I am your natural enemy

Chapter 261: Lishan Junhou, a new page in the myth (7k)

From Boss Tao, to the bamboo forest demon, to the blue-eyed lion and the bone demon.

Four-fifths of it has been completed, and only the last one in Guanzhong County is left.

Wen Yan looked at the maimed bone demon, wrapped in Pei Butu Dog's blood rope, and turned to look at the bamboo forest demon.

"Can you tell that he devours the remains every midnight?"

The demon in the bamboo forest had a complex expression and looked ashamed.

"Supreme Taiyi saves Ku Tianzun...

I once really thought that they would remember their lessons after experiencing the catastrophe. "

Wen Yan also sighed and said nothing more.

Wen Yan moved closer to Gantang.

"Aunt Gan, my room here has been prepared for you, and I don't see you coming again."

"I have other things to be busy with. I'll come over when I have time."

With a smile on her face, Gan Tang stretched out her hand and patted Wen Yan's back gently, and manually helped Wen Yan straighten his back. She still liked the way Wen Yan walked up to her just now, leading a group of people with murderous intent.

"Okay, then Aunt Gan will come and play when you have time. You can play for as long as you like. The little guy really misses you."

"It's strange that she would miss me."

Gantang looked at the others.

"Want me to go with you?"

"That's no need. This is not what I want to do. I'm just here to persuade that old man."

Gantang couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

She didn't know whether others believed it or not, but she could definitely tell that Wen Yan was just making an excuse.

It's just an excuse that others have to believe even if they don't believe it.

Seeing the look on Wen Yan's face that said, "Why don't you believe me if I tell you the truth?" Gan Tang nodded.

"Okay, then I won't go. You're right. It's really inappropriate for me to publicly intervene in this matter. Moreover, I'm not suitable to go to Guanzhong County."

Gantang saw that Wen Yan's lineup should have no problem dealing with a beast that had been weakened and divided and had not yet recovered, so she gave up and followed.

Wen Yan hadn't seen Gan Tang for a long time, but he wanted to talk to Gan Tang more. It would be best to abduct Gan Tang to Decheng.

Unfortunately, depending on the situation, Gantang seems to have really important matters.

He could only take the bone demon with him, say goodbye to Gantang, and continue to the last stop. The soldiers were very fast, and he had to finish all this before dawn tomorrow.

Gan Tang watched Wen Yan leave. She looked at Wen Yan's back and secretly sighed, how long has it been since she made such progress?

She returned to Buyeo Mountain, returned to the zombie cave, and continued reading.

Even if she had cheated and entered the last room, she would still read the books here.

Some of the books here have been lost, and some are no longer relevant. After reading more books, she can tell these things.

She also began to understand why her sister asked her to read more books. There were many things that there were no shortcuts to understanding.

Either read thousands of books or travel thousands of miles.

At night, Guanzhong County, the edge of Lishan Mountain.

Prince Zhu put on a plain robe and brought a copper scroll with a black background to the edge of Lishan Mountain.

When he reached the line between the mountains and the plains, he took no further step.

He placed the scroll on a small stand, bowed and backed away, and after three steps, turned around and left.

A moment later, a dark wind blew, and a group of gray-white gun-wielding soldiers passed by silently. The leading soldier picked up the scroll.

Then he continued to move forward, and after a short distance, he disappeared into the mountain like a phantom.

The lights were brightly lit in the mountains, and the warriors handed the scroll to a warrior with a sideways bun. The other warrior opened the scroll, took a look, and said immediately.

"Anyone who is not on patrol, please follow me."

The warriors mounted their horses and walked out of the mountain. Behind him were hundreds of warriors, some holding long swords and shields, and some holding Qin crossbows.

Hundreds of uniform soldiers and warriors, carrying the murderous atmosphere of the night, moved towards the side.

After walking for a few minutes, we came to a straight road with stone carvings of sheep, horses and tigers.

The soldier opened the scroll, took out a token and threw it out. The token shone brightly and swept it one by one along the statue.

