I am your natural enemy

Chapter 253 Anonymous identity, visiting restaurants and eating broadcasts (5k)

Wen Yan downloaded the short video and turned off his phone.

He didn't rush to do anything, after all, it was just his own feeling.

On the short video platform, there are a lot of similar videos that are a bit embarrassing.

If you let others see it, they may not think there is anything wrong with it.

Now he had that familiar feeling of either not doing it or doing it properly.

Putting away his phone, Wen Yan was no longer prepared to investigate the matter at the wine shop.

The old winemaker has said it several times and no one is harming him. I'm afraid it will be difficult to figure out what the true picture is.

It just so happens that Suicune likes spiked wine, so that's just right. Let's give the old man a problem and find him something to do.

Anyway, what Ah Piao fears most is having free time. When he is free, he will start to think wildly. If he has something he likes to do, then nothing big will happen.

After returning home, Wen Yan took out his cell phone and continued to check on the company in Zhongyuan County.

This time, we not only checked the anchors, video creators, etc. who have signed contracts with the company, but also checked the various anchors they had previously terminated, or the Internet celebrities they had cooperated with.

Wen Yan searched for a long time and found nothing of value.

He had a feeling that this company was a model of honesty and law-abiding, and had never been in arrears even with labor fees.

There are no lawsuits, no disputes, no arbitration, and nothing negative.

You don't make money by signing small anchors and then cheating each other out of liquidated damages. Some people change jobs. As long as the contract expires, it will be easy to get together and break up, and the money that should be paid will not be withheld.

There are no complaints on the personal social accounts of company employees. During holidays and festivals, they even often share their personal vacation life.

If all of these are looked at separately, there really won't be any problems.

All monitoring standards set by the Solar Department will not be triggered.

For people who don’t understand these things, they can’t see any problems.

Wen Yan felt it was abnormal because he really knew the relevant people and had some understanding of these.

If you are so conscientious, why do you still open an MCN?

In the company, it is not easy for a young anchor with good looks to trick a big brother. You go and set up a drinking party for the big brother and bring three anchors there.

They toasted, sang karaoke with me, and acted like a pimp. In the end, they drank until they vomited sour water. After deducting the cost, they made a total of three thousand yuan.

It's better to be a real pimp without having to show up yourself.

As for the employees who work as assistants, it is even more nonsense to say that they are on vacation and show off their travels and delicious food during the holidays.

These employees are busiest when others are on vacation.

When I shoot a video, I follow the anchor to go to some scenic spot during the holiday to do a live broadcast and shoot the video material.

The worst thing is that there is a photographer who is a bit of a fan. It is normal for three or four people to follow and take photos.

So Wen Yan felt that there must be something wrong with this company. If everything on the surface was taken individually, it was normal and could no longer be normal.

Even a little normal to the point of being abnormal.

Because this is just a requirement. In reality, it is impossible for all similar companies to be so comprehensive and without any disputes.

Compared with serious requirements, everyone is abnormal. If you are normal, then you are abnormal.

The more Wen Yan looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong, but based on these words, it was actually not easy to do what he wanted to do.

Moreover, he felt that if the Lieyang Department was asked to intervene and investigate, and those at the grassroots level were asked to investigate, 80% of them would not be able to find anything, and they would only find that everything on the other side is legal.

From taxes to fire protection, there are definitely no problems.

Of course, if you insist on finding fault, you will definitely find some trivial problems.

But this method is only used when forced. Judging from the problems Wen Yan is aware of now, it is definitely not a small problem.

After thinking about it, Wen Yan decided to play it safe for the time being, for example, break into it first.

He needs to figure out some things, such as the short video as an entrance to the realm of water ghosts.

He actually thought this was weird before, but Wang Xueqi's realm was not a normal water ghost realm. It was a bit strange to enter, so that was normal.

But if that short video was not generated naturally by the power of the domain, then the nature of the matter would be different.

