I am your natural enemy

Chapter 152 The dragon roars in the middle of the night and is determined to trigger thunder (5k)

At night, the siren sounded in the Lieyang Department's station in Nanwu County.

The people who had been tracking and monitoring the tiger discovered that the cameras near the tiger suddenly broke down, and all the surveillance images turned into snowflakes.

Losing tracking directly means that it is starting to lose control, and the alarm will sound immediately.

Cai Qidong has not been home for several days. These days, he has room and board at his work so that he can respond at any time and issue orders at any time.

When he found out that the tiger went to the Dragon Mother Temple and the surveillance was gone, he had a bad feeling.

"Is it just the surveillance near him that is out of control?"


"Expand the scope and look for out-of-control surveillance."

"We found it. The scope of the surveillance failure is spreading to the south."

A real-time map was immediately displayed on the big screen, with red areas marking the areas where monitoring failed.

The first time he saw it, Cai Qidong knew that the tiger was going to Xijiang.

"Call to confirm. Are the personnel in place?"

"It's nearby. Everyone can arrive within half an hour."

"Check again whether all the preparations notified upstream have been made."

Within half a minute, someone answered.

"It has been confirmed that the water levels in all reservoirs upstream here are at historically low levels. The dams have also been opened and the water levels are already below the lowest level."

“Inform the upstream and follow the third set of plans to lower the sluice to store water.

All reservoirs, dams, and diversions from various places are connected together to directly cut off the flow.

The river was placed under temporary control.

Centered there, within a radius of three hundred kilometers, all members are on standby. "

After doing this, Cai Qidong personally called again to confirm whether the two masters invited by Longhu Mountain were nearby.

Cai Qidong's face was as sinking as water. He stood in the command hall and looked at the map coldly.

A strong man of Tiger's level is extremely lethal, but in fact, from the Lieyang Department's point of view, he is not a great threat.

The greater threat is the existence in the water system.

In terms of destructive power and scope of influence, no matter how powerful the tiger's personal killing is, it cannot compare to a major flood.

The history of water control in China and the history of fighting against things in the water system has begun since the mythical age before writing.

From the beginning to the end, in the eyes of Lieyang Department, Xijiang Dragon God paid more attention than Tiger King.

That's why Cai Qidong asked Wen Yan to talk to Xijiang Dragon God. As long as nothing happens to Xijiang Dragon God, the tiger is just a dangerous person who needs special attention.

No matter how powerful the sniper rifle is, it will not threaten anyone as much as the map cannon.

Unfortunately, the most abundant products in each water system are various map cannons.

The single target damage may not be high, but the coverage is ridiculous.

Cai Qidong's plan for the goddess's ascension was to be taken a risk in a place like Xijiang, which has been in chaos since ancient times, where there are many and complex water gods, but there are no extremely powerful ones, or they have not yet recovered.

If you go further north, no one in the Lieyang Department would dare to approve this kind of move, which is like sharpening a knife on the head of a water creature.

The main thing is to cut through the mess with a quick knife, bullying the weak and fearing the strong. Before other water elements can react, the knife has been sharpened, so naturally no one dares to force him.

Originally, after listening to Wen Yan's report, Cai Qidong felt that although King Guilong was a bit irritable and unruly, he was at least quite filial, which was similar to the legend.

In ancient times, many dynasties governed the country based on filial piety. Whether you were filial or not actually had a veto power.

If it hadn't been for this, and with King Guilong's temper, he would have been beaten severely, and he might have gone to the Dragon-Slaying Platform long ago.

All the fierce men in the past have never killed the Guilong King in the end. In the final analysis, this guy is at the level of being beaten to death at most, but not to the point where he needs to be beaten to death.

Two days ago, Cai Qidong was still sighing. I don't know how Dragon Mother educated him back then. At least Guilong King was a little crooked, but he didn't grow crooked.

It's better to be filial. A filial child will not be too bad at least.

But now, Cai Qidong feels that he is finished.

