I am your natural enemy

Chapter 219 You are right, water affinity (5k)

Ah Piao who was present, no matter how ignorant he was, could probably tell it just by relying on his senses.

This terrifying wood sculpture must have been a living person before, or maybe A Piao.

There's no way it's a wood carving carved from real wood.

Just seeing the burning green flames, they felt as if their bodies were burning.

They seemed to have heard the painful whimpering of the soul.

A picture came to mind involuntarily.

A red-named monster that was almost turning into a shadow smiled, revealing two rows of big white teeth, and pinched a person's neck with one hand.

Then a hand penetrated into the human body, forcibly rubbed its soul into a wick, and then lit it.

He also used evil methods to turn a living person into an immovable wooden sculpture, standing here forever, enduring the torture of burning souls.

What's even more frightening is that this man can't even cry out.

"This...this is that Taoist. I know him. I just saw him yesterday. He is no longer a human being. He is about to become a ghost."

A Piao, who was wearing a tall hat and a skinny face, said this tremblingly.

A group of Ah Piao almost turned around and ran away.

"It's too cruel!" Double-horned Ah Piao's eyes widened and his lips were trembling.

"What did I say? What did I say?

This is a conspiracy.

I just said that street lights are necessary to hang people. It must be a rumor.

This is a rumor spread deliberately.

Those A Piao who spread rumors a few days ago have all disappeared.

How come you still believe it?

Look, look, what is this? "

No one in the group of Ah Piao said a word. To be honest, they were all starting to sweat profusely.

The one-horned Ah Piao next to the two-horned Ah Piao added tentatively when no one spoke.

"There are no street lamps hanging, so people are turned into decorative street lamps on the roadside?"

As soon as these words came out, a group of A Piao shuddered.

This is more scary, okay?

Before, it could be said that if there was no street lamp hanging, the big evil star would have to drag people a long way to find the empty street lamp.

Nowadays, people don’t use street lights anymore and just turn people into street lights. Even if the rumors are true, is it useless?

"Shut up if you can't speak!" Double-horned Ah Piao glared at One-horned Ah Piao.

The one-horned Ah Piao was a little aggrieved. He felt that he must have said the right thing this time.

A lot of Ah Piao were piled on the road, and no one was moving forward, just wasting away.

After someone pointed out the identity of the wood carving, this group of Ah Piao no longer had any ambitions.

An evil man who has almost turned into a ghost has fallen to this level.

They probably gave me free appetizers before the meal.

These Ah Piao are somewhat related to the Ah Piao who were hanged before when they left this intersection.

Of course, there is indeed a point where Ah Piao is brainless, or who regards being in the forbidden area and not dying as a achievement.

But everyone knows to some extent what the nature of A Piao, who can be called a ghost, is.

Even in Qingcheng, there are loud noises every day about the messenger ghosts and gods, but I have never heard of it until now. There is a Piao in Qingcheng who can be called a ghost.

Even a guy who is just close to ghosts and gods, but not yet a ghost or god, has fallen to this level.

Already, these Ah Piao's faces were as pale as dirt and their backs were dripping with sweat.

But then, they discovered a very embarrassing thing.

They wanted to back off, but they couldn't come back.

If you don't turn back on the road to death, you will get lost if you turn around.

And if they stay lost for a little longer, they will become one of the countless unconscious Aporis here.

Their goal when they came was this big intersection.

There is only this kind of big intersection, which actually does not require a guide. You can enter from anywhere. As long as you can enter the underworld and your goal is this big intersection, you will definitely pass through this big intersection.

Now let them change a target, and they can just change it.

If any A'Piao had this ability, Gravewalker wouldn't be so special.

Gravewalkers can not only create a junction in a barren grave, but can also lead the way in the underworld.

Some of the more powerful Ah Piao can do the latter, but to open an intersection, currently only the Gravewalker can do it.

For other Ah Piao, no matter how you walk, you can only use various ready-made intersections.

In the underworld, once a goal is set, it cannot be changed or turned back. Even grave walkers have always abided by this rule in order to prevent unexpected situations.

A group of Ah Piao stood there, no one spoke first.


