I am your natural enemy

Chapter 141 Biting like crazy, you are so incompetent (5k)

"...Based on the above facts, China has expressed strong dissatisfaction and protest, and reserves the right to further react and take relevant measures."

In a conference room in Europa, a video of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' public speech was played. The righteous voice seemed to convey a message: I want revenge.

The senior executives sitting in the conference room all had their faces as sinking as water.

"Who gave this order?"

No one spoke.

"Who is it? Who stupidly thinks that those who are hostile to the Shenzhou Lieyang Tribe will definitely fall to our side?"

Still no one spoke.

Everyone is actually a little confused, and we definitely cannot take the blame.

In fact, everyone knows that China has been very sensitive to water issues since ancient times. It can be called a lightning point in China. Whoever steps on it will die.

Even in the myths and legends of China, when you reach the level of the Dragon King, the rain points and timing are wrong, and you have to go to the Dragon Slaying Platform immediately.

Listen, in order to kill the dragon, a special execution ground was specially built.

How targeted this is.

China also sent video evidence.

Their people jumped into the river by themselves.

Of course, if that's all, they can also bite back and say that their people were controlled by the Chinese side through evil methods and jumped into the river and drowned.

But luckily, China did not know why, but a few days ago, all the cameras on the bridge were replaced with high-definition cameras.

Of course, changing the camera must have nothing to do with them. At that time, the devil had not yet happened.

Moreover, that city has indeed been undergoing large-scale upgrading recently, replacing all old equipment.

As luck would have it, the greed on the face of the devout missionary when he jumped into the river could be seen by anyone who is not blind.

In addition, there was an angry turtle demon behind him who came to issue a warning. He was so angry that he almost vomited in the face of the Lieyang Department's field staff.

This is very embarrassing. Everyone here knows that according to their intelligence, those things in the water system will definitely not cooperate with the Lieyang Department no matter what.

In particular, the Water God, who according to their intelligence was called the Dragon King, seemed to have a particularly tense relationship with the Lieyang Department, which was even more impossible.

Coupled with their understanding of the missionary, there is a high probability that the guy actually went to preach to a Chinese water god...

After a long time, someone spoke tentatively.

“We have all read the information and learned about the missionary. He was a competent, dedicated and very pious missionary.

This is correct, right? "

Everyone nodded.

"I think it's possible that I just knew there might be someone who could be attracted and did it myself?

It's just that this devout missionary didn't know much about the situation in China.

So, good intentions lead to bad things?

Is that right? "

Everyone looked surprised and nodded together, that's right.

It was his personal choice, so no one would have to take the blame.

Deliberately destabilizing local areas and provoking conflicts. Such things must of course not be recognized.

Even if they did it, they cannot admit it.

As long as it is mentioned on the table, it is the personal behavior of the missionary.

Fortunately, the missionary was only traveling to China in his personal capacity this time.

If I had to say it, it could only be because I went there to investigate the devil's affairs.

It’s impossible to admit anything else anyway.

Even if they believed it themselves, the missionary must have really gone on to preach.

"Won't this have any impact on China's mission?"

Someone asked, but no one answered.

Because everyone knows that China is basically a pan-believer. How much their believers in China have grown this year, the most critical factor is how many eggs are distributed...

Asking this kind of question is purely to make everyone uncomfortable.

Although those devout fanatics have been targeting China, which has a lot to do with this matter.

But people in China worship the God of Wealth today, the Stove God tomorrow, and Guanyin the day after tomorrow if necessary. They mainly worship God according to their needs.

The progress of their work has been very unsatisfactory, and after this time, it will probably be even more unsatisfactory.

Let the Lieyang Department seize the opportunity and directly ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to find an excuse and shout twice about other things, but everyone who should know knows the reason.

The saying that I want revenge is probably true.

They knew that Cai Qidong, the current minister of the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County, was a bit of a loser.

This daring guy even dared to fire a map cannon and curse people at a meeting at the headquarters of the Lieyang Department, more than once.

Being pushed out of the headquarters and moving to a local place to become the leader of the Lieyang Department will obviously become more rampant.

Forget it, I'll bear with it this time.

After all, someone had their pigtails pinched, and they had more important things to do.

Recently, some audacious pagans have dared to spread information and peddle devilish materials in the Holy Land. They are simply riding on their faces and shitting.

Those small sects that had nothing to do with this matter began to join in the carnival, not missing any opportunity to cause trouble.

It's so crazy that people from the devil's sect dare to appear near their holy place. It's so arrogant.

Something has to be done hard about this.

In fact, the church was right, Cai Qidong was a doggy person.

After finding an excuse, he bit everyone indiscriminately, especially in Nanwu County. All overseas people who might be related to the church or professionals were invited back to drink tea without exception.

But not everyone is treated like Gauss after being punched hard.

These guys who are regarded as unstable factors by Cai Qidong, if they have really not committed any crime, or if there are no traces of the crime, but they cannot figure out the purpose of coming to China, they will all use this incident as an excuse to be deported. .

