I am your natural enemy

Chapter 157 Endorsement, Bullying Support (5k)

Wen Yan looked at Tuoba, who looked arrogant, as if he looked at everyone with a little contempt, curled his lips, and looked at the time. It was still more than an hour before the 1st.

Okay, I won't expose you. Let's see if your mouth is still hard enough to stop bullets after more than an hour.

Tuoba stood there, his upper body naked, and the skin trauma on his chest had already healed on its own. His whole body was like a radiation source, continuously radiating terrifying Yang Qi outwards.

If Wen Yan hadn't developed his strongest longboard after practicing martial arts, Yang Qi, he would have had difficulty even standing next to Tuoba.

Didn't you see that Prince Zhu was hiding far away while wearing a python robe that was considered a treasure?

It was said before that he was able to force a large number of ghosts and ghosts in Yuzhou to move without doing anything. It was probably not an exaggeration.

Wen Yan took out his phone and called Cai Heizi back. He couldn't even make a call. The impact was too strong. He walked farther away and hid behind King Guilong before he reluctantly sent a text message telling Cai Heizi that it was time to get ready. .

"How are you doing?"

"I've fallen down the rank, but I won't die. If I go to the Dragon Slaying Platform, can you please stay away from me?"


"If my mother recovers in the future, tell her that I am not ashamed, and I did not take the initiative to cause trouble, and I don't blame anyone." King Guilong was a little frustrated, but he was also very calm. He had no trace of the irritability of the past. Be prepared for any outcome.

Wen Yan opened his mouth, wanting to say something but not knowing how.

In the end, he could only take out most of the remaining food and stuff it into King Guilong's mouth. Then he took the remaining chocolate and climbed over the mountain to see the Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain.

Originally, these two Taoist priests did not need to open an altar in such a close place, but time was tight, and the two semi-finished altars closest to them were right here.

Moreover, within the range covered by the gaze, the power and accuracy of spell casting will be greatly improved. They do not dare to rely on it and imitate the master's over-the-horizon play.

Although strictly speaking, the way they can open a forum and the strength they can exert are related to their status, they are not completely equal.

Among the purple-robed Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain, some are indeed good at drawing lightning, but there are also some who are not good at protecting the Tao.

Furthermore, despite the fact that above the nominal purple-robed Taoist priest, there is the Heavenly Master.

That's just because it's always been arranged like this, it doesn't mean that the Heavenly Master is only one level better than them.

The gap between Taoist priests at the same level is also very large.

Just like the two Taoist priests who came this time, one is actually the main attacker and the other is the auxiliary. It is probably a bit like the relationship between a sniper and an observer.

How to fight, when to fight, when to stop, what to do and what not to do when, all have to be determined by another Taoist priest who is not good at attacking.

If he hadn't been here and just kept doing it, maybe if he killed Hu Yuan now, the kingdom of ghosts here would directly expand in the real world, and a netherworld would be created here. That would be a huge trouble that is irreparable.

When Wen Yan came to the top of the mountain, one of them had fallen to the ground. He was covered with a coat and lay on it, sleeping soundly.

After being hit by a killing technique, with the physique of the Taoist Priest, he was not killed because Wen Yan had fed him in advance. He would definitely not die within the effective time.

But he's not dead, and he probably doesn't feel too good. He hasn't woken up yet.

Another Taoist priest, when he saw Wen Yan, immediately stood up and bowed.

He has seen a lot, and what he has learned is not that he is good at combat, but that he is good at perception.

He knew very well that his senior brother had no way to avoid it and was able to survive a killing move. It was definitely not luck or strength. The only reason he could find was that Wen Yan had been very persistent in feeding him before.

"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for protecting my senior brother's life."

"Taoist priest, you're welcome. Just call me Xiao Wen or Wen Yan."

"No, no, no, my fellow Taoist is a disciple of Fuyu Mountain. He took risks and came here in person. He used secret methods to protect our lives in advance, but he never asked for credit. A poor Taoist dare not ask for help. Fellow Taoist deserves to be the second Taoist friend." Character."

The Taoist priest said it very seriously.

He did a great deed, but didn't say anything about it. It wasn't until he almost died that he discovered that their lives had been protected in advance.