Every statue that was swept seemed to become transparent, and one could see inside, suppressing things of various shapes.

Until I scanned one of the stone sculptures of a sheep and saw the things inside. I don’t know when it was gone.

The stone sculpture itself turned into a ferocious beast with hidden ferocious aura.

Seeing that he was discovered, the stone sculpture swayed slightly and turned into a strange beast with the head of a tiger and the body of a sheep. It fell to the ground. Before doing anything, it turned around and ran away.

The soldier riding the war horse stretched out his hand and recalled the token. He looked coldly at the escaping beast.

"The ferocious beasts are hiding in hiding and are desecrating His Majesty's straight path. They are caught and their eyes are gouged out according to the law.

Everyone who guards this place will be punished with a hundred rods.

For more than a hundred generals, the staff will be responsible for three hundred.

Above the doctor, the rank will be reduced to the next level. "


As soon as he gave the order, he saw hundreds of warriors following him and immediately took out the Qin crossbow.

The soldier holding the token took out a black cloth scroll, tore it apart, and turned into a circle of black light that spread out, covering hundreds of people in an instant.


In an instant, the black crossbow arrows turned into a rain of arrows, covering all the directions in which the ferocious beast was moving and dodging at various angles.

The ferocious beast didn't look back and ran wildly, covering dozens of meters in one step.

But the next moment, crossbow arrows wrapped in black light were seen falling from the sky silently.

At this moment, the silent crossbow arrows suddenly made a sharp sound of breaking through the air, and their speed continued to skyrocket in a very short period of time.

The arrows landed on the ground, making a dense buzzing sound.

The arrow landed on the ferocious beast, and in an instant, half of the arrow sank into its flesh.

At the same moment, one could see that the dense arrows seemed to be connected by chains.

The running ferocious beast fell to the ground in an instant. The crossbow arrows on the ground connected with the crossbow arrows on the ferocious beast, forcing it to stay in place.

The warriors on war horses, holding long swords and leading a large group of troops, pressed forward step by step.

When he arrived at the place where the ferocious beast was trapped, he looked at the still struggling ferocious beast with a cold expression.

"You guys are not qualified to guard the straight road for His Majesty."

He waved his hand and saw dozens of crossbowmen stepping forward, adding another wave of reinforcements, and forcibly turned the ferocious beast into a hedgehog.

The power of the crossbow arrows connected together, piercing into its flesh and blood, forcibly cutting off the connections in every part of its body, making the ferocious beast's struggle become weaker and weaker.

Finally, his eyes widened with a fierce look, but he could no longer move.

The warrior on the war horse looked at Taotie's part with cold eyes, took out the crossbow arrow from his back, fired two arrows, and instantly pierced his eyes, so that those ferocious eyes could no longer glare at anyone.

"take away."

A group of warriors stepped forward and put iron chains around the necks of the ferocious beasts, letting them be dragged by war horses all the way from the side of the straight road to the outside of Lishan Mountain. They tied the ferocious beasts into hedgehogs and made them look like dead animals. Left there like a dog.

Then the group of warriors turned around and left without even a single guard.

Not far away, the horse-riding warrior stopped and looked back.

The fierce evil spirit and murderous aura suddenly appeared there, and together with it, there seemed to be a rising sun, and the feeling disappeared in a flash.

The horse-riding warrior waved to the other warriors.

"You'll go back first."

He was alone, standing in front of the mountain, looking into the distance.

And in the distance, from a deserted grave a few miles away, Wen Yan led someone out.

Prince Zhu stood there and secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Wen Yan and others coming out.

He was really afraid that Feng Wei would go the wrong way and be led to another place.

To be honest, there were only a handful of places in Guanzhong County that he did not dare to provoke.

Among the few places, this is it.

The First Emperor's Mausoleum has never been robbed, and it's not because the tomb robbers have any conscience.

Even before the spiritual energy was revived, the Chinese government had made it clear that the excavation plan would be put on hold indefinitely.

