I am your natural enemy

Chapter 2 Your Dad


Thinking of this, the dream he had last night appeared in Wen Yan's mind, becoming more and more clear.

He dreamed of a strange forest of steles. Some of the steles were so weathered that the writing had disappeared, while others looked new.

When he touched a stone tablet, some information naturally appeared in his mind.

Let him choose one.

The first stone tablet he came into contact with was a badly weathered stone tablet with clear writing and a corner missing from the side.

The word "medical" is engraved on the front.

A message came from the stone tablet.

In a daze, he saw a figure, either an ancient man wearing a robe or a man in a white coat.

But without exception, it was the scene when they died.

He continued to touch other stone tablets, and without exception, they all showed the scene of the death of the person of the profession corresponding to the stone tablet.

He saw the Taoist priest being torn to pieces by the twisted monster.

I saw someone holding a white flag, covered in black gas and bleeding from all his orifices, dying on the street at night.

I saw a bearded man in a python robe, shot into a hedgehog by a bloody arrow.

A Taoist priest stood in front of the altar, causing thunder to fall and annihilate everything where he stood.

The further you go, the more miserably the people in the picture die, most of them dying in battle.

Some of those who died on the bed were also tortured, and life was worse than death, and they died miserably.

As a person who just joined the workforce today and hasn't received his first month's salary yet, he certainly didn't choose a career that looked extremely dangerous at first glance.

He even didn't want to choose at all.

He feels that the monthly salary of 4,800, with two weekends off, five insurances and two funds, plus bonuses, meal allowance, transportation allowance, and communication allowance is very good.

Especially since the curator told him privately that a colleague who had the highest year-end bonus last year received 180,000 yuan.

He doesn't think about anything now, he just wants to attend class for half a year and get the year-end bonus.

He asked specifically that the first half of the class also had year-end bonuses.

However, if he doesn't choose now, he doesn't know how to leave here.

Probably...maybe...it's equivalent to being stuck in the career selection interface.

He touched the stone tablets one by one, just wanting to choose one that was not so dangerous and would not die so tragically.

Some of the so-called job introductions were blurred, but if they were not blurry, he didn't believe a single word.

How awesome are you bragging, and then you see, everyone is dead.

Until he discovered a stone monument that was so weathered that the writing had almost completely disappeared.

This time, he did not see a large number of tragic deaths. There was only an old man sitting on a stone platform in a cave, holding a roll of animal skin in his hand, his expression calm, and he slowly closed his eyes.

This is the only profession he has found where people who choose this profession will not die so miserably and can still live a healthy life.

That's it.

The moment his thoughts came to his mind, he saw the stone tablet suddenly shattered and turned into a stream of light, sinking into his body.

He felt that the Forest of Steles was receding, that he was falling and was about to wake up.

At this time, he suddenly woke up from his dream, and a lot of memories emerged. He remembered that this was not the first time he came here.

He has been here many, many times, but he has never chosen, until today he had to choose.

As he fell, everything around him turned into light and nothingness, and the Forest of Steles completely disappeared.

In the stream of light, a point of light flew rapidly from behind. Only when the stream of light got closer did Wen Yan see it clearly.

It was a jellyfish that was larger than a mountain. The jellyfish exuded a faint blue fluorescence and dragged tentacles and arms that were at least ten miles long.

Just being dazzled by the fluorescent light, he lost consciousness for a moment and his eyes became empty.

Some information immediately appeared in his mind.

"The soul-eating beast has no natural enemies."

A faint blue light illuminated his body, and the light of the stone tablet was disrupted just as it submerged into his body.

The information was concrete in his eyes, with countless chaotic characters flashing by, constantly being broken and reorganized, from ancient oracle bone inscriptions to bronze inscriptions, and finally to the simplified Chinese characters he was familiar with.

"You encountered an invincible soul-eating beast that can swallow the souls of all living things and is immune to all damage.

You have just watched the death scenes of countless professions and countless creatures, and you feel that invincibility is pure nonsense, and there is absolutely no such thing as complete invincibility.

That makes sense.

A perfect match for your class: Natural Enemy.

In line with your thoughts, you seem to have found your natural enemy.

Now, use your strongest momentum and shout: I am your father.

Activate your first fixed ability.

Friendly reminder, Chinese Mandarin may be more effective. "

Wen Yan didn't hesitate and didn't even have time to think about it.

Because he clearly felt, and could also inexplicably clearly recognize that his soul was being torn apart, and before it even came into contact, he felt that he was being eaten.

As long as he hesitates, he will not even have a chance to shout a word.

So, he shouted those words to the behemoth that was emitting blue fluorescence and was at least ten miles long.

"I'm Dad Xie."

After saying a word, he saw a dazzling brilliance erupting from the behemoth, and then he couldn't see anything anymore. He didn't even have time to figure out what effect it had.

In an instant, he woke up from the bed. After he woke up, everything in the dream began to blur and settle down like before.

Wen Yan was lying on the sofa, and the dream from last night appeared in his mind involuntarily.

During the day, all he could think about was going to work for the first time today. After waking up, the memory of his dream began to blur.

But after a day of strange changes, at this moment, some memories slowly surfaced involuntarily.

There are always reasons for these changes, so it’s not like everyone is playing him, right?

Especially the fat chef at the Sichuan restaurant, after being instructed by him to cook, his eyes widened, as if he had met a colleague who was causing trouble. He didn't use a big spoon to open a ladle for him on the spot, probably because he was afraid of being blackmailed.

The first thing he could think of that was not normal was the unusually real dream last night.

Second, I went to the unit for the first time today and signed a bunch of things, and then I was successfully admitted.

He originally thought he would have to work for at least a year or two before he would have a chance.

After he was almost done eating, he sorted out a bunch of documents and made preparations for tomorrow. He moved around, took out some feed, and fed the goldfish in the fish tank.

Watching the goldfish finish swallowing the feed and sink back into the water, Wen Yan couldn't help but mutter to the goldfish.

"I'm Dad Xie."

The goldfish showed no reaction and continued to swim in the fish tank. When it reached the surface of the water, it stirred up a small splash of water, and the water droplets gradually hit Wen Yan's face.

Wen Yan touched his face, but it didn't seem to be of any use.

In Duanzhou, Cai Qidong, who had not slept for two days and two nights, looked at the map and made a phone call with a tired look on his face.

"Yes, people within a hundred miles radius have been evacuated. Fortunately, this place is full of mountains and lakes, and there are not many residents."

"Yes, the reason is that there was a leak in the chemical plant. There was indeed a big problem in that plant, and it just happened to be rectified."

"No, nothing has been found. Team members have gone deep into the area, and satellites and drones have plowed it dozens of times. No abnormalities have been found."

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