I am your natural enemy

Chapter 289 Broken legs are really useful, I’m so scared (5k)

The little fox was woken up and didn't understand what was going on, but someone at home was awake.

After hearing Wen Yan specifically mention the little fox, he didn't tell the little fox anything and let the little fox make his own judgment first.

It is actually useless for you to reason with a child. He may not be able to understand it, and he may not be able to remember the lesson. After being beaten by something, he will have a long memory.

Wen Yan has little ones in his family, and some of them have experienced hardships and experienced the warmth and coldness of human relationships. It's not that Wen Yan will panic when things happen if he is not around.

Even if it is a sparrow cat, it is too lazy to die, but that is to confirm that someone is doing the work for it, and it is in a safe situation. There is no need for it to worry, so it lies down.

In Wen Yan's absence, Quemao began to carry the banner.

The little fox was hanging from the ceiling and wanted to say something, but when he saw that everyone at home was awake and no one seemed to be joking, he realized that something was wrong.

He never thought that these little guys might be targeting him. After all, Quemao spent his own money to buy dog ​​food for him during the day.

The atmosphere here made him feel very relaxed and comfortable.

"Is something not right?" the little fox asked in a low voice.

"Hey, it seems that the leg was not broken in vain, and the reaction is quite fast." The sparrow cat curled his lips and said angrily.

The little fox suddenly didn't dare to speak. He heard his grandma's voice outside and smelled her breath. He almost didn't think about it and was about to rush out.

When he heard his grandma calling his name outside, he began to feel a strong urge to rush out.

He kept struggling, and he himself began to realize that something was wrong. The feeling was so wrong, and his thoughts seemed to be trapped in contradictions.

On the one hand, he felt that something was wrong. He vaguely remembered that his grandma said that he would not come here unless absolutely necessary.

Moreover, his grandma taught him the rules every day. Unless there was an emergency, he would definitely not go to someone else's house in the middle of the night.

Not to mention rashly visiting without a phone call.

Plus everyone else said something was wrong.

He also began to notice more and more unusual things.

On the other hand, he had a strong urge to rush out and go home with his grandma.

When he heard his grandma's voice calling his name and he didn't respond, he became a little anxious.

He felt even more uncomfortable.

The little fox was hung from the ceiling by a gray cloth. He kept struggling, but kept gritting his teeth.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore. The moment he opened his mouth, he curled up and bit his leg.

The familiar sharp pain emerged, and the little fox woke up instantly.

His leg is broken.

All of his grandmother's earnest teachings suddenly came to mind.

The anxiety and conflicting feelings disappeared in an instant.

The slightly ignited flame on his tail dissipated, and he was now very sure.

His grandma would definitely not be so unruly, not come uninvited, not say hello, and shout at other people's doors in the middle of the night.

Fake, they are all fake, that is, someone turns into his grandmother, and then has the power to confuse people.

When the people below saw the little fox bite themselves, their eyes became clear and they felt relieved.

"Let him down, but don't let the people outside escape."

The people outside used their special abilities, but they didn't see the little fox coming out for a long time, so they didn't want to wait any longer.

The old fox reacted very quickly, and within a few hours they were completely wiped out at the detention center, and the little fox was sent here.

But obviously everyone underestimated their determination and ability to commit suicide.

If you dare to come here, you are really prepared for the high probability of death.

Like a brave man heading to the Demon King's lair, he at least has determination.

However, when the two tried to push open the courtyard door and prepared to land one foot in the front yard of Wen Yan's house, the gray cloth stopped.

Although there are other people at home, and apart from the sparrow cat, oh, there is also a living person, the rest are basically not the kind of weak people.

But obviously, the speed of progress of others and cheating cannot keep up with its speed of progress.

From the original rag that could be used to sift sand like inferior gauze, now it is at least the high-count cotton satin level, which is equivalent to it having been advanced two or three times.

