I am your natural enemy

Chapter 214 Thousands of Miles of Tracking, the Last Practice (5k)

As soon as the Taoist finished his work and was about to leave, someone from the Lieyang Department was already watching the surveillance and discovered something was abnormal.

It's better to say that in other places, in the barren mountains and ridges, I'm afraid you won't see any surveillance. After all, the funds are not burned like this. Strictly speaking, the surveillance in each residential area has not yet completed full coverage.

Subsequent upgrades, replacement of damaged ones, etc. will cost money every year.

All this money is spent, how can it be wasted like this?

But since the last time a water ghost came to the Sun tribe to surrender and mentioned the water king's resurrection, this place is no longer a wilderness.

There were already monitoring stations at various key points in the upper and lower reaches of the Huaihe River Basin, but now many new monitoring and testing stations have been added.

Especially the place where Suicune was suppressed, there were all kinds of monitoring and surveillance.

Even in order to prevent Suicune from knowing that the Sun Division is monitoring, these cameras or detection equipment are all disguised like base stations to blend in with the environment.

Even if someone discovers it, no matter how you ask or investigate, it will still be the responsibility of the environmental protection department or some ecological monitoring departments.

Don't ask, if you ask, it's for taking pictures of birds, if you ask again, it's for taking pictures of rare and protected animals.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with the Sun Division.

In fact, the newly installed monitoring equipment here has doubled in size in a short period of time.

This cannot be treated with caution by the Lieyang Department.

The Huaihe River is not just a river, but an entire basin, from the tributaries to the main stream, covering four or five counties. It is one of the four ancient rivers. This basin alone covers almost 2% of the territory of China, and They are also densely populated areas with large populations.

In Taibao County downstream alone, an astronomical amount of money has been invested in water conservancy projects that have lasted for decades to prevent floods and waterlogging.

This is also due to the good economy of Taibao County. Otherwise, after the spiritual energy is revived and investment increases, poorer counties may not be able to withstand it.

The entire Huaihe River Basin, connected by the Yellow River at the top and the Yangtze River at the bottom, affects the whole body. It can be said that more than half of the richest and most populous areas in China will be directly affected, and even more will be affected indirectly.

Whether Suicune is strong or not is actually a secondary matter, the main thing is that he has too much influence.

Therefore, no matter what, nothing big can happen here.

After the Heavenly Master found out about this, he took the rare initiative to have a private chat with the headmaster.

Because the head of the headquarters heard that Suicune wanted to see the head of the Sun Division, he quietly explained the matter and was really going to see and talk to Suicune.

It was just that the old Heavenly Master stopped me, so the matter has been put on hold.

When the Heavenly Master came in person, the first thing he said was to stop the Sun tribe from killing Suicune when necessary.

Back then, Dayu defeated a lot of big guys, but they all just suppressed Shuijun and sealed him away.

Suicune's strength back then was unquestionable, but that wasn't the point.

No one really thought that when Dayu was controlling floods, he would be merciful in the face of thorns.

Simply because, taking into account various factors, the final result is already the best way to deal with it.

The Heavenly Master was also worried that someone in the Lieyang Department would be too extreme and cause greater trouble, so he spoke clearly first.

Now facing Suicune, the Sun Club didn't do much, but it wasn't like they didn't do anything.

In the minds of high-level officials, this is currently the top priority, and it is just a priority for monitoring for the time being.

When that Taoist appeared here, at the waterside, and opened an altar to perform rituals, the alarm of the Lieyang Department was immediately triggered.

The news was uploaded immediately, and then the order was sent down immediately, mobilizing all nearby surveillance forces to keep an eye on the opponent's whereabouts, and members of the field war department gathered.

The news was sent back, and within two minutes, the other party's identity was dug out.

"I found out that Zhong Nan abandoned his disciples and was expelled for violating the precepts. Later he returned to secular life and got married.

And there is no registration, and there will be no news after that.

There has been no news about the woman he married for several years.

The most recent record is a consumption record from five years ago, and nothing since.

The other party's bank card has not been touched. "

"It was found out. He came in a freight vehicle. A camera captured him. The truck came from Guanzhong County."

In half an hour, starting from the time when the Taoist was photographed, after the photo was obtained, it was handed over to the AI ​​to run, and a large number of suspicious and similar pictures emerged.

