I am your natural enemy

Chapter 25 No. 51

The eldest brother at the gate turned pale when he saw the stiff movements.

He quickly sat up, took out his phone, and called Lao Zhang first.

"Zhang...Uncle Zhang, there is someone in the middle courtyard!"

"Huh? Did he get a flashlight?" Lao Zhang was very calm. He poured himself another glass of wine while making a phone call.

"No, he probably just passed the condolence hall. He was walking very slowly and his body was stiff."

"Okay, I understand, don't worry about it, just lock the door and watch the show."

Lao Zhang drank a glass of wine, pulled out a crowbar from under the bed, and called the curator.

"What's the matter?" The phone only rang twice before the curator's deep voice rang out.

"There should be a client out for a walk."

"Where did it come from?"

"Coming from the central courtyard."

"Give it to Wen Yan...forget it, you can check the situation first. If the problem is not serious, send him back first and talk about it tomorrow."

"How about..." Lao Zhang was a little eager to give it a try.

"If it's an ordinary customer, send him back to rest. Don't make trouble and act according to the rules."

"Oh..." Lao Zhang sighed, a little disappointed. He wanted to drag him directly to the luxurious furnace and burn him, so that everything would be over.

He held a crowbar in one hand and took out a book from the drawer with the other. He found a yellow talisman in the book, opened the door and walked out.

He did not approach rashly. After seeing the figure in the distance, he walked around and went to the VIP single room in the middle courtyard for a tour. When he saw one of the ice coffins opened, he sighed, knowing that it was impossible to burn it directly.

The person in this ice coffin is just an old man who was newly sent during the day. Ordinary people, even if they become customers now, they are just ordinary customers.

This kind of ordinary customer crawled out uneasily. It seems that he had something important to do before he died, and something happened to him.

He pushed a simple push bed and quickly caught up with the customer in front of him. He ducked and put the yellow talisman on the customer's forehead.

Suddenly, the stumbling old man stopped immediately.

Lao Zhang put the old man back on the gurney, put him back into the ice coffin, and fastened the buttons again.

He took incense sticks nearby, lit them in front of the ice coffin, bowed to the ice coffin, then turned and left. When leaving, he added a chain lock on the glass door outside the single room.

Lao Zhang returned to his small office and continued to watch videos without taking it seriously.

In recent years, there have been more and more unsettled customers, especially those who died suddenly, and the most unsettled ones. Today's customer is particularly easy to deal with.

Generally speaking, this kind of customer is not yet at the point where it is necessary to ask someone from the Lieyang Department to handle it, so it can be controlled on the spot. After that, it will be the same as a normal customer, just go through the normal process.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Wen Yan just arrived at the unit and met the curator at the door.

"You go first and send the customers in the VIP room No. 7 to the old ice warehouse."

"Uh..." Wen Yan knew something was wrong as soon as he heard this.

"This client had an accident and fell down the stairs. I heard that he was dressed very smartly before the accident. He must have something important to do, so he was a little uneasy at night.

His eldest son and second daughter are both out of town and haven't arrived yet. They called yesterday specifically to make a last-minute trip.

Just send it to Laobingkuo for this customer first. "

"Oh, okay." Wen Yan didn't say anything. The curator didn't say it clearly, but Wen Yan could probably guess that it was probably a conflict between brothers. There was a lot of trouble behind it. Yesterday, he heard about this client. There is a young son who drives an online ride-hailing service locally. When the old man delivered the car, the young son was still taking the customer to the airport.

He pushed the client's body all the way to the old office building.

The moment Wen Yan pushed the client across the line at the end of the corridor, the client's stiff body seemed to suddenly soften, and the body collapsed on the push bed, and the weight seemed to increase.

Dead and heavy...

The yellow charm affixed to the customer's forehead also turned into ashes and drifted away in the wind.

Wen Yan frowned slightly, what exactly is going on with this line?

The yellow talisman will turn into ashes when it gets here.

Wen Yan said nothing and put it into an empty freezer on the basement floor of the old icehouse. Everything followed the procedure.

Near noon, Mo Zhicheng, wearing rimless glasses, arrived at the funeral home. Mo Zhicheng was a little anxious because he did not see his father. He did not agree with the reason given by the funeral home for moving his father because the ice coffin was malfunctioning. .

He wanted to see his father and pay homage, but his father came out for a walk yesterday and has now been sent to the old icehouse.

"Where's my dad? Have you burned my dad yet?"

"Did Mo Zhihong ask you to do this? What right do you have to do this!"

"You guys are talking, where is my dad?" As he said that, Mo Zhicheng took out his mobile phone and took pictures of the staff.

As soon as he started recording here, his cell phone rang, and it read "Mo Zhihong".

Mo Zhicheng took the phone and was about to say something when he heard a voice coming from inside.

"Zhicheng, I arrived in Nanwu County and didn't buy a high-speed rail ticket. Come pick me up. I told the funeral parlor that I will go see Dad off tomorrow."

Mo Zhicheng slowly calmed down, and Agui from the funeral shop also rushed over. After Agui got closer, he lowered his voice.

"The process of restoring your father's remains was quite troublesome. You also know what it was like at that time. The old man wanted to be dignified during his lifetime, and the time you asked for was quite tight. I asked someone to do it yesterday, and they finally agreed to work overtime..."

Mo Zhicheng stopped talking. He was silent for a long time, took a few steps towards the coffin room, and finally just turned around and left in silence.

After Mo Zhicheng left, Agui hurriedly came to say good things to the staff of the funeral home. He had taken on a lot of work and had seen everyone. He had seen everyone fight on the spot and quarrel with the inheritance at the funeral. Now this was just a small scene.

An ordinary day ends and night falls.

In the old ice house, the eyes of the old man who was placed in the freezer were trembling slightly, and there was a sound of air surging in his throat.

As time passed, the old man suddenly opened his eyes.

His cloudy eyes were empty, without any consciousness, and the air surging in his mouth seemed to be saying something indistinctly.

The cold air around him was gradually absorbed by the old man. Just like before, he hit the freezer door bit by bit, and the cold air penetrated and condensed bit by bit.

A few hours later, the deformed cabinet door slowly opened.

After a while, the old man, whose body was stiff and covered with frost, fell from the freezer, still mumbling something instinctively.

His eyes were empty, his body was stiff, and he moved with difficulty until he reached the door of the underground floor.

He waved his frozen arms and knocked on the door lock again and again. His skin began to break down, exposing the bones, but he continued to knock, and as it thawed, his strength became stronger and stronger.

He broke the lock on the door and descended the stairs, tumbling down.

Scroll to the lower level. This is No. 51-100.

His newly connected neck was broken again, his head tilted on his shoulders, and he used his bones to break the door lock on the next floor again, and staggered into it.

Go all the way to cabinet No. 51 and reach out your hand to open it.

He tore open the body bag, and inside there was a mummy that was already covered in corpse wax. The only thing special was that the face of the mummy looked like a wooden mask.

His eyes were still empty, and the air was surging in his mouth. He stretched out his hand stiffly, dragged out the mummy, and tore off the face of the mummy bit by bit. Then he picked up the face like a wooden mask and cut it again. Move up bit by bit.

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