I am your natural enemy

Chapter 295: My head was knocked crooked, and I was tested one after another (5k)

Wen Yan took a closer look at the temporary ability given, and always felt that this temporary ability was weird.

But it’s not a big problem, as long as it’s easy to use.

According to past experience, if there are multiple temporary abilities, the first one will most likely be the self-protection method, followed by the attack skills.

It's this iron fist. I don't know if it only takes effect temporarily, or if it can always take effect after two punches by Bang Bang.

Keep looking below.

"2: Change Yan Fist."

Wen Yan was slightly startled, why was it another punch?

He immediately looked at the equipment.

“The boxing technique that changes your appearance.

Note 1: The prerequisite is to complete disenchantment with Iron Fist.

Note 2: In the initial stage, it only has a reducing effect and requires physical means to trigger. "

Wen Yan carefully understood the meaning, and his expression became even weirder.

To translate, doesn’t it mean beating someone until her mother can’t even recognize her?

Just like this, is there any need to specifically generate a temporary ability?

There are only two temporary abilities generated in total. It is obvious that the demon fox at this stage is not worthy of more temporary abilities.

The biggest threat is only the ability to charm, and there is no particularly big threat in other aspects.

Wen Yan glanced at it and reloaded the iron fist.

This fox demon didn't know what method he used. After being forced here for a long time, the real body had already begun to sneak away quietly.

Moreover, she was able to use a phantom man to attract Tong Si's attention, so that Tong Si did not realize that the phantom was fake. This level was indeed quite high.

Oh, it's also possible that it's not that Tong Si didn't notice, but that Tong Si has been affected by the charm without knowing it.

Wen Yan strode towards the demon fox. When he passed by the white fox clan leader whose energy and spirit were broken and his spiritual pillar collapsed, he kicked him aside.

It was too easy for him to hit his brains to pieces and die on the spot with just one blow.

Wen Yan had to deal with the six-tailed demon fox in a state of low health first. This guy's ability and threat were higher, and Wen Yan was afraid of being affected unknowingly, and then let him run away.

He can take the initiative to say that he is hungry and refuses to eat anything, and he dares to take the initiative to admit that he is a demon fox. This demon fox is more dangerous than the guy pretending to be a white lotus.

Wen Yan walked up step by step. The demon fox wanted to run away with a look of fear. After running a few steps, she performed a flat fall. She fell to the ground. When she turned around, she had tears in her eyes. She looked pitiful, as if she was forced by a villain. The little white rabbit in the corner is tightly wrapped in the big cloak that he is wearing.

Wen Yan's forehead twitched, his eyes felt as if they were suffering a huge impact, and he couldn't help but have the idea in his heart that he had really become a villain.

The consciousness in his heart seemed to be in a struggle. It was not that someone was controlling him, but that he felt that his current actions were inconsistent with the philosophy he had always followed.

This is the scariest thing.

This demon fox is really evil.

"Little brother, don't kill me. I have never harmed anyone. I just escaped here."

Seeing Wen Yan approaching step by step, he seemed to have no intention of giving up.

The demon fox is also struggling in her heart. In her current state, she will definitely not be able to fight or escape.

Among the people present, there should be no one who is Wen Yan's opponent.

Unless she wanted to fight to the death, she felt that it was best for him not to make any unnecessary struggles.

If he struggled a little, he would be beaten to death casually.

Now there is no one to help her, and there is no ritual that can help her rebuild a weak body.

If she didn't struggle, based on some of the information she had just received and continuing to digest that information, she would probably come to a conclusion.

The creatures here are completely different from those in the wilderness. There are any rules here that everyone must follow.

If you don't follow it, you will be hit hard by an organization called the Lieyang Department.

Some scenes from movies and TV shows began to appear in her mind, and some things that were considered common sense by people here shocked her.

There is also a sentence of leniency for those who confess and strictness for those who resist, which seems to be something that is deeply impressed in the mind of the sacrificial white fox.

After thinking about it, she still felt that she could accept it.