If someone has committed a crime or is involved, then he will be detained first.

Anyway, if you want to scold, go ahead and scold the missionaries of the church. It has nothing to do with my Lieyang Department. The ministers of our Lieyang Department were so frightened by this incident that they couldn’t eat or sleep.

Whenever he closes his eyes every day, he will dream of the furious Dragon King, leading all the water gods in the Xijiang River system, who have never been so humiliated, to launch a huge flood, flooding all the places along the Xijiang River in one breath.

You know, almost all urban areas in Nanwu County are built on the water, or developed from the waterside.

We were all worried. In two days, our hairline was two centimeters higher.

How can we dare to bet? Who knows if there are still terrorists among you who intend to start a war and create artificial disasters.

We are all forced and have to be careful.

If you have a problem, you can't scold us. Go scold the people outside and curse them for giving birth to a son without an asshole.

If you have no problem, then you should join us in scolding the people outside. They are trying to ruin your life now, and they almost succeeded.

You don't blame them, you blame us?

Then you must have a problem!

Originally, people from sects have always been relatively sensitive, but China has always been relatively liberal. In addition to not being able to preach in public, in other places, as long as it is not a cult, you can believe in the ancient Five-Ren Mooncake Sect. .

This is an opportunity for Cai Qidong. In the past, all the trivial things recorded in the notebooks can be turned out for you to calculate the general ledger and strike out with a heavy blow.

It was an overt act of revenge, but there was no report on it outside, and they were pretending to be blind.

When Wen Yan heard the news, his head was buzzing.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no problem.

That Dragon God does seem to be not very honest and not very arrogant.

But thinking about it, this dragon god might not be able to tolerate someone sitting on his face and preaching to him.

To be honest, even the Lieyang tribe didn't dare to do such a thing, it was a bit too humiliating.

On weekdays, the Lieyang Department would not dare to rush directly to someone's door and directly say, "Kneel down."

Even if it is to appease the water gods, it is just to read out the policy and tell them what they can and cannot do, and they will not care about you at ordinary times.

If you do something good, you will be rewarded if you deserve it, and you will be punished if you commit a crime, and everyone will be treated equally.

Wen Yan thought about it and breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought for a while, if someone from outside really succeeded, it would be a disaster.

But the dragon god still had basic arrogance. He didn't want to be a dog to the Lieyang tribe, and naturally he looked down on being a dog to outsiders.

Wen Yan still gave a thumbs up to Cai Heizi's impetuous jumping around and biting people everywhere in the past two days.

At this time, you have to ask Cai Hei... No, if Minister Cai comes to bite someone, others may give him some face or something. Minister Cai is so anxious that he won't give anyone any face.

The daily boxing practice is over, and another day of messing around is over.

In the evening, after dinner, Gauss came to Wen Yan with a bottle of Maozi, saying that he wanted to drink with Wen Yan.

This surprised Wen Yan. Gauss integrated in very quickly. He obviously had something to say and even learned to bring a bottle of wine.

Of course, Wen Yan didn't expose this. Gauss learned it very quickly and learned to be subtle, which is good.

He ordered two dishes, fried a plate of peanuts, and drank with Gauss under the moonlight.

Seeing Gauss's preoccupied look, Wen Yan took the initiative to start the conversation after drinking for a while.

"Are you worried? What's the matter? Can you tell me? Don't keep it in your heart, just say it. I'm a very strict person and I won't talk nonsense."

"There is something. I feel that I have not survived the tribulation. I have been feeling very depressed these past few days and have not withstood the test of God."

"Wait a minute, what about transcending tribulation? Speak slowly." Wen Yan scratched his head. He was really surprised that Gauss could speak words unique to China and confused him.

Gauss started talking and talked about how he went to have his feet pinched the day before yesterday and then met a missionary. The missionary seemed to recognize his identity, so he couldn't hold it back and used a little devil's power to invite the missionary to drink water from the Xijiang River. .

Gauss stretched out his finger and gestured.

"It's really just a little bit of power. I didn't expect him to be so weak. I originally just wanted to expel him."

"Did you mean expulsion? Not banishment?"

After hearing this, Gauss thought about it seriously and shook his head.

"That won't work. My current power is not enough to banish a person. I don't know this kind of top magic, but there are people in the church who can do it before, or individual witches, it is possible."

Wen Yan scratched his head. He really didn't expect that the cause of this incident was actually Gauss.

Even the Lieyang Department didn't pay attention to Gauss. The Lieyang Department really thought that the missionary was a fanatical workaholic who jumped into the river to preach to the Dragon God, and was killed by the Dragon God.

But now it seems that there should be a deviation, but not a big one.

Wen Yan thought about it and speculated that the only possibility was that the missionary was indeed fanatical. After he drowned, his ghost appeared and he did not forget to preach to the Dragon God.

Then the Dragon God was so angry that he took the initiative to send people to contact the Lieyang Department.

Of course, this matter is not a big problem. Up to now, it has nothing to do with Gauss.

Wen Yan poured wine for Gaosi and persuaded him seriously.

