I am your natural enemy

Chapter 145: Hanging Carrot, cosplay (5k)

Since there really is a dragon in Xijiang and the archway is really magical, Wen Yan feels that he had better take the legend seriously. Maybe the Xijiang Dragon God really has four brothers and sisters who have not yet recovered.

And they may also have a very high-status parent...

If you are unruly and unruly, as long as you don't harm anyone, you can only say that you are more willful.

Wen Yan quietly took the tools back, and Wen Yan felt that he really had to prepare well. Fortunately, he had no intention of directly contacting the Dragon God from the beginning.

The next day, Wen Yan drove by himself to the Dragon Mother Temple. This is one of the few temples that has been passed down for many years in Nanwu County and is still there.

Even before the spiritual energy was revived, the cultural significance was very important. Every year on the birthday of the Mother of Dragons, many Chinese people who live outside or have immigrated come here specifically to worship.

Even if the people of Nanwu County go to other places, many customs and culture are infiltrated into their bones and cannot be forgotten.

It was the off-season for tourism, so there were not many people. Wen Yan walked around here and paid his respects. While he was worshiping, he was still thinking silently, hoping that everything would go well and that Decheng would always be safe. Safe and sound.

During the last evacuation, he couldn't even order takeout even if he wanted to. He really didn't want to experience it again.

Fortunately, there was still electricity and water supply at that time, otherwise, coupled with the lack of electricity, water, and internet, it would have been even more uncomfortable, as if there were ants crawling all over the body.

Back in Decheng, at night, after all the people walking by the river and drinking tea and chatting by the river had left, Wen Yan came to the river, took out the notice that Zhang Laoxi had prepared, and used his own yang energy to stimulate it. The rolled up silk talisman was set on fire and thrown into the river.

The flames burned in the river and soon burned it to ashes. The content on it also flowed with the river, turning into information that all living creatures in the water who were qualified to receive this information could understand, and dispersed in the river.

The general meaning is that the water god in this water area was evil and has been rectified. Now there is no water god in this water area.

I, Wen Yan, am a house owner in Decheng. I heard that someone just drowned here two days ago.

When I think about it, my relatives, friends, and my youngest son all live by the river. What if they are in danger?

I tossed and turned for several days, unable to sleep, and finally made a difficult decision.

I gave up the opportunity to exchange my merits for treasures in the Lieyang Department, and gave up the opportunity for financial freedom.

I got a piece of paper in exchange for a document that allowed me to build a temple on the riverside next to Decheng.

Now, I need a water god who is willing to protect the safety of this water area, so that all monsters and ghosts can come.

I will choose the one I am most satisfied with and build a temple for him by the river.

Wen Yan waited by the river. After waiting for only half an hour, he didn't see anything coming, so he turned around and left without being anxious.

On the third day, at the same time, when he came here again, he saw several demons and ghosts waiting here.

A big grass carp that could make a fisherman get lost carrying fish on his back for three days, a non-venomous water snake, and a turtle demon. Wen Yan took a closer look at the pattern on the turtle demon. It was definitely the one that appeared in the video that day. The turtle monster sent by the Dragon God.

Wen Yan did intend to catch the men who were following the Dragon God, but he didn't expect that this turtle monster would be among those who came on the first day.

Obviously, he still underestimated the temptation of a temple on the riverside to many creatures in the Xijiang water system.

In addition to the turtle demon, there is also a wet water ghost. This water ghost is dressed in festive clothes, with a big red flower hanging on his chest, and a hat on his head, which also has big red flowers.

Wen Yan thought for a while and didn't go around in circles with these guys. He asked the turtle demon first.

"Does your family know that you are here?"

The turtle demon tried his best to open his eyes and nodded naturally.

"Of course my Dragon King knows about this opportunity. My Dragon King didn't stop me from waiting for this opportunity. Instead, he asked me to give it a try. If there is a chance to build a temple, I will naturally come."

As soon as the turtle demon opened his mouth, the water ghost next to him widened his eyes and wanted to jump up and slap the turtle demon in his pussy.

The first words he spoke sold everyone!

