I am your natural enemy

Chapter 190 Semi-modelling, stuck (5k)

Wen Yan thought for a long time and finally figured out that it wasn't that the underworld was too barren, but that he came too early and many things hadn't appeared yet.

The Netherland game has just created a map and released it directly. Until now, it has only been updated once.

Wen Yan wanted to go back because there was plenty to eat, but the water was far less than the food.

There was originally a well in the backyard, but after arriving in Hades, the well gradually dried up.

Don't even think about taking a shower or anything like that. It's such a waste of water. Just eat and drink.

After the preparations here were almost complete, Wen Yan was ready to take people away and find a way to leave the underworld.

What the aunt said, there is a high probability that this is the way to leave.

After sending Chen Qimo away, he told her that he was going on a long trip, and this time he would be away for a long time. If he came back, he would tell her not to come back again.

Wen Yan looked at the things in the manor, and there were many things that he was reluctant to throw away here.

He didn't care about the medicinal materials in Prince Zhu's medicine garden, but after arriving in the underworld, they grew incredibly well.

Many of the books in the study are single copies and are treasures. It would be a pity if they were left here and were accidentally harmed by illiterate players in the future.

Since no one of these paper people has evolved again, I won't take them with them. They can all stay here and guard the manor. Anyway, the environment here is quite suitable for paper people.

The butler must be brought with him, he has evolved into a spirit, and the butler himself wants to follow suit.

After a day of tidying up, the mature medicinal materials were sealed, the books were sealed, and finally Lao Zhu's memorial tablet was added, in large and small packages, and they were pulled by war horses and left the manor.

Before leaving, he closed the door of the manor and allowed the paper people to move around freely. If they encountered enemies, they could just avoid them without fighting. Maybe if they stay in this environment for a long time, some paper people would develop wisdom.

After being blessed with yang energy for the last time, Wen Yan looked at the place where he had lived for many days and still felt a little reluctant to leave. What a wonderful manor.

After thinking about it, he held the Blood Warm Jade and placed one hand on the center of the yard. With the help of the Blood Warm Jade, the Yang Qi rushed out, blessing the entire manor with Yang Qi in one breath.

Let this place exist for as long as possible.

This time I brought too many things, so instead of going to the tomb, I walked over on the ground.

With a clear direction, the speed is not slow. There is a war horse pulling it, and as long as the green-maned horse is fed paper money and blessed with yang energy, it will not feel tired even if it is sleepless.

Wen Yan just needs to determine the direction.

Two days later, when we met at the first small earth city we encountered, Wen Yan was a living man, with dozens of ghost horses, dragging a large fire pot with a diameter of three to four meters.

Taking Xiao Huo Miao, Lin Jue, Gravewalker, Butler, as well as the items and supplies they carried, they set out from Xiao Tucheng and headed west.

He didn't want to come to this damn place again, at least not until something was updated here.

I hope I can leave smoothly this time.

Yesterday, the fourth master's uncle sent a message saying that the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts broke out in Fusang next door. These Ah Piao didn't want to come to the underworld at all, they all wanted to cause trouble in the living world.

When Fu Guangfei came last time, he said that the street lights near his home were almost out of use.

The happiest thing for Cai Heizi now is to pay bonuses to his salary. No need to calculate the direct losses avoided in this wave, he can give Pei Tugou a salary of 10,000 years at the beginning.

If we estimate based on the situation at Fusang, the subsequent economic losses avoided would be enough to pay Pei Tugou tens of thousands of years of salary.

This is only a preliminary estimate.

It doesn't matter if there are not enough street lights. There is nothing else in China. It just has a high production capacity and is worried about not being able to sell it.

Directly allocate funds for procurement and then directly pay cash. Within three days, the manufacturer will be able to install more than a hundred new street lights in areas where there are no street lights according to the plan.

In fact, twenty of them were given away for free by the manufacturer for the sake of direct payment.

From wiring to planning, everything is taken care of, so you don't have to worry about anything, as long as you pay immediately.