He took out Lie Yangbu's cell phone and called Feng Yao.

"Get me a phone card and a mobile phone. When I use this phone card and mobile phone, no one can find out who I am, and no one knows where I use this mobile phone. Is this difficult?"

Feng Yao didn't ask Wen Yan what he wanted to do. He thought for a moment and said.

"No one knows who you are, which is easy, but it's a bit difficult to know where you are using this phone. I can only find out which county you are in, okay?"

"Okay, but no one can know about this except you."

"Okay, I'll send it to you personally."

"If I make this call now, it won't be recorded and monitored, right?"

"There will be records in the Sun Division. You called me, but nothing else."

"That's good."

Feng Yao didn't ask anything. At noon, he drove up in front of Wen Yan's house.

He took out a mobile phone and handed it to Wen Yan.

"This is a mobile phone with some other tricks added. The number owner of the phone card inside is an eighty-year-old woman who has immigrated. The number belongs to Nanwu County. No matter how others check, they can only find it here. ”

"Huh? From Nanwu County?"

"The one in Nanwu County is the safest. Just like the IP address, the IP address displayed by a large number of people who come in through the wall is Nanwu County, and the mobile phone number is the same.

There is still more than 3,000 phone bills in it. You don't need to charge it yourself. When the phone bills are used up, you can burn the card directly. "

Wen Yan held the mobile phone and was probably surprised to see Feng Yao being so familiar with the road.

"Is this not the first time you have done this?"

"This matter is actually very simple. Even in the black market, it is the lowest-end item. It is not difficult at all. It can be done with a little money. I have bought it before to check what is available outside."

“What should I do if I want to use this phone to make purchases?”

"What on earth are you going to do? If you want to watch a movie, wouldn't it be so troublesome? You can watch it yourself. As long as it's not spread and it's not illegal, you don't have to worry about the browser recording it."

"What are you thinking? I found something wrong."

Wen Yan explained the matter. He went to the wine shop yesterday, originally to see what kind of A Piao he was who died of unknown causes.

Who would have thought that in the end, a company from Zhongyuan County would be touched, and a lot of abnormal things would be discovered.

After Wen Yan finished speaking, Feng Yao looked at his phone and frowned.

"It's indeed abnormal. If you say you're an industrialist, I still believe you. After all, the sunk costs are too high.

There is no such thing as a company that establishes 100 companies today and closes 200 companies tomorrow without even doing tax avoidance.

His company doesn't even have to evade taxes, and even just a little edge can increase profit margins by several percentage points.

But he actually paid taxes meticulously, even paying a penny to those Internet celebrities, and the accounts were clear and clear at a glance. "

Wen Yan spread his hands and said.

"Although that's what I say, you can't just investigate someone just because there's one out of a bunch of abnormal guys who is so law-abiding, right?"

Feng Yao thought for a while, took out two bank cards from his bag and handed them to Wen Yan.

"There is more than one million yuan in one card, and more than 300,000 knives in the other card. You can tie it to this mobile phone and use it."

Wen Yan directly handed the phone to Feng Yao.

Feng Yao took out the notebook he had been carrying, and after a few clicks, he returned the phone to Wen Yan.

"Just use the rest normally. These two cards are expense cards. Some funds are not suitable for going through public accounts. The people who collect money from public accounts don't want it, so you can use it."

"You're having a great time."

"What are you thinking about? Some are for informants, some are for certain aliens, and some are for people from the Hong Kong government."

"That's all I said, where did you think you were going?"


Feng Yao was speechless, being led astray by Wen Yan.

"Anyway, if you think there is a problem and want to check in, then feel free to do so.

If Wang Xueqi’s short video back then had something to do with this company.

It won't be a problem if the case handling funds are raised to another level.

I also think it’s right to be cautious. If there is a real problem, sending someone to investigate directly will definitely alert the snake. "

"Is it okay if you run away from me?"