Sure enough, when Wen Yan heard this, he looked at the remaining three and was a little stunned.

"Wait? Are you all under the Dragon King?"

"Yes." The big grass carp, the fisherman, was ecstatic, staring at the dead fish with clear stupidity in his eyes, and he still hadn't figured out what was going on.

The water snake also raised its head and nodded.

The water ghost was speechless and could only nod his head.

Wen Yan almost laughed out loud, "Good guy, King Guilong is really down-to-earth. It's good to have his subordinates join him."

No wonder he felt strange just now. Why were all the turtle monsters attracted by this bait? Except for the turtle monster, only three came.

There is no threshold for understanding the notice he gave. Anyone with spiritual intelligence and living in the Xijiang water system can receive this message, regardless of whether it is a ghost or a ghost.

Equivalent to broadcasting.

But he waited for two days to give the long journey some time to catch up, but in the end only four came.

The Xijiang River system spans the territory of five counties. By now, there should be quite a lot of things living in this water system.

He originally estimated that there would be at least twenty people.

Just now I thought it was because some people received the news late and were too far away to catch up.

Now I probably understand that King Guilong is a very thieves. He probably intercepted all the other competitors in advance. The four who came are all his subordinates. No matter who gets this benefit by then, it will be his. The meat rotted in the pot.

But obviously, King Guilong overestimated his subordinates' IQ...

Wen Yan didn't care too much about the local water god's IQ, or even the other person's intelligence level, as long as he was willing to guard the place honestly and work diligently.

If the other party was like Jiang Yanyan, a demon with a pure nature and perseverance, he would indeed not mind and really build a temple.

The first thing he eliminated was this water ghost who was dressed in fancy clothes and wasn't that stupid.

After thinking about it, Wen Yan looked at the turtle demon. If this guy was sent out to do things, he probably knew a lot.

"Aren't you the only ones under the Dragon King? Aren't the other monsters and ghosts willing to become water gods?"

The water ghost on the side was about to speak, but was interrupted by Wen Yan.

"I didn't ask you. It's best to shut up."

Then he continued to look at the turtle demon and smiled.

"Although, it's best to be honest. It's okay to hide it, as long as I don't know or discover it in the future."

The turtle demon hesitated for a moment and did not answer. He asked a question first.

"Is what you said before true?"

Wen Yan's hand shook and he took out the document given by Cai Heizi.

"Do you see clearly? It's already been stamped and signed, and all I have to do is write my name.

As for whether you think this is true, there is no need to worry.

Jiang Yanyan is my younger brother, and I helped him apply for his awards and official recognition documents.

To be honest, it is a bit difficult for other people to get formal recognition before they have merit.

However, it is not difficult to build a temple by the river.

Any doubts left?

No, I'll call Jiang Yanyan over and have a meal together? "

"No, no, no, I definitely believe it. I just can't believe this kind of opportunity. It might be my turn to wait." The turtle demon shook his head repeatedly. He was so crazy that he didn't force himself to let a serious river god come. Verify this kind of thing.

Do you want to hang out in Xijiang in the future?

They didn't look at their Wen Yan, and they didn't ask them to find the Dragon King to verify their identities.

"Okay, no doubt about it, then you can continue talking, why are there only a few of you? The Dragon God is willing to let you come, so you can't be the only ones under the Dragon God, right?"

"That's not the case." The turtle demon shook his head, looking at the documents put away by Wen Yan, and his words became sincere: "My dragon king said that we, who are mild-tempered, either eat grass or eat small animals. The fish and shrimps must not hurt anyone, so they let us here, but there are others, but they tend to be brave and fierce. My Dragon King said that if we let them here, they will be beaten to death by the Lieyang Department."

Wen Yan looked from left to right and nodded involuntarily.

"Your Dragon King can see clearly."

A grass carp that mainly eats grass and is a regular at the table.

A non-venomous water snake that is harmless to humans. I have seen the same one at the vegetable market. I couldn’t tell what species it was at the moment. Anyway, these species all look pretty much the same.