The gait in the video is captured and then handed over to the computer. From the large database, a simple and crude elimination method is used for preliminary elimination, and then manual screening is performed.

As long as you catch the thread and invest enough resources, unless this person never appears under Skynet, otherwise, as long as he appears, you will definitely be able to follow the clues.

If this is not possible, it is most likely that not enough resources have been invested.

After these materials were uploaded simultaneously, the matters that Cai Qidong asked people to check on the other side were triggered simultaneously.

This Taoist is a standard high-risk target in what Cai Qidong wants to investigate.

After uploading simultaneously, Taoist's risk rating began to soar. The members of the nearest combat unit received orders because the risk rating of the object to be controlled had soared three levels in a row, telling them not to act rashly.

In half an hour, the Taoist who left the waterside had just secretly boarded a truck. When he was sitting in the truck compartment with his eyes closed to recuperate, the Lieyang Department had already almost dug him up.

After the vehicle had been traveling for half an hour, a traffic jam began in front, large trucks began to pull over, and there were many drivers on the roadside.

When the driver saw this situation, he immediately turned off the car and went to eat at a roadside restaurant. He would definitely not be able to leave for a while.

The Taoist sitting in the carriage suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyelids began to twitch slightly.

His face hardened, he took out a silver mirror compass, put a drop of blood on it, and sighed secretly as he watched the pointer on it rotating crazily.

So fast. When was he targeted?

He decisively jumped out of the car and landed on the ground.

He shook the Taoist robe on his body, stomped on the ground three times, squeezed the seal with his hand, and drew a rune on the ground. Then he looked like a ghost, his shoulders did not move, and his legs were as fast as the wind, and he rushed into the road quickly. in the mountains and forests.

Soon, when a private car passed by, for some reason, it hit a large truck parked on the roadside.

All of a sudden, the road here was completely blocked.

The national highway here is already blocked, but now cars are suddenly crossing the road, and within a few minutes, it can be blocked by traffic jams for several kilometers.

The Taoist quickly fled into the forest and left quickly.

In the rear, the Field Service Officer of the Lieyang Department, who had been hanging far away, immediately reported the problem after discovering the problem, and then took out the drone from the trunk and let it fly.

This drone is actually not easy to detect when it is raised above a hundred meters, and no sound can be heard.

Several drones took off and soon discovered the Taoist running fast in the forest.

The Taoist stopped under a tree, looked up through the gaps in the forest, and his face became increasingly gloomy.

It is true that there are not many masters in the Lieyang Department, but it is difficult to hide things from the Lieyang Department. If they are discovered, it will be even harder to escape.

The Taoist used various methods and kept running away, but he could still see drones flying nearby.

After several times in a row, he gave up completely, and instead accelerated his speed to the limit, ran all the way to the river, plunged into the water, and disappeared on the water.

The news came back quickly, and Cai Qidong watched the video with cold eyes, especially when he saw that the Taoist could cause a car accident and block the road just by doing whatever he did on the road.

And then, within a radius of thirty meters, three people were injured due to accidents in just a short time.

At this time, Prince Zhu called.

"Someone is spreading news about Wen Yan, do you hear me clearly?"

"Huh? Who?"

"There is someone, Ah Piao. I can't find out the person. He is a Taoist priest. That is your business, but you don't have to worry about Ah Piao."

After saying that, Prince Zhu hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Prince Zhu turned off the phone and disconnected the battery.

Then he turned to look at a fierce ghost tied up next to him.

"You are quite honest, although you are a bit silly.

I don't know how you fools got fooled.

But let me tell you clearly, I owe the little brothers in the forbidden area a huge favor.

We also have a very good relationship.

I don't care what the reason is, don't talk nonsense about personal grudges with me.

It’s not that I look down on you, but are you worthy of having a grudge against my little brother?

It makes sense that you have a grudge against the evil star in the forbidden area.

We have met each other in the past, so I won't do anything absolutely, I will give you two a choice.

Or, I will be so cruel that all sins will be attributed to me and I will kill you.

Or, you change your appearance and abandon your original identity to survive.

Choose one yourself. "

The face of the fierce ghost with a fierce aura changed, and he thought for a long time.

