I am your natural enemy

Chapter 143 Map of Yan State, Stone Archway (5k)

Cai Qidong looked Wen Yan up and down, trying to figure out whether Wen Yan was telling the truth or just making an excuse to fool him.

He had just finished speaking, and all the temple applications were blocked, and Wen Yan wanted a temple quota.

He thought for a while and said.

"Are you doing it for that Jiang Yanyan? He doesn't need it. He is in a special situation. He has merit and is a recognized river god. After completing the procedures, there will be a serious temple. Even now, he can be very good. It’s easy to get Wanmin bricks without us having to worry about it at all. All the hardware and software are available, we just need to settle down and complete the procedures.”

"I know, that's not what I meant."

"You don't want to use the temple quota to win over the Dragon God, do you? His temple is not so easy to be approved. Even if I nod, it will be useless. This requires several departments, plus the approval and signature of the headquarters. .”

"Of course I know, I'm not for the Dragon God either."

"Then why do you want this spot?"

"It's used as a carrot."


"Have you ever seen a donkey pulling a mill?"

"Is this the carrot hanging in front of the donkey?" Cai Qidong leaned back and looked at Wen Yan.

Good guy, just now he really thought that Wen Yan was really going to give him a favor. Unexpectedly, Wen Yan had no intention of giving it at all, or he didn't plan to give it now, just so that others could see and smell it, but they couldn't eat it. With appetite.

"If you want to catch that Dragon God like this, I'm afraid it won't work."

"When did I say that I was going to catch that Dragon God?" Wen Yan looked surprised.


"The missionary who came from outside drowned in the river before, and then I remembered that there is no water god in the water area next to Decheng.

With Jiang Yanyan as a model, the water gods in other places in the entire Xijiang water system, regardless of what they say, are quite honest physically.

If you just find someone accidentally falling into the water, you can help them a little bit, and it doesn't take much effort, and you can accumulate merit.

Don't say you don't know that in the Xijiang River system, especially the large body of water near Duanzhou, several people who accidentally fell into the water these days have all been rescued.

Don't tell me, it's their luck that someone saved them.

The day before yesterday, there was a man in Xingzhou who couldn't swim at all. He panicked and had cramps after falling into the water. He was swept to the shore by the current.

Others say it's luck, but we can't think so, right?

Next to Decheng, a new water god is also needed.

No safety officer can compare to a local water god.

Even if you spend a lot of money to set up a large number of cameras on the shore, you can hire people or AI to monitor them 24 hours a day.

They are all inferior to the local water gods. There is no dispute about this, right? "

Cai Qidong was a little surprised. To be honest, he really didn't expect this.

He felt that he might be a little out of touch, thinking too much about things, and always ignoring things that seemed not big.

He knew everything Wen Yan said, but he really didn't care that the missionary was actually drowned.

Judging from the scope of the Xijiang Dragon God's territory, it was definitely not the Xijiang Dragon God who pushed the missionary into the water and drowned him near Decheng, but the ghost who was taken away after the other party drowned.

In other words, if a missionary can be drowned today, it may be anyone in Decheng who has an accident tomorrow.

Regardless of what Cai Qidong wants to do, Wen Yan also doesn't want the doorstep of his home to be in a more dangerous area than other places.

He has a son now, and the little kid can't run yet, but in a few years, this place will be full of water systems. Who knows whether the little kid will go to play with others by the water in the future.

If you want to find a suitable water god, it won't take a day or two. It's better to prepare early.

As for what Cai Qidong asked him to do, it was the same. He said it in vain and wanted him to contact the Dragon God in Xijiang and try to see if they could have a good talk.

If he uses face to negotiate, he must be given face by others. He doesn’t have any bargaining chips in his hand.

If you don't hold something that the other party really needs, if someone fails to restrain himself and beats him to death, no matter what happens next, he is already dead.

After Wen Yan cheated, Cai Qidong thought for a while, thinking about the son Wen Yan recognized inexplicably and who liked to cook in the orphanage. He might really like children.