Or keep going and go up from the main intersection to deliver some appetizers.

Or, just wait here and see if you can wait for a change.

After a long time, the double-horned Ah Piao was struggling to speak, but no one spoke to these Ah Piao, and he was a little discouraged.

"Forget it, I really feel that our becoming A Piao is an opportunity we got in vain.

We have to cherish the chance to live again more than those people.

It's already very difficult for us, Ah Piao, so we shouldn't seek death any more.

I can get to know you, and I truly feel that you are not like those evil ghosts seeking death.

There is still a chance, so forget it if you don’t listen. "

The two-horned Ah Piao stretched out her hand and patted the one-horned Ah Piao.

"Brother, let's go."

"Oh..." One-horned Ah Piao didn't dare to say anything more, so she just followed along.

But as soon as these two Ah Piao walked forward, the eyes of the bunch of Ah Piao suddenly became weird.

The skinny Ah Piao wearing a tall hat stretched out his hand to hold Ah Piao's horns.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going home."

Listening to the two-horned Ah Piao's matter-of-fact answer, the skinny Ah Piao wearing a high hat suddenly took a breath of air.

He immediately understood that these two horny Ah Piao were different from their destination from the beginning.

Yes, this double-horned Ah Piao has been advising everyone since before entering the underworld.

How could such a guy have the same destination as them?

If it's the same, wouldn't it mean that we can only go out from the main intersection with them?

Isn’t that why you come here to die knowing that you are going to die?

They just happened to go to the underworld together, but their destinations were completely different.

They, this group of people, have moved to another place, and now they are in a dilemma. They are stuck here, and they don’t know what to do.

But these two brothers were just passing by.

The skinny Ah Piao wearing a high hat grabbed the double-horned Ah Piao's arm with a serious look on his face.

"Brother, I think what you said makes sense. We can't be swayed by rumors."

"You also think I'm right?"

"Yes, yes, you are right. I think you are very right. Is it convenient for me to be a guest at home? I have something to ask you."

"Well, it's not inconvenient. It's just that mine is a bit crude. I'm afraid..."

"No, we have all learned the inscription of the humble house!"

"Oh well……"

The two-horned Ah Piao nodded. The skinny Ah Piao wearing a high hat immediately stretched out his arms and grabbed the two-horned Ah Piao and the one-horned Ah Piao respectively.

"Brother, I feel that I have been eroded by evil spells and am a little drowsy. Could you please bring me with you..."

The skinny Ah Piao wearing a high hat pulled down the high hat on his head, covering his entire head, and then locked his arms on the two-horned Ah Piao brother.

Seeing that the high-hat Ah Piao was so alert, the other Ah Piao immediately showed a look of surprise, and one by one, they locked themselves on the one in front of them.

Within a few seconds, the double-horned Ah Piao looked at the pair of Ah Piao blankly, like a chain, being carried by him.

Why were everyone suddenly convinced by him?

He didn't think too much, as long as he could be persuaded, he came here this time just to persuade and save these Ah Piao, and then do a big favor.

As long as it can achieve its purpose.

The two-horned Ah Piao and the one-horned Ah Piao walked in front, with a bunch of strings of Ah Piao hanging behind them, locking each other like chains.

Since changing their destination, this group of Ah Piao has been lost. Without anyone to guide them, they will never get out.

Fortunately, there are two Ah Piao whose destinations were different from theirs from the beginning.

Under the dim green light, a very long A Piao train gradually disappeared in front.

In the villa area, Pei Tugou was actually sitting on the roof, blowing the night wind, waiting quietly.

But no one saw him, no one discovered him. The more murderous and evil his aura was, the more no one noticed his existence.

He was still waiting here because he had heard before that besides the Taoist, there seemed to be some Ah Piao who also wanted to take the opportunity to cause trouble.

Maybe everyone's purpose is different, some are because they know the evil ghosts who were hanged, and some have other ideas.

But there are indeed many Ah Piao who want to take the opportunity to visit the forbidden area.

Pei Tugou was still waiting here because he felt uncomfortable.

He wanted to sit back and wait, waiting for Ah Piao, who couldn't think of anything, to warm his hands and calm down.

