I am your natural enemy

Chapter 138 Meng Paopao, Crouching Tiger Mountain (5k)

"Ghost? Tiger demon?"

Naturally, Wen Yan has heard of the ghost ghost. In ancient legends, people who are eaten by tigers will turn into ghost ghosts. This is where the idiom of working for the tiger comes from.

"No, no, no, it's not your national tiger monster from the south. In fact, ordinary tiger monsters don't have this ability.

Even if some tiger monsters have the ability to control ghosts, they cannot have reins.

The difference is huge.

The one with the reins is called a tiger.

If I had to talk about the species, it would definitely be the Siberian tiger.

It’s not something you big cats in the south can compare to.

Even the most common tigers, your southern tigers and Siberian tigers, have more than double the weight difference.

They are not of the same magnitude. They are too far apart to be comparable. "

Lao Meng made no secret of his somewhat discriminatory thoughts.

"Siberian tiger……"

"No, the Siberian tiger is a Siberian tiger, the Siberian tiger monster is a Siberian tiger monster, and the tiger is a tiger. They are completely different."

"Okay, what do you mean, this is the tiger's shadow? Why did the tiger's shadow come to Nanwu County?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know, and don't expect me to check. To be honest, I don't dare to check.

There is a ghost with a rein, and the reins are broken, which proves that there must be a tiger.

I'm afraid that if I go to check, I'll be targeted accidentally.

If the tiger thinks that I broke the reins and causes trouble for me, I will have no choice but to go abroad quickly.

Don’t ask me where the tiger is or how far away the demon can be from the tiger.

I don’t know everything, and I don’t dare to check everything.

I suggest you don't investigate and don't get involved in this matter. "

Lao Meng admitted his cowardice very simply, and still tried his best to dissuade Wen Yan.

He finally saw that none of the things Wen Yan asked him to investigate were simple.

The last time he was asked to check something, he thought it shouldn't be difficult. Unexpectedly, he found it directly on a dragon, which caused him to suffer backlash.

It's fine this time, it has nothing to do with the dragon, but it's a tough job again.

It's directly to Cha Shanjun. He must be crazy. He dares to Cha Shanjun. If he is found by following the traces, how will he die?

"Okay, if you don't want to check, I won't check. Then I'll ask you something else."

"You ask."

"How many tiger monsters have been called tiger monsters in the past?"

"How come you still don't understand? A tiger monster is a tiger monster, and a tiger is a tiger.

In today's terms, these two are not the same species at all.

You don't have to be a powerful tiger monster to be called a tiger. This saying was spread by rumors in the past.

A tiger is a tiger, and there has only been one from the beginning to now.

Just like Suicune, there has only been one from the beginning to now. "

When Lao Meng said this, he suddenly felt that he had said a bit too much.

He began to feel uncomfortable all over, and he always felt that this ghost place was getting more and more dangerous.

I feel like if I continue to stay, I will probably have to explain myself here.

"It's okay, I'll leave first if it's okay."

Lao Meng quickly took out the box and stuffed all the bottles and cans into it.

The box didn't look very big, but all the bottles and cans were stuffed into it, and it seemed like it wasn't even full.

Then, he carried a half-meter-wide box and stuffed the two-meter-high glass coffin inside.

After finishing, he immediately rode the camel and ran wildly, disappearing quickly on the road.

Wen Yan was a little stunned. Was Lao Meng so scared?

After the transaction was completed, there was no routine attempt to fool him to see if he could bring out any more treasures.

Wen Yan thought for a while and decided to be cautious.

He now somewhat understood what Lao Meng said. The tiger monster and the tiger monster were not the same thing at all.

It's probably equivalent to the fact that Goswell and the Pain Devil are not the same thing.

Wen Yan sighed, why is Nanwu County so uneasy?

The two world bosses came to Nanwu County, and now Lian Shanjun, an existence that should not appear in Nanwu County, seems to be in Nanwu County.

Then the tiger seemed to have had some trouble with the dragon god in Xijiang.

