I am your natural enemy

Chapter 184 Purifying Tucheng, data loading (5k)

Wen Yan put a hand on the armored man's back and pushed him to the ground. The Yang Qi flames on his body were still continuously attacking the other man's body, forcibly suppressing him.

"My blue energy is far greater than yours."

His martial arts experience is far inferior to that of Qin Kun. Of course, he cannot defeat the opponent with pure martial arts experience. However, he carries the Blood Warm Jade and the Fiery Yang Jade with him. After being blessed with the Fiery Yang, he can defeat the opponent at a low level. In Qin Kun's case, it can withstand more than ten times the consumption of Qin Kun in battle.

When dealing with living people, Wen Yan really doesn't dare to be so crazy, but when dealing with guys in the underworld, don't blame me for punching hard.

The pure Yang Fire washed away fiercely. The armored man who was pinned to the ground by Wen Yan struggled hard, but as soon as he gathered some strength, he was overwhelmed and dispersed by Wen Yan's Yang Fire. In less than a minute, a warrior from the Holy Fire Cult The soul was pushed to the ground by Wen Yan and forced to death.

With an unwilling roar, only one pair of armor fell to the ground. In an instant, the armor became rusty and decayed, and with a slight touch, it shattered into a pile of fragments.

Only inside the armor, there was a place marked with a strange mark that had not yet decayed.

Wen Yan picked up the piece of black iron that was half a palm in size, looked at it carefully, and roasted it for a long time with the sun's fire. There was still no change, so he felt relieved.

If you don't have a suitable talisman, take the previous scroll, wrap it up, and put it away.

He stepped towards Tucheng. Ah Piao, who rushed out of Tucheng, was forced by him to retreat step by step and returned to Tucheng.

Arriving under the earthen city wall, which was only two stories high at most, Wen Yan suddenly accelerated and jumped up. His hands were like steel needles, grabbing the uneven parts of the earthen wall. With a little effort, he rushed up to the wall. .

The Tucheng is not big, and you can see the city wall on the other side at a glance, which is only three or four miles away, and the streets are densely packed with A Piao.

These Ah Piao couldn't even get closer than a few dozen meters to him, let alone cause any harm to him.

Wen Yan looked at the clothes of these Ah Piao. They were all the same as they were when they were alive. They were all citizens of the demon country.

According to the information given by the Fourth Master's uncle, the demon country back then was a political and religious one. The leader and the leader respectively represented the two poles of the demon country, and the leader might have a higher status than the leader.

Everyone in the demon kingdom is a believer, and everyone has been brainwashed since childhood. In that era, everyone could be a soldier, but only those with talent and strength could serve in the Holy Fire Sect.

During the heyday of the Demon Kingdom, the water and grass there were fertile, and cattle and sheep were everywhere. Although it was a small country, it suppressed all the small countries around it. It also guarded the trade routes at that time. There were rich people and people, and they could also receive goods from both the east and west sides at the same time. All kinds of things develop very quickly.

Of course, it expands very quickly.

There are not many details about this incident in Fuyu Mountain, but Wen Yan knows that the death they committed was not just the death of the Thirteenth Ancestor.

But if this is the case, it won't force a big executive out.

He must have committed other great deaths, several.

According to Wen Yan's estimation, according to Wen Yan's estimation, the Thirteenth Ancestor's progress in the peak period was at least 80%, maybe even higher.

At that time, Lieyang, who was less than 1% of Wen Yan, and Da Zhi, who was blessed by Wen Yan, eventually evolved into Feizhi.

However, the Thirteenth Patriarch's Fierce Sun had made such a high progress, and the enlightened Da Zhi had experienced three months of precipitation. Before entering the era of the end of the Dharma, he did not dare to imagine how terrifying it would be.

After destroying the Demon Kingdom and the Holy Fire Sect, there is nothing surprising.

Looking at Ah Piao here now, Wen Yan was not prepared to reason with them. It didn't make sense. He couldn't even understand what these Ah Piao said, and everyone was wary and hostile.

He cannot look at people from more than a thousand years ago with his current eyes.