The feelings of ups and downs are definitely completely different.

He didn't care what Wen Yan looked like or how he appeared. He only felt that he had to give necessary respect to what he was doing.

"Taoist Priest, what should we do next? How should we finish?"

"How is King Guilong?"

Wen Yan blinked and said.

"He has been subjected to killing techniques two or three times. He has fallen down the level. He probably won't be able to withstand it for much longer."

The Taoist priest raised his eyes and looked into the distance. He saw that the clouds and mists in the mountains in the distance had indeed shrunk several times in size. He just stretched out his hand to try to calculate. After seeing Wen Yan, he paused his fingers slightly, changed his mind, and slowly retracted them. Hand, just give up.

"If King Guilong still has the strength, you can ask him to guide the river back to its rightful place. The Kingdom of Shadows has been stabilized and there will be no major changes.

In his current state, having suffered two life-killing spells was already his limit.

Even if he has the body of a dragon, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive for long before he suddenly dies.

If he is serious, please ask him to guide the river one last time so that everything can return to normal.

The Dragon Mother is also a good teacher. Pindao observed that he brought water all the way and walked through uninhabited valleys.

If he still has good intentions, let him return to the river and wait quietly for emergence.

Supreme Taiyi rescues Ku Tianzun. "

The Taoist priest saluted and sang, with a compassionate look on his face, as if King Guilong was about to die, so the Taoist priest was compassionate and pointed out a decent way.

Wen Yan blinked and returned the salute seriously.

"The Taoist Master is right, I will go and persuade King Guilong right now."

After turning around, Wen Yan secretly sighed. This Taoist priest was not an unkind person, and was very transparent. After realizing that he intended to plead for King Guilong, he said these words directly. This is equivalent to As an authoritative person, I came to endorse the fact that King Guilong died.

As long as King Guilong diverts the river and restores calm here, he can stay quietly in the river. It is best not to come out for a short time. Everyone will treat him as if he has gone back to wait for death.

This Taoist priest knew what Wen Yan fed them to protect their core vitality.

Wen Yan went to King Guilong again with a lot of food in front of everyone's eyes. Even a fool knew that King Guilong would definitely not die.

If you dare to say this, you are not opening up, but blocking Cai Qidong's mouth yourself.

Wen Yan came to King Guilong again and told him to get rid of the water quickly. It had been more than a day, and the news outside still didn't know what the commotion was.

After all, no matter what, King Guilong actually violated a taboo and diverted the river across the embankment. If this was done a thousand years ago, no matter what the reason, he would have to go to the Dragon Slaying Platform.

Now that the purple-robed Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain are willing to be open-minded, there is some hope.

Wen Yan has been in contact with King Guilong twice. This guy has some shortcomings. I can't say he's bad. He's a bit silly. After thinking about it, Wen Yan feels that King Guilong probably belongs to that group. People like this don't mess with big things, but they have to be beaten every now and then for small things.

Wen Yan's earnest persuasion was for fear that King Guilong would be stubborn again.

But unexpectedly, King Guilong was very honest now. He nodded in agreement to anything Wen Yan said.

After the matter was over and Hu Yuan died, King Guilong began to reflect. He was now thinking about what Wen Yan had just said to the Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain to make the stinky Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain agree to the Internet. Open one side.

He knew that there was a magic weapon in the Tianshi Mansion, and the core material needed was obtained from the dragon.

There is also a cherished treasure basket. When giving and receiving, the dragon's belly skin needs to be used as a carrier.

If there is a chance to kill a dragon, Tianshi Mansion will definitely be very happy.

Because after the killing, the body will definitely not be wasted. With the status of the Tianshi Mansion, it will definitely be able to get the desired parts.

The more King Guilong thought about it, the more he felt that Wen Yan must have paid a heavy price.

"If those..."

"Shut up!" Wen Yan shouted in a low voice. After shouting, he lowered his voice: "You do what you are told. This is the best result. Don't worry about anything else. As long as you do it in the future, Don't be so impulsive anymore, don't jump out and cause trouble, just don't be so stubborn."

Wen Yan was afraid that King Guilong would be possessed by the stubborn donkey again, so he quickly told him to stop talking.

