I am your natural enemy

Chapter 230 I don’t believe it at all, the first black gun (Xie Youtiao Zhenxiang leader, 5k)

Wen Yan stretched out his hand and took away the corpse poison again.

After calming down, he still didn't believe that Cai Heizi died like this.

Even if he believed that Cai Heizi was prepared to die from the beginning, he even predicted what would happen after his death.

Cai Heizi couldn't hide the relief he felt when he saw Ye Youshen appearing.

It was also intentional to stop him from venturing out alone, just to keep things from getting out of control.

Wen Yan could even imagine what kind of turmoil there was going to be outside next.

Originally, with the strength of a night wandering god, he could really kill everyone here. In addition, that guy was not taboo about meat and vegetables. I am afraid that not even a single corpse would be left in this realm in the end.

Then when dawn comes, the Night God will disappear again.

No matter how much you check, you can still find no one alive or dead. Considering the entrances and exits here, if you go the wrong way, you will disappear. It is natural to infer that everyone has disappeared.

There are traces, no evidence, no survivors, no bodies, so this is a bad debt that no one can explain.

Now that the Night Travel God is dead, there are still so many people alive.

Many of these people were from civilian backgrounds, but there were also some from martial arts schools, people whose families were from the Lieyang tribe, and Taoist temples, covering almost all types in Nanwu County.

If the relationships represented by these people were drawn out, it would encompass the power from top to bottom of Nanwu County.

And here, there are also disciples from Maoshan Headmaster and Qin Kun from Fuyu Mountain.

In addition, Wen Yan is also here, and the Xijiang River system in Nanwu County can be counted behind Wen Yan.

It is no longer possible to kill them all.

Huang Zhiji said a few words to the others and asked them to look at the remaining traces of the battle here. They could easily come to the conclusion that if Minister Cai hadn't sacrificed his life in the line of duty and exploded with his life, they would have been trapped in a closed area. , that is, the difference between dying early and dying later.

Even Wen Yan can know that as long as these people get out alive.

Then, there will definitely be an unprecedented unity in Nanwu County.

This is the most correct thing for Nanwu County to do next.

This kind of result was impossible to achieve even when Cai Qidong was alive.

Even if someone can understand this, it doesn't matter.

You can't argue with a dead person. When a person is dead, in a certain sense, he is invincible.

Especially if you die in a glorious, absolutely righteous, and powerful manner, you will be completely invincible.

When he was alive, the black spot was not worth mentioning. If it broke the sky, he was also a hero with flaws.

Whoever sings the opposite tune at this time will first label you as "having no pattern and being narrow-minded".

Wen Yan believes that Cai Qidong must understand this, so he will definitely do it.

No one who wants to save him can stop him from dying.

Because Cai Qidong actually told him what he should say in advance, letting him understand that this choice was absolutely worth it.

This is adding weight to the general direction you have chosen.

Even so, no matter how clear his thoughts were, Wen Yan still didn't believe that Cai Qidong was really dead.

He stared at Cai Qidong's body and gritted his teeth.

"Cai Heizi, you are as useless as ever. You brought me here, used everyone, and you want to die so happily? It's a beautiful idea, but I don't believe you are dead! Wait for me ! I really don’t believe it!”

He thought about it carefully. He fed his grandmother's offering to Cai Qidong. Cai Qidong must not have completely died before he swallowed it.

Others Wen Yan may not be sure, but grandma's blood lock can lock Chen Qimo's blood for more than ten years and forcibly prevent him from dying. Even the killing technique can still lock the remaining blood and prevent others from killing anyone. die.

No matter from the perspective of purpose, Cai Qidong's character, or other perspectives, Cai Qidong is dead.

But Wen Yan doesn't believe it now, don't tell me anything else.

Wen Yan was not as confident in himself as in his grandmother.

At dawn, when Wen Yan was about to leave, he saw a door that had not been there before appeared deep in the building complex. Feng Yao walked out of it with red eyes.