It's normal for Wen Yan to worry about this. If it had been thirty years earlier, he might have been worried about this kind of thing.

"Okay, I can promise you this kind of thing. As long as it is a suitable choice, it is not a big problem to build a small temple on the riverside next to Decheng."

"Then you give me a document and create a certificate. I say it in vain. Who will believe me? What is my identity? Can I have such ability?"

"I've already told you, how can I still lie to you? Don't you like recording? Come on, I say, you record."

"Minister, you have some misunderstandings about me. I have never liked recording, and I have never bought a recording device. The call recording is automatic, and I don't do it intentionally every time. It is a document. This is convincing. Besides, I It’s impossible to take out your recording every time you want to persuade others, that would show that the level of our Sun Division is too low.”

After Wen Yan spoke sternly, he said it very seriously.

Cai Qidong thought for a while, and it seemed to be right. Since it was a carrot hanging in front of the donkey, it must at least be the real thing. It must be visible and smellable, as if if you put more effort, you can actually eat it.

"The documents have to be returned to Yuzhou. They can't be opened here."

"Okay, I'll go with you. I happen to be going to Yuzhou today. I've ordered a lot of ingredients. I have to go to the children's welfare home today to show off my skills to the children."

"Is there no welfare home in Decheng?"

"Yes, but there is no children's welfare home. The local welfare homes are filled with orphaned elderly people and disabled people who have inconvenience. The local clan has a default rule. Even if the children become orphans, they will be raised by the clan. , sending orphans to orphanages, the entire clan with the same surname cannot afford to throw away this person, it will appear that the clan of this surname is completely in decline, even if he is not of the same clan with the same surname, he will be accepted."

Cai Qidong has not stayed in Nanwu County for too long and does not understand many things here.

He didn't say much and took Wen Yan back to Yuzhou.

When he returned to the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou and drafted the certificate that Wen Yan wanted, Wen Yan frowned beside him.

"I always feel like something's not right. That's not the rule."

"What's wrong?"

"Jiang Yanyan has spent so much energy and worked hard for so many years to get where he is today. How can any water god from other places get such treatment, even if it is not officially recognized, it is not enough for just a temple."

"What on earth do you mean?"

"I mean the name is justified. It may not be appropriate to give a quota in a new temple to a water god who doesn't know who he is yet.

After thinking about it, it only makes sense if it is used to win over the Dragon God.

No matter who it is, it is impossible for us to think that using a mere temple to win over a water god with a dragon body is a big price.

Minister, do you think this is the case? "

Cai Qidong said nothing and looked at Wen Yan.

“You don’t need to write who it is or where it is, it’s just a permission document with a stamp but no name.

Only in this way will it be easier to use to pull off tiger skin.

Let the news out again, saying that our department now has a quota, but we haven’t decided who it will be for yet.

Or, Minister, don’t you want me to get in touch with that Dragon God?

Why don't you just push it all to me and say that I used my merit to get a temple quota.

Let’s not say whether it is a small temple or some kind of temple. Who knows what it is, anyway, it is not determined.

Even if the document is stamped, but even if the name is actually filled in later, don’t we still have to go through the process?

If you recognize it, this is a temple approval document. If you don't recognize it, this is a piece of waste paper that should be put into the shredder. I don't know who stole it.

Is this the truth? "

Cai Qidong looked at Wen Yan for a long time before sighing.

"Your map of Yan State is really long..."

Cai Qidong finally figured it out. Wen Yan had gone around in such a big circle, but in the end he had no choice but to go back to the original place, just to have something in his hand that he could use to hold a big chip in his hand.

Wen Yan blinked, looking confused.

"I'm uneducated, I don't understand."

Cai Qidong shook his head in amusement and said nothing. He neatly organized the documents and handed them to Wen Yan.

It was indeed in accordance with Wen Yan's request. The necessary seals were affixed and the signatures were signed. For the sake of authenticity, they were even filed in the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County.

