I am your natural enemy

Chapter 169 Rejecting friends, continuous signs (5k)

The rider was a little nervous, but luckily he always had a cigarette and a lighter in his pocket. He didn't smoke, so this was reserved for others. At most, he would light one occasionally to ward off second-hand smoke.

He would even carry incense sticks with him before, but he forgot to take them today.

I never expected that just by forgetting this once, something would almost happen.

"Sir, I wish you a pleasant meal. Goodbye."

He said something tentatively, but saw Shen Zijun shout.

"Wait a moment."

Shen Zijun held the lunch box in both hands and didn't care about whether the tableware fit properly. It was time, don't be particular about it, just make do with it.

He took a strong puff and saw three cigarettes burning rapidly. As the smoke from the fireworks floated out, the food in the lunch box quickly turned into ashes.

Shen Zijun was choked and felt a little uncomfortable, just like an ordinary person who uses chopsticks that taste weird and moldy when eating, and ends up eating the chopsticks.

But these are not important. After eating this popular, pyrotechnic, and yang-y meal, his consciousness, which had begun to gradually disperse, seemed to have found an anchor point and began to condense back quickly.

He held his cell phone and looked at the little brother in front of him who didn't dare to leave.

"I'm lost. Take me out and I'll give you one hundred more tolls."

The little brother was a little scared, but he still shook his head.

"My car cannot carry people. Points and money will be deducted."

"two hundred."

"If it doesn't work, it won't work." The little brother could hardly help but turn the switch and leave.

Shen Zijun's consciousness gradually condensed, his rationality began to rise, and he gradually began to realize that this little brother seemed to be an ordinary person.

For an ordinary person to be able to deliver food here, he must be a professional. If not, he will be soon.

A person who can be sent here, who is 80% able to leave, and who may even be able to rescue him, had better be polite to him.

Shen Zijun thought for a while.

"Two hundred, I will follow you instead of riding in your car. Is that okay?"

The little brother thought about it and realized that there was nothing wrong with it. The road did not belong to his family. They just happened to be traveling on the same road, so he couldn't say anything.

"That can."

"You can just go forward, don't worry that I can't keep up. Remember, don't look back. When you see the path again, just walk up." Shen Zijun reminded him. He was now more worried about the little brother leaving than the little brother himself. stay home.

After confirming it, Shen Zijun let the younger brother go ahead, casually picked off the paper crane floating above his head, and held it in his hand.

The little brother turned the switch and rushed forward quickly. Shen Zijun followed behind, always within a reach of reaching the rear of the battery car.

I don’t know how long later, the little brother saw a trail on the side of the road, which seemed to be the same trail he came down from.

At this moment, he didn't care to think about why he kept moving forward, and the trail behind him appeared in front of him again.

He changed direction, drove onto the trail, and drove forward in the darkness. After a while, weeds began to appear around him. After driving for a few minutes, he saw street lights beside the road. From time to time, there was a car on the road at night. passing by.

On the road, the little brother suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Looking back, he saw Shen Zijun following closely behind. He was still driving very slowly for fear that the other party would not be able to keep up.

"Thank you." Shen Zijun let out a long breath and took out his mobile phone: "Brother, how much is your Fetion number? Add it and I will transfer the money to you."

The little brother shook his head violently.

“It is stipulated that you cannot do other things or collect money from customers during working hours.

You're welcome, I'm leaving now, I still have the order. "

The little brother turned the switch and disappeared in a flash.

Of course, rules are rules.

In fact, it is legal for guests to give tips. When the food is delivered, if the guests tip, it is as per the guest's pleasure.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to add this Ah Piao as a friend.

This amount of money is really scary and dangerous.

The customer in the villa area is better, and they just deliver the food normally, and give an extra fifty each time. Sometimes it's a direct reward, sometimes it's a direct cash payment.

It has never been so troublesome or dangerous.

Now that I have calmed down, the stories and taboos I have heard from the older generation gradually come to my mind.

Don’t stick your chopsticks into your rice when eating, don’t look back when walking at night, don’t pee anywhere if there are graves around you, don’t pick up red envelopes when you see them on the ground...