Wen Yan was slightly startled when he saw Feng Yao.

"I didn't even notice where you went before."

“When I came here, the minister said, let me stay here forever.

Later, a message was automatically played, saying that I should put away the surveillance here and that it must not be destroyed by others.

Everyone here is actually under surveillance. This is a special examination room.

Everyone's performance is ultimately related to their evaluation and suggestions.

He said that even if the sky fell outside, I would not be allowed to come out.

I have to wait until the dust settles before I can come out. This is the mission. "

As Feng Yao said, he saw several staff members working silently behind the door.

Seeing these people, Wen Yan suddenly remembered that these staff members were all those he had met before. Later, if he was not careful, he lost sight of them and never thought of them again.

When he saw the door closed and turned into a wall again, Wen Yan felt that his impression of these people was gradually weakening.

"This is a special place in this field, right?"

"Yes, the person who was arranged by the minister to do experiments here accidentally discovered this. He said that there is no more suitable testing venue than here. You can see everyone's performance more realistically, but I didn't expect..."

Now Wen Yan was even more sure that this was Cai Heizi's arrangement.

For those who enter there, their presence will gradually disappear, and everyone will subconsciously ignore their existence.

When they were counting the heads just now, even Wen Yan didn't think that Feng Yao was here with him.

"Are the people inside trustworthy?"

"They are all members of the Sanitation and Cleaning Office, and they are all the people who have been brainwashed before the office was established. They are extremely reliable in business. Even some hypnotic abilities cannot make them Betrayal, even if the minister betrays, they will not do it.”

"Pack your things and prepare to leave here. It's been so long, there's no way there won't be any reaction from outside."

"Wen Yan, Minister..."

"This matter won't be settled like this. I don't care about so many complicated things. I only know that someone let in a night wanderer and planned to kill me as well. So don't blame me for doing this."

Under the Turtle Mountain, a Taoist who had left his body fell into the water.

He held a treasure basket and kept moving forward in the dark waters.

Not long after, he came to a dark water where the water seemed to be completely still. He kept moving forward in the dark water, and finally, at the end, he saw a giant ape sitting at the bottom of the water with a chain on his body.

"Greetings, Sui-kun."

Suicune slowly opened his eyes, and the invisible pressure immediately forced the Taoist to fall to the bottom of the water. The treasure basket he was holding shone slightly.

Suicune was slightly startled when he saw the wanton and wild talisman.

"This basket..."

He remembered that he once accidentally saw a little Taoist boy who fell into the water. The little Taoist boy somehow fell into the water where he was.

He then rescued the little Taoist boy. The little Taoist boy thought he was some kind of big demon and insisted on asking for his name so that he could worship him every day from now on.

Suicune was so annoyed that he used the yellow paper on the little Taoist boy's body to draw a talisman to avoid water. It was said to be a talisman, but in fact it was just him who blessed it with his own strength.

For decades after him, he could often feel that someone was offering sacrifices to him nearby.

After a few decades, it became continuous and could only be felt once in a while.

Seeing this talisman again today, and having beaten Wen Yan twice before, Shuijun's temper is not that bad anymore.

"Are you a descendant of that little Taoist boy?"

"The founder's name is Shui Daozi. He came here to see Sui Lord today because he wanted to discuss something with Sui Lord."

Suicune sneered.

"For the sake of your ancestor's lifelong worship, I will give you a chance to speak."

"I know Lord Sui already knows that the contemporary Lieyang of Fuyu has been born.

I want to remove the blazing sun for Sui Lord, to show my sincerity, now..."

Before the Taoist finished speaking, he could no longer speak. He felt that his vagina was about to be squeezed to pieces.

"I didn't kill him, how dare you kill him before me? Who do you think you are? You are worthy of talking to me."

The Taoist intuitively felt that his Yinshen was about to be crushed. It was like water pressure coming from all directions, suppressing every inch of his Yinshen and squeezing inwards.

