I am your natural enemy

Chapter 155: Indeterminate Chimeration, the enemies are all here (5k)

In that moment, it seemed like a long, long time had passed.

The moment Hu Yuan saw Que Mao, the hair all over his body exploded.

He tried his best to stop, but it was too late, and it was impossible to stop because he had used the killing technique.

Casting a killing technique is like a killing blade. The moment it hits any living creature, there is no room for regret.

Even Hu Yuan himself couldn't regret it at this time.

At that moment, he seemed to be standing at the doorway of two doors. On one door was the lower body of a bird, and on the other was a cat's head with a slumped face.

Then tell him to make his choice.

And a choice must be made.

The art of killing is to kill birds or cats.

Very long-lasting memories came to mind at this moment.

The first time he died was when he was at his peak.

Very early on, there were no Taoist priests, no magic, only innate supernatural powers and naturally powerful creatures.

At that time, he had not yet transformed into a human form. He was born with a strong physical body and roamed the mountains and fields. All the creatures in sight in the mountains were his food.

He once fought with the gods born in the mountains, and also fought to the death with the domineering dragon in the water. At that time, he became stronger and stronger.

Until one day, he met a man from that time. The man praised him as the king of all living beings in the mountain, but he was just too violent and would suffer big losses sooner or later.

The man told him that as the king of the mountain, even if he wanted to devour other living beings, he should not kill them indiscriminately.

It is the nature and law of nature to eat to full, but if you are full, you should not continue to kill.

At that time, of course he didn't understand these principles. He was just annoyed by this person buzzing in his ears, making him irritated.

He immediately decided that even though he was not hungry, he would still kill this man, simply kill him.


The man did not kill him, but continued to reason with him, and even took a bone from him, saying that tiger bones were great medicine.

Finally, he wrote the word "王" on his forehead.

As for why it is not the character jun, it is because the person said that the character jun is not good-looking.

Before the man left, he told him many truths and talked for a long time, saying that he hoped that he would live up to this word in the future.

That was the first huge setback he encountered. His pure strength could not compare to that person.

Then he listened to others for the first time and stopped killing when he was full.

After he did this, he felt unhappy when he saw other creatures killing other creatures when they were full, so he killed those creatures.

Slowly, this became the default rule for many creatures.

Later, he continued to become stronger and wanted to become a human, because the strongest person he had ever seen was a human.

He became stronger and stronger, and finally after being struck by lightning, he transformed into a human form and gained the ability to kill animals.

His killing power is getting stronger and stronger. When he was at his peak, there were only a handful of people who could withstand a single blow from his killing technique without dying.

At that time, he had not encountered anyone who could withstand the three-strike killing technique.

He became more and more arrogant, thinking that he was invincible, until one day, when he was fighting other creatures and fighting through a mountain range, he saw a big bird with the head of an owl and the body of a bird. A setback, also the biggest one.

The strange bird, which in his opinion would die in one strike, mocked him to the extreme.

Even at that time, he could only find it difficult to hear many of the words that mocked him, and he couldn't even understand the meaning of many of them.

Of course he couldn't bear it, so in a rage, he used the killing technique.

The huge owl stood there, constantly taunting, not dodging or dodging, and forcefully received the most extreme killing blow in his life.

That time and that moment, exactly this moment.

Of course he knew that no matter what he chose, it would be wrong.

It's not that there is no correct answer, but that as long as he chooses it, it will be the wrong answer.

Last time, he chose a sparrow; this time, he chose a cat with a slumped face.

Then, the palm he slapped on the sparrow cat's head retracted like an electric shock.

As if his body was hit hard, his face instantly turned into a tiger's face, and black and orange hair that looked like steel needles sprouted all over his body.

His figure seemed to have suffered a huge impact and flew backwards. Blood was spraying out from every pore in his body.

He was knocked back to his original shape on the spot, lying on the ground, constantly coughing up blood.