The turtle demon should be in the second grade of the country. It has a very long lifespan. Even an ordinary turtle has a chance to live for hundreds of years.

On the other hand, the flashy water ghost is a bit out of tune with the three in front.

"This guy, no matter how you look at it, he has nothing to do with gentleness, right?"

Just as the water ghost was about to speak, Wen Yan glared at him, and he suddenly didn't dare to speak.

The turtle demon thought that the water ghost had its own stereotype, which would affect the three of them, so he quickly said.

"He didn't dare to harm anyone at all. A few months ago, a little girl fell into the water. The little girl couldn't swim. If he went to mix it up, he would be free.

When he arrived, he just caught her and took one look at the little girl. He couldn't say anything anymore and finally sent her ashore.

His mother thought that he fell into the river and drowned before he was married or had a girlfriend, and he died naked.

He didn't even dare not wear the clothes sent to him.

The last time the goddess ascended, other water ghosts tried to stop her, but he didn't dare.

If he got some benefits, he would switch to the path of the goddess without hesitation. In the future, he would not be able to harm anyone to free himself.

Even the Dragon King felt that he was so cowardly, wandering around in front of his eyes every day, it was really an eyesore. "

The Turtle Demon sells his teammates to him in a clean and tidy manner, just like the Water Demon with a crackling sound, and water is constantly dripping from his head.

He acquiesced in everything else, even when it came to clothes, even if Wen Yan didn't let him speak, he couldn't help it.

"What do you mean by not wearing it? It's my mother's wish. It doesn't look good with a bare butt, so why don't I just wear it!"

Wen Yan couldn't help laughing and echoed.

"That's right, what's wrong with people wearing clothes? Isn't this quite festive?"

Just now, he thought that the water ghost's clothes were for marriage, but he didn't expect that they were just used to hide his shame.

This was the first time he had seen a water ghost who was so cowardly that he could still maintain his intelligence.

"Okay, I don't care how you stop others, I only care about the results.

When Jiang Yanyan first established the temple, he had accumulated many years of achievements.

If you ask me to choose directly, I won't be happy. I guess you won't accept it either, so why should anyone else do it?

Let's do this, let's take five years...forget it, let's make it less, let's take three years as the period. Whoever performs well in these three years will get the quota.

In three years, you will definitely be able to tell who is more suitable for each other.

Everyone is satisfied, so there's no problem, right? "

Several demons and ghosts looked at each other, but there was nothing wrong. Wen Yan was right. If they didn't dare to dissatisfy Wen Yan's decision, they must be dissatisfied with why other colleagues took the position.

No one is much different from anyone else.

There will be a time for us to compete with each other, and then we will let our strength speak for itself.

"I made a promise in advance. If one person drowns in this stretch of water in the past three years, the four of you will be eliminated together."

After confirming with a few monsters, the stupid grass carp, with solid eyes, decided to start today and swam away on the spot.

When the water snake saw that the grass carp had no martial ethics, it started working and followed in another direction.

When the turtle demon wanted to leave, Wen Yan stopped him and said he had something else to tell him.

As for the water ghost, he took his time getting things done but didn't leave.

Seeing Wen Yan looking over, as if he wanted to have a private chat with the turtle demon, the festive water demon ran further away and retreated into the water.

Wen Yan looked at the turtle demon and said with a smile.

"We may meet people here. Let's go and talk in the water. The Lieyang Department will definitely not know what we said."

Wen Yan stepped directly into the river, completely submerging himself in the water step by step.

The turtle demon was startled and quickly chased after him.

After catching up, Wen Yan found a big rock in the water, sat on it, and spoke directly in the water without bringing an oxygen bottle or holding his breath.

"It seems that you are the most valued by the Dragon King. I happen to have something to do here, and I would like your help to convey it to the Dragon King."

The turtle demon blinked his little eyes, and when he heard the Dragon King, he backed away a little warily.

"Are you from the Sun tribe?"

"No, I'm a regular employee of the local funeral home, and I'm well-established."

"Are you a monk?"

"I tried, but unfortunately I have no talent for cultivation."

"Oh, what are you going to say?" The turtle demon relaxed a little and didn't care about why Wen Yan didn't drown.

