I am your natural enemy

Chapter 149 Rain Sacrifice Platform, the most critical step (5k)

The Lieyang tribe discovered that the tiger was carrying the Rakshasa bird, but they did not dare to do anything rashly.

Cai Qidong wanted to sway people, and went to Tianshi Mansion to invite people through the line he established last time.

Obviously, even if the tiger has no physical body, it cannot be solved by ordinary Taoist priests. In addition, the tiger's level is definitely enough to invite the heavenly master.

It's a pity that Cai Qidong left late. The Heavenly Master has indeed been able to take some time out recently, but he has already been booked by another county.

I heard that it is related to a large project in China. It is an important matter related to the development of several counties in the next few decades. In the end, hundreds of millions of people in several counties will be affected to some extent.

Cai Qidong asked, this is over at the headquarters. He had made an appointment with the Heavenly Master a few years ago, but the Heavenly Master had other important matters before and couldn't get away. Recently, he has been able to spare some time. I just hurriedly went to do it.

Cai Qidong is for the tiger, and according to the records, what the tiger has done in the past, and what he has done after appearing now, the Lieyang Department estimates that the biggest threat to the tiger is to fight with the Dragon God of Xijiang, and then the aftermath may Spread to others.

In addition, the tiger himself is not actually a big threat to ordinary people. At least according to the priority of the Lieyang Department, it is impossible to be ranked as an absolute priority.

Because with the revival of spiritual energy, the number of individuals with strong personal strength who appear or are revived is destined to gradually increase.

It is impossible for the Sun Division to include every one of them on the list to be eliminated without kneeling down.

Maybe the Rakshasa bird following the tiger has a higher priority to be caught or eliminated than the current tiger.

After all, from the perspective of the Lieyang Department, theoretically speaking, after the tiger recovers, he will at most be responsible for condoning and sheltering the Rakshasa bird and causing harm to others.

It's just that this guy was born to be the one to focus on.

From the current point of view, Wen Yan's chat with the Dragon God of Xijiang has become the first priority regarding Tiger.

After coaxing Cai Heizi with nice words for a long time, he made a promise before the work was done. He just wanted to chat with Xijiang Dragon God. After the first chat, as long as he didn't fall out, it would be a great achievement. An opportunity to choose any treasure, bonus calculated separately.

Wen Yan didn't say much, he was quite scared.

He had encountered so many things before, even if it was a soul-eating beast, it could give him information directly, because the soul-eating beast couldn't stop him.

But I don’t dare to give the tiger’s information face to face. If I give it to the tiger, it will be sensed by the tiger, and there is a high probability that it will trigger malicious intent, and then there is a high probability of being killed on the spot.

Now tigers have appeared on the riverside. Although the waters next to Decheng are not the territory of King Guilong, what if the tigers come into contact with King Guilong first?

What if these two get into a fight?

Of course, fighting is actually not the worst case scenario.

What's worse is that instead of fighting, the two of them talked things over.

During the day the next day, there were people in the Lieyang Department watching the surveillance. Of course, to be on the safe side, they only watched the video and not the real-time surveillance at all.

I'm afraid of real-time monitoring in case the other party notices it.

Some particularly powerful people are particularly sensitive to surveillance. That is to say, there are cameras everywhere in the city, which has reduced this sensitivity to a certain extent.

There are no such problems when watching videos, and you can avoid the other party's induction very well.

It was confirmed that Tiger took a girl with him during the day, wandering around, and went to the library to read for a long time. He basically read about the history of the past few hundred years, and some popular science books.

Then I chartered a car in the afternoon and went to the Dragon Mother Temple. I walked around there and then left.

At night, I didn't come to the river.

After confirming this, Wen Yan came to the place where he entered the water last time.

As soon as he entered the water, he saw a large grass carp over one meter long swimming over quickly.

The big grass carp stared with big eyes.

"Leader, what are your instructions?"


Wen Yan didn't know how to reply for a moment.

"Who did you learn this from?"

"Last time a leader came to the shore, I heard someone said this."

"There are no instructions. You work hard. Even if there is only one quota here, you have done a good job. The Xijiang River System is so big, there may be quotas in other places."