The Tiger King was able to endure the last time he went there, but this time the Tiger went to the Dragon Mother Temple.

Cai Qidong thought about it with his heel, and he could guess what the tiger was going to do if he didn't talk about martial ethics.

Isn’t this fucking bullying an honest person?

Does this guy have any decency?

Cai Qidong was so angry that he never expected that the tiger would be so ungrateful and unscrupulous.

I don't even understand what he is trying to do by forcing King Guilong like this?

What important thing did he have to do to make him so shameless and force King Guilong.

Wen Yan was practicing boxing at home when he received a call. After hearing about this, he was stunned.

What does it mean?

Is the tiger so shameless? Want to use the Dragon Mother to persecute this stupid son of King Guilong?

But then I thought about it, shit, what a fool.

The tiger is a bitch, he doesn't have martial ethics, but he really has a fatal grip on him.

This guy, Guilong King, can never bear it.

When I chatted with him last time, everyone had a harmonious atmosphere. Assuming that Guilong King could be anxious.

If he could endure it this time, he would not be King Guilong.

Wen Yan quickly packed his things and prepared to set off.

While trying to call the mobile phone he gave to King Guilong last time.

But obviously, there is no signal at all at the depth where Guilongwang Temple is located, and it is impossible to get through at all.

Looking at a huge plaque on the tiger's shoulder, entering the Xijiang River, the girl has turned into a big black and gray bird, standing on the other shoulder of the tiger.

Ancient songs were sung from the mouth of the big bird. The tune from at least a thousand years ago spread slowly in the water.

The tiger came to the top of Guilongwang Temple again, floating quietly in the water, looking at the half-collapsed temple below.

He actually likes this era very much, because many of the things he wants to find can be seen for free in the library.

In the era when he was active, books were actually a very luxury thing.

Especially books that contain a lot of sensitive information, which ordinary people may never see, let alone know, in their lifetime.

Nowadays, various ancient books have replicas, and various versions can be easily found.

Some of the ones that were hard to find could be found for him by just spending a small amount of money.

Based on what he had heard vaguely before, and after checking the classics, he easily found the method to achieve his goal, which was very simple.

"King Guilong, if you don't come out, I will burn the thousand-year-old plaque of Longmu Temple and smash the stone archway there."

The tiger's words were like the roar of a tiger, blasting into the Guilong King Temple.

In the dark waters, King Guilong's eyes began to burn.

He knew that the tiger was irritating him, so he blocked out the sound on the other side and watched Lezi's video to reduce his anger.

But watching fun videos is no longer of much use.

He closed his eyes, but in his mind, there seemed to be the sound of the plaque cracking, and the roar of the stone archway collapsing.

He was interested in He Changfeng before, wasn't it because He Changfeng had really successfully resurrected a person.

After he recovered, he wondered if his mother could also recover. After all, his mother was special. If He Changfeng could resurrect people, he might be able to help.

Even if it just speeds up recovery.

Last time I heard Wen Yan say that his mother's stone archway was erected in the center of Decheng, three feet three inches above the ground. He was quite happy, and he also had a very good impression of the people in Decheng.

And since Wen Yan has the aura of his mother, he can restrain his innate prejudice and malice.

If the plaque is destroyed, it will be destroyed, but he can still bear it.

But if that stone archway is destroyed, is there really no chance of recovery?

When King Guilong thought about it, he was brought up by his mother from a little green snake, who fed him, protected him, and finally educated him and guided him, step by step, to where he is today.

He can't even protect the thousand-year-old plaque in his mother's temple, and if he can let people carry that plaque and flaunt it in front of him, then what's the difference between him and a waste?

If it was because of him that his mother could never be revived, he would not be able to rest in peace even if he died.


The phone was pinched and deformed, and the screen was cracked.

Opening his eyes, there were already green flames burning around those vertical pupils.


Under tens of meters of water, the ordinary Guilong King Temple collapsed, and the top exploded directly.

Along with the roaring green flames, the surrounding water seemed to become light and active at this moment.

