I am your natural enemy

Chapter 21 Reasonable

Pei Tugou whistled all the way to Donghua Community. Before he entered the door, he turned his head and looked in another direction.

Not long after, a car stopped on the side of the road. A man in a pink shirt, smelling of alcohol, got out of the car, cursed at a car on the side of the road, and even kicked the door.

Because on weekdays, he parked here at night, very close to the gate of the community.

This is not a parking space, but a place right next to the first parking space. No one comes to post a note at night, so he parks here every time.

But who would have thought that today he would meet an opponent who was as shameless as him and take this position first.

The pink shirt was cursing, and suddenly he heard someone whistling, whistling a very weird tune that seemed to have no notes in tune.

He looked towards the gate of the community, and in his eyes, a vague shadow was approaching.

Gradually, the blurry shadow turned into the appearance of Pei Tugou, who was covered in blood. However, the face that usually looked honest, kind, and easy to bully, now had a bright smile, but it made him... I feel like my hair is standing on end and I feel uncomfortable all over.

His head was a little dizzy, even though he clearly felt something was wrong, even though it was particularly scary to see the other person covered in blood, but everything in the past had become a habit. He looked at Pei Tugou who was approaching and blurted out.

"If you don't have money, there's no point in waiting here. Get out of here."

Little did Pink Shirt know that the person coming now was not Pei Tugou, an honest man, but Pei Tugou who had manifested his abilities.

Pei Tugou's smile became even brighter. He walked forward unhurriedly, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the shoulder of the pink shirt, blood soaked out.

Pink Shirt froze in place, Pei Tugou slowly took out a blood rope and tied it around Pink Shirt's neck.

Then the strange out-of-tune whistle disappeared and was replaced by a particularly cheerful tune. He held the rope with one hand and his pink shirt with the other, walking briskly to the nearby street lamp.

Pink Shirt's whole body was stiff, as if he had completely lost control of his body. He could only watch helplessly, but could not say anything.

His body seemed to have lost weight, just being held by the blood rope, like a balloon, floating next to Pei Tugou.

Pei Butu Gou also kindly adjusted his posture so that he could watch with his own eyes as Pei Butu Gou tied the blood rope to the street lamp.

After being tied up, Pei Tugou stepped off the street lamp, looking at the pink shirt floating in the air with a smile on his face.

The next moment, the pink shirt's body suddenly fell, and there was only a click. He tilted his head and shook twice like a dying fish, and the gasping sound in his throat gradually weakened.

From beginning to end, he didn't even have a chance to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Pei Tugou turned around and gradually disappeared along the middle of the road.

An ordinary family car worth RMB 100,000 drove past outside Decheng No. 1 Hospital. Sitting in the driver's seat was a man wearing rimless glasses. He looked at the hospital's inpatient building through the car window and sighed softly.

"It's really completely disappeared. What a waste."

The man picked up a pile of documents next to him and glanced at them casually. These documents were copies of the documents Wen Yan had used before.

He glanced at it and threw the document aside.

"No wonder she died in the hands of ordinary people with such good conditions, without even a chance of saving her. It turned out that she was crushed by the rules.

As expected, Cai Qidong has two skills, which are not comparable to those of the loser who was just dawdling around before.

Please inform me, this eye-catching guy has been keeping a low profile lately.

Especially the black shadow, what did this idiot think? He dared to appear near Cai Qidong a few days ago. Can the person who can parachute into the head of the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County be a simple character? "

"Okay, boss." In the back seat, a man wearing a mask responded, pressed the earphone, and made a call.

But within half a minute, the masked man said in a deep voice.

"Boss, something happened, the shadow is dead."

"Huh?" The man with glasses slowly raised his head, his eyes suddenly becoming sharp: "When? Where? Who died in the hands of him?"

"Outside the complex where the new funeral home owner lives."

"Go over and take a look."

The vehicle turned at the next intersection and soon passed by an intersection outside Wen Yan's community.

The bespectacled man adjusted his glasses. He looked to the side and saw a dark figure hanging from the street lamp by something also black. He was motionless and dead.

The man with glasses frowned slightly, this was a little different from what he thought.

In the shadows on the street, two dark shadows stepped out at this moment. The surrounding street lights went out one after another, and the surrounding area fell into darkness one after another.

"Let them deal with it quickly."

"Boss, was it done by someone from the funeral home?"