The routine painting of cakes made the big grass carp very excited.

Originally, I heard that Lao Gui was left alone, so I might have thought that this spot must definitely belong to Lao Gui. There was no telling why Lao Gui was left behind.

The big grass carp was actually a little frustrated because the Dragon King also took a fancy to the old turtle.

He had heard that the Sea Dragon King wanted turtles to be their prime ministers, and turtles were particularly valued. On the human side, old turtles seemed to be the second best in the world.

And it is not illegal for a big grass carp like him to be caught and eaten...

Now that Wen Yan had given him a thumbs up, he suddenly became more energetic and figured it out.

Yes, the water area of ​​​​the Xijiang River is so big, it can't compare with the old turtle, the finless porpoise that is the best in the country, can it be compared with the wild water gods in other places?

The big grass carp kept swimming in the water as if it had been injected with chicken blood.

Wen Yan didn't know if the big grass carp had taken the wrong medicine, so he didn't ask much.

"Where's the old turtle?"

"Okay leader, I'll call him right away."

The big grass carp twisted its body and disappeared quickly. Soon, the big grass carp was seen dragging an old turtle and approaching quickly in the water.

The old turtle was dizzy and cursed. After seeing Wen Yan, he closed his mouth.

"Go and do your work." Wen Yan waved to the big grass carp.

"Okay, leader, if you need anything, just call me in the water. I have a new name, Yu Cao."

The inexplicably intoxicated big grass carp swam quickly and patrolled the waters near Decheng.

Wen Yan nodded repeatedly. What a good monster. With such professionalism, he could kill countless people in an instant.

If the big grass carp is not given the quota here in the future, just look for it elsewhere. He believes that the wild worshipers of water gods in other places, not to mention all, at least 98% will not be as dedicated as this big grass carp.

The old turtle floated in the water, looking at Wen Yan sitting at the bottom of the water, waiting quietly.

"Has anyone else come to see the Dragon King in the past two days?"

"No, the Dragon King agreed and said he wanted me to take you there. I came yesterday and didn't see you."

"How has the Dragon King been feeling these past two days?"

"It should be pretty good. He hasn't scolded me for waiting for the past two days."

"That's good, take me there now."

The old turtle led the way, and his swimming speed was not slow at all. Wen Yan grabbed the old turtle's shell and moved forward quickly in the water.

After more than half an hour, we came to an area with gentle water flow. The water here was at least fifty meters deep and it was dark underwater.

Wen Yan had some night vision, and he seemed to be walking in the dark. Everything around him was pitch black.

When he got to the bottom of the water, and when he got closer, he saw that there was a temple that was mostly buried under the water.

There are also many creatures in the water that are constantly digging out the sand. It seems that it has been going on for a long time.

There are still many traces of sand on the ruined top of the temple. The entire temple may not have been buried under the sand before.

Wen Yan was a little surprised. He and the Lieyang tribe had thought that King Guilong wanted to build a temple on the shore. Unexpectedly, his temple was washed away by the flood and disappeared after falling into the water. underwater.

Now he dug his temple out of the sand himself.

No wonder the research and judgment given by the Lieyang Department said that after the Dragon God's resurrection, his strength should have been slowly recovering.

Wen Yan did not float directly into the temple, but landed at the door of the temple. From the gate of the Dragon King Temple, he entered the temple courtyard.

He slowly fell down and stood on the thick sand in the courtyard, looking towards the main hall of the Dragon King Temple, where it was pitch black.

Suddenly, a pair of bright vertical pupils lit up in the temple.

Just two eyes are almost as high as the temple gate.

The moment his vertical pupils lit up, an invisible sense of oppression from his bloodline emerged instantly.

Wen Yan's breathing stagnated slightly, and the natural enemy profession reacted naturally.

"Qinglong (in progress of job change)"

"A descendant with a trace of true dragon blood, after a long period of evolution, finally evolved to the final step towards a true dragon.

Unfortunately, the weather was not conducive and the land was not conducive. Before it was completed, it fell into a long-lasting slumber due to the end of the Dharma.