"I want to talk to your Dragon King and ask you for an introduction."

The turtle demon hesitated and thought about it for a while.

“We, the Dragon King, don’t like you and don’t want to have contact with you.

If you introduce him rashly, I'm afraid I'll be in trouble. If the Dragon King is angered, I might be doomed.

I don't dare to introduce people to the Dragon King casually.

Last time I introduced one, the Dragon King was so angry that he crushed the ghost to death. "

"The ghost guy who drowned last time?"

"Yeah, that's him."

"..." Wen Yan couldn't help but look sideways. This turtle demon is really a damn talent.

However, they were so furious that they did not kill the turtle demon, which showed that the turtle demon was indeed respected.

"Is it allowed by the Dragon King that you come to see me?"


"The Dragon King has allowed you to come and have sex with me. Now that you have introduced me to the Dragon King, will the Dragon King still blame you?"

"This this……"

"Don't worry, you guys, I am the most optimistic about you. I will definitely not harm you. I really have something important and want to talk to the Dragon King."

"Then I can't take you there directly. I have to ask the Dragon King for permission first."

"Okay, just go and ask for instructions. I'll be back at this time tomorrow."

After sending the turtle demon away, Wen Yan stayed in the water for a while and looked to the other side.

"Whatever you want to say, come over and say it. If you don't say it, I'll leave."

The festive water ghost floated over with some surprise. He saw Wen Yan staying in the water and moving freely. He could even clearly see that Wen Yan had clearly swallowed the water, but there was no sign of being submerged. No.

"Speak quickly and stop whining."

"I actually oppose the temple and become the water god. I don't have any thoughts. I'm here to ask you for a favor.

If you are willing to help me with this, I won't become a water god. As long as I have time, I will patrol these waters. "

"Tell me what you are busy with first."

"Can you give me a set of clothes? I want to change my clothes..." The festive water ghost's voice became lower and lower as he spoke, feeling embarrassed.

"Uh..." Wen Yan was startled. He really didn't expect this request: "What kind of clothes do you want, just tell me. I happen to know a friend who is a monk, and I can ask him to help give it to you."

"The God of Death's cosplay suit, the kind that looks after your butt, is that okay? I saw it a month ago, and the price was reduced to more than 200." The happy water ghost looked expectant.


Wen Yan didn't know what to say.

"You can't wear ordinary clothes either. Forget it, I'll find someone to give you a complete set."

"Okay, thank you. Just tell me what you want to do. Although I can't do anything, it's definitely okay to find out the information."

"Okay, let's wait until I bring you the clothes."

Wen Yan said goodbye to this festive water ghost who had probably been dead for a few years, and asked Zhang Laoxi.

There are only two funeral supplies stores in Decheng that sell finished clothes that can be given to water ghosts. If you want to make them custom-made, you have to find someone to make them. There are not many people with this skill.

And the price is more expensive than the clothes of a living person.

Wen Yan was mentally prepared. Anyway, no matter what time you buy a skin, you have to pay for it in krypton gold. The dead ones are even rarer, and they also test the material and craftsmanship. It is understandable that it is expensive.

After sending the picture to Zhang Laoxi and asking him to find someone to help with it, Wen Yan began to wait for news.

On the other side, the turtle demon has returned to Guilongwang Temple, where most of the temple is underwater.

It carefully told the story of its previous encounter. It really wanted to build a temple. After the finless porpoise appeared downstream, countless Xijiang water gods turned blue with envy.

After hesitating for a while, it still tried to come here to report to the Dragon King. By the way, Wen Yan wanted to see the Dragon King.

The expected rage from the Dragon King did not appear. Instead, the more he talked, the Dragon King became calmer and calmer.

"You said that he took the initiative to enter the water to talk to you in order to prevent the Lieyang Department from prying eyes, but didn't he use any water avoidance method?"

"No, absolutely not. Did he perform any magic? I can definitely feel that he is more natural than me in the water."

"What's his name?"

"My name is Wen Yan."

"My surname is Wen, and I can't drown in water..."

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