I am your natural enemy

Chapter 269 Complete Obliteration, Brave New World (5k)

Wen Yan looked at the new titles in silence.

This was completely beyond his expectation. He had been thinking before that he already had the title before he killed Taotie.

And the title of the ferocious beast's natural enemy is obviously stuck in a bug.

He just created the effect first and then added the cause, so there should be no problem.

Unexpectedly, a Taotie actually has two titles.

That's right, Taotie's false name is Longzi, and it has settled over time and taken root, which is normal.

"Dragonborn natural enemies (Dragonborn: refers to all non-human aliens that are not true dragons and contain dragon blood)"

"Basic characteristics: Vulnerable.

All dragonborn will have one or more of extremely high defense, extremely high immunity, and extremely high recovery capabilities.

When wearing this title, your non-pure physical attacks can put the target into a vulnerable state.

Your damage against vulnerable targets is increased by 20% (X). "

"Wearing this title, you will have 100% suppression, 100% real damage, and 100% immune immunity to all dragonborn."

"There is a 21% probability of triggering the deprivation of dragon bloodline (the deprivation progress is proportional to the damage caused. When combined with the core of the complete Taotie myth, the deprivation progress has nothing to do with the damage caused)"

Wen Yan took a look and found that the effects of this title were really simple and crude, all of them causing damage.

He looked down at the strange-looking bracelet on his wrist.

“The core of the Taotie myth (67%).”

"According to legend, the Taotie can devour everything, even itself.

The strange objects transformed from the core of this myth can swallow most visible things.

Digestion takes time and can evolve.

By supplementing the key parts, Taotie Ya can be transformed into a complete body. "

Wen Yan looked at the bracelet and began to think of a question.

This bracelet is called a rare object. Do other rare objects also have part of the same origin as the way he obtained this bracelet now?

He didn't pay too much attention to these and started to finish.

After returning home, he began to think that Taotie was dead again.

And this time, he also received a new title, which means that the title of natural enemy of ferocious beasts was obtained last time.

This time, we obtained another dragon-born natural enemy. Although the whole process was a bit twisty and unexpected, the result should be the same as last time.

He brought the five gluttons to the Xijiang River and killed them one by one on the Dragon-Slaying Platform.

It's been quite a while since I got home and I still haven't started again.

By the next morning, Wen Yan was roughly sure that the matter of filing the case had nothing to do with Taotie.

Now there are roughly two possibilities.

First, the return has something to do with him, but the reason is not now, and it has nothing to do with Taotie.

Second, the reversal had nothing to do with him, he was just affected, and he discovered this just because of the title.

Since there is a reversal, it is definitely not the first time.

In the past he must have been just like everyone else, unaware.

Even if there were any clues, he didn't care.

When a problem is discovered, clues that were not noticed at first will be keenly noticed.

He closed his eyes and thought, if he didn't know about this, what would he do next?

Just do whatever you need to do.

He needs to continue to determine whether this matter has anything to do with him, or in other words, what happened that caused the reversal to occur.

Next, everything is as usual. He will think about everything he does. If he doesn't know how to turn back, what will he do?

He came to Nanhai County again, came to the Cape again, and used soul summoning.

Then he provoked something in the deep sea, but he was still careful not to rush out of the deep sea alone.

After obtaining the information, he heard that water ghosts were driving sunken ships and attacking yachts.

He landed on the sunken ship, but this time, it was different from the last time.

When Wen Yan discovered that most of the water ghosts covered by his yang energy had their career inheritance characteristics wiped out.

As for the remaining part, most of it was burned to death by Yang Qi and evaporated.

Only one Ah Piao triggered complete obliteration.

Wen Yan looked at the fanatical Ah Piao and felt certain in his heart.

He had been here last time, he must have been.

There are two probabilistic characteristics in Water Ghost Natural Enemy.

One is to completely erase it, and the other is to erase the inheritance characteristics of the water ghost profession.

The probabilities are the same.

Even when these two effects are triggered, they don't just consider the probability.

It may be mixed with his thoughts, the corresponding target itself, and other factors.

The gap is not so big. Most of the large group of water ghosts have had their career inheritance characteristics wiped out, and only one has been completely wiped out.

Wen Yan stared carefully at the completely obliterated figure for a long time.

He had been curious before when he burned a water ghost to death with his blazing yang energy and it dissipated.

Even if this special effect is triggered, he will die.

What's the difference?

Now he probably understands.

He must have been here last time, and there were quite a few water ghosts who triggered complete obliteration.

They get killed once and that's it.

Even if you go back, they won't show up again.

Wen Yan looked at the extremely enthusiastic water ghost who was kneeling on the ground.

I am very certain of this judgment in my heart, otherwise, no matter what happens, the ratio will not be as large as dozens to one.

According to his idea, water ghosts who dare to attack people, especially those who have been tortured for a long time, have been tortured to the point where their outlook on life is completely different from that of humans. If they are all killed, there will be no problem.

In other words, according to his inner standards, it will greatly affect which special effects will be triggered.