King Guilong obediently shut his mouth and stopped talking. He led Dahe honestly and returned the way he came.

Before leaving, he quietly looked at Tuoba Martial God who was standing there in the distance with his eyes closed, without even looking at him.

He silently recorded Wen Yan's favor in his heart. This was another way to convince Tuoba Martial God. After that, he went to convince the smelly Taoist priest in Longhu Mountain. The price was definitely not something he could imagine.

At least he felt that it was impossible for him to come up with anything that could be worth as much as his dragon body.

After being scolded, King Guilong felt even more regretful and his nose was sore.

King Guilong hugged the river and left. This ability was not the ability of being a water god, but an innate ability of being a dragon.

When the dust settled, Wen Yan let out a sigh of relief.

Looking at the time, it was almost midnight, and Tuoba was still standing at the sculpture.

"Aren't you leaving yet?"

Tuoba opened his eyes. It was a rare opportunity. The closer it got to twelve o'clock, the stronger he would become. This was indeed a rare realization.

Unfortunately, he couldn't stay here until 12 o'clock and had to leave.

Wen Yan figured out his identity, so he wasn't worried. Wen Yan himself was from the Lieyang tribe, and he also had a background.

In addition, Fuyu Mountain adopts orphans, and Wen Yan is really free every week, so he works as a chef in the orphanage.

He could see that Wen Yan was indeed relaxed and happy when he was wielding a big shovel and when he was sitting with a group of children eating.

He has natural trust in Wen Yan, but not necessarily others.

He actually had a lot to say and wanted to talk to Wen Yan, a rare person who knew who he was but could still talk to him as usual.

Unfortunately, it was not the right moment. He bowed slightly, his body swayed, and with a bang, he disappeared on the spot and quickly disappeared into the east.

When Tuoba disappeared, Wen Yan suddenly slapped his head and realized that he had forgotten to ask the question he wanted to ask the most.

He especially wanted to ask why Tuoba Martial God was called Tuoba Martial God. It didn't match his name at all.

Forget it, ask next time.

If you ask Tuoba about his current state, he is probably just showing off again.

If you have a chance later, ask Zhang Xuewen.

The roar of a helicopter came in the distance.

Wen Yan carried the tiger stone sculpture on his back and came to Prince Zhu. Prince Zhu was satisfied with the theater.


"He's dead, and he won't be revived again."

"Okay, okay, after I go back, I will burn a letter to Taizu. I believe that after he finds out, he will definitely pat his thigh and say "die well". This can be regarded as my contribution. I saw it with my own eyes. , and it’s worth it.”

"Prince Zhu, are you going back?"

"Return, the guy who sneaked here didn't tell the Lieyang Department. If the minister of Guanzhong County knew about it, that guy would definitely complain in front of me every day with a stern face. Now that he's done watching the excitement, he should leave quickly. ”

Prince Zhu got into the tomb, and the kid who had not left just now quietly came to Wen Yan's side.

"Thank you for saving my life, little brother. We have no other skills. We can only dig in the ground. If little brother needs us, just find an old grave that has no one to worship and just give us a call. I'm sure to come right away." Get there."

Wen Yan's eyes lit up. He had wanted to ask Prince Zhu how he got out of this barren grave in the wilderness. He thought it was Prince Zhu who brought some treasure, or Prince Zhu's own ability.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the ability of this brat.

Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and wrote down a phone number.

Then he didn't expect that this kid even had Fetion. After adding Fetion, Wen Yan couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

The other person's Fetion avatar is actually his selfie. If you don't know, you might have thought it was some kind of cosplay photo.

And the nickname is also very appropriate, it’s called Gravewalker.

"Brother, don't be polite if you have something to do. If you need us, just say it."

The kid said it sincerely. If Wen Yan hadn't fed him smoothly and protected his life, Tuoba Martial God would have descended from the sky. At such a close distance, the escaping Yang Qi alone could have purified him in an instant.

At this distance, even Prince Zhu, who was protected by treasure clothes, would have a hard time carrying it, let alone a kid like him, who wouldn't even have a chance to hide.

The kid got back into the tomb. Wen Yan picked up the cat bag and looked at the finch cat huddled up inside, which was so timid that he stretched out his hand, moved it hard on its head, and then stuffed the tiger statue into it. In the cat bag.

