outlook was severely subverted, with a trance-like feeling in his eyes that said, "I've realized it."

The streets were in chaos, and there were corpses of big and small devils lying everywhere, but Goswell didn't care at all.

The uncle of the Seventh Master came to Wen Yan with a trace of concern and expectation in his eyes.

"how are you feeling?"

"It feels good."

"Is there a feeling where your spiritual sense becomes stronger, and when you close your eyes, you seem to have another perspective, and you can see everything around you?"

Wen Yan closed his eyes, tried it, and shook his head.


"Did you feel anything else? Power other than Yang Qi?"

Wen Yan felt it carefully.

It was as if he felt nothing but the power of pain.

He also knew that the seventh master's uncle was definitely not talking about the power of pain.


The uncle of the Seventh Master was a little regretful and a little confused.

"How could it be possible? How could it be possible..."

"Uncle Seventh Master, maybe I really don't have the talent to practice Taoism. I think martial arts training is very good. As the saying goes, there are three thousand roads, different paths lead to the same destination. There is no need to force it. It is not good to force it, don't you think?"

"Supreme Heavenly Lord." The uncle of the Seventh Master muttered, and suddenly felt that he was a little stubborn, and he might as well think clearly as a junior.

Some things really cannot be forced.

This time, with the help of the Celestial Master's magic sword and the contemporary Celestial Master's personal practice, Wen Yan came to be the tool, but no benefit was gained. He built the foundation of the spiritual platform and started the path of cultivation.

Then you really don’t have to think about it anymore.

Since Wen Yan really likes to practice martial arts and has a good talent in martial arts, he might as well concentrate on practicing martial arts.

On the edge of the cliff in the sea of ​​clouds, the old Heavenly Master stood on the altar, his expression always calm and indifferent, with a hint of shock that could not be concealed.

"Supreme Lord."

What kind of luck did Buyeosan have?

Could it be that it has been in decline for many years, accumulated enough luck, and suddenly exploded?

Is there really such a genius?

Born with an innate Taoist body, and with the blessing, can even the Heavenly Lord be invited?

Master Tian wanted to take the opportunity to make some calculations, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

When he cast a spell here, his original intention was just to randomly invite a small incarnation of Taiyi to save Ku Tianzun.

He didn't expect that it would end up being so big, and the big boss he hired would be several levels higher.

Even if he wants to invite the dharma image of the deity alone, he must fast and bathe, calm down, and meditate for three days. When his mind is free of distracting thoughts and his body is dust-free, he can then use the highest standard of dharma altar to invite the ancestor's dharma artifact. .

Then go to the ashram, chant sutras and blessings, and go through the complete process before it is possible to invite a deity to come down.

After all, he is also made of flesh and blood and eats whole grains.

Only those with an innate Taoist body that is not tainted with flesh and blood, has not eaten any grains and grains these past few days, and does not have any foul smell from vegetation, can the procedure of the intervening days be omitted.

Directly borrow his power, plus the power of the heaven-given treasure, to reach heaven. If possible, please invite the next heavenly dharma minister.

The old Heavenly Master is a little regretful. If such a genius enters his Heavenly Master's Mansion, if nothing unexpected happens, he will be the next Heavenly Master.

It's a pity that Buyeosan was lucky.

It's right to think about it. After all, Mount Fuyu is one of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains. It can be regarded as one of the Taoist courts and has the qualification to confer urns on its own.

It has been declining for so many years, and it has been going downhill from generation to generation. If it continues for another twenty years, after all the older generations have become immortals, it will probably completely decline.

Even in the midst of the decline of Mount Fuyu, it has been accumulating merit and keeping true to its original intention. Now it is indeed time to reach the stage of peace and prosperity.

I can’t envy you.

After thinking about it, Master Tian felt that it was better to let nature take its course.

In this case, other people will probably think that it was him who exerted his efforts to invite the Dharma Appearance of the Heavenly Lord.

He could stand this, but a young junior couldn't.

If it spreads, there is a high probability that it will not be a good thing, and 80% of it will be dangerous.

But not everyone hopes that the Taoist sect will have another heavenly master.

He wasn't going to say anything anymore, so he took it as acquiescence and blocked the way for the Taoist genius first.

The old Heavenly Master sat on the edge of the cliff with a smile on his face, looking at the calm sea of ​​clouds, and said to himself, it is not without benefits.

At least, he can feel a lot more relaxed for a long time to come.

Sure enough, there is no point in reasoning. Big fists are the only truth.

This truth is something that all living beings can understand.

The old Heavenly Master's face remained as usual and he did not feel tired at all. He continued to meditate on the edge of the cliff for a while, then stood up and left.