This is the same as the inner thoughts that will affect the direction of professional abilities.

After determining a direction, trigger something in this direction that requires probability.

After thinking about it, Wen Yan came up with the only explanation.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain everything in front of me.

Wen Yan looked at Ah Piao, a long sword kneeling on the ground.

"Have some of the water ghosts with you suddenly died recently?"

"No, everything is as usual. Except for some new water ghosts, nothing has changed for several years." Changdao A'Piao didn't know why Wen Yan asked this. He thought about it carefully and answered honestly.

Wen Yan nodded.

In other words, some water ghosts disappeared completely after being completely obliterated by him last time.

Even if we go back, these water ghosts will not exist from the beginning.

Wen Yan was secretly shocked. He had always felt that it was useless, and completely obliterating it with little difference turned out to be the most awesome special effect.

It's literally a complete obliteration.

In other words, even if you roll back, you cannot re-exist. For example, things like resurrection spells cannot be resurrected.

Wen Yan lowered his head and looked at Ah Piao, who looked a little crazy because the inheritance characteristics of the water ghost profession had been wiped out.

Some have already dissipated in the Yang Qi, and some are about to dissipate.

Wen Yan thought about it, what would he have done if it had been the last time?

Have they all been wiped out?


If he discovers that some of them trigger complete erasure, and if these guys attack people, then he will definitely not hold back.

But this time, most of them had their career inheritance characteristics erased.

In addition, these water ghosts are still struggling now, so they must have never harmed anyone, and those who have harmed others have been freed long ago.

What would happen if he made a different choice this time?

He was meditating here, and these Ah Piao were also kneeling on the deck and waiting.

After thinking about it again and again, Wen Yan looked at Ah Piao, the long knife, and said.

"I have set you free. Those who have attacked others should commit suicide."

When Wen Yan's voice fell, Ah Piao, the long sword, kowtowed three times, put down the long sword with a calm expression, and plunged into Wen Yan's Yang Qi, and was burned away by the fiery Yang Qi.

But even after it dissipated, the long-sword Ah Piao still had a smile on his face, and before he died, he was still expressing his gratitude to Wen Yan.

One by one, Ah Piao kept walking out on their own without any resistance. Their biggest obsession was liberation. After liberation, they no longer cared about life or death.

The last water ghost to stand up looked back at the remaining water ghosts, then walked in front of Wen Yan and knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Your Majesty is kind-hearted, please help me to escape.

But I have also gone out with other water ghosts before, but it was not our turn.

I have no regrets and am willing to wait for death.

However, they did not do any evil. After death, they turned into water ghosts and were tortured every day.

I hope you will be open-minded and open-minded to other water ghosts in the sea who have not done any evil. "

In the fierce fire, the water ghosts completely dissipated, and Wen Yan looked at the remaining water ghosts.

After asking around, it turned out that the one who had been dead the longest among them was less than fifty years old.

They say that the water ghosts who die in this sea area will repeat the moment of death every day and suffer torture.

But they were once so weak that they would dissipate just by being exposed to the sun.

Now I have become much stronger, but I can't do anything.

Wen Yan did not kill them all, but looked at the group of water ghosts and stuck the long knife Ah Piao left on the deck.

"You have been liberated and become new water ghosts.

Today, I will not kill you, I hope you understand.

You can be liberated because I hope you can inherit the legacy of your predecessors.

They have done evil, hurt people, and harmed people. Even if they didn't do it themselves, someone died.

Even they themselves may have been killed by water ghosts and turned into water ghosts.

I know you are all very united, but I hope you understand.

Your goal is not to harm others, but to give everyone a chance to escape.

You cling to the one in the sea just because you have no choice but to hope that it can help you out when you can't bear it anymore.

This is just a forced and helpless choice.

Now you don't have to do that anymore.

I can give you an additional choice. "

Wen Yan looked around and looked at these water ghosts.

"A friend of mine used to be a water ghost, and she couldn't erase the inherited characteristics of a water ghost.

But she relied on her own will to eliminate the possibility of harming others.

Then, she ascended and is now the goddess of relief. Her name is Wang Xueqi.

I also have a little brother who is a demon.

He has been active in a section of the Xijiang River for ten years.

He saved all the drowning people there, and then he was worshiped in a temple by the people there and became the water god.

Later, because of his high achievements, he was canonized by China and became a real water god.

He has his own temple, where people worship and celebrate.

The cultivation has achieved positive results.

I hope you remember that you have no choice.

But when the choice comes, you may no longer be qualified.

I won’t kill you, just go away.

I hope there will never be a new kelpie here again.

What you do is up to you.

I have shown you the way.

Don't let me hear bad news one day in the future.

It will make me regret my decision today. "

A group of water ghosts knelt on the ground, listening to Wen Yan's teachings. Their faces were enlightened, and they began to understand what they were going to do.

They are water ghosts who died late and were led by their predecessors. Now it is their turn to lead the way for the water ghosts behind them.

Let there be no new water ghosts here, what a grand vision.