To be honest, Cai Qidong himself didn't really agree with the general manager's proposal.

What the head of the headquarters said was related to many years ago. Besides, Wen is a common surname here and there are quite a lot of people.

This mutual relationship does not rely on this connection. Even if people of the same surname and the same clan are separated by three generations, no one knows each other.

Not to mention that this connection is from who knows how many generations ago. If you want to rely on this connection, it may have the opposite effect.

When the Dragon God heard that your surname was Wen, he actually went to work for the Lieyang Department, and his temper may have become even more violent.

Cai Qidong himself doesn't quite believe this, but he believes in the general manager.

After pushing the document to Wen Yan, Cai Qidong hesitated for a moment and then added.

"Just do what you can, there doesn't have to be any results, just test it out and release a little kindness.

It would be best to resolve the issue peacefully in the end, and everyone would be happy.

But if there is any unexpected situation, if it is very necessary, you can go to the intersection in the center of Decheng City.

Go find the stone archway there. "

"Huh? What then?"

"No more."

"Minister, don't say half of what you say."

"Because I don't know very well, and I only heard half of what others said. Naturally, I have to continue to reduce it by half. I can't suffer alone."


Wen Yan couldn't help baring his teeth, Cai Heizi was really not a human being!

You might as well pretend to be sophisticated and understand everything in one sentence. That's better than "I just want to see you feel uncomfortable."

Wen Yan took the things and left. Before leaving, he recorded the new version and secretly gave it to some young people in the ministry. Among them was a master of ghosts and beasts who was a regular supplier of ringtones.

All the way to the children's welfare home where the words on the signboard were washed away by the wind and rain. As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw the little girl who thought he might not be satisfied and found an excuse to give him the prawns, sitting at the door. After waiting, when she saw Wen Yan coming, the little girl's eyes lit up and she hurriedly came up to him and shouted something crisply.

"Hello, brother Wen."

"Come on, let me show you my skills today. I make braised pork. I am very good at making braised pork. It is guaranteed to be fat but not greasy, and it is not too thin. Today I specially asked people to leave the best pork belly for me. There are three layers of pork belly, fat and thin. Alternate."

Wen Yan ruffled the little girl's hair happily, saying that he was a little hungry.

After he came in, he said hello to Aunt Zou and rushed into the kitchen.

The uncle in the kitchen handed the one-meter-long shovel to him in a ceremonial manner. In the whole kitchen, the most tedious process was cutting vegetables, washing vegetables, and preparing ingredients, but the most tiring process was cooking.

Wen Yan was not polite, and he started directly, roasting the skin, cleaning, cutting and cooking, all with quick movements.

At the beginning, Zhang Xuewen, whom he met last time, also came and started to help, preparing chestnuts, selecting vegetables and washing vegetables.

After working for more than an hour, when it was time for dinner, Wen Yan turned into an uncle with hands that did not shake, serving meals and vegetables for the children.

After all the children had eaten, Wen Yan looked at Zhang Xuewen who was carrying a bowl and gave him a spoonful of braised pork.

"Eat more and you will lose weight."

Seeing the other party's expression of embarrassment, Wen Yan smiled.

"Don't worry, the braised pork I cook will never be greasy. I have learned this dish specifically."

When we sat together to eat, Wen Yan felt that the cooking in the big pot was so fragrant.

After a busy day, Wen Yan also received a gift before leaving. A taciturn young man used the leftover shrimp heads, shells, legs and tails from the last meal. After washing them, he made a shrimp soldier for him. Ornaments.

It looks like it was glued together and some other discarded materials were used, and it looks like a lot of care was taken.

After Wen Yan thanked her seriously, she said that she liked it very much and would come again next time.

After returning to Decheng's home, Wen Yan took a special look when he passed by the center of the city. He knew that there was a stone archway at the intersection, but he really didn't pay attention to it.

Now that I was reminded by Cai Heizi, I finally realized that there was a stone archway with no front or back, which seemed a bit weird.