I took out my phone and thought about it, let’s talk about it tomorrow.

It's better not to disturb Minister Cai in the middle of the night. Minister Cai's hairline has become higher and higher since he came to Nanwu County.

Moreover, Minister Cai just gave him a credit card with a very high limit.

Only when he got the card did he know why Cai Heizi gave him a credit card, because it was a business card that could not withdraw cash, but could only be used for consumption.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Gauss doesn't continue to harm his savings.

After putting away the phone and closing the door of the cold chain truck, Wen Yan waved the path opening wand, opened a path, returned to his home, and continued to practice boxing in the backyard.

In the northwest desert, a running camel suddenly appeared.

Lao Meng let out a sigh of relief.

"I really don't want to go to that damn place in Nanwu County anymore."

Luotuo curled his lips, turned around and wanted to spit on Lao Meng's face.

"What you said is just like turning off the computer and saying something ordinary: If you have the ability, you will swear a poisonous oath. If you go to Nanwu County in the future, you will lose all your business."

Lao Meng slapped the camel hard on the head.

"Why do you like to argue so much? I'll send you to work at the construction site next time!"

Lao Meng jumped off the camel's back and sighed in confusion.

“I really don’t want to go to Nanwu County, but the thing in Wen Yan’s hand is like a lighthouse in the dark.

Haven't you noticed? This time we went to Nanwu County without locating in advance.

It just naturally appeared behind his house.

Do you know what this means?

It means that the unique treasure in that guy's hand is even more than before.

At least two or three more things!

Only then can we feel so natural, as natural as returning to our own home.

There was absolutely no risk of getting lost or even feeling that something was wrong. "

"Then you are still running so fast?" Luo Tuo was a little shocked. Has the profiteer changed his mind?

"What do you know? I feel that if I say a few more words or chant a few more words, the tiger will sense that I am talking about him, and maybe he will jump out of thin air and give me a big dick. With my small body, I'm afraid I'll die if I'm touched, and my resurrection cross will be used up, so I don't dare to take the risk."

As Lao Meng spoke, he took out a small cloth bag, grabbed a handful of powder, and sprinkled it on the way they came.

"Are you so careful? Did you use the teleportation powder like this?"

Lao Meng didn't say anything. After telling the story, he nodded with satisfaction.

"Okay, if anyone wants to follow our path, then give him a huge surprise blind box and send it randomly."

Lao Meng laid out his own bedding, lit a bonfire, leaned against the earthen wall, and slept soundly.

"Go to sleep quickly, we will set off tomorrow to live in Europe."

"Where to go?"

"Go to their holy places and spread the devil's message."

"Lao Meng, you really hold a grudge."

Early the next morning, he, the sparrow cat, and the little zombie were at Wen Yan's house.

Also, because he maxed out his credit card and attended a banquet at a colleague's house, where he was very generous and generous with gifts, he couldn't even afford breakfast, but he stubbornly insisted on having breakfast, so he had no choice but to come to his place for dinner.

After a simple and comfortable breakfast, Wen Yan felt that his whole body was awakened and felt much better.

As for the sparrow cat and the little zombie, they started to feel sleepy after eating breakfast and were ready to go back to catch up on their sleep.

One said that zombies sleep during the day, but in order to have breakfast with Wen Yan, they still eat before going to bed.

One said that cats are nocturnal creatures. In addition, they eat small meals frequently. It is very reasonable to get up first, have breakfast, and continue to sleep after eating.

Of course, Wen Yan also thought it would be better to be lively during the meal, so he let them go.

After eating, he handed the secondary card to Gauss and helped Gauss bind mobile payment. He also took out a POS machine and asked Gauss to make the first payment.

Five thousand and thirty, thirty yuan was the handling fee, and he transferred another five thousand yuan in cash to Gauss so that Gauss could spend some time.

After all, you can’t use your credit card to buy snacks on the street.

"Just take it easy, your salary has been advanced to next year."

