I am your natural enemy

Chapter 272 Undiald call, reversal of light and darkness (5k)

Tong Si raised her head and saw the thin lines in the sky that were originally transparent, undetectable, and chaotic, with no clue to be found.

The huge yang energy seems to dye those threads with color, and the path it infects is the trajectory.

As far as the eye could see, it was like a group of bright lines of fireworks blooming in the sky.

Those yang energy extended in four directions to the invisible distance.

"I went in four directions. It has exceeded the limit of my vision. I am not sure which direction..."

Tong Si was a little regretful that he couldn't see further.

Wen Yan has no regrets. As long as that person is in China, the blessing of a fierce sun will make him as conspicuous as a bright light in the dark night.

Unless the opponent's martial arts realm is as strong as Cai Heizi's fifth stage, he can control all the huge yang energy in just one breath and then consume it.

Otherwise, as long as the other party is in China, as long as he is not living alone in a no-man's land with no one for hundreds of miles.

Then, it is absolutely impossible to hide such a huge Yang Qi explosion from the Lieyang Department.

As long as you find the opponent's identity, the rest will be much easier to handle.

A few seconds later, Tong Si's double pupils kept swaying from side to side. He raised his head in shock and looked at the sky.

He saw the huge Yang Qi rushing in four directions along the silk thread, and then rushed back along several other threads.

He searched carefully through the thin lines that could not be seen by others, and actually found a few thin lines that were not included in the path.

Just within a few kilometers.

Then Tong Si saw the huge Yang Qi falling into a house a mile away along those few thin lines.

Then, at that moment, huge Yang Qi bloomed there, stinging his eyes.

"Over there! Right over there! That guy made a big circle, but he was always nearby!"

In fact, Tong Si didn't need to remind him, Wen Yan had already seen and felt it.

The Yang Qi blessed by the fierce sun, after wandering outside for who knows how far, landed nearby again.

The doll maker was actually nearby.

He quickly reached the top of the mountain on the other side and looked a few hundred meters away. There was also a sea-view villa with a different decoration style there.

The place where Yang Qi explodes the most is right there.

Even after the consumption on the path, some of the dolls consumed part of it, and the remaining part, the yang energy that blessed the main body was still huge.

Shining like a beacon in the dark night.

Wen Yan burst into laughter. He had heard Zhang Qihui say before that the person he was looking for was in Hong Kong City.

He also felt that this guy was quite good at choosing.

In the port city, it will be very close to the factories in Nanwu County, making it convenient to do anything.

Even if something goes wrong and you want to run away, it will be very convenient.

In case of emergency, you can even escape by sea.

But after arriving here, he found that there was no living person in the villa at the address, and the entire studio was full of dolls.

He felt that this guy was really careful, and he was actually controlling it from a distance.

I never expected that this guy would first control the doll here, which may be hundreds of miles away, and then control the doll here again through the doll far away.

Wen Yan really has no ability to hurt the other party through such a nesting doll situation.

Any living being has a natural resistance to this harmful force.

However, there is an instinctive tendency to approach all positive buffs.

And it won't inspire any resistance.

At least so far, Wen Yan's attempts to bless yang energy to any living creature have not provoked any resistance from the other party.

Theoretically, Lieyang's blessing can actually be regarded as a skill that ignores defense.

However, this skill will not cause harm, but will benefit the opponent.

He used the violent sun to give the opponent a blessing with absolutely positive effects.

The positive buff is added to its body.

Of course, this frontal buff is a bit strong, and he can't control the effect. A large amount of yang energy will escape, turning him into a beacon.

This is not Blessing's fault, nor is it Blessing's shortcomings.

Because, if someone can control it, but you can't, that's your problem.

Wen Yan couldn't help but laugh out loud when he saw the yang energy erupting in the villa.

After a fancy operation, I didn’t expect you to be squatting next door.

He rushed down from the mountain and looked at the villa. It was obvious that someone had noticed him. A guy dressed as a bodyguard had already touched his waist.

The bracelet on Wen Yan's right wrist turned into water. When the middle finger of his left hand waved in the water, the water turned into black.

The water rushes out, continues to divide, and turns into droplets of water, covering everyone indiscriminately.

If a ray of corpse poison penetrates into a person's body, the body of a weaker person will start to stiffen instantly.

If it is slightly stronger, it will be like being hit by a stupefying agent. After two or three seconds, the body will become stiff.

As the corpse poison spreads, the first thing to come is rigor mortis, and then it begins to transform into zombies.

The corpse poison in his fingernails is equivalent to the corpse poison of Green Hair Zombie. It is too violent and will be very effective against ordinary people with low resistance.

The bracelet perfectly followed Wen Yan's idea and used the permeability of water to cover everyone in the villa without distinction.