Once the money is in place, anything can be said.

This manufacturer has never received such a happy order in 800 years. Making less money is much better than not getting the money back.

Cai Heizi is really not a human being. In order to increase the deterrence there, he even spread rumors that the Lieyang tribe was severely beaten there and had no choice but to compromise.

When Wen Yan thought of Cai Heizi, he wondered why he couldn't ask for a dream, otherwise he would mess with him at three o'clock every night.

It's over, Cai Heizi definitely wouldn't dare to say it out loud, so he asked me why did you dream about me when you had nothing to do? Are you a pervert?

Pay more attention in the future and see where you can get this ability.

In the midst of random thoughts, accompanied by the clatter of horse hooves, three days passed in a flash.

If his aunt hadn't said that there was huge water vapor here and he wouldn't lose his way, he would have thought he was mistaken.

Taking the war horse forward, the distance traveled in three days can at least be compared to the seven or eight days he walked on his feet, which is definitely six or seven hundred kilometers.

As he walked, the small flame sleeping next to his neck suddenly fluctuated. He stretched out his little hand and grabbed Wen Yan's collar.

Wen Yan closed his eyes. As a gust of wind blew, he felt a touch of moisture in the wind. He appeared here from an extremely dry place and was particularly sensitive to this feeling.


The war horse accelerated and ran all the way west.

Half a day later, Wen Yan stood by the surging river. The waves in the river were surging and mixed with a lot of air, making the river look silvery white.

Wen Yan stood by the river with some melancholy, opened a pack of cigarettes, and lit one himself.

"Okay, okay, it's really just a game, right?"

He looked towards the depths of the river. The river was only more than a thousand meters by visual inspection. Logically speaking, one could see the other side from this side.

However, when he looked at it now, after more than a thousand meters, the river began to become unreal, as if it was half-built and not yet rendered. The water waves there seemed to be outlined by lines.

And looking further away, it was already nothingness.

To be honest, if the seventh master's uncle hadn't come in person before and experimented many times, he was very sure that the shelves could only be opened to the place closest to him.

And every time the window is opened, it is next to the river in the Kingdom of Shadows.

The closest place to him should be a river.

And the aunt also said that this should be the way to leave.

If it weren't for these, Wen Yan would really have no confidence at all now.

He looked back and saw that the others, including the war horses and Xiao Huo Miao, were all far away from the river, and no one dared to get close.

Gravewalker said that the river was very strange and he felt like he would never get back out if he fell in.

Just getting closer, he felt as if he was about to be swallowed by the river.

Lin Jue also said that when he got closer, he felt dizzy, as if he was about to plunge in, and he instinctively felt a sense of fear.

The little flames that had been clinging to Wen Yan since they went out jumped down on their own initiative and did not dare to come near.

Wen Yan was like a bastard, squatting by the river, but he didn't feel anything. He just felt that the waves in the water were more violent, and there was nothing else.

He did not cross the river rashly. According to the current situation, no one else except him would be able to cross the river.

He took the people and walked back and forth along the coast.

This river flows from south to north, and after walking south for tens of kilometers, it ends. You can see that the river flows out of the void and flows on the earth.

After walking more than a hundred kilometers north, we reached the end. From here, the river flowed into the void again and disappeared.

Going around the end of the river and continuing to walk west, it seems that we have reached the other side of the river. There is still endless land there. Standing by the river and looking towards the other side of the river, it still looks like it has not been exaggerated. Modeling.

After walking around this river for more than 100 kilometers, Wen Yan was finally convinced that this river was indeed an entrance and exit connecting to other places.

In Chinese culture, rivers have always been associated with the dead.

The water system has a unique significance in China. Whether it is the legend of the deceased's rebirth or the living sacrifice of the dead in this world, it is all related to water.

On the way forward, the deceased must cross the river, and the living must offer sacrifices and put paper boats with river lanterns into the river.

When it comes to something that can serve as a passage between this world and the underworld, there is indeed nothing more suitable than a river.