The people in this family, even Wen Yan, don't advance as fast as him.

Of course, when something happens, Gray Bu will solve it.

Gray Bu couldn't accept that an enemy would step into this place, because every corner here could be a hiding place for it.

Confusion is useless against Gray Cloth, which does not even have a soul or a body of flesh and blood.

In the blink of an eye, the two people who arrived were tied up like mummies. Every finger was carefully taken care of and tightly bound. They were like two unlit silkworm chrysalis lanterns hanging at the gate of the courtyard. On the street lights on both sides.

Huibu endured the explosion of Wen Yan's yang energy every day, ate until he was full every day, and endured it. If it counts as extra points, almost all the points were added to toughness and strength.

How can these two people who need to disguise, rely on deception, and rely on deception to abduct and traffic children be separated by force.

The impostor still wanted to struggle, but Hui Bu exerted a little force, which was probably 30% of the strength when Wen Yan's cultivation broke out. The two guys were choked out, and all the bones in their bodies were cracking.

This is because Huibu's current toughness specialization direction is not in the physical direction at all, but in the Yang Qi direction, specializing in burst resistance. By the way, the resistance to flames has begun to rise rapidly.

Hui Bu stunned the two of them and did not let go. Wen Yan felt that it was now the number one master in the family. If something went wrong... he would send it back to the Heavenly Master.

Forget it, it's good to follow Wen Yan, although Wen Yan can carry it better than him, and he can be more lively than him.

But it's not a big problem. As long as it hides when it can't hold on any longer, Wen Yan won't force it.

The gray cloth became much longer, with a pendant tied to each end. They were pulled together and placed on two small street lamps. They just waited quietly.

Que Mao lay down at the window and took a look, confirmed that there was no problem, and called Wen Yan back.

"It's okay, we caught those two people."

"Are you all okay?"

"It must be okay. I took action myself!" Quemao said with confidence.

Wen Yan didn't expose Quemao's bragging. Everyone was fine, and judging by the time, it should be resolved soon.

As expected, if you need to pretend to be someone else to deceive, it is definitely not suitable for this upright master.

"Did they say anything?"

"No, he fainted and was hanging on the street lamp at the door. Do you need me to personally intervene and help you interrogate him?"

"No, keep it until I get back."

"Okay, we've already dealt with the frontal battle, let's finish it off."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan had no worries.

He raised his head and looked into the distance and asked Tong Si.

"Can you clearly see who is nearby?"

"They are basically near battlefields and camps." Tong Si continued to look around and shook her head.

"The atmosphere here is too chaotic, I can't see clearly."

Tong Si thought for a while, then rushed to the top of the mountain and continued to look around, trying to eliminate the influence of those chaotic auras.

Then he came down from the mountain and pointed in one of the directions.

“There are three directions, and you can see a little breath from miles away.

But there are many people in one direction. Judging from the change of aura, they should be people from the Lieyang tribe.

In the other direction is Ah Piao, which has a familiar aura to me, and may be from Prince Zhu.

The last direction is the scent of demons, which is about three kilometers away and is not very strong. "

"Point to it, be specific."

Tong Si pointed in the direction and pointed out the specific location to Wen Yan.

Wen Yan immediately calculated and found that from the direction of that place, he could indeed overlook a large area here.

He had just arrived here, and a liar immediately came to his home, so someone must know his whereabouts.

It is impossible for the other party to track his whereabouts in the underworld. When he is at home, no one should be able to peek into his home, but it can be made invisible to everyone.

That could only be here. Someone saw him here and spread the news about his whereabouts.

This requires communication tools, the simplest one is a mobile phone.

Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and gave Black Box a few conditions, asking if anyone else in the area where he was, within about ten kilometers, had spread news except him.

The equipment for receiving messages is within the scope of Decheng.

The black box quickly gave the result. Someone made a call using ordinary civilian communication equipment. The equipment that answered the call connected to the signal base station of Decheng.

