I am your natural enemy

Chapter 208 Qingcheng’s criminal record, aren’t you afraid (5k)

The two images seemed to pause at that moment, and then there was a little more connection between them.

Wen Yan stood in the middle, as if he had a glimpse of everything in the past.

Everything about them is exchanged through something as a medium.

Finally, I don’t have to work hard anymore, I have a rich wife, I don’t have to work and I have enough food and clothing, and I can just sit back and enjoy life.

A person who can escape from his original environment and no one knows about him can rely on his own hands to live a fulfilling life.

It looked like both parties were satisfied and everything was perfect.

They changed their lives, and they changed their lives very thoroughly.

So thorough that even soul memories seem to have been exchanged.

So thorough that they themselves don’t even remember that they have changed their lives.

Then, he fell into the same situation again.

They are dissatisfied with their lives and have a beautiful filter for a life they have never been in contact with. It is like looking at flowers in the fog and relying solely on imagination.

Wen Yan glanced at Nan Yuncai, which was why he kept going to the underworld even though his luck had changed.

Even if he has changed his life, he still wants to continue to change it and continue to change it into a life he has never had.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to have a life that satisfies him.

There is no such thing as a perfect life in this world. Even if there is, perfection itself may be trouble.

Oh, changing the fate is so unbelievable that it can completely exchange the souls and memories of two people.

How could you not pay the price?

What good thing are they thinking about? This kind of price is simply not something they can bear.

Now Wen Yan finally thought of what he had just had a flash of inspiration.

He lowered his head and looked at the Jiehe Shuiguan on the back of his hand.

Jiehe Shuiguanlu did not block the bad luck from outside, but guarded his luck and prevented anything that might be his luck from being sucked away.

Nan Yuncai and Hao Mingyang, they are not simple broom stars, but all their luck has been sucked away.

Sure enough, just as Prince Zhu had guessed, if they want to do all this, there is a high probability that there is a prerequisite, which they themselves are willing to do.

As long as they agree, they won't be able to do anything later.

Just like the current Nan Yuncai, he was tightly restrained by the female Ah Piao. No matter how he struggled or ran away, he had no intention of breaking free.

This is not a gap in strength, but that he has agreed to it and is bound by the rules at this moment.

He doesn't have the power to break the rules, so it's useless to go back on him now.

Wen Yan dragged Hao Mingyang into a nearby room. After neither of the two Ah Piao could see the other, they calmed down a little.

Wen Yan asked Hao Mingyang first. He didn't remember what happened to him in the underworld, and he had no memory of his changed life. The only thing he remembered was that he was not Hao Mingyang, that's all.

The same goes for Nan Yuncai. He didn't remember anything at all. Before his death, everything was normal and he still wanted to fool Lin Jue. But after his death, he didn't remember what happened in the underworld. He only remembered that he was not Nan Yuncai.

Wen Yan put Hao Mingyang back into the small jade carving and sealed it with a talisman.

The investigation results from the Lieyang Department turned out to be fruitless. Hao Mingyang's appearance in Decheng was like a coincidence, and no human traces have been found yet.

Moreover, Hao Mingyang died too simply and did not remember much.

Wen Yan focused on Nan Yuncai to see if he could find a breakthrough.

Unfortunately, nothing was found. Wen Yan was not in a hurry and waited for Qing Xuzi to come.

A few hours later, Qing Xuzi arrived here, entered the house, and was slightly startled when he looked at the situation inside the house.

He is also well-informed. Qingcheng has dealt with Ah Piao and the ghost doctor for many generations, but this is the first time he has seen him in this situation.

Wen Yan pulled Qingxuzi and briefly talked about the clues he had obtained so far. Qingxuzi was stunned for a while.

"Is there such a thing? No wonder I said why I feel nothing is wrong. It's all fundamentally wrong."

"Taoist Priest, can you see anything?"

"It can be seen that he is finished. It is impossible to separate him from his wife even in death. Their souls and bodies are completely connected. It is much worse than conjoined twins who share the same heart. It is impossible to separate him in death. .