After thinking about it, he stood on the city wall, waved to Lin Jue and Gravewalker behind him, and asked them to come over with their luggage.

Wen Yan calculated the time and found that it was almost time to practice today. He placed the Black Mountain stone carving in front of him, sat on the city wall, and faced all the Ah Piao in the earth city.

"I'll give you a chance. It's up to you how you choose."

He recited the Taishang Cave Xuan Lingbao's Mighty Sutra for Annihilating the Five Refined Living Corpses. As he recited the sutra, wisps of black air floated out from the black mountain stone sculptures, and the souls of the dead continued to fly out and dissipate.

In Tucheng, Ah Piao, who was closer, began to be affected a little, gradually calmed down, and finally turned into wisps of light and dissipated.

When the verses were over, Wen Yan raised his eyelids and saw that there were not many Ah Piao left in Tucheng.

The salvation of those fighting dead souls within the body of the Black Mountain Demon Ghost cannot be resisted by ordinary dead souls at all, unless the other party does not want to be saved at all, has deep obsession, is not weak in strength, and has a particularly strong overall resistance.

Looking at the few Ah Piao left in Tucheng, Wen Yan stood up and listened to the other party's shouting. He couldn't understand what the other party was saying, but he could also feel the other party's anger and murderous intent, the naked malice.

They sat on the ground and recited an unknown language. Black energy began to surge around their bodies, and a dangerous aura began to emerge.

"You guys, stop shouting, I don't understand."

Wen Yan sighed and jumped down from the city wall. The yang energy around him suddenly exploded, covering the remaining Ah Piao and evaporating them.

This demon country is indeed outrageous. Under the system of the integration of politics and religion, in the eyes of outsiders, almost every person is crazy. There are many weird and evil laws, and the ideas, values ​​and other things are completely different from other regimes of the year.

They regard death as glory, and dying for the Holy Fire Cult is the highest glory.

The tradition of living sacrifices is still maintained, and the objects of the annual sacrifices still require people to take the initiative to fight for them.

They have a strict hierarchy. The first echelon is the official members of the Holy Fire Cult, the second echelon is the ordinary believers, the rest are the other people from the demon country, and the next ones are the people who surrender to the small countries around them.

And other than that, they are not even human beings.

When the Fourth Master's uncle passed this information to him, he warned him several times. If he encounters the Holy Fire Cult or A Piao from the Demon Kingdom in the underworld, he must not hold back or be soft-hearted, let alone use it now. See them based on their values.

Because you are not even a human being in the eyes of others, and killing you may not be as solemn as slaughtering a sheep.

This is why they are called the Demon Kingdom, and after the Demon Kingdom's destruction, there are not even any records.

Because this demon country is too evil, the core teachings and so on have not been left at all.

Today, the Holy Fire Sect outside of China can still exist, purely because they only have a name and have lost all their core things. They are completely different from the Holy Fire Sect back then.

Otherwise, even outside China, they would still have to take heavy blows from others.

After evaporating the remaining Ah Piao, Wen Yan walked around the Tucheng.

This place looks like an ordinary settlement, very characteristic of that era. However, after entering a few rooms, in the kitchen of what should be considered a wealthy family, I saw several skeletons hanging there. On the skeletons, there were There are many knife marks.

Just by looking at the skulls, Wen Yan knew that these skeletons were definitely not locals, and the skulls were obviously different from those of locals.

It's true as said, except for the locals, the rest may not be considered human beings.

Almost every household here has something similar to a shrine, as well as a room dedicated to worship. Even in a small home, a special place will be set aside.

In the center of Tucheng, there is a platform, like a execution platform. The platform has been stained black with blood. The remaining resentment, hostility, and evil spirit here have been integrated with the platform, and even Wen Yan's yang energy cannot Completely purify it.

Coupled with the remaining skeletons here, Wen Yan didn't think this was a place where cattle and sheep were slaughtered.

Wen Yan only wandered around for a while, then rubbed his head and gave up.

Just looking at the description given by the fourth master's uncle, he really couldn't understand it, but when he saw these clues on the spot, he was shocked. Maybe what the fourth master's uncle described was slightly embellished in the few words in the record.