After the Heavenly Master left, the sea of ​​clouds under the cliff was still rolling and relaxing, extremely calm.

In another house owned by Wu Tingsheng, Pei Tugou's family, plus the little zombie and the sparrow cat, all live here temporarily.

The little kid was lying on the bed, his eyes were spotless and extremely bright. He was smiling and waving his chubby little hands.

The radiance that ordinary people couldn't see flowed between his hands. He seemed to be playing with some special toy, giggling and being extremely happy.

Jia Jinfeng came over to change the diaper, and after cleaning it carefully, he looked at the little guy. He didn't cry or fuss even after peeing, and he was still laughing. Jia Jinfeng was a little bit dumbfounded.

This little guy is really easy to take care of.

"Good boy, are you hungry?"

The little guy waved his hands, and the light rolling back and forth in his palms fell on Jia Jinfeng after being picked up.

Jia Jinfeng was slightly startled. She felt inexplicably that her waist, which had always been uncomfortable, seemed to have suddenly recovered. When she straightened her waist, she no longer felt sore and swollen.

She changed the little kid's diaper, then bent down and straightened up and tried it several times. It seemed that she really didn't feel any discomfort anymore.

After coming out, she looked at her daughter who was alone in a room with a solemn expression and was concentrating on her studies. She thought about it and her brows widened.

Maybe it was because my daughter suddenly became cruel and actually started studying. She felt that her blood pressure was no longer high.

Looking at the owl and the little zombie outside, Jia Jinfeng thought for a while and maybe he suddenly looked away.

The world is so dangerous, there is no need to embarrass yourself too much.

A ball of radiance that she could not see slowly integrated into her body. The pain on her body began to gradually improve, and the pressure and negative emotions in her heart began to gradually disappear.

When it was time to eat, a group of people ate together. Jia Jinfeng took good care of the little zombies and sparrow cats as if they were taking care of children.

The little kid was babbling and didn't know what to say. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he started to cry.

After being carried out, the little kid stretched out his hand and waved at Xiao Wu.

In the end, I had no choice, so I asked Xiao Wu to give him a hug. The little kid hugged Xiao Wu's neck, and his grinning mouth never closed.

When Xiao Wu went to the studio, the little kid still waved his hands to go.

Jia Jinfeng, who was familiar with the process, put it in a stroller and pushed it to Xiao Wu's studio. Then, the little guy became quiet and stared at it with wide eyes. He stopped crying, fussing and babbling.

Xiao Wu is missing his soul, but he is also inexplicably able to communicate with the little brat. He speaks words that others cannot understand very seriously.

"No, Uncle Wen said, you are still young, you can only eat milk and nothing else."

The little guy didn't cry or make a fuss, he just watched here anyway, because not every painting by Xiao Wu can have a soul.

Finally, the little guy was so sleepy that he fell into a deep sleep and was taken away.

Decheng, the large force of Lieyang tribe, began to enter.

Goswell was not taken away, but followed Wen Yan and watched all the way.

Cai Qidong is a thief, but he just heard Wen Yan say that if he really killed Goswell, it would be equivalent to sending him back to his hometown. If someone summons him again next time, he can still summon him.

Coupled with the fact that most of Goswell's status has been sealed, he can basically only be regarded as a special pain devil, Cai Qidong completely gave up on tough methods.

After Wen Yan briefly talked about the current situation and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Goswell's language and that he might still need to learn to read, Cai Qidong immediately arranged for someone to send some books with pinyin annotations.

And they are all fairy tales, not stories about mortals who experienced disasters in the world and eventually became immortals.

In order to survive the calamity, all kinds of gods descended to earth and came to the human world to experience the suffering of the human world firsthand.

The stories are relatively simple and have little depth, which is just right for today's Goswell.

Sure enough, after Goswell read the two stories for a while, he found Wen Yan with a serious expression.

"Are these all true?"

"Whether the story is true or not, it doesn't matter, but you have to understand the core of it. You see, for example, this guy has a status similar to that of the big boss who came before. He has come to the human world many times and experienced tribulations.

Then the Jade Emperor in the Heavenly Court God System also experienced 13200 calamities before he became the Jade Emperor. "

"How much?" Goswell was a little shocked.

"One hundred and thirty-two hundred kalpas. If you don't believe it, go check the information yourself later. Where are you now?"

Goswell's mentality has completely calmed down. Indeed, this is nothing to him. This is only a disaster for him at most. The gap is so big that he can no longer think of anything else.

Wen Yan was right. He had already arrived in the paradise of pain. In fact, he didn't need to do anything. His long-cherished wish had been completely achieved, and there was no need to add anything indiscriminately.

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