Even though the woman is very quiet now, if she wants to force them apart, she will be stronger when she encounters a strong one. If you give her enough time, she might be able to fight against the Heavenly Master.

But if they were not forcibly separated, she would not react at all even if their souls were driven to pieces.

Her obsession was so deep that even if she died, she wouldn't even know she was dead. "

"There's nothing we can do about it. If the person wants it, let's just leave it alone. Let's just think about the broom star."

"This matter is more troublesome."

"How to say?"

Qing Xuzi frowned slightly, with a worried look on his face, and did not speak for a long time.

"Taoist Priest, what's the secret?"

"It's hard to say."

At this time, Wen Yan thought about it. This was something that was not easy to tell him.

He thought about it, and there were two possibilities. One was that it was not easy for Fuyu Mountain to know, and the other was that Qingcheng was involved in the matter.

Wen Yan didn't force it, he was very straightforward.

"Taoist Master, you know that if this matter didn't involve me, I would definitely not bother to ask more questions.

If it's not easy to talk about, I won't ask. It would be best for the Taoist Master to resolve this matter as soon as possible. "

He cupped his hands and walked out.

Qing Xuzi sighed.

"That's all, there's nothing I can't say. I just have a bad premonition. I'm afraid this matter really has something to do with Qingcheng. If it's true, then I have to clean up the family and keep it straight."

"Taoist Master, you don't have to force yourself, really."

Qing Xuzi is self-centered.

"Qingcheng has always been far away from Fengdu. In the early days, to a certain extent, it was to suppress Fengdu.

There once was a kingdom of ghosts in Fengdu, which caused great disaster.

Over time, the connection between Qingcheng and A Piao began to become deeper and deeper.

In addition to the ghost doctor, there is also the process of using ghosts and gods to cultivate Ah Piao.

As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to Mo are black. After being in contact with Ah Piao for a long time, some disciples who are not strong in Taoism may enter the evil path.

Hundreds of years ago, there was an incident where a disciple fell into evil ways and cultivated a special A Piao.

That time, Qingcheng suffered heavy losses, and many ancient books were destroyed.

Every time something big happened in the future, Qingcheng would be the first to be hit hard.

Now we have reached the second stage of spiritual energy recovery, which is also related to Ah Piao.

I worry every day that something might happen.

When I saw these two scoundrels today, I was worried whether there was another villain in Qingcheng..."

"Taoist Master, let me tell you first. It's not that I look down on Qingcheng, but do Qingcheng disciples really have the ability to help people change their lives so thoroughly?"

"..." Qingxuzi paused and shook his head: "Of course there is no such thing, but at this stage, if some Qingcheng disciples are lucky enough to meet a special Ah Piao and be able to control Ah Piao, that would be fine It may not be possible.”

Wen Yan was a little surprised and thought to himself, no wonder you Qingcheng had to be beaten first every time.

The Dajiang people in Buyeosan are likely to have serious documents that allow them to fly.

I'm afraid Ah Piao from Qingcheng doesn't have this kind of treatment.

After going around for a while, it turns out that it might have something to do with you, Qingcheng?

"Then what to do with these two bad guys? They may also absorb the luck of the people around them all the time."

"There is no other way. The core problem is not with them. No matter how we suppress them, they will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. The best we can do is suppress them first and then find a way to solve the root cause."

"Besides suppressing it under the idol, is there any other way?"

"There are quite a lot of them. Many gods in the Divine System of China can actually suppress such seemingly outrageous things.

Because this kind of bad luck is not normal.

The Three Officials, the Suffering Heavenly Lord, the Empress of Mount Tai, etc. are all acceptable.

If it is just to treat the symptoms, just put it in a temple with strong incense. It is actually very easy.

If you want to cure the root cause, it will be more troublesome.

I used to think that they were blooming with bad luck, infecting the surroundings.

Now I also feel that they are absorbing the luck of others outside, leaving only bad luck and bad luck. "

When Wen Yan heard this, he thought about it and said.

“That means it was originally balanced, or fluctuating up and down.

Hao Mingyang was not very lucky. He was killed by a falling object from a height. He died quickly and easily. After his death, he could still turn into Ah Piao and walk around.

