I am your natural enemy

Chapter 136 Teacher Da Tu, Guilongwang Temple (5k)

Wen Yan listened to the beeping sound on the phone and hung up the phone with satisfaction.

Naturally, the Lieyang Department does not care about the monthly expenses of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. This amount of expenses can even allow Goswell to come to work and carry the banner of the hospice care department, allowing the hospice care of Decheng First Hospital to The ward has received rave reviews.

It can also solve the employment problem of dozens of people in an entire department.

No matter how you look at it, it's all a matter of making money with blood.

In the hospice care department, Wen Yan could tell at a glance that many people were injured and retired, and some were still young.

If they are asked to work outside, it will definitely not go smoothly, and there are not actually that many clerical jobs to choose from in the Lieyang Department.

Moreover, the intensity of some clerical jobs is actually quite high, and these people may not be able to adapt to it.

At this point, everyone knows what's going on, and they also know that they were injured and retired because of the Lieyang Division, so they don't have much trouble with each other.

Let people who have experienced life and death work here, and they can better understand the feelings of dying patients.

In the end, they are all people who have experienced strong winds and waves, and are more or less well-informed, and can get along well with Gauss, a nominal professional.

These guys are really ruthless.

Wen Yan thought it was Gauss who invited everyone in the department to dinner, and it was understandable that they would spend several thousand yuan.

Unexpectedly, in the end, only a few people who had worked together in the past few days went.

They directly took most of Gauss's salary for half a month, and these birdmen were not polite at all.

Wen Yan didn't expect him to repay the money he lent to Gauss, but five thousand in two days, five thousand in two days, he really couldn't bear this kind of spending.

Anyway, now that I have greeted the minister and the minister has agreed, it doesn’t matter.

Continue to go to work, enter the unit, and see the curator sitting on the stone bench downstairs, basking in the sun. After seeing Wen Yan, the curator waved happily.

"Hey, isn't this Wen Yan, the great master of the Lieyang Department? Why are you free to come to our little funeral home today?"

"Director, you're still not happy if I don't come. Do you really wish I could stay here every day and not be able to go anywhere?"

The curator was speechless, really.

He really hoped that Wen Yan wouldn't have to come every day. When the funeral home needed Wen Yan, it would be bad. The money spent on one incident might be enough to pay Wen Yan ten years of salary.

It's better to say goodbye to Wen Yan, everything will be peaceful, dull and boring, and just pay Wen Yan a normal salary every month.

This is a rare consensus among the funeral parlors.

Even the employees hope to see Wen Yan fishing every day, which at least proves that nothing happened today and everything is safe.

When Wen Yan stayed in the unit all day and didn't find a place to practice boxing by himself, then everyone had to be more vigilant.

Before, everyone was watching to see if Lao Zhang drank today.

There are wine bottles on the table in Lao Zhang's small office, which means there is nothing to do today. If not, then everyone has to take it easy.

However, Lao Zhang is not very accurate, but Wen Yan is definitely accurate.

Colleagues at the funeral home felt inexplicably more at ease when they saw Wen Yan sitting in the yard drinking tea and talking nonsense with the director like a bastard, as if he was not doing anything serious.

"Has Pei Tugou gone out?"

"Well, he's out in the field. He's really capable. With the way he works, his monthly salary plus bonuses and performance bonuses will make him at least three times what I do."

"Isn't it good to be capable?"

"Okay, I wish all my employees were so capable, hard-working and down-to-earth. Everyone's income would be several times that of mine, except for you, of course."

Wen Yan rolled his eyes, took out a bag of tea leaves from his bag and handed it to the curator.

"I don't know how to drink tea. Curator, please take it and try it."

"Hey, it's a big investment." The curator was not polite and accepted it directly.

When Wen Yan was about to leave, the curator spoke again.

"You're here just in time. When you leave later, go to the hospital. There is a potential client who needs you to take a look."

