I am your natural enemy

Chapter 134 Underworld, Xinhe (5k)

"My uncle, it's already noon today and you haven't rested yet."

"How is Lao Xi?" Prince Zhu asked, expressing concern.

"Old Xi's spirit has entered his body, and nothing will happen to him anymore. He will just need to cultivate for a while and he will be fine."

Wen Yan looked at the video call. The old man on the phone looked a little fierce, but he was still trying to look kind and kind. Some screams and wails could still be faintly heard.

Prince Zhu raised his head and glanced, and the screams and wails all disappeared.

Prince Zhu nodded repeatedly with a smile on his face.

"As long as you're okay, I've asked someone to send you something. You can collect it when the time comes."

"Okay, I heard that the prince's birthday is coming soon. I didn't ask for the date clearly. I want to celebrate the prince's birthday, but I don't know the time and place. I'm going to do another case here to see if I can win one. If you have the opportunity, go to the warehouse of the Lieyang Department and choose a suitable gift for the prince."

After hearing this, Prince Zhu's smile wrinkled, and he shook his head repeatedly.

"No, it's just my birthday. It's been so many years, how can I celebrate it every year?

It’s not like a living person. Each passing year becomes less valuable and each passing year becomes more precious.

No, no, no, just listen to the people below making nonsense.

With my identity, I can't be too high-profile, it's inappropriate. "

"If you don't tell me, then I'll ask myself."

"Next month, it's early."

Prince Zhu just wanted to give him some face, so Wen Yan gave him some face.

Even if he called now, Wen Yan would never mention what happened before, which made Prince Zhu feel that he had to settle the matter even more, otherwise he would feel uncomfortable.

"Today, I'm calling you just to talk about something.

The people on the list are all living people, and it’s not easy for me to take action.

What I heard here is probably like this.

In recent years, transportation has become more and more developed, and more and more people have died in a foreign land with regrets.

Some people turn into ghosts after they die.

But as for prosthetic bodies, demand exceeds supply.

Some people still have some ghosts, and they start to have crooked thoughts.

These guys who have been stabbed a thousand times not only kill people's ideas, but also make money from living people.

The shopkeeper was obsessed with lard. He felt uncomfortable when he saw that he could easily earn money but couldn't.

After two cups of horse piss, I became bolder.

The prosthetics and documents that used to have to be verified are no longer verified.

This time he was even more bold. He dared to accept the living souls who had left their bodies and sold them directly.

Many of the previous prosthetic bodies still don’t know where they came from.

These dogs are really unruly, and living people are even more unruly.

They have to be sent to the Jinyiwei Prison to enjoy themselves. "

Having said this, Prince Zhu paused, put away the fierce look on his face, and then started talking about the Kingdom of Shadows, which Wen Yan must be more concerned about.

"As for the person who sent Lao Xi here this time, he borrowed the ghost kingdom, and in the ghost kingdom, he knocked on the door of the Rakshasa ghost market.

I went to see the Kingdom of Shadows. It should be a naturally formed Kingdom of Shadows. I don’t know how they discovered it.

It was completely deserted, with no weeds at all, and no large numbers of ghosts.

I guess it wasn't long after I discovered it, and it was discovered before I even did anything.

It's not convenient for me to check things involving living people.

None of my people know how to speak to a living person.

It’s up to you to see what happens next. I’ll send you more details. "

"Okay, now that I've got you, Prince Zhu, I'll go to Guanzhong County to eat at a big restaurant next month. Don't feel bad then."

"Ha, come on, come on, make sure you eat and have fun. Let me know in advance when you come, I will send someone to pick you up."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yancha looked at the list and shook his head.

In this list, almost all of them are living people.

The few Ah Piao were also special characters from the Lieyang tribe, and Prince Zhu did not touch them.

Looking at the confession sent by Prince Zhu later, the straight calligraphy in small regular script made me feel comfortable.

After taking a rough look, I realized that this matter has become an industrial chain.

Although it was an industrial chain before, it was in a gray area. It was the product of the Lieyang Department's compromise based on the accelerated spiritual energy recovery over the years and the actual situation, and was not allowed.