"May I ask your name, sir?"

"My name is Wen Yan."

Wen Yan stepped on the chain and returned to the yacht.

On the sunken ship behind, a bunch of water ghosts were kneeling on the ground, respectfully seeing Wen Yan off.

When Wen Yan left, the chain was untied and returned to the sunken ship.

Among the pile of water ghosts, a water ghost walked out and held the long knife inserted on the deck.

"We have received this great favor and should maintain the previous tradition.

Although we are liberated, there are still more water ghosts who are not liberated.

There will never be a new world with such a grand vision.

Just hearing it makes people think it is unimaginable.

If I survive, then I should do these things according to tradition.

I also don’t hope that next time when that adult comes again, he will find that there are still water ghosts harming people here, and there are new water ghosts. "

The sunken ship sank into the water again, and a large number of black sea crabs supported the sunken ship under the water.

They were going to spread this news to all the water ghosts.

The way they look at this moment is the best proof.

The first step is to quietly pull out all the water ghosts attached to the one deep in the cave.

They are not afraid of death anymore, are they afraid of rebellion?

They want to ignite the fire of hope and burn it throughout the entire sea.

That young Master Wen's friend was either a river god or a goddess, so maybe this person was the Lord of Stars who descended to earth and was so compassionate.

Mr. Wen just made it very clear that the opportunity is given to them.

If they can't grasp it, it's no one else's fault.

In such a large area of ​​​​sea, it may be a bit difficult for no one to drown in ten years.

But as long as they attract enough water ghosts, no one will drown this year, and there will be no new water ghosts.

It's not impossible.

After all, although the sea area is large, there are very few places with people.

A group of water ghosts, driving a sunken ship, sailed rapidly on the bottom of the sea, all of them very energetic.

The tradition used to be that whoever died early would be freed first.

This tradition has been maintained for so long that no one knows when it started.

Since it is a tradition of mutual aid, now that they are free, they have no reason to enjoy themselves secretly, regardless of other water ghosts.

I have been tortured every day, so I can look forward to a world without water ghosts.

Time passed, and a water ghost counted the time silently, lying on the deck crying and laughing.

"I...I don't have to drown anymore. I didn't drown again today. I'm really free. I'm really gone..."

One day passed, and all the liberated water ghosts no longer experienced the daily death experience.

That daily death experience, the moment of repeated death, the feeling becomes clearer and stronger.

This is the biggest reason for torturing them and forcing them to quickly find a substitute.

After the career inheritance characteristic was erased, the torture attached to this inheritance characteristic was also erased.

They were cheering, crying, and finally, gradually, their will began to become stronger.

On the first day, there were three new water ghosts on the sunken ship.

After watching for a whole day, they did not see any death reenactments of the core crew members. They had to believe it even if they didn't believe it.

If you are not afraid of death, you just hope for relief. Now that you have hope, there is nothing to be afraid of.

rebel! rebel!

Then, the legend began to spread quietly in the South China Sea.

A star king reincarnated and came to rescue the water ghost with compassion.

Because a water ghost was transferred from the hands of the one in the sea, the one in the sea was furious, and sent an army of water ghosts to drive a boat to capture the star king surnamed Wen.

But the Xingjun surnamed Wen was compassionate and did not make it difficult for the water ghost army to attack them. Instead, he erased their eternal torment.

From then on, these water ghosts became enlightened and began to follow the Star Lord to create a legendary world.

A world where there are no more new water ghosts, and a world where there are no more water ghosts being tortured every day.

When a beam of rays of light from the sun shines onto the bottom of the sea, which has never seen the light of day all year round, there is no power that can stop the water ghosts who have not seen the light of hope from rushing toward that beam of light like moths toward a flame.

Especially these water ghosts, they saw with their own eyes the moment when more than one water ghost was freed.

This is not called rebellion, this is called uprising!

Wen Yan returned home. Except for the water ghost incident, everything was pretty much the same as before until he went to Zhongyuan County.

Only this time, the time when he went to Zhongyuan County was different.

He did not meet the second-level player when he came out, nor did he go to the Lieyang Department of Zhongyuan County.

Instead, he went to the detention center.

He is going to see the guy named Luo Liang.

Because he didn't destroy the water ghost group and left some behind, Feng Yao asked casually when he called.

Wen Yan said that with the deeds of the goddess of relief and Jiang Yanyan, the water ghosts had successfully drawn a pie with successful cases. Those water ghosts who had not harmed anyone were deeply touched and decided to He ran towards the pie he drew.

Then after asking casually, Wen Yan said that he was going to Zhongyuan County to meet someone.

Feng Yao told him that arresting Luo Liang had nothing to do with the Lieyang Department, at least for now, it didn't matter.

Therefore, if he wanted to see him, he could only go to the detention center.

Wen Yan did not go to the Lieyang Department of Zhongyuan County, nor even entered the city of Zhongyuan County.

At sunrise, Wen Yan had arrived at the detention center and met Luo Liang, a man who looked to be in his thirties and with faint tattoos visible on his neck.

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