I am your natural enemy

Chapter 286 Wild Fox Spirit, Human Skin Book (5k)

Wen Yan had heard of the "Burial Sutra". There were actually many versions, and even more annotations. He had seen Guo Pu's annotated version in Prince Zhu's study.

I don’t know if what Tufuzi got was the burial scripture in his mind.

This guy's level is pretty good. He must have obtained the scripture. In addition, he has a good foundation and can understand it even after receiving the scripture. This is an advantage that others do not have.

It's a pity that I took the wrong path, and I clearly know that I took the wrong path.

When he was chatting with Tufuzi, he had a feeling that this guy felt that he had gone astray and would die badly. He felt more that he would suffer retribution than that he would be hit hard by the Lieyang Department.

There is a difference here.

Wen Yan looked at the story written by Tufuzi. It was told in a straightforward manner, but it still had some ups and downs.

When he was about to see it, Tufuzi was brought over.

Seeing Wen Yan, Tufuzi was not surprised. He had been wondering before. It was already night. Logically speaking, even if he could visit, it was already past the time. Who could come to see him at this time.

After Tufuzi sat down, Wen Yan threw a pack of cigarettes on the table.

Tufuzi lit one himself and said.

"I was just wondering if someone wanted to know where the burial book is, but when I saw you, I thought you wouldn't make a special trip just for this, right?"

"No, someone just robbed the prison."

"Ha..." Tufuzi laughed out loud: "Who is crazy and came to this detention center to rob the prison? Do you really think that the Lieyang tribe is easy to bully? Do you not want to live?"

"As long as you leave China somewhere after the prison robbery and never come back again, you don't have to worry about your escape."

After hearing this, Tufuzi's expression changed slightly, and after a change of thought, he asked.

"Is there something trying to get through the crack?"

"You sure know something."

"Some Ah Piao ran out of the cracks in Zhongnan Mountain before, and I heard that most of them were captured by the Lieyang Department.

I've seen one of them before and heard about what's going on there.

I really can't understand how A Piao, who doesn't look weak, is living like a dog over there.

Some of the guys here are like lost dogs here, and they don't have the confidence to get tough over there.

The Ah Piao who came over there, I saw, said they were not going back after they came.

Even if you find a place to hide here, at least you don't have to worry about being trampled to death by something if you close your eyes for a while. "

The native masters talked about this with some disdain.

"Aren't you looking for a crack just to get over?" Wen Yan really thought they all wanted to get over before.

"I'm just looking for the tomb to verify what I've learned, and to search for any strange objects that may be in the tomb.

I never thought about going there or what would be good about going there.

What I have learned throughout my life may not be useful when I get there.

All the conveniences of what I wanted to do were gone.

If I accidentally get poisoned, I won't be able to get rid of it.

I don’t want to go there, but there are people who want to go there, and there are also demons and ghosts who want to go there.

They felt that they were too aggrieved under the suppression of the Lieyang Department.

All I can say is that everyone has their own ambitions. "

Wen Yan thought about it for a while. Although he didn't quite agree with those guys' ideas, he could probably understand the logic.

In many things, whether it is a person, a demon, or a piao, they are all the same.

It is a kind of mysterious filter for things that you have never seen or experienced before.

But because of this, Wen Yan felt that it would be really difficult to stop the Lieyang Department if they wanted to.

This is already the second crack.

And if nothing else, this crack appeared very early.

It should be more stable than the original crack in Zhongnan Mountain, but according to the existing data, this crack should be smaller.

Well, strictly speaking, this crack in the tomb is the third one discovered so far.

The first one is suppressed by the old Heavenly Master, which is the largest and most stable, and the second one is the crack in Taiyi Temple.

According to this trend, there may be fourth and fifth ones in the future.

To a certain extent, it is easier to stop things over there than to stop things over here.

"Do you know someone, or something, who wants to get over there?"

"Then I don't know. Once some news starts spreading, it can no longer be blocked. Who knows who wants to get there."

"Do you know why those guys came to you?"

