I am your natural enemy

Chapter 212 The violent sun merges into one (5k)

The idol ghost was still full of expectations that it would be able to capture Wen Yan today. In its perception, Wen Yan alone could hold up against dozens of ordinary people.

One person may be enough for it to recover and move on to the next stage.

How could it give up? Fishing in this world and harvesting in the underworld, what it can harvest depends purely on luck. Fortunately, it is not picky about food and does not avoid meat and vegetables, as long as it is nutritious.

It is not afraid of people who need to change their lives to make outrageous requests. No matter what the request is, as long as they are willing to change their lives.

From the moment the person requesting a life change comes forward and is willing, the initiative is always in its hands.

It has the final say when to start charging fees, how much to charge, and how much to charge.

Because the person who asked to change his life agreed to it himself.

In the past, it would maintain the basic rules, act a little, and exercise a little restraint, but this time, it really doesn't want to restrain itself.

Just when it was expecting Wen Yan to show up on time today, the warhead hidden under the statue silently ended its countdown.

There is no ticking sound effect or reminder. After the countdown ends, it may only take a few microseconds for the most intense reaction to be completed.

The statue had just noticed the danger. Before it could leave, a huge plasma ball suddenly expanded in its place, swallowing up and evaporating everything within a few hundred meters.

The closest statue seemed to have evaporated without feeling anything, leaving not even ashes behind.

It is not afraid of damage from Yang Qi, which only means that Yang Qi is not strong enough.

The warhead, which had been blessed with Yang energy many times by Wen Yan and completed the most extreme strength enchantment at this stage, had reached the temperature of the surface of the real sun the moment it exploded.

At such a close distance, the steel would be evaporated in an instant, let alone a statue of a god.

The huge plasma fireball expanded almost instantly. Under the blessing of the blazing sun, the warhead exploded hotter and more powerful than normal.

That huge fireball was like a real sun. The burst of brilliance turned everything nearby into light. It was so bright that anyone who came could only see light.

The light and heat emitted by the huge fireball formed a heat pulse with extremely high energy, which silently swept through everything around it at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound.

All traces here were completely erased at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the superheated super-compressed air formed a bubble around the fireball, expanded rapidly, and turned into a supersonic shock wave, spreading in all directions.

When Wen Yan, who was a hundred miles away and wearing goggles, could not block the silent bright light, he knew that the power of the warhead that had been blessed by the blazing sun many times must have far exceeded that of the blazing sun. The data given by Yangbu.

Because it stands to reason that his location is not within the killing radius of this warhead.

He had already arrived in the mountains very cautiously, several times beyond the killing radius.

He quickly walked down from the top of the mountain and hid on the back of the thick mountain.

In just over a minute, as soon as he hid, without hearing any sound, he felt that the entire mountain seemed to have suffered an impact and began to shake.

On both sides of this backing mountain, the howling wind was like countless wind blades, following the valley and breaking into the mountains.

The wind roared in the mountains, and it was like a terrifying super tornado appeared in an instant.

After waiting for several seconds, the deafening roar came to my ears, like a big sun roaring of its own.

The ground began to tremble violently, the wind roared, and Wen Yan could even feel that even here, the temperature of the air seemed to be rising, and the strong Yin energy around him was dissipating.

Because the passive effect "Walking without Sun" that had been activated automatically since he entered the Underworld suddenly turned off on its own.

This means that the environmental harm that may have come with living people like him in the underworld has been forcibly dispelled at this moment.

Wen Yan hid on the back of the mountain, feeling the light blooming from both sides of the mountain. It began to weaken gradually. The strongest shock wave had already rushed over. He gritted his teeth and climbed to the top of the mountain again.

With just one glance, he felt that the rising sun in his mind had already risen significantly.

The progress of Lieyang also soared from 54% to 59% in one breath.

It's all just because of one look.

Compared to the Thirteenth Patriarch of Fuyu back then, he was much luckier.

He knows what the real sun is and what it looks like.

He even had the opportunity to grow a fake sun himself with the help of modern technology.

Seeing that the light was not so bright anymore, he couldn't bear it anymore. The first time was the best opportunity. The throbbing and feeling were the deepest and he would never forget it.

He climbed to the top of the mountain again, facing the still chaotic and howling wind, and looked into the distance.

The fog has been completely dispelled, and a huge fireball seems to be hanging on the earth a hundred miles away.

He could even feel that the fireball contained his Yang Qi, as if his Yang Qi had participated in the nuclear reaction in some way that he didn't understand at all.

The huge fireball did not dissipate for a long time. The light began to weaken from its strongest state. When it weakened to the point where he could no longer see clearly even when he was wearing glasses, he took off his glasses.

You can still see the huge fireball rolling and weakening, just like a sun entering its "old age" from its peak.

It wasn't until it was no longer sustainable and collapsed completely. At this time, I saw the smoke and fire mingling, turning into a huge mushroom cloud, rising slowly.