I just waited for a long time and encountered nothing.

He thought of the wooden carvings beside the Underworld Road and sighed. Didn't he really scare Ah Piao?

And the Lieyang Department actually received the news.

The source of the information is Prince Zhu, and the Lieyang Department has also investigated it themselves, and there is indeed something strange.

For example, many famous people have disappeared today. It is speculated that those guys must have gone to the underworld by some means.

At some unknown time, he rushed out of the intersection.

There are also people in the Lieyang Department who are watching here, and there are also people who are always ready to prevent if too many Ah Piao appear at one time, the big evil star will not be able to kill them all, and those who escape will cause some damage.

It was just that it was starting to get dark, but still nothing happened.

But Wen Yan had left long ago, and he wasn't worried about anything else happening.

The terrifying wood carvings beside the road are actually enough to scare most of the Ah Piao.

Pei Tugou would also be very happy if Ah Piao, who doesn't know what fear is, comes out.

Anyway, he has done everything he should do, and he doesn't really want to deal with the follow-up.

He came to King Guilong to see King Guilong, and let King Guilong feel the changes brought about by his evil-relieving Shuiguanlu.

They followed the big grass carp to the dilapidated Dragon King Temple at the bottom of the river. Only after the big grass carp and the others left did King Gui Long appear.

After a period of training, King Guilong's injuries have almost recovered, but he has degenerated into a dragon, and there is nothing he can do about it.

It was not easy for him to stop the degeneration. First, Wen Yan sealed his blood and forcibly locked up his life. Later, the Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain probably thought that the original intention of King Guilong was not bad. For my own sake, I also gave you a helping hand.

Finally, in Jiaolong, the degradation was completely stopped.

If you want to return to the past, it will take at least several hundred years.

King Guilong was quite happy to see Wen Yan, but he was a little bit resentful in his heart. Wen Yan hadn't seen him for more than a month.

"Hey, long time no see. I just came back from the underworld, and a half-ghost came to my door to commit suicide. He cursed me and my descendants to eat instant noodles without seasoning packets. I'm really tired..."

King Guilong was startled.


Wen Yan said roughly, and King Guilong's eyes widened.

"Why didn't anyone tell me this?"

The little complaint in his heart that was not unhappiness disappeared without a trace in an instant.

It turns out that so many things have happened!

Today there is still a half-ghost who came to Decheng and sneaked into Decheng by boat.

That’s okay!

Something passes through the waterway and causes trouble in Decheng.

And he didn't know anything.

"It's nothing. In fact, he is just a poor person who has been taken advantage of and can't get out of his own way. Now that everything has been dealt with, it would be inappropriate to talk about it again. Let's not talk about it anymore. How is your recent recovery?"

"I'm recovering well. Although I've deteriorated, I feel more at ease than before.

Later, I also figured out that this was my dragon transformation, and I just didn’t get through it.

It's good to be like this now, just be a dragon with peace of mind.

I watched the video and I think there is something very good to say.

If you have never received a severe beating, you will have to save yourself a severe beating sooner or later. "

"Is there such a thing?"

"That's probably what it means. This is what I understand."

Wen Yan felt relieved when he saw King Guilong became calm.

"Do you feel any changes in me?"

King Guilong looked at Wen Yan for a long time and shook his head.

"No, I didn't notice it. I just feel like I'm getting stronger."

"Have you become more relatable?"

"I'm quite friendly to begin with..." King Guilong said honestly.

Wen Yan secretly sighed, come on, when we met the big grass carp just now, they were no different from usual.

Come on, it's almost confirmed now, that affinity is nothing but living things.

Apart from creatures, the only thing he had related to the water system was a dragon scale given by King Gui Long.

He took out the dragon scale from his arms, and the moment he stretched out his hand to touch it, he saw some glimmer of light emerging from the Jie E Shui Guan Lu on the back of his hand.

This time, when he touched it, he could feel it clearly. He could feel that this dragon scale came from a blue dragon, and it was the reverse scale of the other party...

Hey, Wen Yan was slightly startled. He thought this was just an ordinary dragon scale.