He looked at his phone and quickly logged out. He could no longer take orders today.

After he got off the line, he couldn't help but shiver. The temperature had indeed cooled down, it was quite cold at night.

On the other side, Shen Zijun regretted not adding a friend.

That little brother can be sent to places and can also come out. The route he takes is obviously different from the grave walker. The most important thing is that the little brother can withstand the strong Yin energy there when walking on the road of the underworld. It is not easy. ah.

After thinking about it, he picked up the phone and watched the signal recover again. He clicked on the platform and took a look.

The address where he placed the order displayed on the platform is where he is standing now.

Looking at the name of the delivery boy, it’s also quite strange that he calls me around.

He clicked on the option to reward the rider, thought about it, and decided to give him a reward of 10,000 yuan, but there was a limit for this damn thing, and he lost his temper.

After all, they saved him. What happened to giving him some money to express their feelings?

Shen Zijun just stood there and gave dozens of rewards one by one. Then he received another reminder and the phone rang.

"Sir, this is..."

"I got lost and almost couldn't come back. If the guy doesn't take my money, that's because he's being generous. Can't I just give you some money to show my appreciation? Don't be too troublesome!"

Shen Zijun hung up the phone, and then realized that he couldn't continue to reward the little brother. He was so angry that he wanted to call the customer service number directly to complain.

In the end, he endured it because he remembered that he was not a human being and didn't even have an ID card. It wouldn't be good if it caused a big fuss. Forget it, let's talk about it later.

After relocating, he discovered that he was twenty kilometers away from Decheng. Going back was a troublesome task. He didn't dare to take shortcuts anymore, so he had to take other paths.

During the day, Prince Zhu's manor became deserted, and all the Ah Piao went back to their homes to rest before the sun rose.

Wen Yanxian couldn't sleep, so he continued to take drugs and practice boxing and the three postures of Fuhuhu. Today he felt that the side effects caused by taking drugs disappeared, and he could happily take drugs to speed up his progress.

Of course, another side effect of taking drugs may not be so easy to eliminate.

He was full of energy and didn't feel sleepy even after staying up all night.

In the middle of the night last night, he went to chat with Ji Laogui for a long time, and gave Ji Laogui a lot of knowledge about current things. Unfortunately, he couldn't learn the method of blessing wine from Ji Laogui.

Ji Laogui himself didn't actually know it very well, because he was born with this ability after becoming A Piao.

Hearing that it was as powerful as the blazing sun, Wen Yan had no choice but to give up.

Now that it's dawn, he's going to take a stroll around Guanzhong County and buy some things on the way.

After leaving Prince Zhu's manor and walking for ten minutes, there happened to be an entrance to a subway station. The area around the entrance was still wilderness.

He was quite familiar with this place. He had been here once several years ago. It was his first time to take a good tour of the county before leaving Guanzhong County.

At that time, he also heard that the area around here would definitely be developed. Maybe in two or three years, there would be tall buildings and busy traffic here.

It's a pity that after six or seven years, this place still looks like a wilderness, with only a lonely subway station entrance standing here.

Now Wen Yan also knows why there is a subway station here. It is probably for the convenience of Ah Piao.

Guanzhong County is the place where the Lieyang tribe and Ah Piao get along most harmoniously. After all, with the density of Ah Piao here, the probability of committing crimes is lower than in other counties, which is indeed a bit incredible.

Behind this data, there must be many people working together with Ah Piao to achieve this.

As he sat on the subway and left, Wen Yan just applied Yang Qi to his eyes and saw outside the subway, as if he had passed through a large residential area. A large number of Ah Piao lived underground, but at this point, they were still active. Ah Piao is just relatively small.

Wen Yan looked at the scene outside the window, feeling quite like when he went to the mountain city for the first time.

The light rail sometimes flies into the sky and sometimes enters the ground, and sometimes shuttles through residential buildings. The high place is not necessarily the high place, and the first floor is not necessarily the first floor. This sense of wonder can now be felt in Guanzhong County.