Now, I want to borrow the temple, the incense of humanity, restore the position of Dragon God, and attack Qinglong again. "

"Obviously, you also fulfilled the promise you made to an old man by carefully cleaning the stone archway in the middle of the night. At this moment, there are unexpected benefits. This Dragon King has restrained his inherent malice towards you."

“Temporary capabilities.

1. Rain worship platform.

When you have a complete program and complete files, you can summon the Rain Festival Terrace in a specific place (please do not call the Rain Festival Terrace by another name if it is not necessary).

2. Gantry.

At a specific time, in a specific place, when the preparations are complete and the Lieyang completion rate exceeds 50%, the Dragon Gate can be briefly enlightened. "

Wen Yan wasn't too surprised when he saw these two temporary abilities.

He has long discovered that the stronger the opponent and the greater the gap between the two sides, the more complicated the use of temporary abilities may be, and it may even play a decisive role only at critical moments.

He has also read the information. The Rain Sacrifice Platform is another name for the Dragon Slaying Platform, and it was also its original function.

As for Longmen, it is probably the Longmen that he normally understands.

It's just that if you are not equipped with temporary abilities, you won't be able to sense more information.

He didn't prepare to equip it in front of King Guilong.

And the natural enemy profession can give hints, which at least proves a problem. There is a high probability that the Dragon God has no idea of ​​killing him.

The rising sun in Wen Yan's mind shone brightly, and he greeted him with neither humility nor arrogance.

King Guilong stared at Wen Yan, his vertical pupils slowly expanded, then narrowed again, and suddenly asked.

"You have mother's aura on you. Where did you get it?"

In fact, King Guilong had only objected to meeting Wen Yan once before.

A man surnamed Wen, who did not know the Dharma and was able to enter water without drowning, was exactly like his mother.

He began to wonder if this was a descendant of his mother's bloodline who had awakened the same power as his mother.

And, most importantly, he also heard that the finless porpoise downstream was recognized by the current imperial court and became a new river god, and it was Wen Yan who pushed for it.

Wen Yan also used his merits to get a place in Lieyang tribe to build a temple on the riverside of Decheng.

The combination of these factors made King Guilong abandon his inherent malice and decided to meet him.

But I was just curious and wanted to see it.

To be close to each other is absolutely impossible.

Unexpectedly, when he saw her today, he could even detect his mother's aura on Wen Yan.

This made King Guilong immediately abandon many of his original ideas and put aside many of the things he wanted to say. He asked about the matter first before talking about it.

Wen Yan blinked and was keenly aware of the problem.

Based on the prompts, he probably also understood that the surname Wen, the concept of not drowning in water, and the establishment of a temple may not have much effect.

Just as he thought, these things were just icing on the cake, not the main point.

Because he has lived in Nanwu County for several years, he naturally knows that if you are capable, your surname is a natural link between clans with the same surname. If you are not capable, the most you can do is worship your ancestors. Meet those people of the same surname who are getting along well.

The core reason why today's conversation went smoothly was definitely because he kept his promise that day and actually went to clean the stone archway in the middle of the night.

Maybe it was because the stone archway was blessed by the blazing sun at that time, and there was a little bit of aura attached to it.

After Wen Yan's thoughts changed quickly, he told the truth honestly.

"In the center of Decheng, there is a stone archway. I heard from an elder that it was given by the Dragon Mother to protect the people.

My elder has been cleaning and maintaining the stone archway all his life, and he still went there last year.

That elder passed away this year, and this responsibility fell on my shoulders.

This year I also took advantage of one night to clean and maintain the stone archway. "

"The center of Decheng?"

"Yes, the very center, the intersection of four avenues, the very center of the intersection, and it is three feet, three inches and three inches above the road surface."

King Guilong was silent for a long time. He really didn't know these things and had never heard anyone say them.

If you are three inches below the road, you will be trampled by thousands of people. If you are three feet below the road, you will never be reincarnated.

But if it is at the intersection of the main street, three feet three inches above the ground, it will be worshiped day and night.

This standard is much higher than that of a standing temple.

