I am your natural enemy

Chapter 147 Rakshasa Bird, Big Trouble (5k)

When Feng Yao got the news and arrived, the shock on his face could not be concealed.

Other places are fine. After all, the Lieyang Department's limited manpower is much more serious than the lack of police resources. Many places with few incidents may not even have dedicated office units. They are just a few offices in existing units. .

But Decheng has just experienced a big investment and it has only been a few days, so all the ghosts and ghosts who have a little bit of compulsion in their hearts will definitely go around Decheng now.

Because if something happens, I will be invited to tea by the Lieyang Department.

But who would have thought that there would be monsters and ghosts that would dare to commit crimes in Decheng at this time.

Soon, the hospital's preliminary examination results came out. All the injuries on the man's body were caused by falling down the stairs.

Even if this person cannot see, it cannot be ruled out that it is caused by brain trauma.

The structure and function of his eyes are intact. It is currently speculated that it is neurological blindness. The specific cause cannot be concluded now.

Feng Yao's current information provided by the hospital is only for reference.

He watched the hotel's surveillance video and found that this man indeed fell downstairs in the dark.

This hotel once suffered a loss because the stair passage is not often used by people. They have passenger elevators and freight elevators, and the stairs are basically not used. The stairs are purely used as emergency evacuation routes.

But someone had an accident in the stairs before. There was no surveillance in the stairs at that time, and there was a lot of arguing. In the end, in order to calm the trouble, the hotel saved the other party's family from hanging a banner at the door of the hotel. It affected the business too much, so in the name of humanitarian compensation, they paid Lost some money.

Since then, the hotel has had surveillance even in the stairwells.

Except for the rooms and public restrooms, all public areas outside are monitored, and it has only been changed for more than a year.

The surveillance showed very clearly that this person did fall by himself, it was an accident.

But the previous surveillance showed that the man entered the room with a girl.

It took the girl less than three minutes from the moment she walked in to the moment she walked out. The high-definition camera could even capture a trace of regret on the girl's face.

The video was imported into his laptop, and the identity of the girl was quickly listed based on facial recognition.

Feng Yao immediately mobilized his authority to check the girl's whereabouts.

Decheng's Skynet has just undergone an upgrade. These days, the uncles can even watch the video directly in the office, call the habitual thief, and ask him to turn himself in. Don't waste everyone. time.

With Feng Yao's authority, when handling cases, the corresponding hardware facilities are more than one level better than a month ago.

After just a few minutes, Feng Yao gave up.

Because that face is also fake. The real identity of this face has never been near this hotel today.

He kept tracing the traces and soon found all the whereabouts of the other party.

At first, the girl walked out of a residential alley. The beginning of the alley was still three or four meters wide and had surveillance cameras. But further in, the branch alleys were standard. There is a Mao camera in Sanchi Alley.

After the girl came out, she was still wearing ancient clothes, and her appearance could not be clearly seen. Her face seemed to be covered with a layer of fog. Then she changed her clothes and changed into a black silk skirt and bat shirt, and then she swayed and arrived. In the hotel, at the door of the hotel, I grabbed the blind man.

Although the surveillance is silent, it is obvious that this kind of monster knows nothing about modern technology.

The hotel's high-definition camera, coupled with image processing technology, can even restore the other person's mouth shape after continuous amplification.

There may be slight deviations, but with the help of expert lip-reading translators, after combining the upper and lower parts, it is basically guaranteed to be able to translate what the other party said at that time.

Finally, if you just make up for the details that are sometimes missing, you can achieve an effect that is comparable to that of the scene.

Feng Yao's hands kept jumping on the keyboard, and he quickly finished processing everything.

Not long after, Wen Yan saw the whole process.

She was a young girl who looked innocent, enthusiastic, and good-looking. She appeared as a prey and hunted a man who seemed to be quite honest.

"Tsk, who can control this?" Feng Yao clicked his tongue.

"Can't you control it?" Wen Yan glanced at Feng Yao in surprise.