There are a lot of archways in Nanwu County, it can be said that they are everywhere.

But they generally have specifications and details, and they cannot be set up just anywhere.

The stone archway in front of me is only four or five meters high by visual inspection, which is much lower than normal. The width should be less than four meters. Most importantly, there is not a single word on it.

Wen Yan had indeed seen it more than once, but he had always regarded this stone archway as an ordinary decoration.

In the entire city of Decheng, he dared to say that unless they had never left home since birth, they would have seen this stone archway. However, after such a long time, no one thought there was anything wrong.

After thinking about it, Cai Heizi decided that he wouldn't be able to ask anyone if he didn't want to.

It's a local matter, and it's so obvious in the center of the city. It's really easy to find someone to ask for some clues.

The most direct thing is to ask Zhang Laoxi.

After a trip to the hospital, Zhang Laoxi had almost recovered. He took three nourishing yin and nourishing soul pills that were completely symptomatic. He recovered very quickly. The deficit in his body was not damaged at all, and it was easy to make up for it. .

Moreover, Zhang Laoxi could be considered a blessing in disguise, and his spiritual realm has advanced further. Now he can now leave his body normally at night and use the moonlight to cleanse his Yin spirit.

Being able to do this step independently, and allowing the yin spirit to return to the body intact, and there will be no negative effects after waking up, that pure state is 100% qualified to be enshrined.

If you want to be taught, strictly speaking, you need to test your professional knowledge and various practical operations.

In the end, someone has to recommend it and undergo review, which is actually quite troublesome.

Moreover, Daoism has always focused on the most realistic practical operations, and it must be based on cases that have been completed in person.

The last point is not a problem for Zhang Laoxi. He has actually handled a lot of cases on his own, far more than ordinary Taoist priests. He has rich experience. In the process, he also accumulated a lot of things that cannot be learned during normal studies. .

Fuyu Mountain has its own ritual method for conferring urn and has the qualifications to confer urn. There should be no problem with Zhang Laoxi's subsequent urn-conferring ceremony.

After being discharged from the hospital this time, he had to go back to Fuyu Mountain to further his studies.

Originally, last time, Zhang Laoxi had to go back after Aunt Gan gave him an iron ring magic weapon, but he had always been busy with work. Until now, with so many things happening, he couldn't even think about going back.

After caring about Zhang Laoxi's body and making sure that there was nothing serious, Wen Yan began to ask him about business.

"There is a stone archway in the center of the city. Do you know what's going on?"

"What stone archway?"

"It's the one at the intersection. There's only one there, and you have to pass by it every day when driving."

However, Zhang Laoxi thought about something so obvious for a long time before he answered the call and figured out what Wen Yan was talking about.

"There's nothing wrong with that stone archway, right?"

"You can't understand something so obvious for a while. Don't you think there's a problem?"

"Hiss...it's true. I don't know how many times I've seen it. I've subconsciously ignored it. When you said that, it seems to be true. I recalled it, and it seemed that I noticed that when I first arrived in Decheng. It’s a stone archway, but I haven’t noticed it since then. Is there anything wrong with that thing? Can you tell me?”

"I don't know either. Minister Cai just mentioned it to me. I guess he doesn't know much about it, so I wanted to check it out myself."

Zhang Laoxi thought hard for a long time.

"I remembered something, and that thing was placed there, at least thirty years ago.

When I first came to Decheng, I asked someone casually. I remember what I said at the time.

Probably, this was not the center of the city at that time. The development and expansion had just reached the vicinity of the current city, and the archway seems to have been there.

Later, it continued to expand to the north, but it was not demolished because the locals have always been like this and valued the archway very seriously. They felt that destroying the archway would damage their own fortune.

In addition, we happened to arrive at that place, which was a crossroads, so no one touched the stone archway, and it has remained until now.

When exactly it happened, I don’t know.

But I can ask someone, and I know a lot of people here.

There may not be any written records of what they know. "

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