I am your natural enemy

Chapter 217 The Ghostly Soul Lamp, an unexpected path to advancement (54k)

Chapter 217 The Ghostly Soul Lamp, an unexpected path to advancement (5.4k)

After one sentence, all the colors dissipated and all the pictures turned into smoke and dust and went away with the wind.

The little Taoist priest was gone, and there was only one Taoist left. He stretched out a hand with tears in his eyes, trying to grasp everything.

The Taoist had tears on his face and looked at Wen Yan with pleading in his eyes.

"I beg you, can you let me take another look, just one look..."

Wen Yan didn't say anything, so the Taoist continued.

"Don't you want my answer?

I can answer you, the person I miss has nothing to do with you.

That statue is not her, it is definitely not her.

Can you let me take another look? "

Before the Taoist finished speaking, the light here seemed to be running out and became dim.

The dim world is full of death and coldness. Even though there is still color here, it still seems to be fading.

The Taoist priest, who had taken off his Taoist robe, was sitting in front of the hospital bed, with thunder and rain outside the window, constantly shining.

The woman on the hospital bed had bloodless lips and a face as white as paper. She looked at the man next to her and murmured to herself.

"Little Taoist priest, actually I lied to you that time.

I thought about it for several years and then the idea came to me while I was watching the news.

That crab roe tofu actually contains crab roe.

You were deceived by me, but I'm still smarter than you.

Don’t worry about additives all the time. There are no additives like the ones you eat.

You have to eat well, supplement protein, and don’t always be a vegetarian.

Now...I'm not sick either, I'm just...just a genius.

I just learned what you call an out-of-body experience. I want to go find my grandma.

I asked her to learn how to make crab roe tofu taste like you have tasted before. "

The long-haired man sat beside the bed, choking silently. His expression looked like he was crying, but also like he was trying to smile.

As she spoke, the woman became silent again.

The whole world began to collapse toward the center, and the world of black, white and gray was submerging the only little bit of color in the center.

Until the woman lying on the hospital bed merged into the black and white world, and the whole world suddenly collapsed.

In the darkness, everything gradually dissipated, and the Taoist was already kneeling on the ground, choking with pain on his face.

After a long time, Wen Yan took a breath.

"As I thought, the person you are thinking about cannot be a god or ghost.

In fact, you already knew this, right?

I just kept holding on to that little bit of hope that didn't exist in the first place, and I didn't dare to have any doubts at all.

You should know that it is impossible to achieve your goal with the help of that idol ghost.

Or have you already lost it? "

The Taoist knelt on the ground and touched his head to the ground. His body was trembling due to choking.

He broke his guard.

Wen Yan's rhetoric failed to break his defense, but with the huge amount of yang energy accumulated in the fierce day, blessing it back to the past, the beauty of the past, deep in the Taoist's heart, there is still color, but from the inside, Pierce him directly.

He was completely irresistible.

Now his belief in even coming here to do something has collapsed.

The most beautiful colors turned into dead silence in an instant. As an outsider, Wen Yan felt a sense of suffocation just after witnessing this scene, let alone this Taoist.

The Taoist was holding back and choking, but slowly, he couldn't bear it anymore. His Taoist heart collapsed, his faith was destroyed, and he regained a little of his former self.

He started to cry loudly, and the breath all over his body was filled with despair and regret.

The Taoist's bad luck began to gradually dissipate, and his strength also began to dissipate.

Wen Yan lowered his eyes and said nothing, hesitated for a long time, and finally put on the second temporary ability. He didn't know whether he was talking to the Taoist or talking to himself.

“Now that you’ve done something, do it the best you can.

I said that I didn’t kill the person you read, and you should believe it now.

The god-like ghost died under the blazing sun and disappeared into thin air.

But the person you miss should still be in a corner that no one knows and cannot be found.

I am not doing this because of you. Your death is not enough to pay for your sins.

I just feel bad for the little Taoist priest I once was and that girl.

What you did before has tarnished that beauty. "

Wen Yan changed to the Soul Caller.

That girl definitely did not appear as Ah Piao in the present world. If she had appeared, the Taoist would not have known about it.

Then, there is a high probability that he will end up in this endless hell.

Now that he has temporary abilities, he might as well use them and accumulate some experience. Wen Yan casually found a reason to persuade himself.