"I don't want to, it's just too difficult..." Gauss sighed, and he has experienced a lot recently: "I heard a nurse in the hospital say that the salary is not as high as mine, and they have to raise children. I really don't know how they can survive. And she still has money to buy cosmetics. I heard that those things seem to be quite expensive..."

Wen Yan rolled his eyes. Who can support your tricks if you don't have a mine at home?

After breakfast, Pei Tugou drove the work car and parked at the door and asked him if he wanted to go to work. Wen Yan thought for a while and waved his hand, asking Pei Tugou to drop Gauss off on the way. He went back and collapsed on the sofa. Go up and turn on the TV.

He called the curator.

"Hey, curator, what can I do for you in the library today?"

"It's okay, you don't have to come."

The curator answered very simply.

He wants to slap himself now. He is so idle. What kind of work can he arrange for Wen Yan?

Arrange a job and create something. Even if Wen Yan didn't take the initiative to cause trouble, it was Wen Yan who dug it up.

It's better to pull it down quickly and let Wen Yan rest. The library doesn't lack the monthly salary, so we just want to be safe.

Wen Yan hung up the phone, continued to lie down, watched TV for a while, ate some food, and called Cai Heizi to tell him what he had learned from Lao Meng last night.

The routine excavation work at the mountain moving site just started today and then stopped.

Sections of previously collapsed passages have been excavated, but other new things have also been discovered.

A large number of bones were excavated from the stone mountain, and the project was suspended. People from the Lieyang Department appeared on the scene immediately, and then they had to invite people from the archaeological team to come and take a look.

There is no way to continue today. We can only give most of the workers in the engineering team a holiday in the name of archaeological discoveries.

The Lieyang tribe was also afraid that something would go wrong if so many bones were excavated.

After waiting for a long time, the archaeological team arrived at the scene, and I heard that so far, they had found at least dozens of skeletons of some age, and dozens of people came at once.

If this were in Guanzhong County, it is estimated that seven or eight people would come in half a day, which is a lot, and they would all be very busy.

Cai Qidong did not come, but Feng Yao arrived at the scene on behalf of Cai Qidong. Within an hour, someone came to tell Feng Yao the temporary results.

"It was probably six hundred to four hundred years ago. This is a preliminary judgment based on the remaining clothing.

To be more specific, you have to go back and use instruments to judge. "

"Is it a group of tombs?"

“It’s not like that, there are no traces of tombs here, it should be just an ordinary wilderness.

However, it's not like a war broke out here and it turned into a mass grave.

Although the stone here is not particularly hard, it cannot be formed in hundreds of years.

We looked at the data, and the data said that the results of preliminary exploration were that there was a whole rocky mountain below this mountain.

We also looked at it, and there should be nothing wrong with it. It is indeed a whole stone mountain.

But here's the problem. Most of the skeletons found so far are inside stones.

And look at their posture...


"Like what?"

"It's like walking and suddenly appearing inside a stone, and then you can't move anymore. You can only stay motionless and suffocate inside. There are very few signs of struggle.

It's weird anyway, but the traces of clothing confirm each other that they are indeed only things from a few hundred years ago. "

"Don't talk nonsense, and don't post things online. Someone should have told you the rules before coming here."

"Yeah, I understand."

Feng Yao was worried and asked people to sign a confidentiality agreement for each of the archaeological team members.

He took the tablet and carefully looked at the exploration results of the exploration team these days.

Except for the current mountain, which is a stone mountain, all the mountains within ten miles nearby are all earth mountains.

Moreover, the local geology and landforms are not consistent with this stone mountain. When exploring underground, it can be roughly determined that the geology under this stone mountain is no different from the surroundings after only a few dozen meters.

If it were an ordinary landform, there would be nothing strange about it.

But Feng Yao's first feeling at this moment was that this stone mountain was transferred from somewhere else and appeared here out of thin air.

During their previous visits and investigations, they only checked records from the last few decades to less than a century old, and also asked local elderly people.

He now feels that it is very necessary to continue tracing forward, at least to six hundred years ago.