And not only in China, but also in legends from all over the world, things related to the underworld cannot be bypassed.

Each sect outside also has its own Styx.

This is a surprisingly similar cultural image among different places, different races, and different sects.

The problem now is that Wen Yan feels that the river is indeed connected, but it doesn't seem to be completely connected.

After pondering for a while, he led the people to station themselves near the river bank.

After eating and drinking and resting for a day, Wen Yan took Gravewalker to the river.

When he was seven steps closer to the water, Gravewalker instantly relaxed from his original tension and fear. His eyes were blank and he walked towards the river step by step.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Yan picked him up and carried him back.

"How does it feel?"

"I feel...I don't feel anything. I have lost consciousness and have no idea what I am doing." Gravewalker trembled, obviously frightened.

How to bring this?

"How about you guys wait here while I go explore the road first. I really don't feel anything."

"Sir, I think we should find a way to make a boat. I feel that this river is very evil. It seems to be able to swallow up all souls, ghosts and other things. Whether they are monsters or humans, there should be no difference."

Unfortunately, except for the absence of demons, they have almost everything else in place.

Lin Jue's ghost, Gravewalker Ah Piao, the paper steward are considered monsters, and Little Flame is considered a spirit.

If you include the black mountain stone carvings, you can barely call them monsters, ghosts, spirits, and weirdos.

Except for Wen Yan, everyone else felt like their souls were being swallowed when they were close to the river.

Wen Yan grinned, laughing to death, I have no soul at all, this river will swallow my shit.

What's even more unfortunate is that I still have the Water Guan Lu to relieve disaster, so there's no way I'll be drowned.

You guys wait here, I'll try it.

"Sir..." Gravewalker grabbed Wen Yan.


"It's better to be prepared."

After a while, the rope connected to the reins was wrapped around Wen Yan and tied into a safety rope.

A group of war horses pulled the rope, and if there was any accident, they would immediately try to pull Wen Yan up.

Wen Yan came to the water's edge and tried to step into the water with one foot. Apart from the coldness of the water, which contained a chill that penetrated his bones, he felt nothing else.

He stepped into the water little by little, and his whole body gradually disappeared into the water.

He didn't feel any sense of suffocation under the water. The ability of Jiehe Shuiguanlu prevented him from drowning again. He didn't have to hold his breath in the water and could breathe directly.

After walking a few meters, Wen Yan stabilized his figure and looked around. It was dark, with undercurrents surging, and there was nothing there, only dead silence.

He walked on the river bed, and after walking a few dozen meters, he almost reached the deepest point. He still felt nothing special. The river bed was actually the same as the earth outside, and there were no larger stones.

He walked back and walked out of the water. He felt normal. Apart from the cold and cold air, as if A Piao was trying to invade his body all the time, he felt nothing else.

Walking ashore, Wen Yan saw that the water stains on his body did not flow back into the river, and Gravewalker and the others did not feel anything about the water on his body.

Now Wen Yan had some ideas.

"Just wait, I'll try first to see if there's anything I can do. Let's go together. Even if we live in other places, we can stay together and keep you here. I'm afraid that if I go into the water, I'll never come back. .”

Wen Yan rummaged through the bag and took out the six pieces of black iron, which were left behind when the Holy Fire War Spirit died and could not be destroyed.

He was thinking just now that the Gravewalker was clearly controlled, but he could still be pulled back when he was not in contact with water, and after being pulled back, there would be no other negative effects.

Is it possible to take them with you as long as they don't come into contact with the water?

These guys, like A Piao, can attach themselves to a small piece of jade. If it's a better jade, if everyone squeezes in, it shouldn't be a big problem.

The only one with a body is the paper butler.

Sealing is even simpler. There are spare sealed bags, but if they are not enough, throwing away the medicinal materials can free up some sealed bags.

If it really doesn't work, you can keep it in your mouth. If that doesn't work, just swallow it into your stomach first and then spit it out later.