However, Nan Yun has relatively high wealth and will not be free after death. Is this what you mean? "

"That's pretty much what it means, so Hao Mingyang died early and his good luck was exhausted long ago. Nan Yuncai lasted a little longer, but the result was even worse." Qing Xuzi nodded.

Wen Yan really liked chatting with Qing Xuzi, and would always talk about things to the extent that he could easily understand them.

"Then it's none of my business here. I'm leaving first."

Wen Yan handed the small jade sculpture to Qing Xuzi and turned to leave.

The minister of Guanzhong County wanted to ask what the situation was, but Wen Yan only gave a rough outline and left the rest to the professional Qing Xuzi.

He can't say that Qing Xuzi is doubting the people in Qingcheng. Let Qing Xuzi say this himself.

Wen Yan was in no hurry to leave. Now that he was here, he went to Prince Zhu's place to sit, say hello and drink tea.

When talking about what happened just now, Prince Zhu was also a little sad.

"That's what's bad about Ah Piao. He's obsessed too much and sometimes acts too extreme.

I would like to talk to the Lieyang Department, but this kind of A Piao appears every time.

It would be great if we could maintain the status quo, and I don’t have extravagant expectations.

I can understand the responsibilities and thoughts of the Sun Division, but it’s better to separate them.

If Ah Piao gets involved in people's lives, one day someone will have his head ripped off by Ah Piao because he eats dumplings without vinegar.

Then I'm not very surprised, it's much more extreme than this.

I've thought about it for a long time, and you should be more open-minded. "

"Ha, I'm quite open-minded. If I didn't think what happened this time was too coincidental and someone was adding fuel to the flames, pushing it to Decheng or my house, I wouldn't be so concerned."

"If you think it's too much of a coincidence, it's best not to treat it as a coincidence. Someone who has been here can advise you." Prince Zhu held the tea cup and warned him seriously.

"I didn't take it as a coincidence. I was wondering if Decheng has recently become a forbidden area for Ah Piao. If many Ah Piao are dissatisfied with it, other Ah Piao are starting to test it out.

Many of Ah Piao's thoughts are different from those of normal people.

Maybe it’s just because I’m happy, there’s no benefit to it, I want to do it too, like an evil ghost.

But I'm worried that this is actually an advanced route for Ah Piao, which is beneficial. "

"Huh?" Prince Zhu was startled. He really hadn't thought of this, but after thinking about it, he took a breath and said, "Your luck has been a bit low recently, so don't talk nonsense. Be careful of your words becoming a prophecy."

"If there is a clear purpose, it's actually okay. I'm afraid there is no purpose and it's just for my happiness. This kind of randomness is more troublesome."

Prince Zhu opened his mouth, but did not dare to say no. From what he knew, there really was such a guy in Apiaoli.

Wen Yan was drinking tea and chatting with Prince Zhu. Not long after, the phone rang, and when he saw it, it was Cai Heizi.

"My dear minister, why do you have time to call me? What instructions do you have?"

Cai Qidong took the phone farther away and looked at it carefully. It was indeed correct.

The tone was obviously flattering, but when it came to Wen Yan's mouth, there was a strange smell of yin and yang.

"I have to ask you to go on a business trip."

"Are you done talking?"

"After the discussion, based on the existing information, I also tried Nan Yuncai.

When he mentioned being suppressed under the idol, he was particularly excited, but he didn't know why.

The keywords obtained so far are Hades, idols, and misfortune.

There really is no one more suitable than you.

You can talk about it when you get back. Some things are not suitable to be said on the phone. Anyway, I will ensure that you are satisfied. "

"Huh?" Wen Yan was a little surprised that Cai Qidong would say such a thing, which whetted his appetite.

He said goodbye to Prince Zhu. This time he went back without asking Feng Wei to lead the way. Instead, he took the road to Rakshasa Ghost Market. It would be faster to go to Yuzhou. Yuzhou has the entrance and exit of Rakshasa Ghost Market.

Half an hour later, he was taken out of Yuzhou City by Feng Yao in the Lieyang Division's car. He had been driving for an hour and still hadn't stopped.

"Where are you going?"