Because he felt that even though we were here, things were still not perfectly resolved.

He continuously blessed Yang Qi and accumulated it with the violent sun. He recalled the girl's appearance in his mind, and then used Soul Conjuring.

The next moment, the shadow of a nine-story altar rose under his feet, and behind him, the shadow of the soul-calling flag swayed gently.

A road formed by the radiance of the sun extended all the way from under the altar.

Wherever the light path passed, countless Ah Piao in the underworld were squeezed to both sides.

In the air, there seemed to be many people chanting in low voices, and the vague voices converged into calls.

The Taoist's choking sound spread far and wide on the light path.

Wen Yan stood on the shadow of the altar and looked into the distance. His eyes followed the light path and extended for an unknown distance.

Finally, among a group of Ah Piao, he saw an ordinary female Ah Piao who was no different from those around her and had no consciousness. She was the person he was looking for.

The light path extended to his feet. At that moment, the unknown length of light path seemed to be shortened to the extreme in an instant, and this female Ah Piao seemed to appear in front of everyone.

Wen Yan stretched out a finger to give blessings.

A ray of color appeared on the gray Ah Piao, and her consciousness, which had dissipated into the underworld over time, began to recover a little.

The female Ah Piao looked at the Taoist on the ground and shouted tentatively.

"Little Taoist priest?"

The Taoist raised his head instantly, but then stretched out his sleeves to cover himself.

"Little Taoist?" The female Ah Piao wanted to take a step, but after she took a step, she was still spinning in circles.

"My strength is limited. When I actually recruit you, it will take too much time. By that time, he must be dead. He said that I killed you and wants to take revenge from me. I can only let you come forward. Let’s explain.”

After saying this, Wen Yan closed his mouth.

Believe it or not, but Wen Yan believes even more in this undisputed evidence.

In the past, he would have been too lazy to do this kind of work of proving his innocence, but now, he just wants to solve this matter completely and perfectly.

He is not afraid of bad luck, but like Pei Tugou, he is also afraid of affecting the people around him.

The female Ah Piao stood there with a smile, and there was a bit of surprise in her smile as if she suddenly picked up money.

The Taoist stretched out his arms and covered his face with his big sleeves, not daring to look or let the female Ah Piao see him.

"I can feel that I don't have much time. Are you really unwilling to look at me?

Little Taoist priest, if you don’t look at me, I will leave. "

After saying this, the female Ah Piao stopped speaking.

In just one second, the Taoist raised his head in panic, revealing a face that had been through many vicissitudes of life, with tears on his face, red and swollen eyes, and stains.

When the female Ah Piao saw him like this, she burst out laughing. When she laughed, except for a few wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, she was exactly the same as what she had just seen.

"Why haven't you washed your face since I'm gone? Look at your neck, it's as black as a car axle."

The Taoist stretched out his hand nervously and wiped it on his neck. The squirming look was like the first time he accidentally touched the girl's hand when he was a teenager. Every muscle in his body seemed to be exerting force. But it happened to be extremely stiff.

When the Taoist saw the beautiful smile of the female Ah Piao, he could no longer bear it. The last thoughts in his heart were shattered. With tears in his eyes, he walked step by step in front of the female Ah Piao.


"Why are you saying sorry? No matter when, you will never be sorry to me."

The more A Piao said this, the more regret in the Taoist's heart kept rolling, like a landslide, unstoppable.

He began to truly agree with what Wen Yan said.

He tarnished his former self and the people he missed, and he also left a stain on their emotions.

"I've been missing you for a long time, but I can't find you..."

"I've always been in your heart, why are you looking for me?"

"I did a lot of wrong things."

"If you do something wrong, you must take responsibility for it."

Wen Yan closed his eyes and stopped listening or looking.

After waiting for two minutes, he opened his eyes and looked at the two Ah Piao, half ghost, who seemed to have endless words to say.

"The time has come. My strength is limited and I can't hold on any longer."

A halo of light began to appear at the feet of female A Piao, which was a light path about to unfold.

The female Ah Piao glanced at the Taoist with some reluctance. The Taoist still wanted to reach out and grab it, but his hand seemed to never be able to touch it, always just a little bit away.

The female Ah Piao looked at the Taoist and suddenly showed a sly smile.

