I am your natural enemy

Chapter 174 Paper money, group destruction (5k)

Lin Jue was a little scared, and he had already begun to regret it.

As soon as he learned about the Hades game, he spent a lot of money to purchase the necessary props because he heard that it was a fully immersive game developed by a professional.

All the props are the top quality that can be purchased within two hours.

If it were daytime, you might be able to buy better ones, but in the middle of the night, the ones you can buy in Guanzhong County are already the limit.

In the end, he only needed one soul suit, but he really couldn't find any older clothes, because they had to be his own clothes, and other people's old clothes were useless.

He felt that the old clothes that were half a year old should be about the same. It was his favorite piece of clothing, so when he donated all the old clothes last time, he kept them alone.

But I didn't expect that something went wrong in the end, and it was this soul suit.

He felt that his physical strength was about to be exhausted, and when he had to leave, the soul clothes could not carry him, and he was stranded in the underworld.

Gradually, he began to feel cold, and not long after, the cold feeling began to dissipate, and he felt comfortable instead.

He probably understood that he was done with his life and could not go back.

Then, he used the props he brought down to form a crossbow. He saw the flaming clouds on the horizon, and rushed towards it. On the way, he found a large manor, which was also guarded by paper figures.

He thought he had finally discovered something new, and when he tried to shoot the crossbow, something embarrassing happened.

He couldn't light the incense, there was no fire.

The unlit incense stick hit the paper figure and fell to the ground after just a flick.

Then, without any surprise, he was led into the manor by two paper figures who looked light but actually took him down easily.

When he got here, he finally saw the first NPC, an NPC named Coachman, and another NPC who couldn't see the prompt.

A scene that shocked him appeared. The NPC took out a lighter from his pocket!

There are also words on the lighter. He knows this style of lighter and will give it when he buys wine.

The crossbow was robbed, and he didn't dare to say anything. The paper man here looked very fragile, but for some reason it was very powerful. A paper man could hold him down and he couldn't resist.

Wen Yan played with this special crossbow for a while and then threw the crossbow on the chair.

"May I have your name?"

Lin Jue hesitated for a moment, but still gave his real name. No one here should know him.

"Lin Jue."

Sure enough, Wen Yan had no reaction to the name and just looked Lin Jue up and down.

"You're dying."

"Ah..." Lin Jue was shocked, was he going to kill him?

"Fortunately, the funerary objects you prepared are of very good quality, which allowed me to last a little longer.

But this doesn't do much. The moment your yang energy is completely exhausted, that's the moment you completely turn into a ghost.

However, I am the most loyal person. Now that we have met, it is fate. "

Wen Yan stretched out a finger and touched Lin Jue's head, and a trace of yang energy was blessed on Lin Jue's body.

Lin Jue only felt the ice and cold around him, and the comfortable feeling dissipated. He suddenly felt cold again, and then a trace of heat appeared in his body, and he returned to the state he had just entered here.

His "stamina" was replenished.

Driving Lin Jue's paper man, he put Lin Jue down, and Lin Jue felt it. This physical strength was probably enough for him to last for a day, and he couldn't go back without the soul suit.

Looking at the crossbow that Wen Yan had thrown on the chair, Lin Jue thought for a while and imitated the ancients' way of saying thanks.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. This crossbow is ineffective even if I hold it, so I will give it to you to play with."

"That's so embarrassing."

Wen Yan played with the crossbow. Although this crossbow was probably a toy to him and could be crushed with just a pinch. That was because he was a living person and his body had entered the underworld.

But if A Piao is the target, it may actually have good results.

When he heard about so many props before, he actually thought that if among the props he prepared, the Soul Clothes were really useful, the others should also be useful.

There is no way I would prepare so many props, only to have them go through the dirty process in the end.

If it's a real overshadowing, there's nothing wrong with it, but if it's according to the game's settings, so many props shouldn't be useless.

Unexpectedly, it is really useful.

When the little thief came, he had no props, probably because the props he prepared were so rubbish that they could only be used as negative materials and could not be brought in as real props at all.

On the contrary, the prop in front of me is very beautiful at first glance, the details are very good, and it must be valuable.