Seeing Wen Yan's footsteps without stopping, his brows slightly furrowed and his eyes slightly cold, the demon fox gritted his teeth, stretched his neck, and took off the cloak he was wearing.

"As long as you don't kill me, I can do whatever you want."

The holy light stabbed Wen Yan's eyes in pain, his heart was beating like a drum, and his blood was affected and began to rush continuously.

The power surging in his right arm, as the Qi and blood rolled, actually began to combine with the power in the new route, echoing each other from a distance, and the Yang Qi flame burning in his body suddenly gained a trace of blood.

Wen Yan was horrified. This demon fox was really vicious. He actually used his powerful moves to attack in a sneak attack.

Evil started in his heart, Wen Yan stepped forward quickly and punched the demon fox twice with Bang Bang on the head.

The demon fox looked shocked. He felt his head was buzzing, his eyelids rolled, and he fainted on the spot.

Wen Yan felt as if a basin of ice water had fallen into his head, and his whole body was suddenly clear.

The feeling of conflict and struggle disappeared all of a sudden.

At this moment, looking at the demon fox lying on the ground with his head knocked to the side, I feel that he is just an ordinary thing, not a particularly beautiful type, but has a kind of monster and charming feeling.

Especially now that the cloak is lifted, the feeling of holding a pipa and half-covering one's face is no longer there, and it has become a bit more pale.

This is the type where standard clothes actually look better and are more attractive.

Wen Yan casually rolled up his cloak and rolled up the demon fox.

He checked his breathing and found that he probably just fainted and his head was knocked off his head. For this kind of demon fox, it probably wasn't a particularly fatal injury.

Wen Yan held the wrapped demon fox in his hand with one hand. He glanced into the distance and saw that the body of the white fox was left in a mess.

There was also no sign of the demon soul hiding in the corpse before. He felt that the other party should be hiding in a house far away.

Wen Yan didn't say anything wrong. He took one last look at the White Fox Clan leader who had fallen far away with a declining look.

“With the way you are now, if I kill you, I would feel like my hands are dirty.

Killing you would be too cheap for you.

I have a good place to go. Once you get there, you can regret it slowly.

Slowly think about why your life has been a joke from beginning to end.

He's also trying to restore the glory of the White Fox, please pull him down.

You are smearing shit on the name Baihu. "

Wen Yan left the field and let it roll back. He looked at the originally flawless white jade, and there were a few extra impurities that looked like dirt. The more he looked at it, the more unpleasant it became.

He picked up the white fox in his hand and threw it on the ground. He looked at the time, maybe Uncle Shi and the others hadn't boarded the plane yet.

“Hey, Uncle Fourth Master, you haven’t boarded the plane yet, right?

Oh, no need to come here, I found them and it's almost solved.

But there is a new problem. Those melon-skinned white foxes have even got the core thing wrong.

Summoned a nine-tailed demon fox, it's fine.

The demon fox located itself through the crack, and when it came over, its body was destroyed.

Now the reshaped physical body is very weak and has been controlled.

Well, this fox-like creature cannot enchant me. "

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan looked at the demon fox thrown on the ground. He seemed to have unconsciously posed in a seductive curve. He looked down at the demon fox with calm eyes.

"Stop pretending, get up when you wake up."

The fox demon opened his eyes, not embarrassed at all, but with a clear light that seemed to be filled with wisdom. He raised his head slightly and sighed.

"Wow, how did you find me awake?"

The demon fox's neck moved slightly, and with a clicking sound, the slightly raised bone marks on the surface of the skin disappeared completely, and the neck returned to its original slender and shapely appearance with a perfect arc.

The demon fox wanted to change her strategy, but when she saw Wen Yan's face was calm and there was no wave in his eyes, her heart skipped a beat.

Broken, her powers are completely useless.

Fortunately, Wen Yan didn't kill her directly.

There should be only one reason left, which is to obtain information about Dahuang from her.

She secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This reason actually made her feel more at ease.

Wen Yan continued to call the head of the headquarters and said something.

Since a large wilderness has just begun to appear on the doomsday computer, a nine-tailed demon fox has come here.

That 80% has something to do with the nine-tailed demon fox.