Now this has become a serious black product. What if the prosthetic body is not enough?

Try to find a way to create it. The prosthetic bodies produced in the dark industry are inferior to the prosthetic bodies produced through formal procedures in every aspect. They may become useless after a day or two.

But one or two days may be enough for many Ah Piao who need prosthetic bodies to get things done.

As long as they can get things done, they don't care whether it takes one or two days or six or seven days.

Wen Yan imported the list of names in the picture into Lieyangbu's mobile phone, and after limiting the search scope, a lot of information soon appeared.

After excluding those with the same name at first glance and limiting the scope of the other party's activities, he soon matched up with him one by one based only on his age and name.

Looking at the things in the information, Wen Yan probably understood why these guys could do these things without being discovered.

These guys are all residents at the junction of Nanwu County and Luoyue County. Their registered residence is in Luoyue County, but they have always been active in Nanwu County.

During the poverty alleviation campaign two years ago, the village there was still a poor village with a large number of poor people.

Later, efforts were made in many aspects to open up channels, and with the construction of roads leading to the village, fruit tree planting was developed there. The fruits that were planted began to be put on the market one after another just as heating began in the north, and they could be sold at once. During the Chinese New Year.

From roads to transportation to sales channels, everything has been opened up. In addition, live streaming is now popular for selling goods. In the past two years, the place has been revitalized.

These people on the list also built mountains in that area, planted fruits, and hired people to take care of them.

I have made a fortune in the past two years. It just so happens that many people around me have made money growing fruit trees, and no one thinks much about it.

Who would have thought that instead of making money by planting fruit trees, they make money by selling corpses. After making money, they become more and more greedy and bold. If they don't have enough prosthetic bodies, they create their own.

Sometimes, they even sell directly to Ah Piao, skipping the middleman. This has led to several so-called corpse fraud incidents. This time, someone who was willing to spend money found Zhang Laoxi through channels.

And Zhang Laoxi had just been told by his elders that since he has done something, he should do it well. If he accepts money from others but does not do it well, it will be a disgrace to Fuyu Mountain.

Originally, it was just to stop Zhang Laoxi from rushing to Yuzhou to pay respects to his elders. This kind of thing was meaningless, just saying "stop working" or something like that.

Zhang Laoxi took it to heart and really got to the bottom of it, preparing to completely solve the problem of frequent corpse fraud.

It was a visit to see the feng shui of the ancestral tombs, and a search to find out the root cause, especially since Zhang Laoxi really had two brushes.

This frightened those guys who had ulterior motives, and finally they leaked some information and led Zhang Laoxi to the Mountain God Earth Temple, and what happened next.

No wonder I saw Zhang Laoxi going out late and returning early every day in those days. It turned out that he was all focused on this matter.

Wen Yan sent the list to Feng Yao. He did not need to take action in the subsequent arrests, nor did he need to take care of the subsequent processing. There were many people in the Lieyang Department who could do this kind of work.

He must give others a chance to earn bonuses.

But when he saw the relevant information of one of them, he was keenly aware that something was wrong.

This guy made money in Nanwu County. After returning to Luoyue County, his biggest expense was not to build a house or decorate it, but to donate it.

Coincidentally, this payee is registered in the Lieyang Department.

It is an account used to raise funds to build temples.

And now all similar things and similar accounts will be automatically marked and filed by the Lieyang Department.

Even building an ancestral hall requires approval and filing, let alone building a temple. This is very sensitive and attracts special attention, and the approval procedures are complicated.

Now it's not like before, where the village raised funds to build a land temple and just did it on its own.

It is really possible that something else will appear in the current temple.

The so-called temples that have not been approved are all small earthen temples, covering an area of ​​one or two square meters, and the entire temple may even be only one meter high.

Under such circumstances, even if a water god from the Xijiang River system appeared, it would be just an ordinary small wild priest, useless.

If you want to go further, you must have a serious temple. This step is blocked by the Lieyang Department.

And right now, the money in this account is for building a Dragon King Temple.

Originally, the Dragon King Temple was quite common in the area covered by the Xijiang River system. It was even found everywhere in places with lots of water throughout China.