"No, neither are the people from the Blazing Sun Division. They don't know how to pull out the black shadow's intestines and hang him on the street lamp. Oh, by the way, has the new guy at the funeral parlor checked it out? ?”

"There is nothing wrong with the newcomer's information, but he does have a very high probability that he can enter the old icehouse. Our people haven't had a chance to test it yet. He has been poisoned by eating fungi in the past few days and has been in the hospital. This matter is also Black Shadow is following, and Black Shadow's death here must have something to do with this newcomer."

The man with glasses said without comment.

"Heiying usually comes and goes freely, and he has offended more than ten or eight people, even if they are dead.

I have clearly remembered that before doing anything, you must first understand the rules. Nothing will happen if you mess around.

Next time there is a fool like Sombra, just bury him first to save us all from being hurt.

Please inform me to speed up the progress of things here.

If something like this happened, even if it wasn't someone from the Lieyang Department who did it, we couldn't wait any longer. "

"Yes, boss." The man in the mask felt shocked and responded quickly.

The vehicle passed the intersection and disappeared into the night.

Wen Yan fell into a deep sleep for more than ten hours.

After getting up, it was already bright outside. He cooked himself a bowl of Yangchun noodles and added a small piece of lard that he had boiled himself. He felt very satisfied after eating.

Look at the time, it's seven o'clock, it's time to go to the work, he is on this shift, he works for two days, and takes several days off. Although the curator said that it is considered a work-related injury and paid leave, he can't go too far. .

Arriving at the work unit, at half past seven, as soon as I got off the bus, I saw Feng Yao's car parked outside.

As soon as Wen Yan entered, he saw Feng Yao's back, walking towards inside.

Wen Yan called him.

"I see you, I'm at the gate."

Wen Yan quickly caught up and walked inside with Feng Yao.

"You came to us so early in the morning. What happened?"

"Someone was hanged from a street lamp. It's not an ordinary case. I came over to take a look."

"Just in time, I have something I want to ask you..." Wen Yan briefly explained what happened to Pei Tugou: "It's usually better to say hello to someone about this matter. Don't tell me to sue me. Of course we know about prosecution, but that’s too slow.”

"This is a simple matter, and it's a serious matter. I'll just find someone to say hello later."

As the two of them talked, they came to the anatomy room in the body processing department in the corner of the funeral home. This place was not used much, and its main function was actually to cooperate with the Yang department.

People who died abnormally from the Lieyang Department will be sent here.

When the two of them came in, they took a look inside through the glass. When they saw the corpse lying on the autopsy table, Wen Yan's expression changed slightly.

"Speaking of which, if a person dies, can the debt be recovered?"

"What do you mean?" Feng Yao replied casually and immediately reacted: "Is he the boss you are talking about?"

"Although his appearance is a bit distorted like this, I just saw him yesterday, and I can still tell that it's him. What's going on?"

Wen Yan's first reaction was whether Pei Tugou couldn't hold back and stabbed this guy directly.

Feng Yao on the side took out the notebook he had brought with him and played a surveillance video for Wen Yan. The angle of view should be the surveillance at the entrance of a store on the roadside.

In the video, the pink shirt parked the car, staggered out of the car, said something unknown to the car next to him, and even kicked it.

Then, he wandered to the street lamp, climbed up the lamp pole with hands and feet, took out his own belt, and hung himself from the street lamp.

"There were surveillance cameras in several other directions, and the photos were all the same. Moreover, preliminary tests have also come out. He must have reached the standard of drunk driving last night. He drank so much and was able to run up like a monkey. He did not hesitate to Hanging himself, we checked and found that he didn’t even have the habit of exercising, which is obviously abnormal.”

"Do you have a clue now?"

"Maybe things are more complicated."


"A few days ago, there was a chemical plant in Duanzhou that hid a lot of risks and was sealed. When we investigated later, we found out some things that were under the control of the Lieyang Department. The nature was extremely bad. This person used to be a part of the civil engineering of the chemical plant. The contractor, it is very possible that he knew something, and now he has been silenced."

Wen Yan nodded, very reasonable.

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Introduction: The end of the world is coming, and zombies are alienated around the world.

In this world where both order and morality have collapsed, Lu Cheng must follow his true heart and become the strongest step by step.

This time, he will do whatever he wants!

But looking at more and more coquettish female zombies around him, Lu Cheng fell into deep thought:

"There seems to be something wrong with the direction in which I am doing whatever I want."

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