Power that was difficult to detect with the naked eye quickly appeared in front of the tiger.

The tiger turned sideways and put the plaque behind him. He stretched out a hand and spread his fingers to block it in front of him.

Rumbles of thunder exploded under the water.

The green flames mixed with the river water, constantly impacting in front of the tiger.

There was a hint of surprise in Tiger's eyes.

"After so many years, you have actually evolved into a blue dragon."

The five fingers he stretched out gradually turned gray-white under the impact of the green flames and the river current.

His prosthetic body was unable to withstand such an explosion, and it was impossible for an ordinary flesh and blood body to withstand the furious King Gui Long.

Even if he is still a Guilong King who is still far away from recovery.

The tiger took advantage of the impact of the river current and kept retreating.

When he exited the river and stepped onto the shore, he discovered that the water level on the river had dropped a lot and was continuing to drop.

The tiger glanced upstream, then looked up at the sky. He felt that something was watching him, but it was very, very far away.

It was so far away that he knew someone might be watching him, but with his current strength, he couldn't lock onto the other person.

"What a terrible mortal, terrible technology."

"After this time, we may have to avoid the limelight. I think I may have underestimated these ordinary people and this era too much."

The tiger glanced towards Jiang Zhong, and one of his prosthetic bodies was already missing.

He turned and left.

When he took a big step, each step was like a tiger leaping, and when he left quickly, the river suddenly exploded.


A dragon roar shook the heavens and the earth, exploding under the starry sky at night.

After the dragon's roar, which was filled with rage and trembling, emerged, water vapor gathered on the river and turned into mist. A large amount of water vapor in the sky gathered from all directions and turned into clouds, covering the stars and the moon.

In the clouds and mist, a blue dragon with two horns on its head, at least several hundred meters long, was looming inside.

Suddenly, the flames rose up, and the flames dispersed part of the clouds, revealing a pair of huge vertical pupils, with blue flames burning around them.

"Tiger! You are looking for death!"

The tiger smiled, flicked a finger on the plaque, and a crack appeared with a click.

"court death!"

King Guilong was so furious that he almost lost his mind. He wanted to kill the tiger no matter what today.

Unless he kills the tiger, if he closes his eyes, he will think of the most unacceptable thing.

The worst possible outcome is to go to the Dragon-Slaying Platform!

Even if you go to the Dragon-Slaying Platform, you have to kill the tiger first!

Tiger raised his other hand to block the attack from behind. His hand began to change to gray in an instant, and the prosthetic body was on the verge of collapse.

He turned around and walked away at a very fast speed. Behind him, the river was surging. He was caught by the Guilong King and turned into a water dragon. He jumped directly over the high embankment and chased the tiger.

The river turned into waves tens of meters high, roaring out.

The water level in the river, which was already declining, began to decline at an accelerated rate.

A large amount of river water was carried by King Guilong and chased the tiger. In the sky, there were bursts of thunder and water vapor gathered, responding to King Guilong's rage.

Wen Yan drove his car and was about to cross a viaduct between two mountains when he heard the sound of thunder and the ground seemed to be shaking.

He looked to the side and saw water waves tens of meters high roaring from the side. The huge force it carried made the earth tremble.

"It's bad, he really can't hold it back."

Wen Yan got out of the car and ignored the danger. He stood by the bridge and looked at the roaring waves.

Under the viaduct, you can still see a person, carrying a huge plaque on his shoulders, stepping on the top of the mountains and trees, walking on the ground, walking as fast as flying, and moving forward quickly.


This guy is so shameless. No wonder people say people are shameless and invincible.

As long as you are willing to put down your body, there are so many things you can do.

Who would have thought that the tiger would be so shameless, pinching the Guilong King's Achilles' heel and strangling him to death.

Ordinary people who are threatened by someone using their mother as their mother may just go ahead and do whatever it takes.

Not to mention the guy Gui Long Wang. If he could bear it, he would no longer be Gui Long Wang.