"Don't I come to you enough? No one will think there's a problem. Only if I don't come will anyone think there's a problem. Have you cooked? I haven't eaten yet."


After taking care of Feng Yao for a meal, he watched Feng Yao leave.

Wen Yan went around the new basement again and saw the Guihai Building in the distance. After spotting him, he performed a show of putting on socks and shoes in one second. Wen Yan didn't have the nerve to stay longer and didn't say anything. , I sent some food to Guihai Building, and left it alone, saving Guihai Building a lot of embarrassment.

When he got home, he took his mobile phone, not connected to WiFi, turned on free data, and then started watching live broadcasts and videos.

After looking at it all afternoon, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

After thinking about it, he went to practice boxing. After practicing for three hours, he further improved the development of his right hand by two centimeters. After eating, he returned to the room and continued to watch the live broadcast.

If you see something good, give it a plane. After all, you can't just target the anchors of that company, you have to be a little roundabout.

I hung around for half the night, throwing away thousands of coins, but in the end there was no result. I just heard "I just like to laugh, can't I" just listen to thank you.

For three days in a row, Wen Yan didn't find anything wrong, he just looked familiar.

On the fourth day, while I was browsing randomly, I happened to come across a TanDian mukbang that I had watched on the first day, and he happened to be the anchor of that company.

Wen Yan took a look and saw that the other party was exploring a store, and his target was a barbecue restaurant in Luoyue County.

After arriving at the place, I happened to see a large pot of pig eyes, piled together, like a lot of empty eyes, looking at people from all directions, making people's scalp numb.

The barrage kept passing by. Some people couldn't stand it, and some were encouraging the anchors to eat it.

Someone swiped a plane.

"Does the anchor dare to eat pig eyes?"

Immediately, there were a lot of people booing. The anchor looked ugly, had a constipated expression, and shook his head repeatedly.

At this time, Wen Yan also took a flight.

The person in front continued to follow, singing and singing, and swiped several planes in a row. The anchor gritted his teeth and ordered roasted pig eyes.

Wen Yan's eyelids jumped when he watched the heavy-flavored mukbang.

As time passed, the noise in the background gradually faded away, and the number of customers in the store gradually decreased.

The barrage began to decrease.

The anchor bit out a pig's eye. He seemed to be chewing it very hard, and his expression looked a little ferocious.

"What else do you want to see?"

The barrage immediately floated across the screen.

"This pig's eye is a bit old and tough. It seems that you are having a hard time biting it. Have you ever eaten roasted lamb's eye?"

"This is a bit boring, host, it's already 11 o'clock, why don't you get into the topic?"

The anchor smiled, waved to the camera, and said goodbye.

Then asked.

"Thanks to the five planes of 'I just like to laugh, can't I?' Boss, do you think today's live broadcast is to your liking?"

Wen Yan replied very well.

After one sentence, he saw on the screen that the anchor had downloaded the broadcast.

But the black screen only went dark for a moment and then lit up again.

The anchor just now said with a smile on his face.

"The appetizers just now may not be enough for the bosses. Let's continue with the main meal today."

The anchor smiled and walked all the way to the back of the barbecue restaurant. In the dark alley, it seemed as if the street lights had disappeared.

After walking for a few minutes, I heard a sound coming from the front, a store deep in the alley.

There was a barbecue pit at the door, and a thin barbecue master was fanning the fire with a fan. It seemed that the fire had just been lit.

The anchor himself held up the camera and greeted the barbecue master.

"Master Niu, are there any sheep eyes today?"

The barbecue master smiled honestly and nodded.

"Yes, do you want it?"

"Let's have three skewers, please make them tender."

"Okay, there is also mutton soup today, do you want it?"

"Yes, this weather is perfect for drinking some mutton soup."

I found a table to sit down and listened to the anchor.

“This shop was introduced to me by Boss Hu last time. I came to try it and I will never forget it.