Now, anyone who mentions it can be judged as a melon with a low IQ.

"As soon as you arrive." Prince Zhu let out a sigh of relief.

Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and located it, his face looked a little unsightly.

To be honest, he really didn't want to come here. Ever since he borrowed the everlasting lamp last time and used a shelf to open a passage, and saw candlelight inside, he had a bad feeling.

Now when it comes to the places he doesn't want to go to, Lishan Mountain in front must be ahead of the Huaishui River.

Prince Zhu looked at the people Wen Yan was taking with him. There was a big evil star with such evil aura that it hurt his eyes, a demon corpse without eyes, a double-eyed Ah Piao who could see things he shouldn't, and another who used graves to clear the way. , Feng Wei, who was born to have trouble dealing with here.

The last one who followed him was transformed into something that was separated from Taotie. If he dared to go forward, he was courting death.

Among the group of people, Wen Yan was the only living person who would not be in conflict with this place.

"I have contacted Lishan through formal channels. If nothing unexpected happens, we can just wait. An ancient beast that has not recovered and only has one-fifth of its differentiated body should be able to solve it on its own. "

As he said that, Prince Zhu took out a telescope from somewhere and took a look over there. Then he saw that there was already a giant beast that was stuck like a hedgehog lying there motionless.

Prince Zhu was slightly surprised, good fellow, so fast?

He hasn't been here in just a few years. Has the strength here grown so rapidly?

Did a military lord happen to be on patrol?

He put down the telescope and glanced at Wen Yan.

"It's better that you come with me. It's been settled over there. It's better for the others to wait here to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

Wen Yan actually wanted to say, I don't want to go there either.

But Prince Zhu came in person and obviously changed into more formal clothes. If he was timid, it wouldn't be appropriate.

Following Prince Zhu all the way to the edge of Lishan Mountain, he looked at the ferocious beast that was tied into a hedgehog. There was still black light flowing between the arrows.

"Taotie (mythical trait) (1/5)"

"I once used the name of Long Zi to escape disaster.

Now he wants to take advantage of Emperor Qin's luck and transform into a guarding beast, reborn.

Unfortunately, before the current version, his hiding method, relying on the blind spots of hunting patrols, was still effective.

After the second version update, his existence can be discovered with just one review. "

"Obviously, Taotie wants to use the most critical feature of mythical immortality to compete in a peak match."

"Temporary ability: none."

Wen Yan licked his lips and understood what the word "nothing" meant.

Just as he was about to drag the ferocious beast away with the chain, the cold hair on Wen Yan's arms began to stand up slightly.

He raised his head and looked into the distance.

In the sky, the dark clouds that covered the bright moon slowly dispersed, and the moonlight slowly pushed toward the mountains ahead.

A step away from where the moonlight shines, a warrior on a war horse stood there quietly, motionless.

A reminder quietly popped up in front of Wen Yan's eyes.

"Qin Army Generals (Marquises)"

"Be friendly. If someone gives an order, within three seconds, a song of fully armed soldiers will be played.

Then you will know that having more people does help.

Of course, the most important thing is that you can't afford to offend the boss they follow. "

When Wen Yan saw the prompt, his face became solemn, he immediately straightened his clothes, then clasped his hands in a distant salute.

"A disciple of Fuyu Mountain and an expert on the special task force of the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County, Wen Yan, I have met you."

The equestrian warrior looked at Wen Yan from a distance and stared at Wen Yan for a long time.

"I remember your yang energy."

Wen Yan's face didn't change as he cupped his hands.

"There was once a very evil tomb robber who stole an everlasting lantern in Guanzhong County.

The thief escaped to Nanwu County and was captured by my Nanwu County colleagues.

There were strange treasures at that time, and I think I accidentally opened some channel.

The general has sensed my yang energy, so that's normal. "

The horse-riding warrior nodded, accepting this explanation.

He just felt that trace of yang energy, which seemed familiar, but the distance was a bit far away, and he was not sure.