Wen Yan stood on the top of the mountain, looking at this spectacular scene from a distance, and was inexplicably moved. This was just a small mushroom bomb with a small yield. If it were a large mushroom egg with a large yield, he would not dare to think about it. How spectacular that is.

That is the real sun. In terms of core principles, there is no difference from the big sun in the sky.

When the light dimmed and the strong wind began to roll back from the opposite direction, Wen Yan quickly came down from the top of the mountain.

After a while, after feeling much calmer, Wen Yan quickly rode his horse towards the south of the mountains.

He had no idea of ​​going over to see with his own eyes whether the ruined temple was still there or whether the statue of the gods was still there.

If this were the case, the other party would still be able to avoid being evaporated, so Wen Yan would admit it.

Run away quickly, the next part is the radiation part that he thinks is the most dangerous.

Fortunately, there are mountains blocking it here, so it may be possible to block part of it.

Halfway through the mountains, Wen Yan felt that the passive effect of Dayless Walking was activated again.

This means that the strong influence of the mushroom bomb has been weakened to the point where it cannot sustain the environmental damage of the underworld itself.

The passive effect of Never Sunset was also activated.

But new prompts also appeared.

"Fierce Sun, current progress: 60%"

"Current effect.

Blessing: Your Yang Qi can bless almost anything. You can also bless more Yang Qi than before. After some special things are blessed, there will be special effects → all effects will increase.

Enlightenment: Your Yang Qi has the effect of enlightening a series of races such as A Piao and Zombies. The effects obtained are related to the current progress → all effects increase.

Never sets: The rising sun in your heart will never set and can be immune to some negative effects → When the rising sun rises, all effects will increase.

Sunless Walking: You can use your physical body to walk in places that the physical body cannot usually go to, and you are immune to the environmental damage inherent in those places → all effects are increased. "

There is a new one at the back.

"The violent sun: The sun not only represents life, but also represents destruction. You can consume a huge amount of Yang Qi and release all its power at once in an instant. The effect depends on the way of release."

Fierce Sun, as the most practical fixed ability he obtained, has progressed far beyond other abilities.

As Wen Yan expected, when the progress reaches 10%, there will be an additional effect that can be listed separately.

This time, it is still an active effect, but I don’t know how effective it will be.

Come back and try again.

Now, run away and get back quickly.

It's best to find a way to send back a message first.

When he came out of the mountains and returned to the manor, he saw that the little thief Fu Guangfei was also there.

"At this point, it's already dawn, why are you here?"

"Minister Cai said that everyone in the Lieyang Department who can enter the Underworld has already entered the Underworld. Whoever encounters you can bring information back. I was also recruited.

I recently participated in a competition in Europa. I came here at night when I was sleeping. If I had free time, I would do two sets of papers. I couldn’t waste time. "

Fu Guangfei took out the scripture. On the back of the scripture, there were actually fucking exercises.

Fu Guangfei answered honestly.

Wen Yan stared blankly at the things above that looked vaguely familiar, but when put together, he was dizzy.

"You guys are really..."

Wen Yan thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of any suitable adjectives. He always felt that it was inappropriate to use derogatory words to describe such a studious and motivated student.

Fu Guangfei looked to the north and asked carefully.

"Brother Wen, is the sun about to rise over there? Is the sun here rising from the north?"

"Well, it rose and fell again." Wen Yan strode into the manor and pulled Fu Guangfei along: "You came just in time. I have some information. You can take it back with you sooner rather than later."

Wen Yan wrote down his judgment and intelligence, omitting the mushroom bomb matter, which Cai Qidong must know.

Wen Yan wants to prevent the worst case scenario from happening. For example, did the statue of God not come today? Didn't you wait for him?

He hadn't seen it with his own eyes or confirmed it with his own eyes, so he could only predict the worst case scenario.

But even if the other party does not come, the other party's body is actually in the underworld, and it must have been evaporated.

The other party's part in this world will definitely be greatly affected.

These all require the cooperation of the Lieyang Department.

He wrote a lot in detail and gave it to Fu Guangfei, so that Fu Guangfei could use his talent and quickly write it down and take it back.

I believe that the Lieyang Department must have perfect procedures.

"Why did you run over there?"

"Just so you know, at my level, I'm actually at the bottom of the team. I just treat it as a trip."

Fu Guangfei was a little embarrassed when he said that. He always felt that his level was not top-notch, so to be selected must be a bit of a back door.

"It's not very safe over there. Don't run around, and don't let people know that you are a professional. If you have any problems, go directly to the Lieyang Department."

"Oh, I know. Our team leader also said that we are not allowed to run around. It may not be safe because we are across the street. The teacher who led the team said that it seems that stealing things is not illegal here. I regret coming here. "

“Don’t think so much, write it down quickly, and then tell the Lieyang Department, and leave the rest alone.

Well, you guys might actually be targeted if you pass on information. The Lieyang Department's strength over there is average.

Otherwise, I will give you a phone number. If there is danger, you can call this number.

Just tell me the phone number I gave you. "

Wen Yan asked Fu Guangfei to write down a phone number and asked Fu Guangfei to go back quickly so that he wouldn't have to come back again.