Tufuzi took a deep breath and sighed.

"I guess you don't know the place and can't get there, so you want me to lead the way."

"The big tomb over there was also attacked, but they didn't get through."

Tufuzi was startled, thought about it again, and grinned.

"It must be that something is missing. There is a stone sculpture. According to my experience, that thing was the only thing in the big tomb that did not meet the specifications of the tomb there. I took it away at that time."

"Where did you take it?"

“I know the rules here, the discipline here, are not to give us anything extra.

However, some people can bring something that meets the regulations when they are visited in prison.

I need enough time to write my stuff before I make my decision.

Then, I want a pack of cigarettes a day and can drink tea.

In this case, before I am shot, if you want to ask anything, as long as I know, I will tell you.

Of course, only for you. "

"I will ask the discipline here. If it does not violate the rules, then I can agree to it." Wen Yan nodded and agreed to the matter.

There is no need to mention Wen Yan specifically about writing, because there is information in the things written by Tufuzi.

The other party knew that he was going to die, and he was already prepared to eat peanuts, but he was still willing to confess. The director would definitely be willing to provide some convenience.

As for cigarettes and tea, it’s not too much, just give him a limited location.

"I visited a cemetery for someone three years ago. You should be able to find it. It's in the northern suburbs of Guanzhong County.

This year, the family wanted to erect a monument, so they asked me to go there again. I conveniently hid the statue under the tombstone there.

If you dig up a tombstone, put three sticks of incense on it, and hold the tombstone straight up and down without knocking it down.

This is what I told the owner of the tomb there. I helped him choose a treasure land that could bless his descendants, and he helped me guard the statue.

If someone wants to dig, if they follow my method, they can dig out the statue smoothly.

If you don't follow my method, you won't be able to dig out the statue.

After you finish digging, remember to pay some compensation to other people’s descendants. It’s up to you how much to compensate. "

"You are very particular."

"I never fool around on these matters. If I fool around too much, I am fooling myself."

Now Wen Yan really felt that this guy was so sober, and even started to feel a little regretful. If this guy hadn't gone astray, he would have been a rare talent.

"I'd like to give you a toast in advance and wish you a good journey. If the verdict comes down and it's a shooting, I'll help you tell the other side and give you a stable master. After you die, I will help you get a better one. Luxurious stove, guaranteed to burn cleanly.”

"Thank you in advance." Tufuzi cupped his hands to express his gratitude.

The native master was taken away again. Wen Yan came out and told the director about the native master's request. The director agreed happily, but according to the regulations, these things were not allowed to be brought into the prison cell, and only the native master was allowed to be in the prison cell. Use it when writing information.

Wen Yan said, just follow the rules.

After waiting here for a while, news came from outside.

The robot entered the underground passage from the cave and found something.

A pangolin-like demon covered in hard armor. The armor on its body has been carbonized, and it should be almost dead.

There is also a spirit that was beaten back to its original shape and turned into a jade sculpture. It should be that there is still one breath left.

But only these two were barely alive, the others were all dead.

Seven ghost bones were found, and it is initially speculated that they came from six A Piao. As for the A Piao who did not leave a ghost bone after his death, it is impossible to judge.

There are three demons with flesh bodies, all of them dead.

If you die in this situation, it is 80% unlikely that any demon soul will escape.

The spirit, which turned out to be a jade sculpture, could have temporarily provided a shelter for Ah Piao, but it was obvious that this guy couldn't save himself, and the Ah Piao couldn't count on it.

Wen Yan looked around and saw nothing. They were all dead miserably. Those who were not dead could almost see the countdown to death.

The blackened jade sculpture was sealed, and the pangolin was given adrenaline so that he could breathe more and give some information before he died.

Seeing the pangolin regaining consciousness in a daze, someone immediately asked it what it was doing at the detention center.

This guy was still a little confused and confused, and he said he was here to pick up the two of them.

Asked who it was, they said one was called Tu Fuzi and the other was Hu Laosan.

When asked why he was being taken out, the pangolin had no idea. His consciousness gradually fell into a blur, and he was about to run out of breath.