"Ah? Director, why did you start competing for business with those people in the funeral parlor?" Wen Yan was shocked.

“No, there is someone in the hospital who is brain dead, actually dead.

Now I just rely on instruments to maintain my physical condition.

He signed a body donation agreement before his death and was willing to donate his body.

And his family has now decided to let him go, today.

According to the regulations, donations can be made if appropriate.

And his own written wish was that he was good at being a teacher during his lifetime, but his skills were too poor and he easily got angry, so he did not mislead others.

If possible, he would like to be a general teacher after his death. At least his level will definitely be much better than when he was alive.

Therefore, someone has to check this, and if appropriate, his wish will naturally be fulfilled.

If it's not suitable, you have to bring it to us.

If you are free, I won't look for anyone else. "

"It's almost noon, is it too late?"

"Don't worry, the weather is starting to get cooler now. The auspicious time chosen by his family is 2:30 in the afternoon. Just remember this and go there."

"Okay, I understand, but don't expect me to see anything. With my half-assed skills, I really can't do anything about it."

"Just go watch and come forward on behalf of our funeral home."

Wen Yan agreed to this and continued to be a gangster in the work unit.

I went to the body processing department and gave Sister Ye a set of skin care cosmetics.

Sister Ye would give him things every now and then, but he never gave him a gift in return. I went to Yuzhou a few days ago and specifically asked the young people from the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou. The one they recommended was said to be for people who don't usually wear makeup. , you will definitely like it.

Sure enough, Sister Ye likes it very much. She said that this product has been very popular abroad recently and cannot be bought in China. She always brings the goods back from Hong Kong City and it is very effective in skin care.

After chatting for a while, I put two bottles of wine for Lao Zhang and gave them to other colleagues. When they saw him, they gave him some suitable small gifts.

He was very comfortable being a gangster. He never clocked in and was always full-time.

After a long time, it was time to get off work, Wen Yan was numb and moist, and it was afternoon.

He arrived at the hospital just after two o'clock.

I went to see Zhang Laoxi. Zhang Laoxi took the Nourishing Yin and Nourishing Soul Pills, and his spirits really started to improve. Coupled with Wen Yan’s blessing of Lieyang, apart from looking a bit thinner, everything else was fine. .

Hearing that Wen Yan was here to participate in body donation, he wanted to come with him.

It was approaching two-thirty, and there were already many people inside and outside the ward.

Zhang Laoxi was wearing a hospital gown and followed Wen Yan into the ward. The patients in the ward looked to be forty years old at most. Considering that the patient had been lying here for a year and looked obviously older than his actual age, he probably was. Just thirty years old.

After Wen Yan came in and identified himself, he heard that the patient had been able to breathe on his own before.

But yesterday, I suddenly couldn't breathe on my own. I was put on a ventilator, and now I'm just being dragged by the machine.

The family struggled all night and finally made the decision not to continue struggling.

Wen Yan looked at it and didn't notice anything strange. Zhang Laoxi also looked at it and confirmed that the man's soul was long gone.

Gauss, who had just gone to work, sensed Wen Yan when passing by and came to join in the fun. He also confirmed that the man could no longer feel pain and was dead.

After confirming that there is nothing wrong with your body, start the next thing.

Signing, extubation, bowing, bidding farewell, the body is taken away. According to the deceased's wishes during his lifetime, his body will be sent to the medical school to be an anatomy teacher.

And his physical condition is indeed very suitable. He is not fat and has little fat. As for how to deal with it later and which aspect is suitable, it depends on the actual situation.

Everything went well, except for the family members crying next to them.

Wen Yan quietly acted as a silent staff member and watched the whole process.

He didn't even know where the body would be sent, and it was certainly impossible for the family to know.

After a day's work, Wen Yan returned home and ordered a meal, while waving the finger bone wand given by Gauss to clean the house.

After dinner, I practiced boxing in the backyard. At midnight, the door of Lao Zhao's house opened again.