The killing technique will be triggered the moment it hits a living creature. Once triggered, it will never be stopped.

When the power of this blow is enough to kill the opponent instantly, it will directly trigger instant death. Whether it is a human, a demon, a ghost, or a god, there is no need to consider whether his power will hurt the opponent in the first place.

Just like Ah Piao himself, he has extremely strong resilience to ordinary attacks. He may be able to tear apart tigers and leopards alive, but he can't even do anything to a single Ah Piao.

But the killing technique will ignore these. As long as there is power, any power is enough, the opponent will definitely die.

Even if the power of this blow is exerted to the extreme, it is not enough to kill the opponent, then this blow will burst out with the maximum damage effect.

Just like the Guilong King who has now turned into a blue dragon, if he can withstand one blow of his killing technique, it will be the limit. With the second blow, Guilong King will definitely die.

However, when his killing technique is used against sparrow cats, it is impossible to complete this process.

It has nothing to do with strength or weakness, it's just that the judgment process of the killing technique cannot be carried out at all.

The moment he hits the opponent, it is equivalent to taking the initiative to make a judgment.

And his judgment must be wrong.

The process that was originally completed the moment it hits will be stuck in the middle forever, never being able to stop, and never being able to complete the judgment.

This time, the sparrow cat I encountered was a born bully, even more hateful than its ancestors.

Hu Yuan gave up decisively and allowed the backlash of the killing technique that must hit the target.

Let his killing technique come back and hit himself solidly.

Hu Yuan was knocked back to his original shape by a blow. He lay on the ground and coughed up blood. He struggled to stand up. His whole body seemed to be infected with blood, but he was still laughing, laughing wildly.

"I have been thinking about what to do for a long, long time. I have been thinking for a long time about what to do. I even used killing techniques on myself for this purpose and seriously injured myself. Finally, hahaha..."

The first time he died, he died under his own killing technique.

It was the first time he encountered that situation. He was shocked, angry, and a little scared. He had delayed it for too long.

At that time, he thought that he would not choose or judge, or just kill them all together. He kept superimposing and delaying, and finally allowed the power of the killing technique to continue to rise to the point where he could not even control it in that state. The point of being out of control.

Then, it came back forcefully.

One blow killed him.

Precisely because he died in his own hands and died in a way that should never have happened, something seemed to be wrong. Instead, he gained a glimmer of life and revived again.

Since then, he has acquired this new ability inexplicably, always leaving a ray of life and always recovering.

And dying at the hands of an owl whose strength was less than the average of the monsters in the mountain became the biggest shame in his first half of life.

So that later on, everyone knew that he had died before, but no one knew how he died the first time.

He regarded this matter as the biggest secret and shame in his life.

Even his nightmare for a long, long time forced him to constantly think about what he should do if he encountered that owl monster again.

So much so that his inner demons were at work, and he went crazy and actually used the killing technique on himself, seriously injuring himself.

After that time, he finally got out of the corner and thought about the problem for a while.

Why use killing techniques?

That kind of little monster can be beaten to death with a slap, so why bother killing a chicken with a bull's-eye and causing yourself discomfort.

He later traveled around the world and killed many monsters with cat heads and bird bodies, including owls that looked quite similar, but he never encountered that strange owl again.

After that, the owl was never seen again, not for a long, long time, even hundreds of years.

He thought that the weak owl was extinct, but unexpectedly, he encountered another one.

Moreover, the owl with that strange power once again caused him to encounter backlash.

Fortunately, this time he had experience and without any hesitation, he decisively withstood the backlash.

Fortunately, he has reshaped his body and regained his former charm. This killing technique cannot kill him.

At this moment, all the bones in his body seemed to have been hammered. Countless wounds appeared all over his body, and all his internal organs were injured. He was still laughing wildly.

The nightmare of the first half of my life was finally solved today.

I have thought about it too much and figured it out, but I have never been able to thoroughly test it myself.