"Don't worry, when China talks about overcoming the tribulation, it doesn't mean that you must not use your power at all.

Not letting you use your power is actually the easiest way to restrain yourself.

Didn't you notice it yourself? After having no power, life actually becomes different. "

"It's different. There are many more feelings that I have never had before." Gauss nodded honestly. To be honest, he was too lazy to even walk by himself before.

"But you've read so many stories and read so many books, haven't you noticed anything?"


"Punishing evil and promoting good are all connected together. Things that are necessary and correct, even gods or Buddhas, will still be angry sometimes.

Although you didn't do anything wrong this time, next time you encounter something like this, you'd better call me directly.

Taking action rashly without fully understanding the situation is indeed a sign of failure.

If you can come to me and talk about this, I think you have made great progress.

At least you have the courage to face your mistakes, which is very good.

Come, let’s toast to you and your progress. "

Wen Yan raised his glass and spoke very sincerely. He was indeed happy that Gauss was willing to take the initiative to talk about it, and he did feel that Gauss was making progress.

Gauss picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, feeling much more relaxed.

He had forgotten to eat twice in the past two days, just because he was worried that if he failed to overcome the tribulation, he would never have a chance in the future.

Now I finally put my heart back in my stomach. Wen Yan was right. If something like this happens in the future, it's better to call Wen Yan and ask.

After drinking and seeing Gauss off, Wen Yan felt that he had to call Minister Cai about this.

I heard that Minister Cai has become angry in the past two days and his hairline has become higher.

Although Minister Cai has a dark heart, he is indeed doing things sincerely.

After checking the time, Minister Cai probably wasn't asleep at this point, so he made a call.

After the call was connected, he roughly explained the matter.

However, before he could finish speaking, Cai Kaiqi interrupted him.

“No, no, no, this matter has nothing to do with Gauss!

Did you hear that clearly? It has nothing to do with Gaussian.

We have found out very clearly, those things we found out.

Don't get involved, spread rumors, and slander law-abiding citizens.

That's it. "

Wen Yan was a little stunned, what happened?

But then, I heard Cai Qidong say something disdainful.

"You are really bad. I don't know where I just heard the news..."

"From Gauss..."

"Don't interrupt, it's rude, just listen to what I have to say."

"Oh, tell me then."

"You don't know where you heard the rumor, but you turned around and told me that you are really bad.

People tell you news because they trust you, even if the news is a rumor.

But you turned around and gave the news to someone else, even if that someone else was me.

Are you still human?

His character is really not that good! "

Pa, beep beep...

Cai Heizi hung up the phone directly.

Wen Yan looked at the phone with a confused look on his face. He put down the phone and thought about it for a while.


Wen Yan's mentality was a bit broken. After doing this for a long time, he was the only honest person.

No wonder the Lieyang Department ignored Gauss at all.

Cai Heizi seized an excuse and used it to his death.

He didn't pay attention to how the foreign missionary died. Whether he was invited by Gauss to drink water from the Xijiang River, or whether he was pressed to death by the Dragon God, the result was the same.

It doesn’t matter if he goes to preach to the Dragon God in the flesh, or if he goes away as a ghost, the result is the same anyway.

The process and the beginning are not important.

It's the excuse that matters.

Because everyone knows that the Dragon God will definitely not tell such despicable lies, let alone cooperate with the Lieyang Department to lie. That would be even harder to accept than killing the Dragon God.

He had really felt that Cai Heizi had been getting angry in the past two days because he was afraid that the conflict would intensify.

Who would have thought that Cai Heizi would be acting here? The acting looks really similar.

In the past two days, there has been a bit of low pressure in the Lieyang Department station in Yuzhou. Those young internal and external staff did not dare to use Cai Heizi's ghost ringtones in the past two days.

This was an opportunity for Cai Heizi to ridicule him.

I guess Cai Heizi must be in a good mood now.

In the office, Cai Qidong crossed his legs, held a tea cup, and hummed a few lines from Henan opera. He was in a good mood indeed.

The last time Wen Yan scolded him, he was scolded by Wen Yan, but he finally found an opportunity. Of course, if he wanted to scold him back, he would have to attack him personally.

Of course, what's even better is that Gauss's risk rating should be lowered again.

The former Demon King of Pain would not waste two or three days in his spirit just because he killed a church missionary.

good, very good.

Gauss now has no other problems besides his love of spending money.

But what’s wrong with spending money to pinch your feet?

Pinching your feet is also normal and legal.

It’s nothing to spend this little money now. When Gauss came, the money burned up to now is enough for Gauss to pinch his feet every day. He comes in different ways every day. A conservative estimate is that it is enough for Gauss to pinch his feet for 10,000 years. .

Cai Qidong casually pulled up the credit card bill and looked at what Gauss had spent. It didn't matter, just drizzle.

Just when I was happy, someone knocked on the office door.

Cai Qidong put down Erlang's legs, turned off the monitor, and shouted in a serious voice.

"Come in."

"Minister, I just received news that there is a congressman over there who protested in public against what we are doing."

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