However, since he is from Fuyu Mountain and has a relationship with the Lieyang tribe, it must be that the person who discovered the ferocious beast as mentioned on the scroll is now personally dealing with the ferocious beast.

The horse-riding warriors did not think that such a person would have anything to do with the daring people they were wary of.

The equestrian warrior stretched out his hand and greeted him from afar.

"Thank you for reminding me today. I am the Pinyang Wang family. My name is Meng and my courtesy name is Ji Yong."

"General King Lao is here today."

"I dare not call myself a general."

"I have urgent matters today, so I won't talk to General Wang any more. If it's appropriate, I'll come visit you again in the future."


Wen Yan bowed, dragged the giant beast, and left quickly.

He was almost breaking out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, he was not lying. He was indeed different from a tomb robber. He just accidentally poked his head and took a look into the tunnel. With just one glance, someone actually captured his yang energy.

Fortunately, what he did today was obviously not something a tomb robber would do.

In fact, this is a good thing, as it will save you the trouble of explaining any misunderstandings when they meet in the future.

It's always right to get familiar with it first.

After pulling the giant beast away, Prince Zhu couldn't help it anymore.

"What have you done before?"

"Really, when the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County was sorting out the things in the warehouse, they accidentally connected to an edge location. It should have been decades ago. A tunnel near here collapsed. There was an ever-burning lamp that was stolen by tomb robbers. gone."

"That's it? Really?"

"It's the ever-bright lamp that made Nanwu County Lieyang Department mock the Guanzhong County Lieyang Department for a long time."

After hearing this, Prince Zhu breathed a sigh of relief.

His scalp was a little on edge. He was really afraid that Wen Yan had done something daring.

Thinking about it carefully, although Wen Yan has always been very courageous, he is still a very measured person, so this should not be the case.

Wen Yan dragged the giant beast back, said goodbye to Prince Zhu, and left quickly without letting Prince Zhu interfere.

After walking through the underworld, I walked out of an abandoned grave some distance from my home. A car was already parked here.

Feng Yao wore a long coat and stood quietly at the front against the cold night wind.

Seeing Wen Yan appear, Feng Yao secretly breathed a sigh of relief and immediately strode up. He took out his briefcase, took out a document bag from it, and handed it to Wen Yan.

"I've prepared everything you want."

When Wen Yan opened it, he first saw the signature of the general manager and seven or eight chapters.

This is a document prepared by the Lieyang Department. All signatures and procedures are perfect, and all seals are stamped without any problems.

He even saw the signature mark of the old master on one of them, and he didn't know how Feng Yao accomplished all this in such a short period of time.

Feng Yao pointed to the other side, an inlet by the Xijiang River. On a platform protruding out, it was originally a newly built observation deck built by the Decheng local government after they had made a lot of money.

Now, a piece of the observation deck has been dug out in the center, and a crane is lifting a large one-meter-square stone into the dug hole.

Feng Yao pointed over there and said.

"Didn't you mention the rain ceremony platform?

The former rain sacrificial platform has been destroyed long ago, but only the last stone at the bottom still remains.

This stone was turned into a rare object many years ago and was put into the warehouse of the Lieyang Department, numbered 049.

This is the Rain Festival Platform, or if you like, you can call it another name, the Dragon-Slaying Platform. "

Wen Yan gave a thumbs up. Among other things, the logistics capabilities of the Lieyang Department are really great.

In less than a day, all the procedures and documents were completed flawlessly. Even the rain worship platform was moved directly and set up with the help of a ready-made viewing platform for his convenience.

"The general manager said, whatever you want to do, just do it freely."


Wen Yan looked back at the people following him. The Bamboo Forest Demon looked at the Dragon Slaying Platform over there, with a hint of confusion in his expression.

He looked at Wen Yan, his expression becoming calmer.

"Just let me go first."

"Senior, wait a moment, I'll get something first."