He has completely given up the idea of ​​communication now. He has no way to communicate with these A Piao from more than a thousand years ago.

In the eyes of others, he might be the first-born devil with two horns, and he would either be killed, or others would kill him, cut his bones and shave off his flesh, and turn him into a delicious meal that represents a warrior.

There is no middle option.

Wen Yan returned to the center of Tucheng and sat in front of the stage, exuding Yang Qi. He recited the scriptures on salvation, matching the Yang Qi with the scriptures. After three times in a row, he saw that the already soaked table began to have distorted... The dead souls flew out and disappeared into the air.

After emptying out an earthen city and purifying everything, Wen Yan felt a little more comfortable.

He was ready to move on, and Gravewalker came back with a smile on his face.

"Sir, I found something good."

Wen Yan followed him to the backyard of a house and saw what looked like a grave pit, with a coffin carved with various patterns inside.

Wen Yan silently glanced at Gravewalker and smiled in relief.

"Is this a usable grave?"

"It should be usable. I searched all over Tucheng and only found one here. There is no one in other houses. This one is probably only temporary. The funeral was not completed back then and the entire Tucheng was submerged by yellow sand. It is still preserved now. It’s very good, it just happens to be a deserted grave that has not been worshiped for a long time.”

"Be careful."

"Mr. Youlao filled the soil. Only a living person can do this, not me."

Wen Yan picked up a table next to him, pushed the soil piled next to him, and filled the grave pit.

Gravewalker rubbed his hands and found a tool nearby. After digging a few times, he saw that the grave cracked open, revealing a dark hole underneath.

Gravewalker felt at the entrance of the cave for a long time and smiled.

"I'll try it first. Wait a moment, sir. I'll be right back."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"It's okay. Thanks to Mr., I can vaguely sense the exit on the opposite side. I may not be able to sense it clearly in other places, but I can definitely sense it clearly in my own home."

Gravewalker entered the cave entrance and emerged from the cave entrance again after ten minutes.

"It's done! We can really go back, but the path may be a little difficult to walk."

"As long as you can go back."

Wen Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid of getting lost. Now that he had a way back to the manor, it was a good thing after all.

He left a talisman in Tucheng as a location and took the people back to the manor.

The road this time was indeed not as good as the Mingtu Avenue we borrowed before. It was only equivalent to a mountain path. It was a bit rugged and not easy to walk, but at least we could go back.

Back at the manor, Wen Yan had a hot meal first. As for taking a bath or something, forget it, water resources can't be wasted like this.

The housekeeper also reported to him. In the past few days since he was out, Fu Guangfei came twice and delivered some supplies. The locator was necessary, and there were also two entrained talismans, which were said to be very effective against Ah Piao. .

It's not that there aren't any that are better, there are also great weapons, but they don't require opening an altar and only require Yang Qi to activate them. There are only so many of them, and their power is generally not high.

The threshold for use is simple, but the power is still high. They are all high-end products that are extremely difficult to make.

Among them is a five-thunder talisman, which was made by the old master himself. It only requires Yang Qi to use. It is too difficult to make and the old master doesn’t have much. This one was sent to him by the old master on his own initiative to protect him.

After resting and replenishing supplies, Wen Yan set off again.

After re-borrowing the tomb passage, Tucheng was still as it was, dead silent. Wen Yan led the people and their bags on their backs, left through another gate of Tucheng, and continued moving forward.

He had sensed before that when he was fighting that war spirit, A Piao left the city gate, probably to report a message.

He didn't care at the time, he just needed the other party to guide the direction.

Now go ahead and see if you can find more.

Xiyu County is a vast and sparsely populated area. After coming out of the nearest airport, Qin Kun drove the car and took the people with him, stepping on the accelerator and running all the way on the highway. During the whole process, the people rested, but the car did not rest. According to the existing records, chasing all the way.

This place is not like the city, where there are cameras everywhere. There are hundreds of kilometers of uninhabited land or desert at every turn. The fact that there are roads is the result of heavy investment. What about streetlight cameras? That is just overthinking and money. It's not like this.