As the subway flies by, you can occasionally see the naughty Ah Piao, sticking her head out of the windows and making faces at the people on the subway.

I also saw several Ah Piao, looking at the subway speeding in a fuss and with astonishment on their faces. The Ah Piao next to them were calm and curled their lips. They were obviously the Ah Piao who always lived here.

Wen Yan was dumbfounded, and then he realized why the subway in Guanzhong County was considered a tourist attraction.

After working on it for a long time, not only people like him can be considered tourists, but also some Ah Piao can be considered tourists.

After experiencing it for himself, Wen Yan finally understood how dense Ah Piao was.

Think about it. Throughout the ages, the number of people who have died in China is probably in the billions.

Even if only one in 10,000 of these people may become A Piao, there are still hundreds of thousands.

From these hundreds of thousands of miles, if we eliminate the 90% that may not exist now, it will still cost tens of thousands.

These may still be from the past, but now there are more than one billion people. With the recovery of spiritual energy, the proportion may become even higher.

The number of Ah Piao is destined to increase in the future, and it is reasonable for Lieyang Department to worry.

After walking out of the subway station and looking at the bustling crowds on the street, Wen Yan took a breath. After the weather started to get colder, the air quality here was indeed a bit worse.

If we had arrived two months later, it would have been dry and cold, and we would have probably encountered haze again.

Wen Yan wandered around the streets and ate some local snacks. He originally wanted to visit Brother Zheng's figurine area, but finally thought about the passage he opened with the help of a long-lit lamp last time. He might have recorded his aura. , he didn’t dare to go either.

After shopping for a long time, I went to pick up two low-temperature insulated bottles that I had ordered in advance, and got a dozen boxes of Xifeng, poured them into the insulated bottles, and then returned to Prince Zhu's manor.

When Ji Laogui came out for activities after a day of training and it was dark, he saw Wen Yan appearing carrying two insulated bottles that looked like buckets, and he almost couldn't help but retreat back into the room.

"Senior, I have come up with a method. I am not very talented. Even if senior is willing to teach me, I still won't be able to learn his method.

I can only be shameless and ask my senior to get more. I will take it back and drink it slowly.

It’s really not easy to practice, so there is no other way. Senior, please forgive me. "

Ji Laogui's eyelids twitched wildly. He finally understood that Fuyu Mountain was still the same Fuyu Mountain. The disciples of Fuyu Mountain were not as crazy as before, and they no longer caused trouble everywhere, but the shameless energy was still the same.

He really had no choice but to stretch out his two hands. The great cold air seeped out and continuously merged with the wine in the insulated bottle. After a while, he saw the cold air coming out of the mouth of the bottle.

Wen Yan closed the lid and thanked him repeatedly.

Ji Laogui was really scared, so he quickly found an excuse to spend too much money, went back to the room, and never came out again.

Wen Yan found the logistics department of Lieyang Department and sent the two barrels of Da Yin Da Han wine back to Nanwu County. He continued to stay in Guanzhong County and became familiar with them.

A message reminder came. Wen Yan opened it and saw that it was a note about the delivery boy.

"Hello, Mr. Wen. Excuse me. I met Ah Piao yesterday. There were many, many Ah Piao. I received another order tonight. It was from an Ah Piao. I met many, many Ah Piao there. , I feel like I can’t hold on any longer, I feel so cold, I really have no other choice, so I want to ask you for help.”

Wen Yan was a little surprised when he saw the news, but not too surprised.

After thinking about it, this little brother is the only one who dares to deliver food to his home, so nothing will happen to him.

He originally wanted to say that if he found anything wrong with the order, he would return it, or just stop accepting the order.

But when I think about it, this guy was so frightened that he turned pale when he delivered food to him before. He still delivered it without any delay. He never exceeded the time limit every time after that. He was very dedicated and it was not easy for him to say such things.

"Before you accept the order, take a look. Just don't accept all orders. Take a rest today and don't accept any orders. Someone will contact you shortly."