He could only tell that the crossbow was worth a lot of money, but the scroll was written in gold, and it was not made of paper, but high-count silk and satin. The surface of the incense string was delicate, and there were no rough spots. Take a closer look. However, there are subtle lines, which are the natural traces of handmade fine products.

To sum it up, this is a rich man.

I just don’t know why this rich guy can’t go back, and he’s almost turning into Ah Piao completely.

He asked as soon as he thought of it. After asking the reason, Wen Yan was speechless.

"Don't you have any old clothes that are more than half a year old? If you have money, you won't spend it like this, right?"

Lin Jue was also a little frustrated.

"No, they were all donated as old clothes. Some of them are new and have never been worn once."

Seeing that Wen Yan's expression seemed a little strange, Lin Jue continued.

“My grandpa said that housing is a sign of trouble, and saving money is a sign of trouble.

If you have money, you have to spend it and let it flow.

Otherwise, the rich will have more and more money in their hands, while the poor will have less and less money, and sooner or later they will suffer disaster.

Once it is spent, the money is earned by others, and we enjoy the process for nothing.

In contrast to most people, if we enjoy it, we will make money.

I just like to play games, but I don’t like the kind of games that cost money and lead the entire server. I don’t think it’s interesting.

I usually only play with figures that I like, but I have spent a total of 1,800 on these over the years.

In comparison, this little money is not enough to start a business.

It can be spent in the long term, and it can also help people make money without starting a business. After thinking about it, I just need food, clothing, housing and transportation.

My family told me not to buy that much house, as long as I have enough for myself.

I don’t really care about what I eat, and how much I can eat.

As for my career, I didn’t even like driving, so I bought a car and left it gathering dust in the garage, and even got scolded by my dad.

In the end, all I can do is buy more clothes, which happens to be new throughout the year.

You can also find a way to donate the clothes you bought. At least people who really need them can wear them, which is better than donating money.

I won’t be scolded by my family, and they say I’ve learned to use my brain a little bit. "

"Stop talking..."

Wen Yan couldn't sympathize with the troubles of rich people. He only felt that being rich would be very satisfying.

Forget it, it’s not easy to meet a living person, just be a chat partner. It’s really hard to live without the Internet.

"My name is Su Yue. There are guest rooms here. You can stay here first. These servants will tell you where you can't go."

"Okay, thank you, brother." Lin Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief and quickly thanked him.

Then, he saw the message hidden above Wen Yan's head.

Seeing Wen Yan playing with the crossbow by himself, he knew that he had made the right move in giving the gift.

Fortunately, I met this NPC, otherwise, he would definitely be dead.

It's a pity that he has nothing on him, otherwise, his greed for money and treasure would be easy to solve.

Lin Jue was taken into a guest room by the paper man. He looked at the layout and the many things here, and he still had some discernment. He knew that it would definitely cost a lot to pretend like this.

I don’t know the origin of that NPC. It seems that it’s not that the Underworld game has no content, but that the map is too big and he just didn’t touch it.

He wanted to ask what was going on here, but now, he just wanted to take a break and relax.

As soon as Lin Jue lay down, he felt like something fell on his head.

He picked it up and saw a stack of banknotes, the standard version of Tiandi Bank, with the Jade Emperor's head on it.

The banknote was full of yin energy, with a hint of incense and a hint of yang energy.

Immediately afterwards, he saw wads of banknotes falling continuously, landing on him. The feeling was particularly similar to when he was a child and paid New Year greetings. His grandfather took out a wad of banknotes and stuffed them directly into his arms.

The banknotes that fell out of thin air into his arms stopped falling completely after ten minutes.

Lin Jue picked up the banknotes and put them on the table. There were about forty or fifty wads of them. The denominations were quite large, but in his feeling, the power in the banknotes seemed to be about the same.

He couldn't help but worry a little. If it broke, he wouldn't be dead, and his parents would burn paper money for him, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Jue quickly went to find the NPC here with a pile of banknotes.

The paper people here ignored him, but when he went to certain places, the paper people would tell him that he couldn't go.

He found the coachman NPC, but unfortunately Gravewalker knew it very well. He knew that he could only rely on gentle words here, and he was afraid of saying the wrong thing, so he ignored Lin Jue at all.

Although he was a little greedy for the paper money in Lin Jue's arms, the paper money contained a unique power, which was an extremely mild yin energy, plus incense and yang energy. It was the favorite thing of the Ah Piaos.