Then it gave a positioning that was not very precise.

Wen Yan looked at it, compared it with what Tong Si said, and basically confirmed that it was the person over there who reported his whereabouts.

When these monsters enjoy modern conveniences, they will always deal with some of the limitations brought by this convenience in the original way.

Oh, the risks for them.

Let alone them, the vast majority of people actually have no idea about these things.

But at least ordinary people can't do it, which is similar to robbing a bank and then depositing money into the same bank.

Wen Yan called Li Linlin. If the call was connected, it probably meant that he had not gone to the grave.

"How are you doing over there?"

"It's okay so far, they are still fighting."

Wen Yan glanced at the mountains in the distance and came to the camp first. After seeing Li Linlin, he took out a small snack from his pocket and stuffed it into Li Linlin's mouth.

"Eat it, don't waste it."

Looking at the guards guarding here, many of them were Ah Piao. He stepped forward and blessed each of them with Yang Qi.

After confirming that there were no problems here for the time being, Wen Yan communicated with the guards here and then killed them directly from the front.

Originally, he was just curious about some things, purely for research purposes, and was not very interested in this big tomb.

Therefore, he went to the detention center yesterday instead of coming here.

Unexpectedly, these guys are so courageous. I really feel like they are going to leave soon, so they don’t have any scruples about anything now, right?

Wen Yan attacked head-on. When the bullets came, he waved his left hand quickly in front of him, and his nails deflected all the incoming shots.

I rushed forward and the first thing I saw behind a big rock was an Emei monkey with bulging muscles all over his body and sitting there almost 1.7 meters tall.

The big monkey laughed ferociously when he saw Wen Yan.

The next moment, Wen Yan's violent sun inspired him to bless himself. He saw the opponent's arms were like hammers, raised high, and was about to fall suddenly.

Wen Yan's power exploded, and the three steps suddenly turned into one. He hit the opponent's arms first, stepped on the ground with his right foot, stamped his foot fiercely, lifted up from the ground, and struck out with a powerful blow to the heart and elbow, with a strong wind. All the strength poured out in an instant, and his people were frozen in place in an instant.

As for the big monkey, its sternum suddenly shattered into more than a dozen pieces, and the whole monkey flew backwards with a whoosh as if it had been hit by a dump truck.

When the big monkey hit the tree, it began to cough up blood, and its breathing was like a broken bellows. After struggling for a few times, the crazy secretion of adrenaline could no longer withstand it.

Wen Yan didn't even look at the big monkey. The yang energy in his body became more and more violent. If the opponent's monster was hit by him, it would turn into its original shape on the spot. Ah Piao would be even worse, as it would be evaporated as soon as he touched it.

Wen Yan passed through their team, killing them all the way. When he saw someone who might be a bit tricky, he just disabled them.

He rushed out all the way and headed straight for someone on another mountain who might be peeping.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Black Box, asking Black Box to locate the target for him.

He was like a furious flame, burning and running rapidly through the mountains and forests.

Sensing a dangerous monster in the distance, he turned around and ran away. Finally, he noticed that Wen Yan's Yang Qi was getting closer and closer. He, a monster, could not outrun Wen Yan, a human being, in the mountains, so he transformed into his original shape and hid in a tree. inside the hole.

He felt Wen Yan's Yang Qi approaching and then moving away quickly, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He quietly poked his head out and took a look outside, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wen Yan squatting on his head. The yang energy was far away, but Wen Yan gradually restrained the yang energy.

Wen Yan looked at the dirty white fox that came out of the tree hole and pushed the opponent's head to the ground.

"If you don't want to die in pain, just be honest."

The white fox on the ground twisted and turned into a naked girl, looking pitiful. Before she could say anything, she felt her head buzzing, and Wen Yan pressed her down, turning the rotten tree below. The roots were crushed, and the face crashed into the humus layer with a bang.