But we have to try this first. Wen Yan is worried if we try it on other people. If we try it on the black iron piece left behind by the Holy Fire Fighting Spirit, it won't matter.

Wen Yan had thought before that there must be something wrong with the black iron piece, but it was just useless now.

He held a piece of iron and submerged it into the river. In an instant, like a red-hot iron, it fell into the water. The sizzling sound continued to emerge, and wisps of black air continued to leak out, followed closely by wisps of residual The soul floated out and disappeared into the river.

Wen Yan waved his hand in the river, and the black iron piece seemed to have been washed away, quickly turning into silvery white.

Only the rune on it still exists.

"Hey, there really is a problem. No wonder my Yang Fire can't be burned. This piece of iron is completely made of human souls, and there is no resentment. I don't know how those guys brainwashed me."

I took another piece, put it in a sealed bag, and rinsed it in the river, but nothing happened.

Tried for more than ten minutes, still the same.

Wen Yan held the thick sealed bag and sighed.

Give the legend a bit of modern industrial shock.

Seal the plastic bag!

Waterproof and anti-oxidation, can withstand low temperature freezing.

These sealed bags are all brought by the manor. Previously, many ingredients were placed in the cold storage in vacuum sealed bags.

Prince Zhu doesn't care about environmental protection, he just wants it to be useful.

This sealed bag may not be able to withstand high temperatures, but there is no problem at low temperatures. At most, the sealing effect will become worse.

It is not a big problem to have multiple sets of large and small ones.

Wen Yan carried a small sealed bag and violently tested it in the water for a long time. In the end, it clearly leaked, and the black iron piece inside still didn't react much.

Only when the hole is torn wide and more water seeps in will the black iron pieces react violently with the river water.

Wen Yan tried four more times in a row and finally felt relieved after washing all six black iron pieces into silvery white.

Finally, he looked at the Montenegro stone carvings, thought about it, and forget it.

Black Mountain Stone Sculpture is related to a title, and it is said to be purified. I don’t know if throwing it into the river counts as purification, so don’t take the risk.

He took out a piece of blood-warming jade from his arms. This was the piece that the curator originally gave him. Now that its power has been exhausted, it can only be used as a piece of jade with better texture.

He has never been willing to throw it away, but now he just needs it.

Let Lin Jue and the others, as well as the group of war horses, take the initiative to go in. Conditions are limited, so just squeeze in.

Soon, the white jade turned into jet black, glowing with cold power.

The paper steward folded himself up, folded it into a piece of clothing, stuffed it into a sealed bag, and put several layers of larger sealed bags on the outside.

The most troublesome thing was only the small flame. Wen Yan opened his mouth and stuffed the small flame into his mouth. He was not afraid of being burned, but not other things.

Finally, Wen Yan used his arms to pull the huge brazier, along with a lot of things in the brazier, into the river and gradually disappeared on the water.

He walked on the underwater riverbed, moving step by step in the direction he judged.

That heavy fire basin was now functioning just in time to prevent Wen Yan from being swept away by the underwater undercurrent.

As he advanced step by step, as he got closer and closer to the areas that had not yet been rendered, those areas that had not yet been rendered began to flicker as if they were stuck.

At the same time, the screen of the doomsday computer in the headquarters of the Sun Division flashed crazily, and howling began to come from the computer case.

The keyboard, which was only occasionally pressed, suddenly began to beat like crazy.

At this moment, the network at the headquarters of the Lieyang Department began to become laggy, and all the people who were having a video conference were frozen there.

In less than a minute, a person appeared outside the doomsday computer room, watching the screen flashing and listening to the howling in the computer box, as if it was going to explode the next moment.

“I don’t know what happened, but it happened all of a sudden.

Then the entire external network of the headquarters was hijacked and the bandwidth was occupied.

No, it’s not just that now, the entire city’s bandwidth is occupied.

It's still spreading, very fast.

A county...

too fast. "

However, it only lasted a few minutes, and suddenly everything became quiet.

The familiar blue screen appears.

The doomsday computer is stuck.

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