Prince Zhu had given him some before. It was said that they were worth a lot of money. They needed to be worshiped in the temple for a year, subjected to the influence of incense every day, and chanted and blessed for more than a year before they would have this effect.

It is one of the few things that can straddle yin and yang.

The ghost directly consumes this paper money, which can be used to improve itself without any side effects.

But compared to the current situation, paper money is not important.

Gravewalker ignored Lin Jue, and Lin Jue felt that he had not triggered the NPC's dialogue, which was normal.

Lin Jue found Wen Yan holding a pile of paper money and gave it all directly to Wen Yan.

"It's a small thought, but it's not respectful, so please accept it with a smile."

Wen Yan felt a little melancholy and lit a cigarette.

Damn this big dog business, even when you come here, you can receive money.

"Where did it come from?"

"I don't know. If it fell into my hands from the sky, I guess it was burned to me by my family."

"Do you still know your current situation?"

"I know, if I can't go back, I'm dead."

Wen Yan stretched out his hand and picked up a stack of paper money. To his surprise, the paper money did not turn into ashes when he held it in his hand.

He took out one, and the yang energy in his body spread, stirring the power in the paper money. In an instant, the paper money in his hand turned into ashes.

Good guy, burning paper money is really useful?

"I know what you want to ask, don't ask me. I don't know how to let you go back. I can only keep you alive, that's all. This place is too boring. Come and chat with me."

"Brother, what do you want to talk about?"

Wen Yan looked at Lin Jue and felt a little discouraged. Forget it, he had no common language with such a rich brother and couldn't understand him.

"Forget it, it's okay..."

In Guanzhong County, Lin Jue's body was lying in the hospital, in a state of loss of consciousness, almost equal to a vegetative state, but slightly better than a vegetative state.

The Lieyang Department told them the result, but they still refused to give up and asked someone to summon the souls, but it was useless. Finally, they were afraid that Lin Jue would be used to spending too much and would suffer a loss in the underworld, so they found a lot of things, saying that they could be burned. They were all burned.

They didn't know that the only thing that would fall into Lin Jue's hands was the paper money that they thought was the most useless.

Although they bought the paper money at a price far exceeding the price of the paper money in the funeral supplies store.

They just invited people to judge, and they all said that Lin Jue was just in a state of unconsciousness, not dead, and that there was still hope, so they were not afraid of spending money.

The minister of Guanzhong County has not slept for more than a day, and his head is heavy.

Because it was discovered that those who played the Netherland game and did not come back after passing through the underworld, in the true sense, the first person to die also appeared in Guanzhong County.

This is a professional who has been registered with the Lieyang Department, and he is a professional who poses no threat.

His profession is a chef, more accurately, he is a pastry chef. The pastries he makes are full of color, aroma and taste, and have a unique taste.

When the Lieyang Department of Guanzhong County entertains guests from other counties, they will ask this pastry chef to make pastry.

I don’t know why, but this pastry chef also went to play this game that didn’t look right at first glance. Then suddenly, he suffered a cardiac arrest and was not rescued.

The Minister of Guanzhong County brought Prince Zhu to watch together, and they all confirmed that the person must be dead. Less than five minutes after the news was reported, the news was received. Lieyang Department of several other counties also confirmed the news, which was almost the same. All the time, people die.

An hour later, the news was summarized.

In the time period just now, with an error of less than three minutes, a total of seventeen people who could be confirmed to be Hades players died in various counties and autonomous prefectures, and the cause of death was all due to cardiac arrest.

At present, it is certain that nine of them are professionals, and the remaining eight, half of them, may also be professionals, but they have not been registered with the Lieyang Department before.

An online meeting involving the Lieyang Department Ministers from each county began.

After the meeting, Cai Qidong from Nanwu County looked worried.

Nanwu County is actually pretty good. Although it can be said to be the most dangerous situation encountered in more than a day, it is also the quietest.

So far, no one has died in Nanwu County.

The Underworld players they have found so far are all back alive.

But there is also bad news. No one has found Wen Yan's manor yet. Only the little thief has seen Wen Yan.

The Underworld is really too dangerous, and Cai Qidong would be a little reluctant to let a student take risks.