Wen Yan's face turned cold.

"I ask, you answer, answer honestly, I will send you to the Lieyang Department, and you will be judged how you want.

Play another trick and you'll be one of the gunmen shot dead on the spot.

First change back to your original self. "

Wen Yan let go a little, and the girl said aggrievedly.

"This is my original appearance. When I go out, I don't use my true self and save myself the trouble."

Before she could finish her words, Wen Yan pressed her head to the ground again, causing her to scream.

"I said, I asked, you answered, I didn't let you say such irrelevant things."

"Tell me, who sent you here today."

The white fox hesitated, simply closed his eyes, waited for death, and said nothing.

When Wen Yan saw this posture, he knocked him unconscious with a slap and quickly returned to the camp carrying it with one hand.

The battle at the camp was almost over. It was a bit anxious to begin with, but after Wen Yan's silent charge, there was no suspense anymore.

Wen Yan beat the white fox back to its original shape, brought it back and threw it to the ground.

Then he didn't care whether it was too late. If someone went to his place to cause trouble, he would definitely have to call Grandma Fox and let him know.

The call was answered quickly.

"Hey, grandma, I have something to tell you. Someone turned into you and went to my house to trick the little fox away.

He's fine, the impostor has been caught.

I'm fine, I haven't gone back yet, I'm in Qinling.

One of my employees is in danger here. I came to take a look.

After I arrived, I discovered that they must have lured me here on purpose.

Well, I caught a white fox, which is the demon that delivers the message. "

"White Fox?" Grandma Fox's face turned cold, and she thought for a moment: "Then what did the White Fox say?"

"She closed her eyes and waited for death. She was very scared, but she didn't want to say anything."

"Then there's no need to ask, it's definitely not a wild fox, it must be from the white fox tribe.

Their clan rules are extremely strict internally, and the most taboo thing is betraying fellow clan members.

When something happens, I would rather die than do this.

Because if you betray your own people, the consequences will definitely be worse than death.

Because the little guy has brought you trouble, I will definitely give you an explanation for this matter.

You don't have to worry about the rest. "

“Grandma, this matter is not the little fox’s business now.

Instead, someone dared to come to my house and abduct a child.

If I don't do something, someone else will dare to do something in the future.

Hiss, I don’t even dare to think about it.

This time you can keep an eye on my whereabouts and do this while I'm not at home.

What about next time...

I'm shaking with fear now.

If something happens to my family, how will I survive? "

On the other end of the phone, Grandma Fox began to feel a little scared after listening to Wen Yan's words.

"So, can I ask, where is the White Fox Clan?"

"What are you going to do?"

"I just want to talk to them."

"Their tribe requires special things to enter. Tomorrow I will send the token to you through the logistics of the Lieyang Department."

"Okay, grandma, please be careful. By the way, this matter has nothing to do with the little fox."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan looked cold.

He would not blame the enemy's mistakes on a stupid child.

The nature of this matter is that someone went to his house to abduct a child.

Who knows who they are kidnapping?

Just a little fox? Still want both?

Or even, do you want to take something from his house?

who knows?

no one knows.

After he made sure that everything was fine here, Wen Yan returned home.

Looking at the mummy hanging on the small street lamp at the door, I asked the gray cloth to put the person down.

Sure enough, there were two foxes, one white fox and one with gray fur.

It will be easier now.

On the other side, Grandma Fox was also shocked. Those guys were so crazy and so bold.

After pondering for a long time, she made a call.

An old woman's voice came from the other side.

"Ha, after all these years, I thought I was waiting for this call because of your funeral."

Grandma Fox's face remained unchanged and she asked directly without answering.

"Let me ask you something, does what you white fox did recently have anything to do with you?"

"I haven't been back for more than ten years."

"That's okay, give me your token, I want to use it."

"What are you going to do?"

"Some dead fox wants to die and has crossed the line. I will give him a ride."

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