Wen Yan climbed over the wall and entered the villa, looked at the people lying on the ground, and took back a little bit of the infected corpse poison to prevent them from transforming into zombies within an hour.

He looked up and saw that the huge Yang Qi bloomed from the second floor. The gray cloth flew out on its own and wrapped around the railing, instantly pulling Wen Yan up.

Then the gray cloth hovered around Wen Yan. After seeing the figure in the room, he immediately got in through the gap in the floor-to-ceiling window, tied him into a hairy crab, and even sealed his mouth.

Wen Yan glanced at the other party and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the prompt from the puppet master popping up.

Found the rightful owner.

Then he looked at the young man lying on the bed, his eyes full of shock.

A big penis was whipped up, and the young man was whipped to death on the spot.

A guy who was blessed by the violent sun and was able to be tied up with gray cloth and turned into a hairy crab.

If Qin Kun was blessed by the violent sun, he would be able to tear the gray cloth alive with his bare hands.

At such a close distance, Wen Yan's head could be blown open in the blink of an eye.

Wen Yan saw the other party's mobile phone scattered aside and had already entered a series of phone numbers.

Wen Yan took a closer look.

If the number he wanted to call had not been preceded by an extra 86, he might have already dialed the number.

Now, he was just short of the last digit to make the call.

Look at the young man whose face has turned slightly dark, and he is obviously poisoned, but because the yang energy in his body is too strong, he forcibly suppresses the poison.

The water flow flew back, and all the toxins in it had been consumed. It turned into a bracelet again and was put on Wen Yan's wrist.

Wen Yan wrote down the phone number.

He took out his cell phone and made a call to Feng Yao.

"No matter what you are doing now, as long as the sky is not falling, please call me immediately."

Wen Yan reported a phone call.

"I don't know the last one. There are ten numbers in total. Let's try them one by one.

I want to know who the owner of this phone is and where he is. Monitor it.

Moreover, it must be ensured that the other party cannot detect it.


On the other end of the phone, Feng Yao heard Wen Yan rarely speak so rudely and so seriously, so he immediately took out his laptop.

"Don't worry, if you need to locate a mobile phone, you don't need to go through the mobile phone itself directly. Even if there is a protection program in his mobile phone, it will not be triggered unless his authority is higher than mine now."

Feng Yao put his hands on the notebook and typed quickly.

Starting from the last digit of the mobile phone number, which is 0, small windows kept popping up and flying up, swish, swish, ten windows appeared at the same time, distributed on the screen.

“There are five empty numbers that no one uses.

The remaining five numbers, according to the middle four digits, are all from a city in Jingchu County.

Four of the account owners are local.

One is a high school student and has his cell phone at home.

A stall owner is still selling breakfast. He has used this mobile phone number for 13 years.

One is used by a housewife, and the number is the supplementary card number in the family package.

One is a decoration worker, and his number has been used for seventeen years.

I looked at these four, and there was nothing noteworthy about them.

No, the other three are all numbers that have been used for a long time, and there have been no problems for more than ten years.

The information is also very easy to find, and the life trajectory is also very clear.

Only the high school student only used this number for one year, but the life trajectory of this high school student was also very clear.

The person using the last number is currently in Guanzhong County. The owner of the number is an old lady in her seventies. The last time she paid the phone bill, the old lady paid it in cash at the business hall.

The number is a supplementary card that belongs to the broadband package. "

Feng Yao spoke very fast and quickly revealed the information he found.

"Can you find out where the last person is and mobilize the camera?"

Wen Yan's heartbeat began to accelerate. For some reason, he had a strong hunch that this person must be the guy with the mustache.

"It's best to be safe. Don't let the other party notice it in any way. Try not to peep directly. Send me what you mobilized."

After Wen Yan thought for a moment, he reminded him again.

Feng Yao looked solemn and became more solemn.

He did what Wen Yan said and based on pure positioning, he called up the surveillance footage, then packaged it and sent it directly to Wen Yan without looking at it.

On the other side, Wen Yan received the packaged content and did not read it. He just fed the packaged content to the AI, and then asked the AI ​​to screen the content under the conditions he had set before.

Even though this content is no longer under real-time monitoring, and the probability of being noticed by someone when peeking is actually very low, he still feels safer.

In just one second, the AI ​​gave him feedback.

In this content, there is a person who matches his description.

With his beret, windbreaker and mustache under his chin, he looks like an artist.

Then Wen Yan didn't look at it, and continued to let the AI ​​use this person as the benchmark to match the previously screened pictures.

There are three pictures that are highly matched.

Wen Yan still didn't look at the pictures, but just wrote down the sources of these three pictures, when they came from, and which surveillance camera took them.

Wen Yan took a breath and said.

"I'll send you a target, don't pry on it.

Then adjust your permissions and let the system automatically record everything about this person.

His gait, height, appearance, consumption records, social records, etc., everything is recorded.