But this has never been approved because in the Xijiang water system, there is now a real dragon god who has revived.

Moreover, this Dragon God seems to be not very honest. Naturally, the approval of all new Dragon King Temples within the entire Xijiang River System must be very cautious, and it is impossible to pass it easily.

Before, I never said yes or no, I just put it off.

Because things in the water system have always been troublesome, the Lieyang Department didn't want to make things look awkward.

Who doesn't know how to play football? If you ask, you are in the process of approval. If you ask again, the wind direction has changed. If you ask again, there are too many people submitting for approval. In order to ensure the healthy and sustainable development of the entire Xijiang water system, all water gods must be sorted and recorded first, and then Scientific and reasonable planning and so on...

Anyway, everything is reasonable and compliant, and everything is done for the sake of safety. The Xijiang water system is too complicated. If we don’t understand it clearly and do it rashly, it will affect the stability.

The Lieyang tribe in Nanwu County tried to find someone who could withstand Qin Kun's punch and still stand, but they probably couldn't find many.

But if you want to find someone who can make it look like he's working hard on this matter and can reasonably drag someone along for more than ten years, then I'd probably be conservative.

Therefore, it is obvious that this related application has been delayed.

Wen Yan checked carefully and found that he had underestimated the strength of these people, because in theory, this approval has not yet entered the stage where the Lieyang Department needs to see the documents for approval and filing.

In fact, it's still stuck in other departments...

The land management department needs to be approved for the land, and because it is on the river, the dam is repaired every year, and the water conservancy management department can also intervene.

Well, it is currently stuck with the water conservancy management department. The reason is planning issues and dam issues.

Then, the amazing thing is that the propaganda department was quarreling with the water conservancy department because of this matter. It seemed very lively. The two sides had already quarreled so much that they no longer paid attention to the matter itself and got involved in other things.

Wen Yan looked at the information and couldn't help but sigh, what a master.

Looking at their level, even if you want to shift the blame to the Lieyang Department, it won't work, because the Lieyang Department has not intervened at all.

Even all the people handling it may not know the inside story.

Wen Yan thought for a while and called Feng Yao.

Feng Yao answered the phone and said.

"Everyone on the list has been arrested and their positions have been basically locked. There is only one person who seems to have heard some rumors and has escaped from Nanwu County. His colleagues over there have already held him down and will escort him back tomorrow. .”

Wen Yan thought for a while, made a blind guess, took a screenshot of the list, and sent it to Feng Yao.

"Did you see my screenshot? Did I circle this person?"

"Hey, how did you know?"

"Look at his consumption records yourself. For the largest purchase, this guy was cautious and used cash. Unfortunately, he did not have specific records, but there must be a clear record of the source of funds in the collection account. He estimates You don’t even know this.”

Feng Yao didn't speak. After looking at the record, his voice became a little weird.

"You mean, you have something to do with the guy in Jiangli?"

"Then I don't know, but I guess, he ran away so quickly, before anyone else got the news, he was the only one who got the news. Where did he hear it? It's probably Ah Piao."

"That man in Jiangli is not so low-down that he relies on people to engage in illegal activities to make money and donate money to build a temple for him."

"That's probably not the case. I think this person probably knows something and is ready to spend some money to buy a name.

In addition, I looked at the collection status of that account, and I guess I donated money cruelly just to compare with others.

After you catch the person, check carefully to see where he got the information.

However, note this down in advance to give other colleagues a reason to reject the application later.

Suspected of money laundering, ready-made reason, how good.

By the way, I have one more thing to ask you. "

"you say."

"Apiao doesn't have any protective measures, right?"

"This is true, but it is true that you are not allowed to kill innocent people at will. If you have harmed others, you will usually kill them on the spot."

"Okay, if you catch A Piao and there is a problem with the actual performance, send it to Prince Zhu. Prince Zhu will interrogate the arrested person in person. Let's give him some face and reciprocate."

"That's not a problem."

"Are there any demons involved in this matter?"

"It hasn't been found yet."

"Okay, so be it."

Wen Yan didn't care too much. Whether it was arresting people or interrogating them, it was not his job.

He came to the basement, tidied it up, and put away the few things Zhang Laoxina had brought.