After the message was sent, Wen Yan thought about it for a while and finally made a video call back. The guy answered the call instantly, and a pale and blue face suddenly appeared on the screen. The other person was still sitting on the bed wrapped in a quilt.

Wen Yan knew at a glance that this was the result of too much yin energy entering the body. He was too experienced.

"Can you tell me specifically what happened?"

The little brother told me how he went to deliver food yesterday on a road with a lot of people. He went to deliver food again today. After he came back, he felt colder and colder.

Wen Yan was stunned for a moment.

Good guy, the food delivery is all sent to Mingtu Road, and there is no fixed entrance or exit.

"What is your occupation?"

"Huh? Oh, I'm a rider."

"Can't you take a break today?"

"I've rested. I feel like I have a fever and feel chills all over. But I took my temperature and it's a little lower than normal. I...am I possessed by an evil spirit?"

"It's not that serious. It's just the yin energy entering the body. It's simple. Just stay in the sun for a few more days and it'll be fine. If it's serious, just take two doses of medicine. Remember, don't take orders randomly. I Contact someone and I will contact you later.”

After confirming that the problem was not serious, Wen Yan hung up the phone, called Feng Yao, and said that a relatively special professional showed up and registered with the Lieyang Department.

And this little brother is very dedicated and hard-working. If he has a special occupation, there is a high probability that he will be directly recruited by the Lieyang Department.

Even if he doesn't want to, in this case, he can get some benefits from the Lieyang Department and solve his current problem.

Wen Yan had just hung up the phone when he saw Shen Zijun coming back from outside. His soul and body seemed to be a little wandering, and a little Yin Qi escaped from time to time.

Wen Yan recalled what the rider brother said and looked Shen Zijun up and down. The yin energy on Shen Zijun's body gave him a particularly familiar feeling.

"He's back."

"Ah, I'm back." Shen Zijun was a little distracted and seemed to be startled by Wen Yan.

"I forgot about it yesterday. Let's take a photo. It's a long-awaited trip."

Wen Yan remembered the description of the rider just now, so he enthusiastically stepped forward and took Shen Zijun for a photo. After the photo was taken, Shen Zijun hurriedly left.

Wen Yan looked at the photo, and Shen Zijun's eyes were a little distracted, just like what he saw, he was lost from time to time.

He sent the photo to the rider guy and asked.

"Is this the person you met last night?"

"It's him!/Shocked."

"It's okay, it's not a big problem, just have a good rest."

Wen Yan quietly found Gravewalker and asked if he took Shen Zijun to the underworld yesterday. Sure enough, Gravewalker said that Shen Zijun said he wanted to take the path Wen Yan came from.

It's not polite to come uninvited near other people's homes, let alone near Wen Yan's home, so Gravewalker shied away from asking Prince Zhu and Wen Yan.

Now Wen Yan knows why Shen Zijun got lost on the road to death. This guy didn't know what method he used to get there by himself, and then got away and got lost there.

Then, by some bad luck, I happened to meet a rider who could take the order, so I took him out.

Wen Yan rubbed his head and began to feel a headache.

There are more and more things related to ghosts. Even the rider brother can go to Mingtu Road to deliver food. There is an entrance and exit behind his house. This may be a trouble.

The signs are increasing.

Let the Lieyang Department handle it. They have known about it for a long time and must be prepared.

But, I'm afraid they can't interfere in everything.

Looking back at the Ah Piao everywhere, Wen Yan felt that Prince Zhu's birthday banquet might not go as smoothly as Prince Zhu expected.

As for the two who came a few days in advance, one represents Helan Mountain. It can be said that Ji Laogui is somewhat out of touch with the present, and he probably doesn't have frequent contact with the outside world.

However, Shen Zijun, who came from Fengdu, seemed to have other ideas.

Wen Yan didn't believe that he went there alone, really just to catch a charlatan.

It's actually quite dangerous when you're alone when facing a ghost.

On the other side of the city, in a new apartment in Decheng, a woman wearing silk pajamas picked up her phone, with a charming and expectant smile on her face, and ordered today's meal.

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