The target was led further west. There was no camera, but there were satellites. In this low-density wilderness, it was indeed not too difficult to locate the target's approximate location and direction.

Seven hours later, in the desolate Gobi, Qin Kun got out of the car and looked at the people in the distance. The fighting spirit in his body began to rise, and his yang energy began to rise.

The man opposite had a cold face and indifferent eyes. Black things began to surge on his body, which turned into jet-black armor in an instant. The cold and evil energy turned into black flames, burning quietly on the surface of his body.

"You are really the fighting spirit of a cult. You all should stay away, retreat to the car, and affix all the talismans you bring."

After giving instructions, Qin Kun laughed ferociously, his bones cracking, and when he moved, he was like a dump truck impacting, carrying a terrifying momentum.

And the fighting spirit shouted a slogan in his mouth, and rushed forward without dodging.

The first time the two sides collided, Qin Kun's expression changed slightly.

The armor of the fighting spirit spread down his arm as if it had turned into flowing oil, and the person in the armor flew backwards. In mid-air, his pupils had already expanded, and he died suddenly on the spot.

The black armor turned into black oil, spread quickly along Qin Kun's arm, and instantly turned into black armor, wrapping Qin Kun inside.

Yang energy and evil energy collided fiercely. In his mind, Qin Kun stood on the edge of the mountain forest where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. The sun was shining brightly here. On the other side, a figure in black armor was running towards him. Behind him, darkness was eroding rapidly. .

"You want to take away my body?!"

Qin Kun was furious, with flames in his eyes. Cracks began to appear on his entire body. The flames in his body seemed to be exploding, and his eyes turned red.

"I, Fuyu Mountain, Qin Kun!

Even though I have no talent for cultivation, I can only practice martial arts.

How dare you try to seize me by force in my territory? !

Who gave you the courage! "

Qin Kun's furious whole body was on fire. Along with his anger, the world where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant suddenly became filled with dark clouds and thunder roared.

In the mountain forest, all the branches and leaves of the trees looked like exploding hairs.

As the earth trembled, the ground fire spewed out, turning into pillars of fire and spurting out.

His waist was slightly bowed, like a furious beast, running wildly all the way, and his figure continued to expand and grow in the process.

Lightning surged in his eyes, and when he grabbed it with both hands, he saw the pillar of ground fire turn into a long whip and fall into his hands.

As a warrior, and he is almost the strongest warrior among his peers, he walked through it step by step, and his will was so firm.

That guy who was said to be a fighting spirit, but was actually a Piao, dared to seize his body like this. This was even more humiliating than sitting on his head and shitting.

In his own conscious world, he turned into a giant, mobilized the power of the entire world, controlled the thunder and flames, and forcibly crushed it.

The fighting spirit was grabbed by his big hand, and together with the infected dark world behind it, it was torn off forcibly, and kneaded in his hands. The thunder and fire surged, kneading and compressing it continuously.

If it weren't for information, in his conscious world, this kind of stuff wouldn't be able to shake his will, and it would be enough to crush him to death easily.

After he suppressed it, the black armor covering Qin Kun's body began to fade away. Finally, it continued to compress in his palm, and finally turned into a black iron ball.

Qin Kun pinched the ball and sneered, then took out the phone.

"I'm very sure that he has never been active in our era. He is so stupid that he dares to try to seize me as soon as he meets me. He must have never seen a warrior."

Anyone who has been in contact with the other party will know that a warrior at Qin Kun's level has a strong will and is as firm as iron. He is much tougher than most Taoist priests and it is impossible for him to be taken away from him.

The worst result is that it is better to be broken into pieces than to be ruined.

A few hours later, experts from all fields gathered together from the Lieyang Department came up with preliminary results after discussion and research.

"This is actually a kind of power. It is speculated that only power can be brought out.

The consciousness of this fighting spirit is attached to power, so it can be brought out.

It's like...data.

Only data can be transmitted from the underworld, and when this data is loaded into a living person, the other person will come to the living world in reverse from the underworld. "

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