"Go to another base, not a suitable base in the city."

After entering the barren mountains and driving for almost an hour, we finally saw an entrance on the mountainside.

Entering it, he was taken there by Feng Yao himself. There were three security checks. He took the elevator all the way to the underground and finally met Cai Qidong.

Cai Qidong didn't say anything nonsense and took him to a room.

Pointing at the items on the two tables.

"As long as you go on a business trip, these two things will be yours. How about it? Are you satisfied?"

Wen Yan looked at the things on the table with a confused look on his face. He didn't know what they were at all.

It looks like two iron tortoise shells.

"what is this?"

"A low-yield portable special mushroom bomb, don't you want a killer weapon? This is the most powerful killer weapon you can carry. If you're still not satisfied, there's nothing you can do for the time being."

Wen Yan couldn't help but take two steps back, and his hair exploded.


Cai Qidong laughed loudly and was beaming. He had been waiting for this scene for a long time.

"You also said that if Mr. Ye is not a dragon lover, don't you want a big killer weapon?

I've prepared the biggest killer weapon for you, it's definitely powerful enough.

The equivalent of one hundred thousand tons, and the two together weigh less than one hundred kilograms.

With your level, you can definitely take it away.

This thing was prepared and quickly manufactured for the Kingdom of Shadows.

Because considering the launch problem, it may not be able to fall in during a normal launch, so this thing can only be carried by people.

Mechanical detonation, with timing device.

It's not easy to use this in other places, but it doesn't matter in Hades.

The disadvantage is that after placing it, you have to run quickly, which is a bit dangerous. "

"You call it a bit dangerous?!"

"Actually, it's not as dangerous as you think. If you time it in advance and run outside the coverage area, it's just like that. The most dangerous thing about this thing is actually radiation and pollution. If it explodes at that time, it's actually only that powerful."


"Don't worry, this thing is very safe. The detonation conditions are actually quite harsh. Even if you hit it hard with a hammer, it won't detonate even if it gets damaged."


"You don't dare, do you? Forget it, I've prepared something else for you, it's pretty powerful. The ministry has specially developed a lot of things to target Ah Piao."

"What's there?"

Cai Qidong smiled and said.

"You come with me."

Then Cai Qidong said to other people in the room.

"Keep these two things sealed."

"Wait." Wen Yan stretched out his hand.

He came to the two iron bumps, stretched out his hand and touched them gently, and goosebumps all over his body rose.

These two iron lumps didn't have tail fins, and they didn't look like missiles. He really didn't recognize them just now.

Nowadays, the more I watch it, the more I like it, and my heart is beating fast.

When in close contact with such a powerful weapon, even though he knew it was very safe, he still couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

And he now has the opportunity to unleash this deadly weapon with his own hands.

"Let's go, I'll show you something else."

"No, that's it. I'll take over this business trip."

Wen Yan gritted his teeth and accepted the task. He had always wanted to go.

Someone wanted to lure the broomstick to his home, so he couldn't sit idly by no matter what.

This matter must be resolved, and now that he has the opportunity to play with mushroom bombs, how could he give up.

He didn't know what was said above to make such a decision.

But since you are willing to make this decision, it must mean that it is very necessary.

Wen Yan turned around and walked out. Cai Qidong was a little surprised. Wen Yan was so brave.

This thing is standard, and its range is smaller than its effective coverage.

It is actually extremely dangerous to use.

He actually disagreed.

Unexpectedly, Wen Yan really wanted it.

"This thing, strictly speaking, is a semi-finished product with huge flaws."

"No, I want it."

"Together, the two items weigh a hundred pounds."

"I have a war horse, I don't have to carry it myself."

"Then what are you going out to see now?"

"Didn't you say there are other things? Let me look at them all to see if there is anything suitable."

"you still want?"

"What if it can be used? Take as much as you can, let's see first."

Cai Qidong was speechless. This guy was really not afraid of death.

"There's another question. It's an ordinary thing. Can it be killed by a bomb?"

"Then you don't have to worry. This has been verified in detail by the Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains and the Lieyang Division. All living beings are equal. This is the last thing you need to worry about."

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