Cai Heizi is really not a human being, and he exploits child labor.

All available resources are in Cai Heizi's hands. As long as they can be used, he will not be polite.

I don’t know how much benefit they will give, I forgot to ask just now.

Let’s ask again, Cai Heizi was so brave that he dared to withhold Pei’s bonus from butchering a dog, so why didn’t he dare to withhold a student’s bonus?

Wen Yan was actually not so anxious to let Fu Guangfei bring out the information. He didn't have to let the green-maned horse rush like a wild dog.

As for the remaining mushroom bomb, he definitely wasn't going to take it back.

This kind of thing is too dangerous, how dare he bring it to the land of China.

Therefore, Wen Yan thought about it and decided that the safest place was to be buried in the River Styx. There was nothing in the River Styx, and he was not afraid of digging something out of the River Styx.

In the northern part of Guanzhong County, among the mountains with ravines, there is a natural underground passage deep under the loess.

The Taoist priest looked at the wooden statue in front of him blankly.

The surface of the wooden statue was already full of traces of decay, and in an instant, it seemed that it had turned into rotten wood after hundreds of years.

The statue with its eyes closed originally had some spirituality, but at this moment, that spirituality disappeared silently.

When the statue decayed to a certain extent, it collapsed and turned into a giant gray-brown python.

The giant python closed its eyes and remained motionless. The aroma, yin energy, and yang energy on its body began to gradually dissipate.

At this moment, the Taoist seemed to have woken up from a dream. He rushed forward in panic, took out a bunch of various talismans from the cloth bag he carried, and tried to block the dissipated aura from the big snake.

"Wake up, wake up quickly, you can't fall asleep. If you fall asleep, you won't wake up..."

His talismans blocked and suppressed them, but they had no effect.

The aura on the big snake is still dissipating. The yang energy is the first to dissipate, followed by the yin energy.

When the Yin Qi dissipated and the incense smell slowly dissipated little by little, the Taoist sat beside him helplessly, his eyes vacant and dull.

He sat where he was, and all the sounds around him seemed to fade away.

There was only a humming sound in his mind, and the world was spinning, as if everything was going away, but he couldn't hear anything and couldn't catch it.

After a long time, he recovered from this sudden blow.

He sat there, hugging the big snake, and murmured to himself.

"It's impossible, how is it possible? There can't be anything in the underworld that makes it impossible for you to escape. It's impossible..."

After he calmed down, he immediately started to try to summon souls and see if there were any remaining souls.

But three hours later, the snake still showed no reaction, no matter what he did.

Not a single remnant soul was seen, not a single bit of spirituality came back.

The soul of the big snake disappeared completely, leaving no trace at all.

The Taoist sat on the ground and looked at the dead snake, expressionless and silent for a long time.

He thought for a long time and forced himself to calm down.

In the end, the only thing I could think of was the Lieyang Department.

In other words, the only thing that can be thought of is Wen Yan in the forbidden area of ​​​​Apiao.

Wen Yan once fell into the underworld, but didn't know how to come back, and then disappeared again.

The only variable may be this.

But he really couldn't figure out how the other party found the statue in such a short time, just a few days.

And what method was used to make the idol ghost unable to escape from the underworld without even a trace of consciousness escaping.

He knew the most about idols and ghosts, and he really couldn't figure out what kind of power could achieve such a level.

To put it bluntly, even if the old heavenly master came to the underworld in person, it would be absolutely impossible for him to make the idols and ghosts die without even having time to leave the underworld, without even returning to consciousness.

The Taoist thought of what the mysterious man had warned him standing at the door that day.

It's a pity that at that time, he thought he was very cautious, but he still didn't expect that it would turn out like this in the end.

He sat there blankly. After a long time, he closed his eyes and cried silently without saying a word.

Finally, he opened his eyes and raised his hand, and a talisman appeared on his arm.

He stroked the talisman, stretched out his hand and touched the big snake's head, and whispered.

"I'm sorry, I was careless. I'm afraid I can't make you recover. All I can do is avenge you.

Fortunately, you have finished pretending to be dirty and opening your eyes, and the talisman you gave me is still there.

We still have a chance and we can’t hide it, so we won’t hide it.

Trouble him upside down and avenge you. "

He took out the wire saw from his bag, cut off the whole head of the big snake, and cut open the big snake's belly. What was inside was not the normal internal organs, but various internal organs instead of internal organs.

The Taoist covered his whole body with the skin of a big snake, and used his blood to outline evil runes.

Then, the talisman in his hand began to glow faintly.

He cut open his own belly and replaced all his internal organs with the entrails contained in the belly of the big snake.

At the same time, strange powers began to emerge from his body, and the yang energy of living people, the yin energy of ghosts, and wisps of incense energy also began to emerge.

After the wound was sutured with five-colored thread, the wound on his body began to recover quickly.

In the last step, he put the huge snake head on his head and sewed it together with his flesh and blood. As the talisman in his hand shone with brilliance, he saw that the snake head began to gradually dissipate and merged with his body.

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