It doesn't matter how the tiger threatened me, the result has already appeared.

Seeing the tiger walking like flying, with one of his arms missing, he gritted his teeth and ignored the warning.

The natural enemy profession changed as his mind changed, and a new prompt immediately appeared under the red exclamation mark.


"The tiger who holds the position of the tiger is the original person and the king of all beasts in the mountain.

There is no harm in killing, it is pure killing, killing that conforms to heaven and earth.

He only encountered two major catastrophes, and both times he saved his life, but his character and foundation were also damaged.

Now, he urgently needs to regain his physical body to regain control of his power.

Before he recovers, every killing he makes will hurt his own fundamentals.

All those killed by the tiger cannot be resurrected, cannot turn into apiao, and cannot leave consciousness. "

"He noticed you, but luckily he has no free time to pay attention to you right now.

Friendly reminder, take advantage of his illness to kill him, and kill him completely before he recovers his body.

Otherwise, if he notices you, he will definitely come to kill you. "

“Temporary capabilities.

1. Grandma.

There is no way to save or resurrect those killed by tigers, but as long as they don't die, that's fine.

Grandma never raises any living things (including but not limited to animals and plants) to death.

2. Sparrow cat.

Unfortunately, you have a natural enemy of the tiger.

What's even more unfortunate is that it has already obtained the core inheritance of the sparrow cat. "

Wen Yan stood by the bridge, looking at the tiger's back, and completed the prompt.

At the same time, Tiger, who was walking vigorously, suddenly turned his head and looked at Wen Yan standing on the viaduct.

He recognized it at a glance, it was the little warrior he saw that day, a very weak little warrior.

But now, he felt a huge threat, which made him have the urge to take action directly and kill him on the spot.

But seeing the furious Guilong King chasing after him behind him, the tiger decisively gave up the idea of ​​killing Wen Yan now.

His prosthetic body was already on the verge of collapse under the impact of his power and the power of King Guilong.

Without the prosthetic body, with his current strength, it would be difficult to kill Guilong King.

And he didn't originally want to kill Guilong King, he just wanted to use Guilong King's hand to do things.

The tiger soon disappeared into the forest and ran wildly into the distance.

Wen Yan took out his cell phone, looked at the map, and looked in the direction he was going, and immediately determined that his destination could only be Crouching Tiger Mountain.

He called Cai Qidong.

"His goal was Crouching Tiger Mountain, and he led the furious King Guilong there."


Cai Qidong hung up the phone, looked at the map, and immediately started the next step of deployment.

The power that the furious Guilong King could unleash was indeed beyond expectations.

After taking a look at the photo sent by Wen Yan, and comparing it with the relief from the Lieyang Department's exploration at the Dragon Mother Temple, Cai Qidong's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

The worst case scenario has occurred, and King Guilong cannot bear it.

I don’t know what the tiger said, but King Guilong’s current action is obviously a desperate move. He would rather go to the Dragon-Slaying Platform afterwards than kill the tiger now.

According to the predicted direction, people who may be affected have been notified in advance of transfer.

Here in Crouching Tiger Mountain, there are only some equipment left.

On a mountain in the distance, an altar was set up.

A purple-robed Taoist priest stood in front of the altar, making seals with his hands, and his robes made a hunting sound.

He held the magic sword, looked at the billowing black clouds in the sky, and recited the mantra.

"The sky has an edict, and the subordinates lead the Duke of Thunder.

The great god of bullying is accompanied by eight generals.

Thunderous official, Bagua general.

Taiyi Zhenzai, I have summoned the Five Thunder Heroes to quickly arrive at Gen Palace.

Urgency is like a law. "

Accompanied by a loud shout, the magic sword stood in front of him, and he saw thunder in the black clouds, rolling and muffled, as if a thunder god was beating a drum in the clouds.

With a loud rumble, the sky suddenly brightened.

A thick thunderbolt was drawn down from the sky in an instant and penetrated the heaven and the earth.

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