These things are equivalent to a stable key that can open the window to Buyeo Mountain.

He took out the box and packed it in the same way. In the future, there may be more special keys. To make it easier to remember, he wrote the name of each item.

After Wen Yan finished tidying up, he continued to look at the shelves. The window that had been open to the kingdom of ghosts until now had no other reaction. It seemed that he couldn't catch any fish.

He looked back at the flying sword that had been wandering in the basement, feeling a little regretful that he could not catch a glimpse of the flying sword killing enemies.

Moreover, the third master's uncle has been out for a day. In order to prevent unexpected situations, he has to send the third master's uncle back.

After all, the uncle of the third master is the contemporary guardian of Mount Fuyu. He cannot go down the mountain casually. This time, he is an exception even if he comes out for a day.

That is to say, the uncle of the Third Master was a flying sword master and was very tolerant. In the early stage, he had to stay in the mountains for 20 to 30 years to cultivate his sword, so that he was just right for this position.

Anyone else would have been unable to hold it in any longer.

Wen Yan took down the dog-gnawed wooden sword on the shelf, and the window disappeared and was put up again. The window that appeared this time became a ward. On the hospital bed, Zhang Laoxi lost a lot of weight and was still hanging. water.

This is considered a serious illness.

However, the uncle of the Third Master said that Zhang Laoxi forced the Yin Shen to leave his body for seven days. In the end, he did not die. He survived and did not continue to leave his soul. It was also a blessing in disguise. The subsequent Yin Shen cultivation will be much easier than that of ordinary Taoists.

Wen Yan looked at the sleeping Zhang Laoxi, passed through the window, blessed him with a little more yang energy, then came back and closed the window.

Next, he opened the window to Fuyu Mountain and sent his third master uncle back.

Before leaving, the third master's uncle looked at Wen Yan funny and couldn't help but persuade him.

"Don't look at it. You are not suitable for flying swords. You won't be able to bear it if you keep doing it for decades."

"It's okay to have an eye addiction."

The uncle of the third master shook his head. After returning to Fuyu Mountain, his face suddenly became solemn. He made a seal with his hand and pointed it into a sword, pointing forward from a distance.

The next moment, I saw the flying sword that had been swimming slowly, suddenly disappearing in place. The next moment, I saw the sharp sound of swords in the distance, a white line suddenly appeared in the sky, and there was the faint sound of wind and thunder. Rolling in.

Wen Yan's eyes widened and he said to himself, "Good guy, this speed will definitely break the sound barrier in half a second."

He bowed outside the window, feeling satisfied.

"Thank you, uncle of the third master."

After closing the window, Wen Yan finally understood why Feijian was so troublesome, but people still kept taking this path.

At the speed just now, a conservative estimate would take at most five minutes to reach a hundred kilometers away.

He didn't know how long the flying sword could maintain its high speed. He actually had a lot of questions about how to control it if it was out of sight.

In a tributary of the Xijiang River in Luoyue County, an Ah Piao fell into the water and was picked up by a water ghost. He came all the way to the bottom of the river and entered a building that sunk into the river.

Most of this building is submerged in the sand, and a group of water monsters are cleaning up the sand.

It can be vaguely seen that this building was once a temple. The plaque has disappeared, but there is a stone carving left inside.

Guilong Temple.

Ah Piao did not enter the temple, but bowed outside.

"My master sent me to say hello to the Dragon God. Are you interested in becoming the Dragon God of another river?"

An old turtle swam out.

"Which river?"

"A new river, a new river that has never had a water god." A Piao said this with some pride.

The old turtle was a little surprised. Is there still a new river of water gods?

"Who is your master?"

"If the Dragon God agrees, he will naturally know."

But the next moment, the surrounding water surged, turning into a dragon's claw, grabbing the Ah Piao, and crushing his soul with one claw.

"What the hell, you dare to come to my place and pretend to be a ghost? Do you deserve to talk to me like this?"

The old turtle was startled and quickly lowered his head.

There was a sound coming from the Dragon Temple.

"In the future, those who want to take advantage of us but hide their true nature will be killed directly. Don't bring them in front of me to stain my eyes."

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