He didn't understand why at all. Didn't Suicune have a big feud with Fuyu Lieyang and even wanted to attack Buyeo Lieyang?

Before he could finish his words, Suicune exploded.

Suicune's eyes burst with golden light, and the aura on his body surged, affecting the still water here, and it began to become violent.

He beat up Wen Yan in his dreams every day, that was his business.

When he sees Wen Yan in the future, it will be his business to press Wen Yan's head into the water and drown him in front of him.

If someone wants to kill Wen Yan and make a deal with him, that's another matter.

The more he thinks about Sui Lord, the more irritable he becomes. No wonder Wen Yan hasn't been here for the past two days. These bastards have been thinking about such dirty things all day long.

Is this kind of thing worthy of killing Lieyang?

What's the meaning? It means that if I kill the contemporary blazing sun, wouldn’t I be on the same level as you guys?

When Suicune was about to crush this man's Yinshen, he slowly closed his eyes and his mind gradually calmed down a little.

"You're a piece of shit who doesn't deserve to die in my hands."

Suicune didn't do anything, but he saw the water coming in, dragging the man's Yin Shen, and quickly flew out of the water.

On the water of the Huaihe River, under a sunny hillside close to the water, the water flowed like a lock, trapping the man's Yin Shen and tightly binding him to the big stone by the river.

In the dark water, Suicune looked at the talisman, stretched out his hand to grab it, looked at it carefully for a while, and then crushed it into pieces.

The rare little episode in his life where he had no grudges was tainted by these people. It might as well be ruined. When he thinks of it in the future, he only thinks of that silly little Taoist boy.

Contrast in everything will cause harm.

In comparison, the guy who asked him if he could read didn't seem so hateful.

At least he thought about it. If he thought about this kind of thing again a thousand years later, at least he wouldn't be so angry that he would beat someone up.

But even if a thousand years pass, when he thinks of the Taoist just now, he probably still wants to squeeze him to death.

This time, Suicune held back and suffered a lot. He also knew that most of the people who dared to come to him came with the determination to die.

Then he decided not to kill it. He felt unhappy after letting it go, so he hung it outside to dry.

The forces of Lieyang Department of Nanwu County have gathered outside the highway, and the section of highway outside has also been temporarily blocked in the name of road construction.

It's just that I haven't been able to get in because the original path was destroyed by two smart people.

The two smart people have been caught. According to the explanation, the information obtained on a secret external forum was confirmed by people they knew offline.

They knew that someone was looking for revenge on Cai Qidong today, so they got the job of transporting fireworks and firecrackers from Erdao dealers in the name of pulling goods and using low shipping costs as bait. Then they manually dismantled the fireworks and firecrackers, added things to them, and made it. An oversized soil bomb.

They directly sent the car and the bomb on the way in and out of the domain, and blew them up in an attempt to trap Cai Heizi in the domain.

They didn't dare to assassinate him directly, and they were unwilling to miss this opportunity. Finally, they found out that there seemed to be more than one wave of people coming, and they became more courageous.

Go ahead and blow up the passage so that no one outside or anything placed there can get in.

They stopped the people from the Lieyang Department, and also stopped other people who might have come to cause trouble.

The people from the Lieyang Department followed the clever words of these two men and went to check. There was no problem for the time being, except for the secret forum, but they couldn't find it.

According to what these two wise men said, two waves of people had already entered before them, one was a private car and the other was a large van.

The two also used equipment bought on the black market to access the low-security information databases of some departments.

What has been found so far is that this device is not one of the ones registered by the Lieyang Department, but it is indeed the same thing as what the field workers in the Lieyang Department have.

Even if the minister, Cai Qidong, is not here, the investigation process has already started according to the plan.

Inside the domain, at dawn, Wen Yan carried Cai Qidong on his back without letting anyone else interfere.

He climbed the hillside and came to the end of the road. He looked down the road. Just like yesterday, the intersection was still changing.