Wen Yan saw a thin, weirdly twisted, almost transparent Ah Piao walking out of it.

There is a transparent chain hanging around his neck, and the second half of the chain has been disconnected.

As soon as he stepped out, he was on the verge of completely dissipating.

Wen Yan just glanced at it and fell silent.

"I knew it! What the curator asked me to do, if nothing unexpected happens, there will definitely be an accident!"

Ah Piao was in pieces, but Wen Yan could still recognize that somewhat broken face at a glance. It was the body donor who had just been sent away during the day.

He could even see that the reason why this Ah Piao was so broken but not dissipated was all due to the transparent chain around his neck that had been integrated with his soul.

He walked forward quickly, restraining the yang energy in his body. When he got closer, he slowed down again, for fear that the wind would blow away the man.

He slowly stretched out a finger and gently tapped the other person's head, and a little bit of yang energy was blessed.

Ah Piao, who was almost dissipated by the little bit of yang energy he carried when he approached, immediately stabilized herself again.

Ah Piao stood there blankly. After several minutes, a little brilliance gathered in her blank eyes.

He stared at Wen Yan blankly, and when he spoke, there was no sound.

"Who did he say you were?"

Lao Zhao came over and translated for A Piao, who was so weak that he had no voice.

"I am the staff member who will handle body donation for you today."

Hearing this, A Piao smiled.

"Are you going to be a physical education teacher?"

"If nothing else, it should be yes, but I'm not sure what kind it will be."

"It doesn't matter, anything is fine, as long as it can be used."

"How did you die before, do you remember?"

"Can not remember."

"Then how did your soul become broken like this? Do you still remember?"

"I went to do errands for my master, and my soul was crushed."


Ah Piao stood there blankly, thinking for a minute before saying.

"Gui Dragon King Temple."

Wen Yan frowned slightly, "Gui Dragon King Temple?" Which gui? ghost? expensive?

He wanted to ask more details, but Ah Piao didn't remember it anymore, so he could only ask other questions.

"Then what happened to the broken chain around your neck?"

"This is the rein given to me by my master. I have to go back..."

Wen Yan took out Lieyangbu's cell phone and took a photo. Although it was almost transparent, something could still be seen in general.

This Ah Piao took two steps and began to gradually dissipate. Before completely dissipating, he seemed to remember something, turned around and said something silently, and finally smiled, completely dissipating.

"What did he say last?"

Lao Zhao thought about it for a while.

"I don't understand. It seems to mean that if he becomes a teacher, he will leave a bad egg to the students. He has two bad grades."


"I don't understand, that's probably what he said."

Wen Yan couldn't help it and laughed. This life must have been very interesting.

His soul was so shattered that he couldn't even remember how he died, but he could still remember what happened to his teacher. The only thing he remembered at the last moment was that he had two appendices.

Thinking about it carefully, Wen Yan thought it was quite cool. If any students discovered this easter egg, they would definitely wonder if they had made a mistake and fell into a stage of doubting life.

When I first started studying medicine, I was taught a lesson.

This incident will definitely be remembered by the student for a lifetime.

Wen Yan remembered that when he was in school, he had heard someone say that there was an anatomy teacher in the medical school next door who was very cool. His skin was gone, but he still had manicures. The manicures were very beautiful and impressive.

Wen Yan only heard about it, but he has never forgotten it.

He believed that if this person became a physical education teacher, many, many students would definitely remember this physical education teacher, the physical education teacher with two appendices.

Thinking about it again, maybe those students will learn the content in that class once and never forget it again.

This Ah Piao's wish will indeed come true. Even among the general teachers, he is definitely the best one.

Lao Zhao seemed to be smiling happily when he saw Wen Yan, and he didn't understand.

"What did Ah Piao mean? Is it funny?"

"No, I'm happy for him."

"He's gone, are you still happy?"

"You don't understand. His last wish was over-fulfilled. Even after it has dissipated, he still has to be happy about it."