There is very little relevant information that can be found in the database of the Lieyang Department, almost none.

Feng Yao just let the archaeological team continue to deal with it here, and he began to find people to ask about this mountain through various channels.

And he himself also personally visited large local families with a long tradition.

Only such a big business could possibly have any records left behind.

Three days later, Feng Yao checked the local county annals in the local library and found a family that lived near Stone Mountain decades ago and later immigrated with his family.

After many rounds of contacting the other party, and contacting the other party in the name of the archaeological team, there was an unexpected gain.

The other party's family was in decline at that time, and some members of the family went to the West Coast to make a living. Later, they took root there and moved the whole family.

People at that time paid more attention to family inheritance than people in Nanwu County now. Genealogy and other things were even more important to their life, so they naturally carried them with them.

There is one page in the family tree that records one thing.

At that time, their ancestors had not yet settled here, and it was still a barren land with a strong smog. Their ancestors passed by here once.

Suddenly I heard the earth trembling and the earth dragon turning over. At dawn the next day, I discovered that not far away, between two mountains, a stone mountain suddenly appeared.

The rocky mountain looks like a crouching tiger, with jagged rocks on it, which is very spectacular.

In addition, on the stone mountain, the fire slurry is flowing and shining, and it looks like a huge crouching tiger, lying there with blood flowing on its body.

And all around, the sky was full of smoke, dust and debris, falling one after another, and the flames ignited the surrounding mountains and forests, surrounding the stone mountain.

His ancestors were greatly shocked. When they returned this time, their business was a great success and their son was successfully admitted as a scholar.

His ancestor felt that he had encountered auspiciousness, so he took another look. When he came to see it this time, he saw that the original stone mountain was already lush and green, no different from the surrounding mountains and forests.

But his ancestors still felt that this place was a blessed place for their family, so they moved their family to the south of Shishan Mountain to settle down, with the mountains behind them and the rivers facing them. As expected, the population flourished and it flourished for hundreds of years.

Even their family's surname was changed to Shi since that time, which is also the origin of the surname mentioned in the genealogy.

Of course, no one in their family would believe these words.

As long as a big family has a family that can be passed down for five or six generations, which first generation does not have legendary stories.

They all polished it up at that time to show off their legendary character and put a golden face on their faces.

This is okay. In ancient times, after some emperors ascended the throne, they recognized a legendary giant as their ancestor.

There are many similar stories, and if the family is still local and prosperous, such stories will naturally continue to be circulated.

Unfortunately, this family immigrated seventy or eighty years ago, and there is no news from them anymore. Their life and death are unknown. This kind of story naturally gradually disappeared over the years.

Now, Feng Yao went through the local county annals and found the records of a large family in the local area from hundreds of years ago. Following the clues, he found the descendants of this family and saw these records.

After seeing these records, Feng Yao got a little excited and quickly asked the archaeologists to evacuate. At night, only a few people were left nearby to watch from a distance, and the rest was monitored by equipment.

On the other side, Cai Qidong, who received the report, went up.

He just looked at the photo of the atlas sent by Feng Yao and broke into a cold sweat as he looked at the records on it.

He dared to use his head to guarantee that this stone mountain was definitely related to the tiger.

The abandoned earth temple of the mountain god on the stone mountain was definitely used to worship the tiger!

You can't go wrong.

He is not an uneducated person like Wen Yan. Of course he knows who the tiger is.

He never thought that after the spiritual energy was revived, among the legends that needed to be focused on, the tiger who had been unresponsive had actually arrived in Nanwu County hundreds of years ago.

Regarding the scope and targets of surveillance in the north, it is impossible to find anything there in another hundred years.

They are not in the north at all.

Cai Qidong couldn't sit still when he thought that the Tiger King was here and the Dragon God of Xijiang was also here. These two seemed to be a bit difficult to deal with.

If these two really get together, something big will happen.

He thought about it for a long time, and finally took out his phone and dialed a number that was not in his address book.

"Hey, Tuoba, there's something I need to tell you in advance."

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