Feng Yao thought about it seriously and shook his head.

"If I were an ordinary person, and a girl with a nice smile came up and hugged my arm just to have a wedding banquet, I probably wouldn't care too much. These days, if someone is willing to do this for the sake of a stutter, I think No one will say no, but if you don’t say no at first and you take the first step, you may not be able to stop later if you want to.”

"As expected, you are still a commoner. You can't trick me with this kind of trick." Wen Yan shook his head.

"Huh? Are you serious?" Feng Yao curled his lips.

Wen Yan was very serious and came to simulate the situation.

"If a stranger approaches me like this, based on my instinct, even if I don't instinctively punch her twice, it will trigger the yang reaction in my body.

Although I have only reached the second stage of boxing training, I don’t practice strength first, I cultivate yang energy first.

My strength may not be as good as other warriors at the same stage, but my Yang Qi is far stronger than those at the same stage.

It is impossible for this kind of evil spirit to laugh at such a close distance and being impacted by my yang energy. "


Feng Yao had a dark face and stopped talking. His talent in martial arts is so amazing!

“Now we can basically confirm that it must be an evil spirit.

And there is a high probability that it is a monster that has not lived in the city for more than half a year.

That kind of curiosity is more like coming to Decheng for the first time. I am more inclined to think that it is her first time coming to the city.

I'm just not sure what kind of evil it is. "

"According to ancient records, the Taiyin in the tombs in the ruins accumulated corpse energy, and over time it transformed into a Rakshasa bird, which is as big as a gray crane. It can change and cause evil, and likes to eat human eyes.

Gauss felt a strong sense of death, and coupled with the information obtained so far, it was already very obvious.

A person like me who has read miscellaneous books for a few days can guess it, but you can’t guess it? "

Feng Yao shook his head.

"Although this evil spirit seems to like to go to weddings to join in the fun, is good at changing and confusing people, and is also very interested in people's eyes, there is a high probability that it is a Rakshasa bird.

But she didn't directly dig out people's eyes, she probably just swallowed the contents of the eyes.

Moreover, after the devouring was completed, it did not turn into a bird, but instead looked brighter and brighter.

These are all inconsistent with the records.

Moreover, on the land of China, there is no soil where Rakshasa birds can be born.

Nowadays, transportation is more convenient and information spreads faster. Maybe it is something from outside.

Foreigners came to the wedding scene under the guise of China's local legend about the Rakshasa bird, but in the end they did not attack the newlyweds.

Instead, he seduced an unlucky man who couldn't control himself at the wedding ceremony and swallowed the thing in his eyes.

This is not impossible.

If it were a Rakshasa bird, the unlucky couple would most likely be the couple. "

"Hey, there are so many foreign things?" This surprised Wen Yan.

"Actually, there are quite a few of them, but they are just from outside. There is a high probability that they will not be able to capture the local ghosts and ghosts. If the local ghosts and ghosts want to live a comfortable life, they must not only be strong and capable, but also have to be worldly."

"Talk about it."

"For example, in this case, there is a legend of the Siyekobe tribe in the Amazon rainforest.

There is a kind of goblin there. According to us, it may be something between a goblin and a fairy.

The goblin is also good at changing, and likes to devour the charm in people's eyes when they are asleep.

Those who are swallowed may suffer from cataracts in mild cases and blindness in severe cases.

According to the confession I just obtained, the man said that he fell asleep just as they were getting ready to start work.

After waking up, I suddenly couldn't see anything.

Does the evil spirit we encountered this time be more consistent with the record of this evil spirit? "

Wen Yan thought about it, and it seemed that the core part was indeed more in line.

However, he still felt...

"You're just saying this to be a pervert, right? Do you also think this monster is a monster from the Amazon rainforest?"

"That's not true. In fact, there is a kind of monster on Europa that is particularly interested in human eyes..."

"Don't go that far. Which one do you think it is?"

"I think it's a Rakshasa bird."


Wen Yan didn't want to talk anymore, Feng Yao was trying to bully him.