What's even more troublesome is that they don't know what the danger is in the underworld, which can kill more than a dozen professionals at the same time in just a few minutes.

Even those professionals are not powerful professions.

Now, Cai Qidong has no hope for those who have been in the underworld for a short time. In contrast, Wen Yan, who has been in the underworld, may now be the biggest source of information.

More importantly, he also had to find a way to contact Wen Yan to see how to get Wen Yan back.

Wen Yan didn't come back, he just thought that there lived a demon king in Wen Yan's house, and there also lived a big evil star who could make even the demon king be polite. Neither of them seemed to like him, the minister...

Cai Qidong was a little unable to sleep.

Especially when he thought about the increasing number of pendants on street lamps in northern Decheng, he felt more and more pressure.

Finally, Cai Qidong met the young thief Fu Guangfei in person and met Fu Guangfei's parents.

After giving the promise and preparing the best props, after all preparations, the information to be exchanged was organized into strips and asked to be written down by the little thief, so that he could pass on some news.

The little thief didn't have much to worry about. After knowing that this so-called game was actually the ultimate hardcore mode, he became even more excited.

Especially delivering news was very suitable for his profession. He had been thinking about it for a long time because he was ridiculed by Wen Yan for picking the lock last time, and he was still a little disappointed.

Because he also felt that Wen Yan was right. If he was a thief by profession, he would only pick locks and steal things. That was really a bit too low-level.

The minister of the Lieyang Department came to talk to him personally and gave him a task. He would deliver information to the underworld. This was very suitable.

According to the experience summed up the next night, when I go in again, it will still be the same place I came back to last time, and the difference will not be too far.

The little thief was in the Lieyang Department, lying on the bed, clicking on his phone, and then fell asleep.

In the underworld, Wen Yan looked towards the north.

A few hours ago, he would occasionally feel the earth trembling from time to time. The amplitude was very small and the tremors were very weak. He didn't feel it clearly the first few times. Later he closed his eyes and lay on the ground. When the tremors occurred, He can feel it.

Now he was very sure that whatever happened in the darkness to the north, he could only feel the occasional subtle vibrations of the earth, and heard no sound.

Considering that this place is so empty and dead, with flat plains and no obstructions, and that his perception is inherently stronger than that of ordinary people, as a living person, his perception here will be more sensitive. The vibrating core area, the distance from him, The starting point is a hundred kilometers away.

There was also the fiery cloud he saw yesterday, its light piercing the fog in the sky. Based on visual inspection alone, it was at least several hundred kilometers away from him.

While he was thinking about it, Wen Yan glanced to the side and sat on the chair at the door. He was playing with Brother Fu's crossbow in his hand. He loaded the bow string and condensed a little yang energy on his fingertips into a flame, lighting the candle that served as the arm of the crossbow. He lit another incense stick and pointed it into the darkness.

When the gravewalker walked out of the darkness and appeared in the dim light, Wen Yan asked casually.

"I was shocked. What did you find when you went over there?"

"Nothing was found..."

But the next moment, the incense flew out with a whooshing sound. When the incense passed through the flame in front of the crossbow, the entire incense was ignited.

With a puff, a red light, like incense burning to its most intense state, was inserted into the Gravewalker's chest.

Wen Yan held a crossbow in one hand and walked toward the other party with a grin.

"I just have a lot of free time, and I'm almost suffocated to death. Why don't you come here to have fun with me?"

Yang Qi began to emerge from his body. As he approached Gravewalker, he saw that the other person's figure was forced by Yang Qi and gradually changed its form, turning into a strange A Piao with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

Wen Yan stepped forward, stepped on the other person's chest with one foot, held the crossbow in one hand, and aimed it at the other person's head.

"You'd better not let me ask. You'd better tell me everything I want to know. Otherwise, I'll be so free right now that I can count the hairs on my legs."

Ah Piao was so pressed that he couldn't breathe, and his whole body seemed to be on fire. The incense stick on his chest almost set him on fire after it burned out.

He didn't understand how Wen Yan could tell.

Wen Yan sneered, is this even necessary?

Gravewalker, Tiantianren didn't show up, so he saw the line of words above his head first, and there was no need to distinguish them at all.

As long as I have time in the evening, I will definitely update it a second time.

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