After finishing speaking, he focused on the ability of the nine-tailed demon fox.

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan carried the nine-tailed demon fox into the house, rummaged through the suitcase left here, pulled out a random set of clothes, and threw it to the nine-tailed demon fox.

"Get dressed yourself. If you dare to run away, I'll blow your head off."

The demon fox has a well-behaved face, as docile as a little daughter-in-law. No matter what, she knows how to make herself appear harmless.

Of course, she also believed that if Wen Yandare had hit her head on her head when they first met, she would have died just now.

Now she believed it when he told her to blow her head off. Wen Yan had the ability and dared to do it.

After Wen Yan finished the phone call and exchange, and was about to continue walking on the path to death with Feng Wei and Tong Si, he realized that Tong Si couldn't help but look at the demon fox, and then look at it again, and sometimes he would be stunned for a few seconds.

Wen Yan looked at the second temporary ability, Gaiyan Fist, and finally realized it.

Just now I was wondering why it had to be given a temporary ability when it obviously requires physics to change.

It turns out that this is to help others dispel their charms.

Wen Yan switched to Gaiyan Fist, but when he turned around, he showed no mercy. Bang Bang punched the demon fox several times.

With each punch, the demon fox's charming face will swell up a little. After a few punches, the demon fox will gain weight.

Those watery, foxy eyes now looked a bit like they had gained weight and could not fully open their eyes, and finally narrowed into a slender slit, as if they were short-sighted and had to take off glasses.

The nine-tailed demon fox received a few more punches inexplicably. After feeling the changes in himself, he really didn't dare to make any small moves now.

She felt a panic, because she could clearly feel that her face was swollen not because she was injured.

But he really got fat.

Being fat will ruin everything.

Whether it is Feng Wei or Tong Si, looking at the face of the nine-tailed demon fox, it is far from the unique attractiveness it had before. Now at most, I just think it is good-looking and has a somewhat attractive temperament.

The demon fox didn't dare to say anything more and could only follow Wen Yan honestly.

She felt that she was unlucky. When she was in the wilderness, she was chased by other monsters and had no way to escape. She accidentally caught the opportunity.

When I got here, as soon as I reshaped my body, I met a strange guy like Wen Yan. He was obviously not particularly strong, but he seemed to be really strong.

Following Wen Yan, the passage opened from the barren tomb led to the underworld.

The demon fox's body began to tighten, and she began to tremble a little. Her physical body was too weak now, and just walking here made her feel uncomfortable.

You can't see the edge here, and there are countless Ah Piao who are also telling her where this place is.

The legendary underworld, the place where all dead souls will eventually enter.

Her expression was earthy, and she really didn't expect that Wen Yan, a living person, would dare to step into this kind of place so casually, where no big monster dared to set foot in the wilderness.

Follow the path of hell, and after coming out, enter the Rakshasa ghost market through the entrance of a Rakshasa ghost market, and then pass through the ghost market to the kingdom of ghosts.

A driver drove Wen Yan in a car made of paper and took him all the way to the Yin River.

The demon fox stayed within three steps of Wen Yan throughout the whole process. Beyond this range, without the protection of the yang energy radiating from Wen Yan's body, she felt that her physical body would not be able to last long at such a low level.

Wen Yan held the small white jade in his hand and squatted by the Yin River. The Yin River in front of him was very cold, and there were many Ah Piao floating and struggling in it.

Wen Yan squatted for a long time and looked back at the demon fox following behind him.

“This river is connected to the River Styx, and if A Piao falls into it, he will perish in it.

When a living creature enters it, its soul will also become addicted to it and become a new A Piao.

Why didn't you take the opportunity to push me into the river? "

The demon fox's expression froze, as if his mind had been read.

She actually had this idea for a moment just now.

As soon as the thought passed by, she gave up.

Because she now feels that being captured by Wen Yan is a safer choice.

"How is that possible? With my little strength, the moment I push you down, you will definitely be able to pull me down too. I'm not stupid. How could I have such an idea?"

The demon fox did not show weakness like before, but calmly analyzed it to make his words more convincing.