It didn't matter that he was seriously injured on the spot, because the lingering haze in his heart that had been buried for a long time also disappeared after receiving this blow.

Wen Yan's reaction was already very fast, but it was still not as fast as Hu Yuan's sudden explosion. It was so fast that he didn't even react.

When he turned around, he saw Hu Yuan flying backwards with blood all over his body.

He was knocked back to his original shape, looking very miserable, but still lying on the ground, laughing wildly.

Wen Yan looked at the sparrow cat, who looked horrified and confused.

When Wen Yan looked at Quemao, a reminder that had never appeared before also appeared at this time.

"True sparrow cat (adventitious chimerism)."

"A cat that cannot be judged? A sparrow?...Cat? A sparrow? A sparrow cat? Cat? Cat..."

Those prompts gradually turned into garbled characters, and gradually even the garbled characters disappeared, and then the prompts that had just appeared also disappeared.

Wen Yan looked at the seriously injured Hu Yuan in the distance with a confused look on his face, and then looked at Quemao.

The natural enemy profession will not deceive me.

After regaining his physical body and regaining his charm, Hu Yuan, who was so crazy that he would make anyone jump at once when he fucked him, was seriously injured by Que Mao while he was sleeping.

He had previously thought that the sparrow cat was too weak, so weak that it was not worth the reaction of the natural enemy class.

Unexpectedly, it may not only be because it is too weak, but also partly because it cannot give hints.

"Come on, hurry up, this guy can kill you even if he only has one breath left."

Seeing this scene, Prince Zhu took a deep breath and pulled Wen Yan into the grave.

Hu Yuan, who was knocked back to his original shape, struggled to get up, and the hair on his body shrank back again. He stood up again and turned into a human form, but he looked a little embarrassed, with blood all over his body, a bit of a tiger look on his face, and on his forehead. A word gradually emerged.

It looks like a large character with a horizontal line underneath it.

Prince Zhu stopped Wen Yan behind.

"You go first, hey, I really had to run when he was in his prime, but now that he's injured like this, don't blame me for straightening up."

Prince Zhu touched his sleeves and took out an ancient hand gun. There were a large number of patterns and talismans engraved on the hand gun.

As this handgun appeared, it began to emit a strong dangerous aura, which everyone could feel.

Prince Zhu was eager to try it. Of course, Prince Zhu also wanted to do what Old Zhu had done back then.

Whether it can be done and whether you dare to do it are two different things.

Hu Yuan stood up with an unruly look on his face and glanced coldly, full of disdain.

His figure swayed and disappeared in an instant, and in Prince Zhu's hand gun, the dangerous aura began to surge straight up, and power gathered in the hand gun.

There was madness in the old guy's eyes, and he kept suppressing it. The moment Hu Yuan hit him, he saw a sudden roar from the gun in his hand, and jet-black destructive power spurted out.

Prince Zhu groaned, and the clothes on his body suddenly burst into pieces, revealing a python robe with a flowing halo underneath.

Hu Yuan, on the other hand, received a shot from a special handgun at close range. He bowed his waist slightly, slid back, and carried it down.

"People from Lao Zhu's family."

Hu Yuan sneered and reached out to pat the scorched black spot on his chest. The injury was recovering rapidly.

He looked around and laughed.

“It turns out that this is the calamity.

People from Longhu Mountain, people from Lao Zhu's family, the Dragon Clan, Bird Cat, and this guy with weird magical powers.

It turns out that they are all here, good, very good.

Just in time, the previous grievances were settled in one go. "

Hu Yuan drank in a deep voice, and the word on his forehead glowed slightly. He let out a low roar in his throat, and his whole body shook at this moment.

The blood on his body surface continued to surge, and the injuries to his internal organs were aggravated again due to this vibration, and blood continued to flow from his mouth and nose.

But after just a few breaths, the signs of blood rushing on his body quickly diminished, and the scorched black on his chest began to fall off.