When Wen Yan came to the Xijiang River, a big grass carp immediately swam over in the river. The big grass carp stuck out its head and stared with a pair of dead fish eyes.

"Yu Cao, go and call King Guilong to come over, and say I'm calling him."

The big grass carp stared and didn't ask much why. Hearing this, he turned around and left.

Not long after, he saw the faint shadow of a huge creature emerging from the river. King Guilong cautiously revealed a pair of eyes on the water to peek.

If Wen Yan hadn't been there, he wouldn't have dared to come.

Because the Lieyang Department was crazy and moved all the rain-sacrifice terraces here, he could clearly sense the aura of the rain-sacrifice terraces even though they were hundreds of miles apart. Just sensing it made him feel all over his body. My skin is getting tight.

He is just a dragon now, and he might really be killed if he fails.

Wen Yan looked solemn and stared at King Guilong.

"I'll lend it to you Ni Lin."

King Guilong didn't know why, but he still handed the green dragon reverse scale to Wen Yan honestly.

Wen Yan held the green dragon's reverse scale in his hand, and the Jiehe Water Official Urn on his right hand began to glow slightly.

The moment he walked to the rain sacrificial platform and stepped on the stone, the Azure Dragon Reverse Scale in his hand gradually turned into a sharp blue blade along with the brilliance of the JieE ShuiGuan Lu.

The demon from the bamboo forest recited a holy chant, stepped out from the crowd, and took the initiative to come to Wen Yan's side. Then he knelt on the ground, recited the scriptures, and bowed his head.

As if they felt the aura of the Rain Sacrifice Platform, and felt that the Bamboo Forest Demon took the initiative to die, the remaining four captured Taotie incarnations began to struggle fiercely.

Wen Yan looked down at the bamboo forest demon and raised the green blade in his hand.

He put on the dragon cutting platform, and as soon as he thought about it, he saw the documents burning on their own, with ashes rising into the sky.

The ground began to tremble, and a shadow emerged, gradually blending into the observation deck at your feet.

The huge stone slowly rose, and a execution platform emerged.

In the sky, there were bursts of thunder, black clouds rolled, and thunder continued to fall, hitting the rain ceremony platform.

Wen Yan, holding the blade in his hand, flashed the blade with lightning, and kept striking at it to open the blade.

The bamboo forest demon took the initiative to put his head on the execution rack.

"Senior, are you ready?"

"I'm ready. If I have a choice, I really hope to die in your hands. You can take me on my last journey, which is considered a blessing."

The Bamboo Forest Demon's tone was calm, and he seemed to have a sense of enlightenment.

He closed his eyes, raised his neck and killed.

"Okay, then I will send senior off for the last journey."

As soon as he thought about it, he replaced it with a bone scraper.

The bone scraper method originated from doctors. With the patient's cooperation, most of the things on the patient's body can be removed by scraping the bones.

Wen Yan held the knife in both hands, first gave himself an explosive energy blessing, then paused for a moment, and then gave a super blessing to the cyan blade in his hand.

After finishing, he slashed his sword towards the neck of the bamboo forest demon.

The moment the knife fell, the Bamboo Forest Demon felt pain, as if the blade was close to his bones, trying to scrape off all his flesh and blood, completely.

He was motionless, and the physical pain made him feel calmer. This meant that as a part of Taotie, he was finally about to die.

Thinking of Taotie's sins, he felt that the pain he was feeling at the moment was nothing but trivial.

He didn't resist and allowed the blades to attack his body and scrape his bones with thousands of sharp edges. No matter how Wen Yan tried to cut him, he just let it go.

Wen Yan's green blade fell, and at that moment, it seemed as if it had touched the deepest foundation of the bamboo forest demon's soul.

He did not encounter any obstacles. The Bamboo Forest Demon's will was so firm that he did not even instinctively resist.

The knife fell, and the blade cut across the bamboo forest demon's neck, but there was no scar at all on his neck.

Instead, there was a ball of spiritual light that was chopped off by the blade.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Wen Yan took out a jade pendant, caught the aura, and then put it away first.