Lao Zhao didn't understand, but Wen Yan had already turned around and left.

After returning home, Wen Yan stopped practicing boxing. He took out the mobile phone issued by Lieyang Department and used his authority to search for the keyword Dragon King Temple in Lieyang Department.

Then in the Dragon King Temple, look for the one pronounced gui.

When Lao Zhao translated, he had his unique accent and could only determine the pronunciation, but not the key.

Wen Yan searched for it, but it wasn't too much trouble. Soon, he found one, the Guilong King Temple.

Only this one fits the bill, and the dragon king in the Guilongwang Temple is from the Xijiang River system.

According to records, there used to be a Guilong King Temple in Luoyue County.

At that time, the Guilong King Temple was right on the riverside. Then the Xijiang River changed its course once, flooding a lot of farmland, washing away many livestock, and also flooding several villages at that time.

The Guilong King Temple was abandoned, and later the route was changed again. When it was changed back, the flood directly washed away the Guilong King Temple. Since then, there has been no more Guilong King Temple.

This man is the most practical. After the first diversion and causing great losses, there is no one to worship him anymore.

The second time it was changed, the Dragon King Temple was washed away, so it was even more impossible for anyone to build a new Dragon King Temple.

Since then, no trace of this temple has been found.

The Xijiang water system has been complicated since ancient times. Even in the early dynasties, when the focus of development did not shift southward, there were few written records.

There are many records that can be called the Dragon King Temple, and sometimes the same Dragon King is called differently in different places, and may not even be called Dragon King.

The Lieyang Department had never been sure who the Dragon God in Xijiang was before, just because of this.

Now, Wen Yan felt that it was certain.

It can make an Ah Piao's soul fly away, and the fragments are like broken porcelain, spliced ​​together again.

In the entire Xijiang water system, there are currently signs of activity, and the only one who has anything to do with the Dragon King Temple is this Dragon God.

But there is another more troublesome thing. The master that Ah Piao talks about can make an ordinary Ah Piao break into such a ghostly appearance without completely dissipating. It is definitely not a good thing.

And it seems that the two of them still have some trouble getting along.

Wen Yan is a bit over the top, so he should remind the curator not to arrange work for him in the future. Every time he arranges work for him, it is bound to be bad.

Even if it seems like an ordinary job, nothing good will happen in the end.

I looked at my watch. It was already past midnight, almost one o'clock.

Wen Yan called Cai Qidong.

The phone rang once and was hung up. If he tried again, he would be blocked. Then Cai Qidong would call him back. It was a standard operation.

"You'd better call me if you really need it!"

"Guilongwang Temple."


"I'm going to the hospital today to deliver a body donor..."

Wen Yan told what happened during the day and what he had just seen A Piao.

"That's about it. I just took a photo and sent it to you.

I can't see anything, so I have to ask experts in the relevant field to see if any of them can recognize the chain.

I just checked and found that there used to be a Guilong King Temple in the Xijiang River system.

If nothing else, it’s the Dragon God.

Of course, don't worry, Minister, if anything happens next time, I will definitely not disturb you in the middle of the night.

I will never do this again, I know I was wrong. "

Cai Qidong lost his temper and had to comfort Wen Yan.

"You are young, don't imitate those old fritters who are arrogant and say angry things.

If you need anything, call me anytime.

No matter what...

Um, you didn't record, did you? "

"Minister, if you want to scold me, just say so! There's no need for this!"

Bang, Wen Yan hung up the phone.

Then I changed the automatic title of the call recording to "Call anytime for anything."

On the other side, Cai Qidong felt a little embarrassed when he heard the beeping on the phone.

Now every now and then, he can hear that some daring guy in the Lieyang Department secretly uses his ghost recording as a ring tone, which is really a bit disappointing.

She was afraid that if she said something accidentally, Wen Yan would record her again.

After all, it was he who asked Wen Yan to record the recording.

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