Wen Yan did not run away in a hurry. When he looked at the tiger, he discovered something unexpected, indicating that there had been another change.


"The tiger who holds the position of the tiger is the original person and the king of all beasts in the mountain.

There is no harm in killing, it is pure killing, killing that conforms to heaven and earth.

After reshaping his body, regaining his charm, and getting rid of his inner demons, he will be more terrifying than before. "

"He noticed you, he thought you were the biggest potential threat, and he would definitely kill you.

Hint, he has the ability to recover from extreme troughs. "

“Temporary capabilities.

1. Grandma.

2. Deprivation. "

When Hu Yuan was attacked by his own killing technique, the sparrow cat was suddenly missing from his temporary abilities, and a deprivation was added.

Wen Yan looked at the sparrow cat that was so frightened that it collapsed into a puddle, and suddenly had some understanding.

The corresponding temporary abilities should not be fixed, and may not be unique to many targets.

But the one that is most suitable at the moment.

Recalling the temporary abilities generated before, there is a greater probability that he can use them based on his current abilities and current situation.

With Que Mao's strength, if he wanted to trick Hu Yuan, he would only have one chance, and there would be no chance of a second time.

So now the prompts are gone.

And the extra thing may mean that he now has the opportunity to use it.

It hadn't happened before, and it was probably because the temporary ability was completely useless.

It's like giving him a gun that can kill Hu Yuan with one shot. With his shooting skills, he probably won't be able to hit Hu Yuan at all.

Thinking of the speed at which Hu Yuan exploded just now, it was so fast that his eyes and instincts couldn't react.

Wen Yan felt that martial arts training was particularly necessary, although so far, his martial arts training didn't seem to have much effect.

But now I understand a little bit, the generation of temporary abilities is also based on his own strength.

Just like at the beginning, facing the Soul-Eating Beast, it was useless to generate any abilities. Even if the Soul-Eating Beast showed its blood bar and lay there and let him kill it casually, he probably wouldn't be able to make the Soul-Eating Beast drop a drop. Blood.

Just as Wen Yan was starting to think about it, Hu Yuan suddenly raised his head and looked high in the sky, where a helicopter was rapidly approaching.

Hu Yuan's face darkened. He felt as if a scorching sun was approaching in the sky. Such terrifying Yang Qi had already enveloped here before it arrived.

He didn't care about healing his injuries anymore. His body swayed, and the wind suddenly rose around him. In order to prevent unexpected situations, he had to clear the place first.

Especially if he kills the guy with a weird magical power first, that magical power seems to be specialized in restraining the killing arts.

The moment he moved, the figure standing outside the helicopter had disappeared.

When his slap fell, Prince Zhu stood in front of Wen Yan, preparing to lean on the python robe and forcefully carry him again.

A muffled sound suddenly appeared in front, and the strong wind spread like a shock wave in all directions. Within a few tens of meters in front, it was like a missile was dropped. The earth trembled, the trees collapsed, and dust flew into the air.

In an instant, the shock wave carried debris and dust and spread in all directions.

A man wearing striped trousers, with his upper body naked, and estimated to be nearly two meters tall, stood barefoot.

His whole body was bulging with muscles, his body was shaped like an inverted triangle, and his whole body exuded a burning masculine energy.

He stood there motionless, his hair blown high, revealing a pair of contemptuous eyes.

He glanced down at the palm patting his chest, looked at the cracked skin wounds on his chest skin like spider webs, and sneered disdainfully.

"That's it?"

The next moment, I saw his hand being pulled out with a backhand slap.

In an instant, Hu Yuan disappeared on the spot, and almost at the same time, a loud rumbling sound appeared on the hillside dozens of meters away.

There is a huge ravine on the ground that stretches for tens of meters, and the ravine extends all the way to the end of the hillside.

Hu Yuan lay there, spitting out a mouthful of blood with a loud sound. His eyes trembled, and he looked at the person in the distance in shock.


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