Wen Yan nodded.

"It makes sense, but it's a pity that you didn't take advantage of the opportunity given to you."

Wen Yan stood up, and a mark suddenly slipped out on the soil under his feet. One of Wen Yan's feet fell into the water, and then his whole body seemed to freeze for an instant, and he fell straight down and fell into the water. The water waves rippled, and within a few seconds, it sank into the water and disappeared.

The demon fox tried his best to keep his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open, looking at this scene in shock.

What's happening here?

"Wen Yan? Wen Yan?" Feng Wei, who was standing not far away, rushed forward two steps and shouted to the water.

The demon fox looked at this scene blankly. It was bad, but a strong man died in the water.

She saw the Ah Piao people in the water, they were like they were having a carnival, they were flopping around constantly.

It was like fish raised in the water, suddenly sensing the food being fed, they were struggling crazily, squeezing each other, and the water surface seemed to be boiling.

Gradually, the water surface returned to calm, but Wen Yan never surfaced again.

Feng Wei was still acting, and Tong Si seemed really nervous.

The demon fox stood by the river. The whole demon was dumbfounded. She couldn't understand what was going on.

She can sense that this river is particularly problematic, and she can even sense that this is the country of ghosts, the most suitable place for ghosts to live.

He also knew clearly that if a living person fell into it, he would definitely be gone.

In the midst of the chaos, in a taxi in the distance, a piece of gray cloth quietly poked out from under the window, seeming to be peeping from afar.

On the other side, Wen Yan walked all the way underwater, heading to the place between the Yin River and the Styx River.

After arriving at the place, he took out the white jade wrapped in a high-density plastic bag.

Rinse it in water and rub the surface with your hands.

Soon, the blood spots and other stains on the surface of the white jade seemed to be washed away.

A white fox demon soul was washed out and fell into the water in the middle.

Then, the demon soul of the White Fox Clan Leader was also forcibly washed out and fell into the water.

Seeing this scene, Wen Yan was finally satisfied.

Seeing that the white jade was thoroughly cleaned and returned to its original flawless appearance, Wen Yan finally felt comfortable.

"Don't worry, I keep my word. If I don't kill you, I won't kill you. You have a good time here. It's best if you can hold on for a few more years."

Wen Yan took one last look at the demon soul of the White Fox Clan Leader and waved goodbye to him.

The leader of the White Fox clan fell into the water. He just took a step and saw Wen Yan's figure gradually getting further and further away. The vast water around him was like a sea.

He tried to surface, but he seemed to have encountered a natural chasm and was unable to leave the water area.

He kept struggling in the water, and in a short time, he was completely lost here.

His consciousness would not dissipate so quickly. It would take a long time and be ground bit by bit by the Styx. He could even clearly feel this process.

After Wen Yan finished washing his things, he turned around and left. Even those Ah Piaos, even if they had no brains, remembered him after he came more often.

Knowing that getting close to him would bring no good results, everyone wished they had two extra legs so they could run faster.

When he was almost on the shore, he was still wondering whether the demon fox had run away or done something.

It should be quite similar to what he acted just now, right?

He acted as if he was electrocuted. There shouldn't be much difference between being electrocuted and being electrocuted, right?

The demon fox doesn't know that he has something special, so he won't fall into the River Styx, so he certainly won't suspect anything, right?

Full of expectation, Wen Yan walked up the river bottom. When his head surfaced, he still wanted to see the scene of the demon fox being captured by the gray cloth.

Unfortunately, after coming up, the demon fox was still standing on the shore, and Feng Wei was still performing exaggeratedly.

When Wen Yan came out of the water and walked ashore step by step, all traces of water on his body fell back into the river on their own.

When the demon fox saw this scene, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and his hair stood on end.

She let out a long breath, and the whole demon relaxed completely.

This guy was really crazy. In order to test her, he first squatted by the river with his back to her, and then he even pretended to fall into the river and jumped into this weird Yin River!

Want to test it out and see her escape?

Beautiful thought!

From now on, if she even has the slightest idea of ​​​​escape, she will gain another 40 pounds!

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