"Little Taoist priest, do you think there was crab roe in the crab roe tofu I gave you that year?"

After leaving the last sentence, the light path expanded again, or in other words, the light path that extended to the feet of the female A Piao began to shrink.

The light path returned to the shadow of the altar, and the shadow of the altar and the soul-calling flag disappeared.

The Taoist looked back at the way those countless Ah Piao came, then turned to look at Wen Yan. He knelt on the ground calmly and kowtowed heavily.

"Thank you.

I can't undo the consequences that have been caused, so I can only make some amends to atone for my sins. "

"The one you owe the most is not me."

"I know. The last question I want to ask is, is she still on the road to death?"

"Yes, very far away."

"Then she will pass by here one day, right?"

"I'm not sure. If it hasn't dissipated, it probably is."

The Taoist kowtowed and then came to the roadside of the underworld.

He made a seal with his hands and stamped his foot. His foot seemed to turn into wood and took root on the roadside.

The bad luck on his body was still dissipating, and his strength was still dissipating, but at this moment, he seemed to be even more powerful than at his peak.

"Don't you think there are no street lights here? I will give you a street light to thank you for killing my talisman.

My sins are so great that one death is no longer enough.

Please allow me to atone for my sins here. "

Wen Yan was silent for a long time. Of course he knew that the Taoist wanted to see the female Ah Piao again one day.

Seeing that Wen Yan didn't say anything, the Taoist thanked him.

Then he made a seal with his hands and drank in a deep voice. He opened his mouth slightly, and the five colored threads in his belly twisted into one and flew out a little from his mouth.

He ignited it with the remaining Yang energy, and the dissipated moldy air seemed to turn into lamp oil that supported the burning, blooming with a faint green light, illuminating the road here.

From all directions, there are also wisps of mold gathering, turning into lamp oil and being burned by it.

The Taoist's body gradually turned into wood, turning into a wooden sculpture with a slightly terrifying aura. He stood on the spot, with his head slightly raised and his mouth wide open. The five-color rope in his mouth turned into a wick. With the bad luck on his body, and The mold absorbed from all directions is used as lamp oil.

Wen Yan felt it, and a little bit of moldy air flew out of his body, turned into lamp oil, burned away, and turned into a faint green light that illuminated the dark road.

And those who flew from other places must be other people.

Wen Yan looked at this scene, sighed, said nothing, turned around and left.

Pei Tugou followed and walked back, but when he turned around, he couldn't see anything. Everything he saw just now seemed to disappear, the road also disappeared, and he was lost.

Wen Yan stretched out a hand and put it on his shoulder, and Pei Tugou could see the road again.

"What's going on?"

"You can't go back here, you'll get lost. It's natural for ghosts to hit the wall."

"I asked that guy, just forget it?"

"He was afraid that I would not agree to let him wait here.

So he turned into a lamp and stayed in the dark forever, and the wick was his soul.

He is indeed very talented. He doesn't know how to reverse the secret method without the talisman.

He is now like a huge magnet, sucking in other people's bad luck as iron filings and then burning them.

This process was his soul, which was being burned by the flames all the time.

He can't die, but he can't live either.

Once you take this step, there will be no room for regret.

If you think this is not enough, then go ahead and kill him to free him. "

"..." Pei Tugou stopped talking. He wanted to kill whatever he wanted.

What he encountered this time had already made him feel that killing could not solve the problem.

And now, he is rare and doesn't want to kill him.

Looking at the humanoid wooden sculpture standing by the road again, Pei Butu Gou shook his head.

"Is it really worth it? You can't live or die like this, and you're tortured every day, just to see each other again?"

"I didn't make him do this. How can I be such a cruel person?"

"You are the cruelest, you are much crueler than me."

Pei Tugou sighed, for such a fierce person, there was no fear in his eyes from the beginning to the end. For a person who was not afraid of death, the most he could do was hang people.

Unlike Wen Yan, he didn't even understand what happened. The Taoist suddenly started crying and almost slapped himself saying that he deserved to die.

No, this is much crueler than slapping yourself and telling yourself that you deserve to die, directly turning yourself into a street lamp.

I don't know how Wen Yan could do it, and force a person who was not afraid of death to get to this point.

"It's not that I'm cruel, it's just that these Ah Piao's obsessions are too deep.