Put in a black box that no one can peek into, but can call data for matching.

Information was needed in the past, but from now on, he is the key target.

If your authority is not enough, I will go to the general manager personally. "

"My authority is not low."

"Okay, as long as you can do it."

Wen Yan's heart was pounding and he caught the tail. This time he really caught the tail.

He was thinking whether to go over and see the mustache first, or to endure it.

If you go to see Mustache, in case no suitable temporary ability appears, and Mustache returns.

Then, he will forget to see Mustache, but Mustache will remember it.

All of a sudden, it became my open and dark enemy again.

How about trying to find a solution without peeking at that mustache?

While he was thinking about it, Tong Si floated up from the window.

"Those dummies have all softened."

Hearing this, Wen Yan looked stern and immediately gave up his original plan.

He didn't know how far he had tracked down the last time, and he wasn't sure whether he could track it down to the same level next time.

He only knew that that mustache was not a good bird.

The doll maker in front of me also knows Mustache.

And Ah Piao, who jumped into the sea to save people at the Cape and died in the sea, must have been controlled by this doll maker to jump into the sea and drown.

There is also Luo Liang who is obviously used as a consumable, the kind of unique live broadcast and video that uses the domain as a server.

So far, there are so many that he has found.

Wen Yan wasn't sure if there was anyone else among them or if there was someone else hiding.

But no matter what, this mustache that can retreat must be the core of the core.

He represents the opportunity to come back if you make a mistake, and he will know information that many people don't know.

If he wanted to know some sensitive and important information, he could even risk his life to investigate.

This advantage is really great.

Just now, he was still thinking, if the doll master was not knocked unconscious, he would control other dolls and pass on the news.

Before he could ask anything, he knocked the person unconscious.

Now, I'm glad he didn't ask anything in a hurry, otherwise, the news would have probably been leaked.

But now, those dolls have softened and become information in themselves.

Wen Yan didn't dare to gamble anymore. He had to find some way to break the situation from the secret of my enemy.

He believed that the mustache must know him.

There must have been such a mustache in many things before.

Because one of the three matched surveillance photos was taken in Nanwu County.

The specific time was the two days when the tiger was taken care of, and the specific location happened to be nearby.

Wen Yan didn't believe it was a coincidence.

He left the puppet master where he was and ignored him. Instead, according to the position given by Feng Yao, he took Feng Wei and Tong Si through the underworld, ran all the way, and quickly appeared in Guanzhong County.

According to the map location given by Feng Yao, the other party was in a coffee shop near the Terracotta Warriors and Horses attraction.

It's only been ten minutes, so the other party may still be there.

When he came out of the underworld, Feng Yao sent him something. The one he wanted would not be inspected, but it could use external data to make matching black boxes.

Then he located the mustache's location, and sure enough, it was still in the coffee shop.

He drove all the way to a place not far from the coffee house.

Through the car window, I saw a man sitting by the window of the coffee shop wearing a beret, a plaid cashmere coat, a mustache, and a crossbody bag. He looked like an old-school artist. .

The other party picked up the phone and put it to his ear.

"Boss, I just noticed that the doll suddenly fell to the ground, and the doll maker couldn't be contacted. I called his studio, but no one answered the phone."

"I understand." After hearing this, Mustache calmly hung up the phone.

At the same time, Wen Yan finally received a reminder before his eyes.

"Player (Return)"

“Returning is the biggest source of confidence for a player to be a player.

By constantly going back, you can learn from failures and continue to make new attempts.

Although power cannot be saved after rewinding, information, intelligence, experience, etc. cannot be erased by rewinding.

This is the biggest advantage for return players.

It is also the most direct reason for the change in players' mentality. "

"You can kill him ten thousand times, and he can fail ten thousand times, but you can only fail once."

Wen Yan just glanced at these and turned to look at the temporary abilities that were given.

He saw Mustache answering the phone, and he couldn't bet that it was just an ordinary call.

He must assume that Mustache will initiate a counterattack at the next moment.

"Temporary capabilities:

1: Cloud synchronization. "

Seeing the first one, Wen Yan immediately equipped this temporary ability.

"Cloud sync.

You can pin your memory on something you own. "

Then, the first thing Wen Yan thought of was his title.

Because only the title is the ability to roll back and cannot be erased.

The moment he thought of it, he really succeeded.

He chose the title of the beast's natural enemy.

He knew that even if he turned back, he would definitely equip himself when he saw this ferocious natural enemy suddenly popping up.

Even at the time of return, after obtaining the beast's natural enemy, he still needs to wear the title of the beast's natural enemy to assist his cultivation.

No matter what, he will definitely choose.

Then the next moment, before Wen Yan had time to look at the back, he just saw a 2.

From a distance, I saw Mustache put down the phone.

Then, the next moment, there is no next moment.

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