Feng Yao was on his laptop, opening some files.

“The ancient records may not be completely consistent with the current situation. Just like people today, many of their habits and ideas are different from those of the past.

The world is constantly changing, and monsters and ghosts are also changing. It is normal to change in order to better adapt to the environment.

In China today, it is indeed impossible to find the kind of tombs that have accumulated a large number of dead bodies all year round and have not been dealt with.

But it can’t stand that it happened a hundred years ago, and it also happened even further back.

If this evil spirit is a Rakshasa bird, it must not have been born in recent years. "

When Wen Yan heard this, he thought of Mount Fuyu for some reason.

What he can know is that there has been a large amount of corpse energy and death energy gathering for a long time, and the places that have not been pushed flatly are really the only places where the zombies live in Fuyu Mountain.

To say that the most suitable place to breed Rakshasa birds seems to be Buyeosan Mountain.

He thought for a while and did not dare to call the seventh master uncle or grand master uncle directly. Instead, he called another person in Fuyu Mountain directly. The young man was probably still asleep at this point.

After getting through, I asked, and found that Uncle Seventh Master was still asleep, so he asked Uncle Seventh Master to answer the phone.

"Uncle Seventh Master, I have something to do and I would like to ask your advice."

"Whatever it is, just say it, don't be so polite."

Wen Yan explained the matter, which really put the uncle of the seventh master at a loss. After waiting for a while, he called the uncle of the eighth master.

The eighth master's uncle nodded.

"It has happened before, but it was snatched before it hatched. It reacted slowly and couldn't even taste the eggshell."

"Huh???" Wen Yan was a little shocked.

"Ah, what? When your seventh master uncle was a child, he was so greedy that he would touch bird eggs by himself.

We wanted to eat something, but it was so rare that we finally found a bird egg that we could touch, and it was still in our own home.

Why, can we still endure it, watch, and not take action?

I can bear it, but others, big and small, can't. "

Wen Yan called him "good guy". It turns out that Rakshasa birds can really be born in the zombie cave in Fuyu Mountain.

It's just that those Rakshasa birds were touched when they were still eggs, and the eggshells couldn't even flow out of the zombie holes.

Thinking about it carefully, the little zombie looked greedy, and last time, Aunt Gan couldn't hide her joy when she tasted it.

If bird eggs were produced in the Fuyu Mountain Zombie Cave, it is really unlikely that they would be any potential threat. It is standard practice for those zombies who rarely get to eat to eat the eggshells.

Maybe the eggs haven't even hatched yet, and there are already zombies squatting next to them that can never sleep for twenty-four hours.

No wonder I've never heard of it, even my uncle from the Seventh Master didn't seem to have any impression of it.

"Uncle of the Eighth Master, do you think this is a Rakshasa bird?"

"Don't think about it, it must be. I don't believe that the bastard Cai Qidong is sitting in Nanwu County, and coupled with the heavy defense lines of the customs, the evil spirit that can finally enter China will suddenly become crazy after entering, and be so rampant. If it didn't swallow people's eyeballs directly, then the pregnancy process must be different."

"Can you tell me more specifically? What might it look like?"

"Probably, it may have been bred in some strong man's tomb. It is slightly stronger than the Rakshasa bird that likes to swallow people's eyeballs. Has any strong man's tomb been discovered in Nanwu County recently?

Need help? Tell the Lieyang Department that I can help you with this matter for free.

But if it is a Rakshasa bird, it belongs to me. "

As Wen Yan listened to the words of his uncle from the eighth master, he could vaguely hear his uncle from the seventh master over there complaining, "Stop your saliva, it's almost flowing to your feet."

Wen Yan looked at Feng Yao, who said he had to ask his superiors for instructions. He couldn't make such a decision.

After all, according to the process, after being caught, such a harmful evil spirit is basically treated harmlessly.

The general standard procedure for harmless treatment is to go through the luxurious furnace after beating to death, and then scatter the ashes in the sea.