Moreover, he could also feel a little bit of residual thoughts attached to this piece of green dragon reverse scale, just like the thought of King Guilong when he gave him this piece of dragon scale.

It was so that he could carry it a few more times, die later, and maybe save his life.

When he closed his eyes and sensed it with his heart, he could still sense that this reverse scale contained a kind of pure power, coming from the power of the blue dragon.

That kind of power flowed against his palm, gentle and tolerant, yet surging and enthusiastic, giving him a very cordial feeling.

Wen Yan opened his eyes. Now he probably understood what the second effect of Jiehe Shuiguanlu, affinity, meant.

You can also probably understand how high that extremely high affinity can be.

When he senses the things that belong to him with his heart, not only can he sense them clearly, he even has the feeling that he can instinctively control and guide this kind of power even though he knows nothing about it.

It’s hard to explain, but it’s there.

Wen Yan raised his head and looked at King Guilong.

King Guilong looked at him eagerly, Wen Yan stroked Ni Lin, and he had an idea in his heart.

"I just sensed clearly that this is actually the Azure Dragon Reverse Scale. You are so generous. You gave me this thing last time.

Now, I think about it, maybe this is fate. Although you have degraded, your reverse scales are still the same as before.

If I give it back to you, will it have a big effect on you? "

"It has some effect, but at most it only reduces the time it takes me to transform into a dragon by half." King Guilong glanced at the reverse scale and finally shook his head.

"I gave it to you, it's yours, there's no reason to take it back."

During this period of time, he thought very clearly that he might not be truly qualified to transform into a dragon yet, so it would be nice to just be a dragon.

"I have kept those scales. I have a special feeling and want to give it a try. Would you like to cooperate with me and conduct an experiment?"

"Just tell me, how can I cooperate?"

"Just do as I say."

Wen Yan's right hand covered Qinglong Nilin. He held his breath and concentrated, gradually becoming more focused. He stared at Nilin, thinking in his mind, letting the trace of power in Nilin come into his hand.

I am also thinking silently in my heart.

"You originally came from King Guilong. Now that he has suffered and degenerated, you are the last bit of strength he had when he was a Qinglong.

I think you are the last bit of seed.

He originally had good intentions in sending you away.

He did not survive the disaster, but he also left behind seeds.

It’s time to go back…”

Gradually, that trace of wandering power followed Ni Lin and entered his right hand.

Suddenly, some fine green scales began to appear on the back of his right hand, and a trace of the unique pressure of the blue dragon appeared in his palm.

Wen Yan stretched out his palm and waved to King Guilong.

"Here, stick your head over."

King Guilong's eyes were dull, staring blankly at Wen Yan's hand.

He didn't understand why this happened, why Wen Yan was able to draw out the power from the reverse scale and it hasn't been backfired yet.

That power is not something that human flesh and blood can withstand.

"What are you doing standing around, hurry up." Wen Yan glared at him and shouted.

King Guilong inexplicably thought of the last time, and he thought of his mother. When she was stern, her eyes were even scarier than this.

He stretched out his head obediently, and Wen Yan's right hand slapped his nose, making his nose sore.

But at the same time, he also felt that there was a weak but extremely pure power entering his body and entering his dragon soul.

He couldn't help but want to shout, but his sore nose blocked him in an instant.

He shrunk his neck and felt the feeling of transformation, just like when he first touched the threshold of dragon transformation, but this time, it was much clearer and more stable than the last time.

Wen Yan stretched out his hand, looked at the JieE Shuiguan Rui on the back of his right hand, and fell into deep thought.

"Enlighten the dragon and guide him to move forward on the right path. The entire river system can benefit from this, and the creatures on the riverside can also be relieved of unforeseen disasters and gain an additional 9% progress."

"Relief from the disaster, the current progress is 29%"

Wen Yan thought about it and found out that the progress of the Jiejie Shuiguanlu was exactly what he thought. It depended on what he did.

He doesn't need to practice like a normal Taoist priest at all.

But it’s right to think about it. Who said that this is not cultivation?

If we can guide King Guilong to follow the right path, avoid conflicts, and keep peace and tranquility in Xijiang, this will also be a matter of immeasurable merit.

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