Several helicopters can already be seen in the sky. Standing on the mountain, looking up into the distance, you can also see vehicles approaching on the road in the distance with their headlights on.

Wen Yan is waiting here.

On the other side of the mountain, the Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain has begun to descend.

Wen Yan took out the last half of the chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared from the side, close to the ground, approaching quickly in the forest.

The black shadow silently and quickly approached behind Wen Yan. The moment he grabbed the cat bag, the yang energy in Wen Yan's body suddenly exploded.

With his backhand, he whipped out a big dick, and in his palm, there seemed to be a ball of hot yang energy visible to the naked eye, which he whipped directly into the opponent's face.

In an instant, the black shadow turned into a girl, screamed and flew backwards. While still in the air, it turned into a big black and gray bird, flapping its wings and preparing to fly away.


There was an explosion, and a black light exploded on the wings of the big bird, and the big bird rolled and fell to the ground.

From the cracked tomb just now, a blunderbuss poked out from inside. Prince Zhu held the blunderbuss in one hand and walked out laughing.

"Hey, Xiao Wen, do you remember this too?"

"Actually, I remember them all, but no one mentioned it." Wen Yan looked at the big bird lying on the ground, and turned into a girl with a broken arm, paralyzed there, looking pitiful.

He sneered.

"Whether it's King Guilong, Tuoba Martial God, Taoist Priest of Tianshi Mansion, or Prince Zhu, I'm afraid this guy wouldn't dare to come out of the Kingdom of Shadows.

You all left. It really couldn't bear it anymore and was loyal to Hu Yuan.

You think I'm easy to bully as a support player, right? "

Wen Yan strode forward, the yang energy all over his body exploded unbridled, inspired by the Fierce Yang Jade, and blessed with his own yang energy. It was definitely incomparable to Tuoba Martial God who was so outrageous that it could radiate for dozens of miles around. .

But the sheer explosion and quality, the yang energy that Wen Yan was blooming at this moment, completely crushed the warriors at the same stage.

There are dozens of warriors of the same level, and their combined yang energy cannot compare to his explosion at this moment.

After Wen Yan came closer, the girl on the ground seemed to see a bright sun behind Wen Yan's head. Standing in front of it, the purest yang energy burned, and the corpse energy and death energy on its body were constantly being evaporated. .

Wen Yan stretched out a hand and picked it up directly. Under the burning yang energy, it slowly turned into a big black and gray bird. At the sight of it, more air came out and less air came in.

Even though he hoped that Rakshasa Bird would not be able to resist the temptation this time and take the initiative, Wen Yan was still extremely angry. Damn, you just think I'm a soft persimmon, right?

Prince Zhu stepped back from a distance, feeling the yang energy on Wen Yan's body, looking at the Rakshasa bird and tutting his tongue.

"It's so naive..."

Compared with Tuoba Martial God, the purple-robed Taoist Priest and his ilk, Wen Yan is indeed a weakling.

But, look at the yang energy that is as blazing as fire, almost burning. The quantity may not be as good as Tuoba Martial God, but if you go one step further, the quality may not be too bad.

Especially when it blooms like this, Wen Yan's head seems to be holding a bright sun.

Among ordinary warriors, this was the first time for Lord Zhu that Yang Qi had exploded so violently and had such a strange phenomenon.

He had to stay away from any evil thing when he saw it. Even he didn't dare to rashly approach a relatively special Rakshasa bird within ten meters of Wen Yan at the moment. How could he have the courage?

"Is everything okay? It's okay. I'm really leaving."

"Prince Zhu, please go slowly. If you don't go, Cai Heizi will come."

"Ha, how long has Cai Heizi been in Nanwu County now, and his nickname has become popular here?"

Prince Zhu stretched out his hand, made a phone call gesture, got into the tomb and disappeared, and the cracked tomb began to close again.

Not long after, the first wave of people arrived.

Feng Yao walked out of the car and saw Wen Yan standing on the roadside, carrying a cat bag and holding the Rakshasa bird by its neck, like a Qingyuan chicken that had just been slaughtered and ready to be cooked.

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