Wen Yan said nothing. The director took Wen Yan out of the room and said to Wen Yan.

"That Hu Laosan is a demon fox. Tracing his origins, he has the blood of a nine-tailed white fox, and he is a male fox."

"Hey, what's going on with this guy?"

"He crippled three monsters from three countries before and was imprisoned here. I don't know why these guys are looking for him.

Judging from the direction of the passage, if those guys can really dig through the base's outermost defense, they will indeed not be very far from Hu Laosan's cell.

They knew that the intelligence was probably not very accurate, otherwise, they should have drilled the hole directly into Hu Laosan's cell.

That way the probability of success might be higher. "

"Okay, it's time for me to go back, so I won't bother you anymore. If Tufuzi writes something new later, please let me read it too."

"Okay, come and add me as a friend, I will send it to you later." The director immediately mentioned it casually.

Then he personally delivered Wen Yan to the gate of the detention center. The smile on his face has not disappeared today.

After the suppression detention center was built, it was only today that the complete defense effect was tested for the first time.

With this shock, his future work will become much easier. At least he won't have to sleep with one eye open every day for fear of something going wrong.

Wen Yan returned to the barren tomb and released Feng Wei and Tong Si.

Fortunately, I had brought them with me just to be on the safe side. Otherwise, the indiscriminate sweep would probably have affected them both in the barren grave.

After returning home, Wen Yan didn't hear anything about what happened at the tomb tonight.

I was originally going to call Grandma Fox for consultation, but I looked at the time and thought, forget it, it’s not a very urgent matter, it’s not good to call so late.

After midnight, Wen Yan took out the gray cloth that was resting in the box.

"Come on, it's a new day. It's not that easy to transform. Come on, let me see where your limits are."

Pulling the gray cloth, I practiced hard until dawn. At dawn, after all the students at home had eaten breakfast and went to school.

Wen Yan was about to continue practicing, only to find that Hui Bu had gone to rest somewhere.

In the end, he was not sleepy at all, so he continued to move Heishan out and continued to give Heishan salvation.

There are a lot of things going on these days, and hard work also takes time, so the frequency of salvation for Heishan has become lower.

After reviewing today's progress, he called Grandma Fox.

"Hey, grandma..."

"Wen Yan, is there something urgent?"

"That's not true."

"Wait a minute then. I'll pay first... Hey, hey, hey, why did you jump in line? You're such an adult, why are you so shameless? We agreed to queue up to fifty people per person..."

Wen Yan looked at the hung up phone and heard the voice he heard vaguely on the phone just now.

Xin said, this old fox lady is really becoming more lively and down-to-earth, and she has started to go to the supermarket to grab eggs in the morning.

After waiting for a few minutes, Grandma Fox called him back.

"Hey, Wen Yan, what's going on? I just went to grab some serious stupid eggs. They're pretty cheap."

"Your regular schedule is really healthy."

“There’s no harm in moving around.”

"I have something to ask you, sir."

"you say."

"Hu Laosan, grandma, do you know?"

"You know, I personally sent him in. He disabled a Siberian tiger, a Siberian leopard, and a member of the golden eagle family in the Northeast.

When this result appeared, it was no longer important why he did it.

After all, he is one of the only remaining Tushan bloodlines. I can't just watch him being beaten to death.

After I found out about this, I sent him to the Lieyang Department to surrender.

He was sentenced to thirty-eight years, and he had to spend at least thirty years in prison before he could be released.

Now if I sit for another ten years or so and perform well, I might be released.

Why did you suddenly ask this? "

Wen Yan pondered for a moment and said.

"Suppress the detention center. Last night, someone went to rob the prison. One of the targets was Hu Laosan. I can't tell you more details."

"It's okay, that's enough. If you want to know anything, just ask me."

"Okay, thank you grandma."

After hanging up the phone, Grandma Fox took a taxi back home without even walking, carrying the newly bought stupid egg.

After returning home, she looked at her silly grandson.