It usually opens after 11pm and stays open until 5am. If you want to come, you can make an appointment. "

As they were talking here, the mutton soup was served first.

When the anchor saw the person coming, he immediately stood up and greeted him warmly.

"Boss Tao is here today, so there must be some good stuff today."

Wen Yanzheng was confused and didn't understand who was who, so he just saw a bunch of people floating on the barrage.

"Hello, Boss Tao."

"I haven't seen Boss Tao for a long time."

“Boss Tao’s store is run by a willful owner, and he doesn’t care about it every day.”

"Boss Tao is here, so he must have some good stuff."

The anchor turned the camera, and a smiling little old man appeared on the screen.

The little old man was wearing short clothes. He glanced at the barrage and then at the anchor.

"You guys are so lucky. On the way back from my trip this time, I happened to encounter a good thing. It is almost extinct now."

"Open your eyes for everyone."

"Why are you opening your eyes? You all know it, and someone has probably eaten it."

The little old man took the anchor into the yard, opened the cloth on the cage, and the first thing he saw was a pitiful, crying girl's face.

Looking further down, I saw that under the head was a dark snake body.

"Hey, this thing is really rare. Isn't it said that it is extinct?"

"It didn't matter before, but now it's almost extinct, but it seems more precious and the taste is different." Boss Tao sighed.

As he spoke, he opened the cage, grabbed the beautiful snake's head, shook his wrist, and shook off all its spine. He took out a spoon and dug out, and saw two eyeballs falling on the plate.

Then he used a small bracket to squeeze the belly of the beautiful snake, and the snake's gallbladder was squeezed out.

"Do you want it?" Boss Tao asked the anchor casually.

The anchor shook his head repeatedly.

"I can't afford this. It's too expensive."

Then the anchor looked at the camera.

"Boss, do you need anything? The gallbladder of a beautiful snake. This thing is now a rare commodity. It's rare to see it."

Wen Yan held the phone, looked at everything on the screen, and let out a sigh of relief.

It's really not normal.

Who is a normal store-exploring anchor? There will be such things as beautiful snakes in the stores being explored.

Wen Yan looked at the barrage on the screen.

"I'll pay three million."

"I will give you three soul-nourishing pills."

"I have two little Ah Piao who died in the funeral."

"I'll pay eight hundred gold."

While watching the barrage, the anchor inside suddenly asked.

"I just like to laugh, okay boss? Do you need it? There used to be a lot of this stuff, but now it's a rarity."

Wen Yan remained calm and typed a sentence.

"I've tasted it before, but it's useless and the taste is just average. It's gone now. It's been praised so much."

The anchor suddenly smiled and said with a smile.

"Okay, boss, if you need anything, just say you want to try some delicious food, you can come to Boss Tao. Boss Tao can often get good things."

Wen Yan was not posting the barrage, just watching quietly.

He watched for a while, looking at the other party's white soup, then eating his eyeballs, and his face gradually darkened.

He could still tell whether it was a sheep's eye. Among the bunch, only two were obviously sheep's eyes, because the sheep's pupils were horizontal, and there was another one that looked like a pig's eye, but was obviously smaller than a pig's eye.

Wen Yan watched in silence.

He put his phone on the table and was about to grab another phone to check something.

However, after placing the phone on the table, it immediately turned into a black screen. Many of the messages that I saw just now disappeared, and the display was also in the downloading status.

He picked up the phone again, and a ripple like a lag flashed across the phone, and the live broadcast returned to normal.

Wen Yan felt the feeling at that moment and took a breath.

He had the feeling of entering the realm.

It's just that this feeling is much lighter than when entering the realm normally, and he didn't even notice it just now.

Now he understands that this is another peculiar trait.

Use certain characteristics of the field to exclude certain people who should not be the audience.

And those who can watch this live broadcast must meet the audience's requirements.

And what the anchor asked him just now was an invitation.

Only if he is invited and meets the characteristics can he watch the live broadcast later.

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