But today, the changes at this intersection are obviously regular.

He looked back at the others.

"I'm going to explore the road first."

After speaking, Wen Yan looked at Qin Kun, who took the first step.

"Senior Brother Qin, you wait here. I'm not sure if there are people with evil intentions here. If there are, just beat them to death."

Wen Yan did not shy away from other people, and was full of murderous intent. No one said a word, and everyone acquiesced in Wen Yan's words.

Wen Yan strode towards the road, not caring about the changes in the space here, without even a trace of hesitation in his steps.

The people behind looked at Wen Yan carrying Cai Qidong's body and disappearing on the road, with a little admiration unconsciously.

They asked themselves that they would never dare to do this without being forced into a desperate situation.

Wen Yan walked on the road, feeling the direction in his heart and moving forward step by step.

When he reached the seventh fork in the road, he stopped, closed his eyes, listened carefully, and sensed carefully.

Then he suddenly took a step towards the side of the road.

With one step, he saw a girl in her twenties with short shoulder-length hair and wearing a thick down jacket, leaning against the tree beside the road, sleeping soundly with her head lowered.

Wen Yan took one step forward, and the girl looked at Wen Yan in shock as if she had woken up from a dream.

Wen Yan approached again and saw that the space in front of the girl began to distort. Wen Yan paused, closed his eyes, and stepped forward step by step again, faster and faster.

It looked like he was jumping left and right, back and forth, but the distance to the girl was quickly closing.

In just a few seconds, Wen Yan had already pinched the girl's neck with one hand and lifted her up with one hand.

As soon as the girl raised her finger, Wen Yan's hand suddenly became stronger.

"You can try to see which one is faster if you use your abilities, or if I snap your neck."

Wen Yan had a cold face, murderous intent floating in his eyes.

No wonder yesterday, he felt that the changes at the intersection were irregular. This morning, when he positioned his home as a target, the direction in his mind changed very regularly.

It turned out that the person who caused the interference was asleep, and the changes in the intersection were synchronized with his breathing rate.

The girl who was lifted up by Wen Yan held Wen Yan's arm with both hands and struggled painfully to say something. Wen Yan relaxed a little.

"Wen... Wen Yan, don't... don't kill me. Minister Cai asked me to come."

Wen Yan said expressionlessly.

"What I am carrying is Cai Heizi's body."

“Really, Minister Cai said, if you find me, I’ll tell you this.

Minister Cai said that no matter who is allowed to enter here twenty-four hours a day, no one is allowed to leave. This is my entrance examination.

As long as I complete the test, he will vouch for me and approve me to enter the Sun Division.

And you don’t have to start from the bottom.

He will also take care of my troubles for me. "

"What's your name? What's your trouble?"

"My name is Li Linlin. I studied abroad in Europe before and was valued by people there. They asked me to return to China and work as an undercover agent."

Wen Yan closed his eyes, and the many doubts in his heart seemed to be solved in an instant.

Cai Heizi, who was in trouble, turned out to be the first person to shoot him.

No wonder he was extremely calm, because Cai Heizi arranged for the entrance and exit to be blocked and disrupted.

The person who arranged it was an undercover agent who had just returned to China and was sent there.

How dare he trust this Li Linlin with such an important move.

As soon as he thought about it, the strength in his hands began to increase.

Li Linlin's face turned purple, and she felt it was getting harder and harder to breathe. She felt that she was going to die. Minister Cai was dead, and her identity could not withstand the investigation.

With no one to vouch for her, she felt she was dead.

As soon as she thought about it, she couldn't care about anything else and said immediately.

“My mother is Minister Cai’s ex-girlfriend!”

With a snap, Li Linlin fell to the ground, breathing heavily, and her whole body softened.

She was really scared this time. Her methods didn't seem to disturb Wen Yan at all. Wen Yan seemed to really want to squeeze her to death without any hesitation.

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