"Pack your things. I have something to do and I have to go out for a while. I need to arrange for you to go somewhere else."

Asking her grandson to pack his things, Grandma Fox quickly packed up some things in her house.

Then he took out his cell phone, flipped through his address book, and after thinking for a long time, he gave Wen Yan a call.

"Wen Yan, I have something to trouble you about."

"Grandma, tell me."

"I have to go out for a trip, and I'm really worried about my grandson staying at home by himself.

This melon is easy to be sold, and it helps others count their money.

I want to let him go for that period of time, do you think that's okay?

Don't worry about anything else, as long as you don't starve to death.

If he dares to disobey, break one of his legs.

Don't be polite to him. If you don't break his legs, I will break both of his legs when I come back. "

"It's okay, just bring it to me. I have a housekeeper at home who is very good at taking care of people. The cooking is also delicious, but the taste is a bit biased towards Guanzhong County. I don't know if he can get used to it."

"You must be used to it. If you are picky about food, you will be beaten to death."

Grandma Fox hung up the phone and let out a sigh of relief.

The little fox poked half of his head at the door. After listening to these words, he began to realize that something was not right.

"Grandma, did something happen?"

"It's okay. You went to Decheng and stayed there. Even if the sky fell, it wouldn't be able to hit you. I have something to deal with and I can't take care of you."

"Oh..." The little fox was just new to the world and inexperienced, but he wasn't really stupid.

He probably guessed that something big must have happened. Otherwise, it would be impossible for his grandma to grab an egg and take a taxi back. The taxi cost would be more than the money saved.

His grandma used to despise this kind of behavior the most...

On the other side, Wen Yan hung up the phone. Grandma Fox didn't say anything clearly, but he probably understood that she was probably afraid that the little fox was in danger. After all, the characteristics of the little fox's tail were too obvious.

Wen Yan looked at his family and said, forget it, it doesn't matter. There are too many lice and it doesn't itch. One more person and one more pair of chopsticks.

Wen Yan accepted the matter and didn't pay too much attention to it. Decheng still had some reputation now. If he wasn't someone who wanted to die, he probably wouldn't come near this place.

Unable to find the gray cloth, Wen Yan temporarily gave up his morning exercises and came to Guanzhong County from the underworld.

After finding Prince Zhu as a middleman, they quickly found the family at the destination and discussed the erection of the monument.

At noon, people arrived at the northern part of Guanzhong County, a vibrant place with mountains and rivers on its back. Wen Yan looked at the tombstone, lit incense with his own yang energy, fanned it out, and inserted it in front of the tomb.

Then he used equipment to lift the tombstone straight up and down, and dug out a stone sculpture underneath.

This stone sculpture is extremely weathered. At first glance, it looks like a small beast curled up in a ball and sleeping soundly. However, the details are no longer clear and it is impossible to tell what it is.

At this time, hints appeared in Wen Yan's eyes.

“Stone carving of wild fox spirit.

There is neither ignorant worship nor derogation, and it has not yet been integrated into the ancient times of the mortal world.

Fox demons and spirits are collectively called wild fox spirits.

It can eat people but does not poison the food. "

Wen Yan put away the stone carvings and probably understood what those people were looking for Hu Laosan.

He also understood why Grandma Fox sent him the little fox whose legs were still growing.

Putting down the stone tablet and erecting it again, Wen Yan looked at the name on the stone tablet and smiled.

"Thank you very much. Please accept your kindness."

He stretched out his hand and blessed the stone tablet with Yang energy, and then used Yang energy to trace the name of the tomb owner on the stone tablet.

The Tufuzi is right. Being buried here will indeed bring blessings to the descendants. The descendants of this tomb owner will get a lot of benefits this time, and they will also have some connections. How they can use it depends on their descendants. .

When they were settled here and ready to leave, Wen Yan vaguely heard a subtle thank you coming from the tomb, and the other party asked him to wait.

When he turned around, he saw a thin book appearing silently on the grave behind the tombstone.

There are two big characters written on the page: Burial Sutra.

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