He has become a half-ghost, and his obsession is deeper than that of the average Piao.

When he gets ruthless, he is really inhumane and doesn't care about anything.

When he feels regretful, that last obsession can support him in doing anything.

He is like this, what else can I say? "

Wen Yan sent Pei Tugou to the basement of Lao Zhao's house. After thinking about it for a while, he came to the underworld again.

It just so happened that the temporary ability to summon spirits was still there, so he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to do something.

When I came to Mingtu, I looked at the green light on Mingtu. Come on, this kind of moldy burning light is really suitable for this ghost place.

He stood on the road to death, using the fierce sun to accumulate yang energy. He had accumulated yang energy to the limit. He recalled the image of his grandmother in his mind and used the spirit summoning method.

The shadow of the altar and the soul-calling flag appeared again, but this time, the light path did not unfold. After the altar flickered for a moment, it collapsed together with the soul-calling flag and disappeared without a trace.

Wen Yan looked stunned.

What he had just sensed clearly was that the altar and the soul-calling flags collapsed did not mean that the souls could not be summoned.

But, with his ability to summon souls, even if he can gather energy and explode, he is not qualified to attract grandma.

Wen Yan did not try a second time.

He took one last look at the human-shaped wooden street lamp beside the road.

Pei Tugou probably doesn't like this kind of street lamp very much, and he can't even make people laugh.

Forget it, I'll buy two street lights and add them to the intersection for decoration.

The problem is how to transport the street lights.

"You made your own choice, so I hope you can see her again one day. At that time, you can really touch each other."

After leaving the last words, Wen Yan turned and left.

When he walked out of Lao Zhao's villa, a new reminder appeared in front of him.

"You let a half-ghost willingly use the last secret method to backfire on himself.

He is willing to stay in the underworld forever and absorb the bad luck from those he hurts and their descendants.

He turned into the first lamp in the underworld, a lamp transformed into ghosts and gods, lighting up the road.

And he did all this willingly. "

"Because you completed the event beyond the limit and pushed forward something that would have been impossible."

"Get a new title: Natural Enemy of Ghosts and Gods."

"Wearing this title, you have 100% suppression, 100% real damage, and 100% immunity to ghosts and gods.

20% probability of triggering the Ghost Soul Lamp (can seal a ghost and god and turn it into a Ghost Soul Lamp). "

"This title comes with its own ability: summoning souls."

Wen Yan took a breath, and he knew that the results were completely different when he chose to solve a problem simply and crudely, and when he solved an enemy completely.

He had never thought about having a new title, and it was an obviously very powerful new title.

Only those who are strong enough to a certain extent and have completed some kind of transformation, or have completed maybe more than one job transfer to a specific profession, can they be qualified to be called ghosts and gods.

Following the prompts, Wen Yan estimated that now was the initial stage of the second stage of spiritual energy recovery.

Logically speaking, the ghost lamp transformed into ghosts and gods would never appear at this stage.

A half-ghost is also a ghost. Under normal circumstances, this kind of guy would only become like this when he was sealed. Under normal circumstances, how could he take the initiative to become a ghost lamp and suffer such a crime?

Wen Yan thought that would be the end of it.

Unexpectedly, he also saw that the JieE Shuiguan Lu on the back of his right hand began to glow with brilliance and began to show some changes.

A new prompt appears.

"Your thoughts and actions are highly consistent with this talisman.

The so-called practice is not just one way.

People who practice Taoism do not only have to go up the mountain to practice Taoism.

You have no soul and cannot practice Taoism, but it has no influence at all. You are in charge of the talisman.

You have relieved countless ghosts from the misfortune of darkness, and you have relieved countless people from the misfortune of bad luck.

You have found an advanced path that does not require entering the Tao but is most suitable for resolving the misfortune of Shuiguanlu.

The way out of trouble is not to kill or block, but to resolve. "

"Relieve the misfortune of Shuiguanlu and gain an additional 20% progress."

"Current progress: 20%"

Wen Yan looked at his right hand. The appearance of the Jiehe Shuiguan Rui became more complicated, and there were even some water lines on the edge.

He had always thought that there was no such thing as progress in this talisman...

Unexpectedly, he could not cultivate the Tao, but he could advance on the talisman.

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