The smiling young man walked out next to him and took off the talisman from his mouth.

"I've given you a chance. Make your choice. It's not the first day you've met me. You should know that I rarely make a killing move unless I have no choice or go too far."

Prince Zhu gave his last words of advice.

The fierce ghost looked at the empty torture rack next to him, and saw that one Ah Piao had completely disappeared.

He sighed and nodded.

"Prince Zhu, please make arrangements."


Prince Zhu stretched out his hand in front of the other party.

"your name."

The moment the other party said his name, three words flew out of him and fell into Prince Zhu's hands.

Li Gui's eyes suddenly became dull.

Prince Zhu spread his hands, looked at the names in his palms, and sighed.

"I knew your great-grandfather back then, so aren't you making things difficult for me?

If you really have any grudges, I won't stop you. If you miss, go ahead.

There is no grudge, why are you joining in the fun?

Just because you know some of the dead evil ghosts?

Stupid or not.

Why bother?

Forget it, I kept it for you, and you can stay here with me from now on. "

Prince Zhu took away the name, and the smiling young man next to him complimented him.

"Your Majesty is still kind-hearted, and these Ah Piao still deserve to die."

"Go, go, why are you joining in the fun here? Is there anyone else?"

"That's all that's been discovered so far. There may be others that haven't been discovered yet."

"Then even if the luck comes, I can't save it, and I can't control that much."

On the other side, Cai Qidong discovered that someone seemed to be targeting the north of Decheng, and immediately began to mobilize manpower.

He looked at his phone and found that the date was still early before the end of the month, and sighed with regret.

I can only start shaking people.

Then tell Fuyu Mountain and have someone send a message to Wen Yan.

At the same time, Wen Yan in Mingtu had arrived at the River Mingx.

The other warhead is sealed by the Lieyang Department. It is said that it can remain water-proof for ten years within a depth of fifty meters.

This kind of protection has three layers.

Carrying the warhead, Wen Yan walked into the River Styx and came underwater. After walking a few dozen meters, he dug a hole at the bottom of the water and buried the warhead.

There was no way he could take this thing back. He felt very insecure hiding it somewhere else.

This is the best place. So far, no one except him can dig out this warhead from diving into the water.

There must be no other person who satisfies the three conditions of having no soul, being protected by the blazing sun, and not drowning at the same time, right?

No, there is another condition that must be added, that you can find the direction and not get lost here.

After burying the warhead, Wen Yan walked out of the water and started packing his things.

He packed up his things and dragged a large bag of materials into the River Styx. When he started to return, a talisman fell from the sky and fell into the River Styx, instantly turning into ashes and dissipating.

And in Fuyu Mountain, the uncle of the fourth master who was summoning people frowned.

"No one can be found..."

"What do you mean? Something happened?" Uncle Qi was startled, and Zu asked quickly.

"No, it probably just can't be delivered to him. He may have come back or be on the way."

"Don't gasp when you talk, you'll scare people to death."

"Do you want to go there?"

"I don't know what's going on now, but the Lieyang tribe said that Zhongnan's abandoned disciple is probably a temple blessing of gods and ghosts.

This guy went to the Huaihe River and sent a letter to the Huaihe River. He probably knew Wen Yan and went to Shuijun to go to Gonghuo.

If so, he must know that Wen Yan went to the underworld.

Then he was probably seeking revenge on Wen Yan. "

"How did he know it was Wen Yan who did it? There are so many people who can go to the underworld."

The Fourth Master's uncle sighed.

"Do you think such a lunatic would ask for confirmation? He doesn't need to. He just needs to know that you are there and there is a slight possibility that you can do it. That's what you did. What he is doing now makes it clear that he is crazy. He is When you are seeking death and don't know how to take revenge before you die, that's the most troublesome thing."

"Let me go."

"No, I'll go, but you can't."

"..." The seventh master's uncle's face darkened and he stopped talking.

Wen Yan walked forward in the water for a long time. After returning to the Yin Soul Kingdom, he went upstream again and walked the entire Yin River before finally landing.

When we got ashore, there were already two Ah Piao waiting there.

"Mr. Wen, the prince has sent me to wait here. I must pick him up as soon as possible." The smiling Jin Yiwei brother stepped forward to greet him.