Looking at the bamboo forest demon on the execution platform, there were no scars on his body, but he was wiped out by a gust of breeze.

All Wen Yan could think of was to use the dragon cutting platform and the bone scraper together.

He left all the choices to the Bamboo Forest Demon himself.

If the Bamboo Forest Demon is the same on the outside, if she can fully cooperate, she will be willing to give up from body to heart without any wavering.

With Wen Yan's sword, he would behead his Taotie incarnation on the dragon-slaying platform. At the same time, the bone-scraping knife would also cut out the part of him that belonged exclusively to the Bamboo Forest Demon.

How it ends depends entirely on the Bamboo Forest Demon himself.

When this sword fell, it really cut off the part that belonged to the bamboo forest demon, and killed the part that was the incarnation of Taotie.

Wen Yan was actually relieved.

He hoped that he had not been deceived, and it turned out that this person had indeed not deceived him.

Never wavered even in death.

To be honest, if he didn't kill the bamboo forest monster, Taotie would not be considered dead, and there would still be a chance to make a comeback. Wen Yan didn't want to do it himself, because he felt hindered.

Now with one strike of the knife, Taotie's incarnation was wiped out in ashes.

The part of the bamboo forest demon was forcibly scraped out with the bone scraper, which was considered to be completely severed and completely chopped out.

Wen Yan held a long knife in his hand and looked behind him.

Pei Tugou immediately threw one of the blood rope balls over.

The bloody rope dispersed, revealing a blue-eyed lion. This guy was fixed on the execution platform. Wen Yan didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and raised the knife in his hand.

With one chop, the lion's head fell to the ground.

The blood infected the Dragon Slaying Platform and was completely absorbed by the Dragon Slaying Platform, and his body was reduced to ashes.

The third one is the bone demon.

The bones that could withstand Gan Tang's fists would not be completely shattered. After being put on the execution platform, he would end up with the knife falling from his hand.

The more and more power the Dragon Cutting Platform absorbs, the more targeted it becomes.

The fourth one, a strange beast captured by Guanzhong County, was still full of arrows.

He was thrown onto the execution platform and even blinded, unable to see what he was going through.

The myth's immortality allowed him to be decapitated on the dragon-slaying platform, and he was still alive for a moment. His body fell on the dragon-slaying platform and was not destroyed for a moment.

This is the trace left by Taotie, who has been active in mythology and the world for a long time, which helped him create this characteristic.

Wen Yan didn't pay much attention. He looked at Boss Tao who was being put on the execution platform, holding a bloody long knife in his hand.

"From the day you took this step, have you ever thought that one day you would be able to kill a dragon for the last time?

From the day you took on the name of Ryuko, this place has been your Achilles heel.

Did you think that the Dragon Slaying Platform had been destroyed long ago? "

Boss Tao was so controlled that he still wanted to struggle.

Wen Yan sneered.

"That's right, the one that was sent just now is called the Dragon-Slaying Platform, and the one I summoned through the Dragon-Slaying Platform is called the Dragon-Slaying Platform.

The sky is high and the water is long. From today on, there will be no more gluttons in the world.

A new chapter will be added to the myth.

In the year of Guimao, there was a warrior holding a blue dragon scale sword and beheading Taotie on the banks of the Xijiang River. "

When Boss Tao heard this, he looked horrified, with an incredible light in his eyes.

"It turns out to be you! God..."

Before Boss Tao finished speaking, he saw a green light falling, and with the sound of thunder, he cut off his head with a knife.

The power of that knife instantly cut his whole body and everything about him.

With one strike, it was wiped out into ashes.

Together with the headless corpses of mythical beasts on the ground, they were all destroyed on the spot as Wen Yan added a new chapter to the myth.

I want to finish writing this chapter in one go. You may feel uncomfortable watching it. I haven’t finished writing it yet. I feel more uncomfortable than you. By this point, it shouldn’t be too uncomfortable. I can’t finish it anymore.

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