Because it is impossible to guarantee that even if a temple is built, everyone in the city will go to worship.

Only the main street, the intersection of four avenues, is absolutely guaranteed to be worshiped by the whole city.

King Guilong just heard it and knew that the stone archway belonged to his mother without looking.

In his heart, within the Xijiang River system, except for his mother, even he himself was definitely not qualified for this.

And since Wen Yan can be tainted with a trace of aura, it proves two things.

First, his mother should be very pleased with Wen Yan, otherwise, she would not give him a blessing.

Second, even after many years and times changing, his mother is still very respected locally.

Moreover, this can also mean one thing: there is hope for his mother to recover.

This made King Guilong extremely happy, even happier than if he had built a temple himself.

Although he was the one who received the most beatings back then, his mother still loved him the most. Of course he hoped to see his mother again after his spiritual energy recovered.

After hearing Wen Yan's words, King Guilong immediately had an innate affection for the people of Decheng. Year after year, he would continue to worship and maintain this hope.

But to be able to do this in the center of the city, the Lieyang Department must have played a role, right?

Thinking of this, King Guilong no longer dislikes the Lieyang tribe that much, that is, from being extremely disgusted to the level of ordinary disgust.

On the other hand, looking at Wen Yan, he went from being ordinary to a little more pleasing to the eye.

After all, his mother felt that if Wen Yan was pleasing to her eyes, it would be hard for him to do the opposite.

"Mother, do you still have a temple?"

"It has always been there, and it is repaired and maintained every year. Every year on the birthday of the Dragon Mother, many, many people come from all over to worship. Some people even come back from outside China."

Seeing King Guilong's performance, Wen Yan picked out some things that King Guilong liked to say.

Sure enough, he could see that there was joy in King Guilong's eyes, and the pressure was reduced a lot.

I have been chatting with the Dragon King about the Dragon Mother for more than half an hour, and I haven’t talked about anything else yet.

The conversation was almost over, and when King Guilong was obviously in a good mood, he looked at Wen Yan.

"Then tell me, what is the main purpose of your visit this time? Do you represent the Sun Division?"

"No, no, no, I'm not from the Lieyang tribe."

"Then what do you want to do? As for worrying about what I will do, then you don't have to worry.

My mother used to protect ordinary people, but now her memorial arch is in Decheng and her temples are always there. Naturally, I will not be rebellious.

As for the last time I blocked the goddess from ascending, that was not blocking the goddess. I have no grievances with the goddess.

I also admire his character very much.

It's just that I can't stand the face of the dog leader of Lieyang Department.

Isn't this clearly aimed at me and the other water tribes? If I don't express my opinion, everyone will think that I and others are easy to bully. "

Wen Yan's eyes lit up and he immediately nodded in agreement.

"Ah, yes, yes, if I hadn't been able to beat that bastard named Cai, I wouldn't have just slapped him in the face in public. My senior brother was a bad-tempered fellow and slapped him in the face in public, sending him flying. Go out more than ten feet away."

"Hey, there is such a hero? What is his name?"

"My name is Qin Kun, from Fuyu Mountain."

"Hey, there is another tough guy in Fuyu Mountain. Good, very good. It's a pity that I didn't get to see him with my own eyes."

"Then I'll go back and ask to see if someone videotaped it at that time. If someone filmed it, I'll bring it to you next time and let you watch the video. The video is..."

"I understand, it's that mobile phone. You can see some pictures on it, right?"

"Yes, that's it. I'll go back and ask if any warriors have taken a video of the man named Cai being beaten."

"Haha..." King Guilong couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Wen Yan followed and laughed, "This is a black man, I won't be sleepy anymore. I guarantee he will do something good."

As for whether anyone took the video at that time, 80% of the time no one took the video.

But it doesn’t matter, forget about other things. As for video, if modern technology says it exists, then it must exist.

I believe that dear Minister Cai, if knowing the video of his beating can make King Guilong happy, he will definitely not mind.

After the atmosphere became harmonious, Wen Yan got down to business.

"It's like this. I accidentally saw a broken ghost before and learned something about it, so I came here specifically."

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