"problem occurs?"

"Something happened. I don't know the details." The smiling boy didn't say much.

They got into a paper taxi and drove all the way through the ghost kingdom, returning to the Rakshasa Ghost City.

When he met Prince Zhu, Prince Zhu took Wen Yan and told him what happened in the past few days.

The more Wen Yan listened, the more he frowned.

He thought before that there was a living person cooperating, but he didn't expect that the other person's identity turned out to be a temple blessing.

"Be careful. Some people already know that you fell into the underworld and came back from the underworld.

Now that this lunatic is spreading fire and spreading news everywhere, I'm afraid more people will know.

You have to know that there is the Land of the Underworld, a paradise of ghosts that is rumored to be one step further than the Kingdom of Ghosts.

It has gone through countless years of subtlety, plus someone has already entered.

Even if he knew there was nothing there, there would still be many things that Ah Piao wanted to go to.

You are the one who has the only certain path at the moment.

You should know what this means. "

Wen Yan got a little excited when he heard this.

If it were a living person, he wouldn't be too worried, but there are too many A'Piao who are over-the-top, and there are too many A'Piao who don't have high rational thinking.

These Ah Piao won't care so much...

He had just lamented a few days ago that living people have a strange illusion filter for things they have never obtained or experienced.

If this was applied to Ah Piao, the filter would have to be thickened three more layers.

At the same time, a sand transporting ship moved from the lower reaches of the Xijiang River to the upper reaches. Zhongnan abandoned his disciples and buried himself in the sand without moving. The yang energy in his body was getting weaker, while the yin energy was getting stronger.

The thermal imaging device on the Lieyang Department's drone could no longer show his figure.

The sand transporting boat went all the way upstream. When it arrived near Decheng, the sky was gloomy and dark clouds covered the moon. The Zhongnan abandoned disciples quietly came ashore and climbed onto a car quietly.

When he got here, a lot of bad luck began to pour out of him, spreading to all directions.

Various people in the vicinity, including those arranged by the Lieyang Department, began to suffer from various unlucky things because of being contaminated with this aura.

Some surveillance cameras captured him, but for various reasons, no one happened to see him.

Not long after, they came from the southern coast of Decheng, all the way from the outskirts of the city, to the north.

Once here, the Taoist no longer concealed his whereabouts and headed all the way towards the villa area on the northern edge of the city.

Here you can already see pendants of various shapes hanging on the street lamps beside the road.

The Taoist's face was calm, his skin color had become dull, and the look in his eyes had become a little dim.

When he saw the iron railings of the northern wall of the villa area in the distance, he suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood on the tip of his nose.

Pei Butu Dog, who was dressed in bloody clothes and was still dripping blood, showed two rows of big white teeth, and walked from a distance holding a blood-colored rope.

The pure murderous intent and the strong evil aura were like a violent storm, rushing toward his face.

The Taoist's steps couldn't help but pause, and his body's instincts were urging him to run away.

The Taoist raised his head, showed a smile, and took a firm step.

And the bad luck that was almost visible to the naked eye began to appear on him.

The next moment, his eyes flashed, and Pei Butu Gou disappeared.

The bloody rope was directly tied around Zhongnan's abandoned disciple's neck, gradually tightening.

Pei Tugou held the blood rope with one hand, and a blood-stained road gradually emerged under his feet. He dragged Zhongnan's abandoned disciple towards an empty street lamp in the distance.

Just as he climbed onto the street lamp and stood sideways on the lamp post, a voice came from the distance.

"Wait a moment."

The uncle of the Fourth Master frowned and stood far away. Pei Tugou had too much evil energy. A cultivator should not be contaminated by this kind of thing.

Pei Tugou glanced at the fourth master's uncle, said nothing, and continued to move forward.

The uncle of the Fourth Master sighed secretly and said.

"The purpose of his coming here is to die here, in your hands, and to be hung from a street lamp by you."

Pei Tugou paused and looked at his fourth master's uncle. He was now much more talkative and willing to listen to other people's opinions.

"Look at his hand, do you see the talisman?

This is the treasure he was given. He is dying soon. He dies in your hands just to cast a spell for the last time in this life.

If you fulfill his wish, there will be no peace in this place. "

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