Although, at present, it seems that if the Rakshasa bird is dealt with, it should be treated harmlessly if it is handed over to the big jang in Buyeo Mountain.

When it comes to experience in dealing with Rakshasa birds, the big zombies of Mount Fuyu are indeed far ahead.

At least there has never been an accident in thousands of years, and I believe that the Lieyang Department will definitely agree to this solution.

Uncle Eighth Master felt a little regretful when he didn't get immediate consent, so he could only say it on the phone.

"This thing, apart from its ability to transform and seduce people, is a complete mess. If you encounter it, you will burn it alive.

But one thing to note is that you cannot agree to any of the other party's requests.

Listening to you, this ghost thing should have become a climate.

It will first make a request that is not excessive and ask you to agree, and then you will agree.

For it, your defenses have already been penetrated.

Follow it step by step. At the end, it says it wants your eyes, and you will nod.

Anyway, it’s not a big problem, just kill him and that’s it.

You have to pay attention to something else. "

"Uncle of the Eighth Master, please tell me." Wen Yan immediately motioned to Feng Yao and started recording.

"This thing has become a climate and has special characteristics. It must have been bred in the tomb of a strong man.

If it has not committed an offense elsewhere before, this is the first time it has committed an offense.

That means it was conceived nearby.

Or maybe he just woke up recently.

The first full meal must be near the place where it awakened or was conceived.

It is certainly not easy for that strong man's tomb to accumulate so much corpse energy and death energy.

You'd better pay attention to this, maybe some strong person has revived. "

After the eighth master uncle finished speaking and hung up the phone, Wen Yan and Feng Yao looked at each other. The two of them had obviously thought of the same place at the same time.

"Crouching Tiger Mountain."

"The Kingdom of Shadows."

In recent times, this is the only place within a hundred miles that can be somewhat relevant and meet some conditions.

When Feng Yao talked about Crouching Tiger Mountain, the focus was on the large number of remains excavated there, as well as Crouching Tiger Mountain itself.

And when Wen Yan talked about the kingdom of ghosts, he was talking about where this evil might come from.

Now both of them couldn't sit still.

It might have been just a Rakshasa bird, but now it might involve a tiger.

Coupled with issues such as the origin and breeding conditions of the Rakshasa Bird, Feng Yao couldn't sit still.

He didn't care about the unlucky guy in the hospital. This guy's eyes were probably not going to heal, and now there were even more troublesome things.

Feng Yao left in a hurry, and Wen Yan couldn't sit still.

This means that if the Rakshasa bird really comes from where they think it is, the most basic point is that the tiger may start to move.

You know, Crouching Tiger Mountain has various equipment installed there, from electronic equipment to optical equipment to some special equipment developed in cooperation with the Three Mountains and Five Mountains. Not even a bird can fly out silently.

But there was no movement over there.

Either the evil spirit this time has nothing to do with Crouching Tiger Mountain, or it does, but it doesn't come from there.

If it doesn't come out from there, then what other way can we leave?

As soon as Wen Yan's thoughts changed, he thought of the Rakshasa Ghost Market.

This is the only place.

As for the Rakshasa Ghost Market, if you ask someone, you might get clues.

However, Rakshasa ghost market... Rakshasa bird, isn't this also related?

Ignore all this for now, let’s hurry up and talk to Xijiang Dragon God.

The dragon god and the tiger, the dragon and the tiger, must be dealt with first. Otherwise, if these two turtle grandsons fight near Decheng, it is not sure which of them will win, and Decheng will definitely finish first.

Wen Yan looked at his watch. It was almost time, so he hurried to the riverside.

On the other side, Feng Yao reported the news and immediately called to confirm something.

"The stones mined from Crouching Tiger Mountain are all valuable, and they are not used casually, right?"

"No, only part of it was pulled to pave the road."

"Oh, that's good, that's good..." Feng Yao let out a long breath.

"what's the situation?"

"I suspect that Crouching Tiger Mountain is the former body of the tiger..."

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